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Readiness for the World of Work and Career Trends

and Opportunities in The New Normal

The webinar has beautify set up with the prominent speakers, ma’am Carel as the first
speaker and followed by ma’am Marjorie as the second speaker of the webinar. The first
speaker opened the webinar with the topic about the usual scenario of a new graduate
hunting for a specific job. She explained the hardships of the new graduate and the things
that they should took to themselves as an advantage to others in looking for jobs. Moreover,
the second speaker discussed about the labor market that should a new graduate should
learn about like the right and obligation of individual; for employees and employers.

I begin with the first speaker; the first speaker is a head of guidance services and
counselling office of a prominent school somewhere in Kidapawan. She opened with the
topic of wearing the winning personality. This topic focuses all about personality and the
thing that individual or a new graduate should take care of himself/herself as an advantage
of what he/she might do after graduation. Moreover, in myself, even though at the moment I
am currently a 4th year student I can say that I already overviewed myself of what are the
things I needed to develop and learning other basic skills in computer. Yet, with the new
normal scenario with our society and a fast-changing world, I must say that I have to be
competitive and need to be competitive in order to perform my very best of what opportunity
I have in the near future. In addition, the speaker also discussed the observations from the
top recruitments’ agencies about the things that a young employee should acquire. She
additionally introduced the career tools on job hunting, how to pass for an interview with
proper decorum and on how to make proper resume. Furthermore, considering that
everybody should do everything towards success because according to the first speaker,
there is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.

On the other hand, the second speaker discussed about her mean topic, the labor
market. She defined the labor market or usually known as the job market is the place where
workers and employers interact with each other. In this place, the employers concentrate to
hire the best and the workers compete for the best satisfying the job. The speaker
considered also the factors affecting the labor market like globalization, demography,
education and training, technological changed, government policy and etc. I learned also
about to priority occupational requirements in labor market like in-demand occupations,
hard-to-fill occupations and cross-cutting occupations. These are the job opportunities which
are high in demand but less are qualified. Towards the discussion, the speaker added a
topic about rights and duties of workers where incudes due process for procedural and
substantive due process.

In summary, the webinar is nice and the speakers are really good. A lot of learnings I
gained about the real word after graduation and in labor market. Yet, being a student, I
visualize a lot of things like my goals and dreams in life however without a proper
preparations and self-development I couldn’t achieved to those goals. The webinar
readiness for the world of work and career trends and opportunities in the new normal is
really great.
Business Correspondence

The speaker, ma’am Bonefacia has provided a great presentation about the
main topic. She defined her topic as a business correspondence that means the
exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities and
it is very helpful in business industries. Correspondence is very helpful between
parties or sectors because it is the written communication between persons.
Business correspondence is what we are doing everyday like how we
communicate when we are going to buy in online platform, how we communicate
with our school despite online classes and etc. Even though we are not into business
we are likely doing this thing regularly to communicate with the outside world making
business because of the pandemic. For instance, email considered also a form of
business correspondence when we are representing a company or for purpose of
business. Moreover, written communication is important in a business for a various
reason; exchanging information while maintaining professional relationships between
organizations, employees, and clients according to the speaker.
There are various reasons why business correspondence is important, some
of them are in maintaining proper relationship, serves as evidence, create and
maintain goodwill, inexpensive and convenient, formal communication, and helps in
the expansion of business. Individually, each of these importance was discussed by
the speaker. In addition, the speaker also included the types of business
correspondence; internal correspondence, external correspondence, routine
correspondence, sales correspondence, personalized correspondence, circulars and
etc. I have a great learning from each of these correspondences and I could finally
say that business correspondence is a complex one. Additionally, in the webinar, the
speaker discussed the 7 principles of business correspondence that may help the
business to develop and achieve its mission, these are; consideration such as your
attitude, courtesy, clarity, concreteness, correctness, conciseness, completeness
and etc., which are helpful in evaluating a business or company. Lastly, the speaker
tackled about the business letter formats. There are four basic business letter
formats; full block style, semi-block style, modified block style, and modified semi-
block style.
To sum up, another great webinar has ended of the day. The learnings given
are concise and helpful for our future works.
Electric Transmission and Distribution System

Sir Michael, the speaker from the Cotabato Electric Cooperative Inc.
(COTELCO) and a former professor gives a nice and informative lecture about his
work being an electrical engineer and the informative background about COTELCO
where he works.
According to the speaker, COTELCO is one of 120 electric cooperatives
around the Philippines which the main function is to provide energy for the whole
cotabatenyos. Honestly, there are terms in the webinar that the speaker is telling that
new to me and I can’t adjust, however, the speaker really gave everything to the
clarifications of the topics being discussed. He introduced the EPIRA LAW which
governs the electric distribution in the country.
The speaker clarifies the meaning of electrical transmission and distribution
system which he refers as the different stages of carrying electricity over poles and
wires from generators to a home or business. The primary distinction between the
two is the voltage level at which electricity moves in each stage. After electricity has
been generated, a system of electrical wires carries the electricity from source of
generation to our homes and business. These lines can be found overhead and
transmission and distribution lines make up what is called the grid. Transmission and
distribution are two separate stages or systems on the grid. Transmission is the
highway of electricity delivery. It refers to the part of electricity delivery and moves
large amounts of power at a high voltage so that many transformers are being built
to step up or step down the voltage source. Yet, the COTELCO has its own electrical
system and its own operation. It has a general manager and has six different
branches that operates the whole operations of the COTELCO company.
Mostly, the COTELCO is an energy distributor company which dependent
from the energy suppliers from the different parts of Mindanao like FDC, SMC Global
Power, Aboitiz Power, and etc. to augment the energy source of the province. The
company gets its supplied mostly on conventional power plants like coal-fired power
plant, geothermal power plant, and etc. which supply energy automatically unlike the
non-conventional power plants. Moreover, the speaker also discussed deeply every
analytical computation on the energy being distributed. He also said that importance
of safety which is their major concern because they are dealing always with the high
voltages of energy source.
In addition, the speaker also clarifies that the COTELCO uses advanced
technology and software for their operations to lighten their job. Yet, to work on a
electric company is one of my dream jobs being an engineering student. I gathered
enough information from this webinar and thanks to the speaker and for the whole

The webinar is very much pleasurable on my side because I am a mechanical

engineering. Yet, the speaker, Engr. Bersamina is an alumnus of the school and has
a lot of experienced in the geothermal powerplant industry.
The speaker is currently working in Energy Development Corporation under
the Lopez’ group. Despite this pandemic, the speaker provides the basic
components and diagrams on the geothermal powerplant. Geothermal energy refers
to heat energy contained in underground reservoirs of hot water and steams= which
naturally occurring within the earth while geothermal power is the generation of
electrical power from stored heat underneath the Earth. The speaker also provided
contract areas of operations of their company with the total installed powerplants
capacity of 1,202 MW; North Negros-49 MW, South Negros-192.5 MW, BacMan-150
MW, Leyte-708 MW, and Mt. Apo-103.23 MW. Moreover, Mt. Apo is located in our
locality and the speaker provided that the Mt. Apo Geothermal Project is a 701-ha
reservation area which the trees and plants help to maintain the equilibrium process
needed in carrying a geothermal power

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