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United States Patent USO1062886782 a2) (10) Patent No: US 10,628,867 B2 Wang et al. 45) Date of Patent: Apr. 21, 2020 (54) SYSTEM OF FURNITURE DESIGN BY A 20080067796 A1* 42004 Muzrey Aca 1500 CONSUMER THROUGH INTERNET a 20080027555 A1* 22005 Samet Aste 31126 (1) Aprlicants:George Wang, City of Indasry, CA A ee 708761 (US); Rocky Young, City of Indust 200700203609 A1* 82007 DeCatro asc 00 cams) m0 8 (Continued) (72) Inventors: George Wang, City of Industry, CA (US); Rocky Young, City of Indust OTHER PUBLICATIONS caus) DreanSeat Launches Online Business Contest; Win Customized (73) Assignee: Furniture of Amertea, Ine. City of Logo Office Fumie, Feb. 29, 2012, PR Newswire Asotin Industry, CA (US) HC Ofer 2012)" (4) Notice: Subjoct to any disclaimer, the term ofthis (Contined) patent is extended o¢ adjusted under 38, USC. 1540) by 883 days Primary Examiner —Beitwey N Miler (21) Appl. Nos 14/260,248 (4) Aworney, Agent, or Firm — Raymond Y. Chas: David and Raymond Patent Firm (22) Filed: Apr 28, 2014 (6) Prior Publication Data o ABSTRACT US 201590310518 Al Oct 29, 2015 A method of design an anticle of furniture by consumer inchides the steps of: providing a furaiture customizing Go Ime plan that the consute sable to access the Kriue 06g 300 (201201) Customizing pat via an electronic device throw Inter AS7B 9620 (2006.01), Ge een CEES eam cata omeen ‘et, selecting different harebone components 10 customize @ furniture product on the furniture customizing platform: a Us.cL selecting different decorative elements for the furiture coc G60 5070621 (2013.01), 4478 9620 8 ‘Qortory —Prodvet, and penerting a preview of a visual furniture Ce prot withthe selected decorative element. The deeorative tee G06q 301962) Sl mentsareinterchangeably and selectively akded-on othe er sosmnes Triture product © change an overall omament desien of Soe application fis for comps search history the fuente prodct without disassembling the faitre ” product. Therefore, the customer is able 1 immediately (66) References Cited change omamental desian of the fumiture product by the 200x0172003 At US. PATENT DOCUMENTS SuTe435 A + (1993 Pipkens cng 3060 708261 912003, Hotbook decorative element without allecting the main structure of the furniture prodvet 5 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets US 10,628,867 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 201201207 AL $2012 Gargiulo... G06Q 30.0621 08268 201810090894 1% 42013 Dikerman 6060 3000 Tox 20130205555 A1* $2013 Geome are 30, D99L (OTHER PUBLICATIONS, Smarturiture com Broadsides the Funitu Indsry with Leg Like Design, Apt 24, 2000, PR Newswire Asocintion LLC (Year 2000)" * cited by examinee US 10,628,867 B2 Sheet 1 of 15 Apr. 21, 2020 U.S. Patent 1 Old 04 aInpour orpny. soumnsuo soumsuo3 || sunsuo 09 stuowoauesse (08 JaHa0 UoRSNASUT [ J youwanny x os aseqerep agemayu0D Of wuopEAd SurzrMosno asm | Ze soAaays eaner0aq 1¢ sfourd aantesovaq 0¢ aseqerep Asossaoge amy. iE 0 ainpow paznamndiiog 101 zaIu29 Jowog, sc ase 2 oureyy Sunoddns wrepy 1Z yun Bur (02 aseqeiep ywauodutoa US 10,628,867 B2 Sheet 2 of 15 Apr. 21, 2020 U.S. Patent ‘0 >[npowr orpne ayy 199g Told 09 1uaweBueLe SuNysT am 129}9g ‘SAQBIS BAREIODAP ay) 199]9§ Tz joued Sunioddns ayp 199jag Tez Sioquiow: Bupsoddns amp 139}9g T¢ feted oaneiosap amp 109]9g 10] Ja1t29 Jonuos axp 0} sapi0 Butseyoand a0v|q uononnsur ajquadueyorayur a1p aptAcrg r uononasuy Surquiosse ay oplAorg ‘sjuuraje aasexodep paroayas atp tpi yonpoud amuruany JenuLA v Jo Maraard B ayexaUI eee 0€ asoqujep Aiossaooe amasuiTy ‘yp Ur siuawo}a axmresos9p UDIOAsIP 109}9S €Z 9804 9Kp 199]9g t Oz eseqerep mwouoduoD ammrumy L yALTBIODOP 9H} }99J9g, *) oy} ur siuauoduwos auogareg jwaLaysIp 199]05 ft 7q aumy Supoddns ureut amp y09}ag I. yun aur In Oy T99]9g 01 WHope|d Surzruoysno aunyUsTy amp ssavoy [0] 221499 jonuod axp 01 SIasIB9y USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 3 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 FIG.3 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 4 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 5 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 6 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 224 Ue USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 7 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 8 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 9 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 10 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 FIG.10 US 10,628,867 B2 Sheet 11 of 15, Apr. 21, 2020 U.S. Patent USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 12 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 601 FIG.12 US 10,628,867 B2 Sheet 13 of 15 Apr. 21, 2020 U.S. Patent USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 14 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 FIG.14 USS. Patent Apr. 21,2020 Sheet 15 of 15 US 10,628,867 B2 US 10,628,867 B2 1 SYSTEM OF FURNITURE DESIGN BY A CONSUMER THROUGH INTERNET. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT A portion of the disclosure of this potent document ‘contains material which is subject to copyright protection “The copyright owner has no objection 10 aay reprodaction by anyone of the putent disclosure, as it appears in the United States Patent and Trademark Office patent fies oF records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatso- BACKGROUND OF THE PRESENT INVENTION Field of Invention ‘The preset invention relates to an aticle of furniture, and more particularly to a system ane method of furniture design, wherein the consumer is able 0 eustomize the ‘components ofthe furniture through Intemet fr altering the ‘overall ornamental appearance of furniture with desirably faded features » Description of Related Arts Nowadays, people ar highly aware of their living envi- ronment such that people devoted much enthusiasm for ‘decorating their houses and offices. Furniture, such as table, ‘desk, chair, and sof, is essential item and is considored a form of decorative art In addition to is original faction, it ean serve as a decorative purpose, Generally speaking, feitore js durable and butky iter that when the funiture is placed in a pacticular area ofa oom, the furiture will not 3 he moved or relocated. Therefore, the furiture must be seriously selected to match with the interior design of the room. Inthe existing market, there are dllerent designs of furniture to match with personal preference and interior room design. Inter words, people usually bough furniture Which matches with the color or design as the interior ‘environment oftheir roms, In addition, fumitare usualy is ‘configured wih a one-piece structure to enhance the rigiity fof the furniture and to provide particular unique design for ‘decoration. Sometimes, the furniture store provides pre 45 design service that the customer is able to design the friture belore the final product is made, Therefore, the ‘customer is able to choose different colors or patterns forthe furniture. For example the customer is able 10 choose a particular coor forthe tabletop and a crafting design for the Table legs in order to forma table. However, the pre-