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Group: Challengers

BA Djibril
DJIBA Cheikh Atab
DJIBO Abdoulaye

Mr EDEM K. Nunekpeku

School year : 2019/2020


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 4

I. Definition of Telemedicine ......................................................................... 4

II. What is TELEHEALTH? ........................................................................... 4

III. Why telemedicine is being used? .............................................................. 4

 Lack of option ..................................................................................... 4

 Distances and Security issues .............................................................. 5

 Information sharing ............................................................................. 5

IV. Implementation of telemedicine ................................................................ 5

 Remote vital monitoring: .................................................................... 5

 Virtual stethoscopes: ........................................................................... 5

 Wireless scales: ................................................................................... 5

 Thermometers: .................................................................................... 5

 Digital otoscopes: ............................................................................... 5

 Pulse oximeters: .................................................................................. 6

 High-quality cameras for specialty practices: ...................................... 6

 HIPAA-compliant software: ............................................................... 6

V. Advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine .......................................... 6

1. Advantages ............................................................................................ 6

 Increases access to care: ...................................................................... 6

 Slowing the spread of infection: .......................................................... 6

 Reduces health care costs: ................................................................... 6

 Less exposure to illness and infections: ............................................... 7

2. Disadvantages ........................................................................................ 7

 Protecting medical data: ...................................................................... 7

 Care delays: ........................................................................................ 7

 Technology concerns: ......................................................................... 7

 An inability to examine patients:......................................................... 7

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 8

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 9

Nowadays technology has drastically evolved in a way it became essential to medicine.

It has helped Medical staff to be more efficient and accurate with the diagnosis of
Telemedicine is one of those advancements.
It has been around now for almost twenty years but the practice is growing, just not as
fast as some would expect or even demand.

I. Definition of Telemedicine

We often hear about telemedicine, but we do not always know what it is. The concept
can be found scary and not trustworthy.
So telemedicine is the delivery of health care services over a distance by health care
providers using electronic technologies for the diagnosis, information exchange,
treatment and disease prevention, injuries prevention, research and evaluation, and for
continuing education for the health care provider.
So telemedicine allows health care professionals to meet patients virtually.


We often get confused by the terms of telehealth and telemedicine but they are different.
In simple words, telemedicine is a sublet or an option of telehealth.
Therefore, it refers to a wider range of remote health care services including
telemedicine services and some services of non-clinical nature given at distance, such
as education and training.
We can still add that telemedicine enables virtual consultation through computers,
tablets, or smartphones. Telehealth encompasses the entire broad array of digital devices
and technologies that facilitate the remote delivery of health care services.

III. Why telemedicine is being used?

People use telemedicine for different types of reasons.

 Lack of option
People living in rural area have more trouble seeing a doctor than people who lives in
urban city.
So telemedicine is a strong option for them if their symptoms is not life threatening.

 Distances and Security issues

For example in the United State of America telemedicine flourished in correctional

institutions out of necessity. The major factors that led to the development of
telemedicine were fast access to medical care, the cost of guarding and transporting
prisoners to clinics or hospitals and the safety of caregivers and prisons officials.

 Information sharing

This is tele-surgery. It is made possible by the collaboration of many surgeons at


IV. Implementation of telemedicine

The implementation of telemedicine requires innovative equipment and services such


 Remote vital monitoring:

A remote vital monitoring device takes a patient’s vitals and sends the results straight to
your device. Any patients at risk for developing serious problems can wear these
wireless devices continuously.

 Virtual stethoscopes:
Virtual stethoscopes record audio from the patient’s end and then transmit it to your
device. Patients can record audio from any area you would like to examine, whether it
is their heart, lungs, or digestive system.

 Wireless scales:
Wireless scales ensure you are getting an accurate reading of a patient’s current weight.
Having a record of your patient’s weight makes it easier to correctly prescribe
medication and treatments, even when you can’t see your patient physically.

 Thermometers:
Giving a patient a thermometer that can record and display their temperature on a screen
means they can send you this data multiple times a day. You can then track changes in
the patient’s condition.

 Digital otoscopes:
A digital otoscope can livestream video and images to you and record images for future
viewing. This allows your patient to examine their ear at any time and send you the
image so that you can look at it when it’s convenient.

 Pulse oximeters:
We use it to measure a patient oxygen levels

 High-quality cameras for specialty practices:

While you can get away with using a regular web camera for most telehealth visits,
certain specialties need better quality images. Specialists like dermatologists and
radiologists need higher-resolution images and video to diagnose medical issues

 HIPAA-compliant software:
Many of the tools we’ve discussed require you to collect sensitive health information
over the internet. Using software such as JotForm’s telemedicine or HelloConsult
toolkits allow patients to upload files, images, or videos while maintaining HIPAA
compliance. Those software allow you to securely collect patient signatures, access your
telehealth information on any device and make appointment.

V. Advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine

1. Advantages
 Increases access to care:
Telemedicine makes it easier for people with disabilities to access care. It can also
improve access for other populations, including older adults, people who are
geographically isolated, and those who are incarcerated.

 Slowing the spread of infection:

Going to the doctor’s office means being around people who may be sick, often in close
quarters. This can be particularly dangerous for people with underlying conditions or
weak immune systems.

 Reduces health care costs:

People who use telemedicine spend less time in the hospital, providing cost savings. In
addition, less commuting time may mean fewer secondary expenses, such as childcare
and gas.
 Less exposure to illness and infections:
When providers see patients remotely, they do not have to worry about exposure to any
pathogens the patient may carry.

2. Disadvantages
 Protecting medical data:
Hackers and other criminals may be able to access a patient’s medical data, especially
if the patient accesses telemedicine on a public network or via an unencrypted channel.

 Care delays:
When a person needs emergency care, accessing telemedicine first may delay treatment,
particularly since a doctor cannot provide lifesaving care or laboratory tests digitally.

 Technology concerns:
Finding the right digital platform to use can be challenging. In addition, a weak
connection can make it difficult to offer quality care. Clinicians must also ensure that
the telemedicine program they use is secure and fully compliant with privacy laws.

 An inability to examine patients:

Providers must rely on patient self-reports during telemedicine sessions. This may
require clinicians to ask more questions to ensure that they get a comprehensive health
history. If a patient leaves out an important symptom that might have been noticeable
during in-person care, this can compromise treatment.

Telemedicine in the home has several advantages over hospitalization. It promotes

more efficient use of hospitals beds, resulting in cost savings, and patients tend to
convalesce more rapidly at home. This new technologies with the health care system is
a process that will redefine future medical care.

6. Report on the second global survey on eHealth Global Observatory for eHealth series - Volume
7. Opportunities and developments Report on the second global survey on eHealth Global
Observatory for eHealth series - Volume 2 TELEMEDICINE in Member States

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