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Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration

Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th

LC: 00023000190

In this situation it proves the effective way to save ourselves from the crisis .In this
hard time of crisis from the different social media it has came to our knowledge that
the doctors and hospitals are ignoring to diagonise the patients who are suffering from
normal fever.In this time everyone were busy in their own scheudule , it is too
difficult to decide who is affected the most. Our polices and armies are also facing so
much difficulties due to the unavailability of proper protection equipment and they
have the duty everyday and are in high risk of getting infected.

Primary stakeholders are those who are most affected either positively or negatively
by the project as well as Secondary stakeholders are those indirectly affected. The
stakeholder found in the above case are listed below:


* Nurses

* Government

* Suppliers

* Health workers

*Media persons

* Daily wage workers

The aim of the stakeholders analysis is process is to develop a strategic view of the
human and institutional landscape and the relationship between the different
Stakeholders and the issues they care about most. There are a few techniques to help
in this process.

Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration
Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th
LC: 00023000190

Stakeholder analysis can be very useful to ease kind of problem that Is occurred to
the country or any sorts of business environment. They should play curical role to
ease this pandemic The various stakeholders like doctors, nurse, government
agencies, government police officers etc must play effective role in managing the
pandemic called covid 19, Stakeholders analysis teaches us to do the things with full
responsibility. They must unite together and fulfill the needs who of poor and needy
people who are the daily wage workers. They must be provides with the daily food
stuff. In this time of the outbreaks all the Stakeholders most Follow their
responsibility and must fulfill their duty. Any kind of Corruption activities should not
be practiced by the government workers and government agencies. Stakeholders
analysis teaches us to do the things with full responsibility. That must unite together
and fulfil the needs of poor And needy people who are the daily wage workers. They
must be provided with the daily Food Stuff.


Lockdown is considered to be an effective mejor in slowing the spread of corona virus

around the glove.the first case of the covid 19 pandemic was confirmed in nepal on 24
jan 2020 in KTM.there are many social riak which are found on above case and some
of them are as follows:

 All academic examination were cancelled and all school and college closed.
 The pandemic has led to server global economic distribution
 Doctor and hospital in major cities are ignoring to diagnose patients who are
suffering from normal figure.
 Government is also failing to provide the requirement for hospital and health
workers all over the Nepal.
 No any significant economic activities are carried out in the nation which was
the source of income for such daily based wage workers .
 Farmers in different parts of Nepal have no choice than to waste their
agriculture products and vegetables in their land.

Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration
Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th
LC: 00023000190

There have been many stressful factors during this pandemic such as social
institutions, loss of routine, health corners, home schooling, and so forth as
well as many affirming experience. As p people and organisations now slowly
emerge from this global timeout we must not waste the chance to turn
demanding experiences into significant changing
Here are some key insight as to alleviating them:
Principals for emerging from the pandemic hesitate to propose a
definitive new normal or to speculation on what new practice will emerge
from this virus. There are some are as in which we may see progress after the
a. Increasing customisation or personalization:
Even with worldwide social distance, lockdown, health care, the global
pandemic affect individual ann organisation very differently. Many
industries have been devastated. Mass customisation or personalization
is not new but get increased attention as organisation customized
service to unique customer requirements and personalized work to be
fit needs of individual employees. There may be fewer “once size fits
all” approach to all.
b. Navigating paradox: caring for the individual and creating a
competitive organisation taking are of yourself and offering to care for
others and practicing social distance and avoiding social isolation.
c. Harnessing uncertainty: spending less time focusing on ambiguity
triggers . Eg. Watching endless report on the virus update in more time
beging mindful about the present and celebrating what is right eg
discoursing new activities during lockdown


The effect of lockdown has been a significance exodus of people across the
country.The government of Nepal enforce a strict lockdown and intensity testing and

Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration
Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th
LC: 00023000190

tracing effort.This lockdown has caused the huge impact in the life of daily waged
workers not only that it is also caused the different other health issues and other daily
based wage workers.

Now, regarding the above case I feel that the deontology and the natural law best suits
in this case. The word deontology derives from the Greek word “Deon” that means
obligation refers to that morality and action that is based on the action that is right or
wrong under the series of rules rather than based on consequences and action. In the
above case we can find that every stakeholder is bounded by some kind of rules and
regulations that are set by the top level of the authority. The doctors are fulfilling their
duty by treating the patient and making them cure from this pandemic diseases. Every
stakeholder like government, health workers, defense agencies, and government and
non-government agencies are working day and night to solve this problem from the
country. Since the lockdown is all over the country it has created negative impact in
the life of the daily wage workers group. Not even single economic activities are
being carried in the country. So for the low income group people the government is
distributing relief packages to the poor and needy people so that the pandemic will not
create any kind of health hazards to such people. In this situation the low authority are
not distributing the quality goods to the people as the budget seems to be high. The
high level of authority has already ordered them to distribute quality food products.
The police men’s are working day and night and not letting any of the people to come
outside of their house until any urgent work is to be done.

The local authority must fulfill their duty by maintaining the rules and regulations that
are set by the Government of Nepal, and they must be accountable of their doings.
The ignorance in such condition cannot be predicted and the Nepal could be the next
America and Italy if the government authority fails to operate their duty.


Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration
Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th
LC: 00023000190

Good governance means that processes and institutional procedure results that meet
the need of society while making the best use of resources ot their disposal. The
concept of efficiency in the context of good governance also covers he sustainable use
of natural resources and protection of the environment .

The concept or “governance is not new. It is an old as human civilization. Simply put
governance menas : the progress of decision-making and the process by which
decisions are implemented or not implemented . Government can be used in several
context such as corporate governance, international governance, notional governance
and local governance The concept of efficiency in the context of good governances
also covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the

Good governance has major 8 characteristic.

It participatory consensus oriented, accountable transparent responsive, effective, and

efficient , equitable and Inclusive and follows the rule of law.

Good governance play vital role in the success any business or the country of the
world It is essential factor to achieve the predetermined objective to any business
environment. It is ethical and legal boundaries for the share and the stakeholders.
Corporate Governance refers to the way a corporation is governed. It is the technique
by which companies are directed, and managed. It means carrying the business as per
the stakeholder’s desires . It is actually conducted by the BOD and the concerned
committees for the company’s Stakeholders benefit. It is all about balancing
individual and societal goals, as .Since corporate governance also provide the
Framework For attaining a company’s objective, it encompasses practically every
sphere of management From action plans and internal control is to performance
measurement and corporate disclosure

Course: Business Ethics Program: Bachelor in Business Administration
Course code: BBA Year /semester: 3rd / 5th
LC: 00023000190

A company’s corporate governance is important to investors since it shows a

company’s direction and business integrity Good corporate govgovernance helps
companies build trust with investors and the community. As a rest corporate
governance help to promote Financial viability by creating at a long governance helps
to -term investment opportunity For market participants.

It deals with determining the effective ways to take the corrective actions . It gives
Authority and responsibility to all the stockholders for the effective doings of the
work and they must be accountable of their doing . Corporate governance is essential
to develop added value to the stakeholders. It is a strong element For the balanced
economic development in the country and in the world. Corporate Governance has a
brood scope.

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