TLE7 AFA AGRICROP Q0 M12 Maintain Production Record v5

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Technology and Livelihood
(Crop Production)
Module 12
Maintain Production Record

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 7

Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 12: Maintain Production Record
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education – Region 10

Regional Director: Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Nietzsche Lyn C. Dejelo
Evaluators: Purita C. Omol Ralph L. Castillon
Wendell Pasok Andrew Dapac
Charyljoy C. Navarez Felicisima L. Bulat-ag
Rey Ann L. Malalis Michael Vincent C. Tayone
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Crop Production
Module 12
Maintain Production Record

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators

from public schools. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to
email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of
Education – Region 10 at

Your feedback and recommendations are highly valued.


Module) is for educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e.,
songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc. included in these modules are owned by their respective
copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not represent nor
claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who have
made significant contributions to these modules.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message
For the learner:
Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) Module on Maintain Production Record.

The module is designed to introduce you to the basic knowledge and basic skills
which apply to the efficient and productive use of natural resources. In developing the Crop
Production course, gender equity, enterprise and available resources have been
recognized as key features in determining learning outcomes and the design of learning
experiences. It is visualized that all of you will develop basic skills and acquire a level of
knowledge that will increase your awareness of the potential for employment and business
opportunities or further study and training; relevant to the areas of study you have chosen.
Your success in exploratory course of Crop Production leading to Agricultural Crops
Production NC I, Agricultural Crops Production NC II and Horticulture lies in your own hands!

This module provides you meaningful opportunities for guided and independent
learning at your own pace and time. You will be able to process the contents of the learning
resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know

This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to check
what you already know about the lesson to take.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you
may decide to skip this module.
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced
to you in various ways such as a story, a song,
a poem, a problem opener, an activity or a
What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the
lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and skills
of the topic. You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the end of
the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

i to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help

you transfer your new knowledge or skill into
real life situations or concerns.
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level
of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to

you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing
this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

ii of Contents

What I Need to Know ---------------- 1

What I Know ---------------- 2

What’s In ---------------- 3

What’s New ---------------- 4

What is It ---------------- 5

What’s More ---------------- 12

What I Have Learned ---------------- 14

What I Can Do ---------------- 16

Assessment ---------------- 17

Additional Activities ---------------- 18

Answer Key ---------------- 19

References ---------------- 20

What I Need to Know

This module is designed to help you master the basic knowledge of Crop
Production (Agricultural Crops Production NC I, Agricultural Crops Production NC II
and Horticulture). The scope of this module can be used in many different learning
and daily life situations. The used language recognizes the diverse vocabulary level
of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

This module consists of the topic Maintain Production Record.

After going through this module, you should be able to:

1. identify the process of maintaining production records;
2. prepare production plan, production scheduled activities, and production
report; and
3. monitor input and production using monitoring chart.

What I Know

Before you start answering this module, let us see how far you know about
layouting garden plots.
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write your answers in your Crop Production activity notebook.

______1. Farm production scheduled activities includes tilling, weeding and pest
______2. Monitoring during the production process is one of the factors of a
successful farming.
______3. Crop cultivation is one of the types of production records.
______4. Planting and harvesting data can be found in production record.
______5.Keeping track of crop performance and being able to plant production
based on the previous season’s production record is the definition of farm
______6. Production record is used to identify production problems so that the farm
performance can be improved.
______7. Monitoring production is the summary of not all the farm activities.
______8. Labor, seeds, manure can be identified as farm inputs.
______9. Record keeping and production records provide the foundation from which
a farmer operates.
______10.The most common production plan used crop production records, labor,
and machinery records.
______11.Machinery records include service contracts of staff, wages received,
rations, medical cost and work’s compensation.
______12. Planting records include planting calendar.
______13. A farm can operate without proper planning.
______14. The data that contains all the records of all the inputs, harvest, and
income is known as production report.
______15. Labor records are those detailed records of machineries.


12 Maintain Production Record

What’s In

Hello there! List all the defective tools found in your

area using the provided template.

Fill me up!
Directions: Using the provided template, list all the defective tools and equipment.
Copy the template in your Crop Production activity notebook.

Agricultural Crop Production Defective Log Template
Defect No. Date Reported Item Defect

What’s New

Earlier you were asked to make an inventory of all the

defective tools and equipment. This time let’s play a guessing
game called picture-word factory.

Activity 1. Picture-Word Factory

Directions: Provide what is being asked and write down your answers in your Crop
Production activity notebook.

+ tain =
+ tion =

- class =

What is It

In your previous activity, you were given a task to

provide what is being asked. Now let us deepen your
understanding about production record, its uses and the
ways to maintain them.

Production Record
Production records - used as part of record keeping in farming to help with the
management of the farm.
- used to identify production problems so that the farm
performance can be improved. The most common production
records used crop cultivation records, labour and machinery
- can be in a form of simple spreadsheet indicating, for
example month, crop type, planting and harvest date, yield, the
market delivered to, and selling price per kg.
Farm management – includes the planning of crops and breeding of animals,
keeping track of crops performance and being able to plant
production based on the previous seasons production records.
Record keeping and production records - provide the foundation from which a
farmer operates.

Types of Production Records

Crop cultivation records – can include all the various field or orchard numbers,
production size, yield potential, and soil analysis of the land used for
specific crop.
Labor records – are records of service contracts of staff, wages received, rations,
medical costs, and workers’ compensation.
Machinery records – machine information is included in the machinery records and
should include details such as model type, age, book value, repairs,
service records, hours worked and insurance.
Production Plan
It is a plan on how to run your farm and produce goods while maintaining its level of
product quality.
Inputs Production Harvest
Labor Primary tillage Harvest
Seeds Sowing Handling
Manure Fertilizer Application Transportation
Fertilizer Drying
Pesticide Pesticide Application Storage
Machinery Cultivation Harvest
Irrigation Water Irrigation

- Blank table indicates that no inputs were used, or that inputs are
readily available.
Guide Chart for Cropping Schedule
Vegetable Maturation Period (Number of Days)
Petchay 30-40
Bulb onion 100-175
Cucumber 35-45

Production Plan Sample Output (Vegetable Crop)

Crop Type: Petchay Cropping Season: 1st
Inputs Quantity Unit Cost Planting Area Expected
Price Duration (Meter) Yield
(Days) (kls.)
Tools Bolo- 2 P55 P110.00
Soil Mixtures 1 ½ kilo P100 P125
Petchay 2 packs P85 P170
Manure 100-175 2meters 18
Pesticide 2liters P90 P180
Transportation 8 rides P10 P80
Total Input P665

Production Plan Sample Output (Vegetable Crop)

Crop Type: Cucumber Cropping Season: 1st
Inputs Quantity Unit Cost Planting Area Expected
Price Duration (Meter) Yield
(Days) (kls.)
Soil Mixtures 1 ½ kilo P100 P125
Cucumber 2 packs P85 P170
Manure 2 sacks P120 P240
Pesticide 2liters P90 P180 35-45 4m 2 36
Transportation 5 rides P10 P50
Total Input P765
Production Plan Sample Output (Vegetable Crop)
Crop Type: Bulb Onion Cropping Season: 1st
Inputs Quantity Unit Cost Planting Area Expected
Price Duration (Meter) Yield
(Days) (kls.)
Bulb Onion 3 packs P85 P170
Fertilizer 2 liters P95 P255
Pesticide 2 liters P90 P180
Transportation 6 rides P10 P60 100-175 4m 2 9
Total Input P665

Production Schedule Activities (Crop Calendar)

T hose activities that are scheduled in advance and crop planning consideration
are based on what work to be done, where to work, when to carry out the work and
which crop to grow.
Basic example of farm activities: (These can be excluded in your planting
schedule as these activities were not performed during the actual planting.)
1. Tilling
2. Weeding
3. Pest Control
Planting Schedule
A planting calendar of which crop /vegetables are being grown each month for the
whole year. (Refer to Guide Chart)

Month January February March April May June July August

Crop Type

- The highlighted part of the table indicates the planting

schedule until the harvest period

Production Report
Data that contains the records of all the inputs, harvest, income, and etc.
during the cropping season.
By making the production report, these report refers to your production plan’s
total income after harvest.

Date of Location Crop/ Quantity Gross Income

Harvest Size Vegetables
Jan.- Feb. Petchay 19 kls. P1140
March - April Cucumber 35.6 kls. P1071
4m 2
May - Aug. Onion 9.3 kls P1301
Quantity - is the estimated harvest per CROP in 4m 2 area/LOCATION SIZE.

Crop Prices in the market

Petchay – P60/kl.
Cucumber – P30/kl.
Onion – P110/kl.

A. Computation for Pechay

Gross Income = Crop Prices in the market x Quantity
P60/kl.x 19kls. = P1140

B. Computation for Cucumber

Gross Income = Crop Prices in the market x Quantity
P30/kl.x 35.6kls. = P1080
C. Computation for Cucumber
Gross Income = Crop Prices in the market x Quantity
P110/kl.x 9.3kls. = P1301
Monitor input production using monitoring chart
- It helps to monitor the production to identify the economic health of the farm.
- It helps to identify if the farm is successful or a failure.

Type of Crop Total Gross Net Income Net income

Expenses Income In Pesos (Percentage)
In Pesos
Petchay P665 P1140 P475 71%
Cucumber P765 P1070 P305 40%
Onion P665 P1301 P644 55%

To get the Net Income Percentage you must get first the difference of Gross
Income & Total Expenses and then compute to get the Net Income

Net Income Computation

Net Income = Gross Income – Total Expenses

A. Computation for Net Income for Petchay
P1140 - P665= P475
B. Computation for Net Income for Cucumber
P1070 – P765= P305
C. Computation for Net Income for Onion
P665 – P1301= P644

Net Income Percentage Computation

Percentage = Net Income x100

Total expenses
A. Computation for Net Income Percentage for Petchay
P475 x 100 = 71%
B. Computation for Net Income for Petchay
P305 x 100 = 40%

C. Computation for Net Income for Onion

P644 x 100 = 55%

Crop Yield Chart

Type of Crop Total Gross Net Income Net Income
Expenses Income In Pesos (Percentage)
In Pesos
Petchay P665 P1140 P475 71%
Cucumber P765 P1070 P305 40%
Onion P665 P1301 P644 55%

Net Income Percentage Monitoring Chart for the Highest Yield Vegetable Crop
Net Income Percentage



Net Income Percentage




Crop Type Petchay Bulb Onion Cucumber

What’s More

After learning about maintaining production records, try

to make your own production plan using the guide chart
Activity 2. Fill Me Up! provided to test your understanding of the topic.

Directions: Write your production plan using the given template. Refer to
guide chart provided and copy the template based only on the needed inputs.
Copy the template in your Crop Production activity notebook.
Copy these templates that are included only in the expenses.
Guide Chart
Vegetable Maturation Period (Number of Days)
Squash 75-100
Garlic 100-140

Production Report Template for Squash

Crop Type: Cropping Season:
Inputs Quantity Price Cost Planting Area Expected
Duration (Meter) Yield
(Days) (kg.)
Tools 1 pc. P45
Soil Mixtures 2 kls. P40
Squash 2 packs 170
Manure 1 sack P64
Pesticide 1 liter P200
Transportation 4 rides P60
Total Inputs 4m2 35kls.

Production Plan for Garlic

Crop Type: Cropping Season:
Inputs Quantity Price Cost Planting Area Expected
Duration (Meter) Yield
(Days) (kg.)
Tools 3 pc. P90
Soil Mixtures 1 kl. P30
Garlic 3 packs P85
Manure 2 sacks P64
Pesticide 2 liters P300
Transportation 3 rides P10
Total Inputs 4m 2 35kls.
What I Have Learned

Let’s check how far you have learned from this



Directions: Draw and identify what system is being described in each statement.
Copy and write your answers in your Crop Production activity notebook. Arrange the
name according to the given description.

Name Description
Production Record It is a plan on how to run your farm
and produce goods while maintaining
its level of product quality.

Production Schedule Activities (Crop This can include all the various field
or orchard numbers, production size,
yield potential, and soil analysis of the
land used for specific crop.
Production Plan These are data that contains the
records of all the inputs, harvest,
income, etc. during the cropping
Planting Schedule Those activities that are scheduled in
advance and crop planning
consideration are based on what work
to be done, where to work, when to
carry out the work and which crop to
Record keeping and production Service contracts of staff, wages
received, rations, medical costs, and
workers’ compensation are recorded
in the labor records.

Machinery records Machine information is included in the

machinery records and should include
details such as model type, age, book
value, repairs, service records, hours
worked and insurance.
Farm management A planting calendar of which crop or
vegetables are being grown each
month for the whole year.
Labor records These are used as part of record
keeping in farming to help with the
management of the farm.
Production Report These provide the foundation from
which a farmer operates.
Crop cultivation records This includes the planning of crops
and breeding of animals, keeping
track of crops performance and being
able to plant production based on the
previous season’s production record.
What I Can Do
After you’ve learned the topic and answered series
of activities, let‘s apply all your learning into practice.

Guide Chart
Vegetable Maturation Period (Number of Days)
Squash 75-100
Garlic 100-140


Directions: Make a production report and planting schedule according to crop

grown. Show your computation for the Gross Income. Copy the template and answer
in your Crop Production activity notebook. Refer to the Guide Chart for filling in the

Squash – P60/kl.
Garlic –P110/kl.

Production Report Template for Squash and Garlic

Date of Location Crop/ Quantity Gross Income
Harvest Size Vegetables
Jan.- Feb. 48kls.
March-May 37kls.
4m 2

Directions: Shade the planting schedule according to given months. Refer to

Production Report Template. Copy and answer on your activity notebook.
Planting Schedule Template for Squash and Garlic
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec.
Crop . . . . y e y . . . .


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write your answers in your Crop Production activity notebook.

______1.Farm production scheduled activities includes tilling, weeding and pest

______2.Monitoring during the production process is one of the factors of a
successful farming.
______3. Crop cultivation is one of the types of production records.
______4. Planting and harvest data can be found in production record.
______5.Keeping track of crop performance and being able to plant production
based on the previous season’s production record is the definition of farm
______6. Production record is used to identify production problems so that the farm
performance can be improved.
______7. Monitoring production is the summary of not all the farm activities.
______8. Labor, seeds, manure can be identified as farm inputs.
______9. Record keeping and production records provide the foundation from which
a farmer operates.
______10.The most common production plan used crop production records, labor,
and machinery records.
______11.Machinery records include service contracts of staff, wages received,
rations, medical cost and workers’ compensation.
______12. Planting records include planting calendar.
______13. A farm can operate without proper planning.
______14.The data that contains all the records of all the inputs, harvest, and
income is known as production report.
______15. Labor records are those detailed records of machineries.
Additional Activities


Directions: Compute and fill in the template for monitoring the production and
then, draw a monitoring chart according to the result. Show your solution. Copy and
answer in your Crop Production activity notebook.

Type of Crop Total Gross Net Income Net income

Inputs Income In Pesos (Percentage)
In Pesos

Answer Key
1.“What Are Production Records?Farm Management in South Africa.” What are
Production Records? Accessed July 30, 2020.

2. Google Images. Google. Accessed July 30, 2020.

3. Nestlé. “Nestlé Products.” Flickr. Yahoo!, June 30, 2008.

4. Fotoyorum. “Maine Mendoza.” Flickr. Yahoo!, March 15, 2016.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region 10

Zone 1, DepEd Building Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang

Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Telefax: (088) 880 7072
E-mail Address: reiogn10@deped.govph

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