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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 144 Mindanao Avenue, Project 8, Quezon City Email Address: Website: Trunklines: (+632) 9 MEMORANDUM TO z Regional Directors of the Jail Bureau ATIN BJMPRO COVID-19 Task Forces Chiefs of Regional Welfare and Development Divisions Provincial Jail Administrators Wardens SUBJECT BJMP COVID-19 ADVISORY # 37: INTERIM GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PDL WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN THE “NEW NORMAL” DATE : A 2 |. REFERENCES: Presidential Proctamation No. 929 s.2020; 2. DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0015 re: Guidelines on the Risk-based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation, dated April 27, 2020; 3. Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of July 02, 2020; 4, BUMP COVID-19 Advisory #3 re: Allowing Relatives to Bring or Hand-over Supplemental Foodmeal and Medicine for our PDL; 5. BUMP COVID-19 Advisory #5 re: Implementation of Absolute Lockdown in all Jail Facilities and Supplemental Guidelines; 6. BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #8 re: Mental Health Support for PDL and Personnel During Lockdown; 7. BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #12 re: Mandatory Provision and Wearing of Face Mask; 8. BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #32 re: Preparation for possible resumption of Jail Visitation; 9. Memorandum dated June 17, 2020 re: Standard Menu for Regular Diet and Dietary Management for COVID-19 PDL Patients; 10. Memorandum dated April 30, 2020 re: Pilot Testing of Hearings of Criminal Cases Involving PDL through Videoconferencing; and 14, Memorandum dated April 30, 2020 re: Courts in areas placed under General Community Quarantine and Extended Enhanced Community Quarantine. I. BACKGROUND Since the implementation of the absolute lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in jails, service delivery has been limited to address essential needs and mental health of PDL. However, as different areas in the country are easing to more relaxed community quarantine levels, service delivery of welfare and development Page 1 of 7 BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #37: Interim guidelines on the implementation of PDL Welfare end Development programs inthe new normal" “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” programs to PDL is expected to be recalibrated to attend to other non-essential needs which are important to attain holistic well-being of PDL. The IATF-EID's Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of July 02, 2020 defined new normal as referring to the emerging behaviours, situations, and minimum public health standards that will be institutionalized in common or routine practices and remain even after the pandemic while the disease is not totally eradicated through means such as widespread immunization. These include actions that will become second nature to the general public as well as policies such as bans on large gatherings that will continue to remain in force. Overarching the implementation of the interim guidelines outlined below is the strict adherence with minimum public health standards along with health and safety first principle. Minimum public health standards refers to guidelines set by the DOH under Administrative Order No. 2020-0015, as well as sector-relevant guidelines issued by national government agencies as authorized by the IATF, to aid all sectors in all settings to implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), which refers to public health measures that do not involve vaccines, medications or other pharmaceutical interventions, which individuals and communities can carry out in order to reduce transmission rates, contact rates, and the duration of infectiousness of individuals in the population to mitigate COVID-19. For this purpose, the Department of Tourism and Department of Public Works and Highways are recognized as sector-relevant agencies with respect to tourism and construction, respectively. On the other hand, health and safety first principle means putting premium on precautionary and protective measures to protect the jail community from the entry and spread of COVID-19. Ill. RECOMMENDED INTERIM GUIDELINES 1. For all jails notwithstanding quarantine level ‘A. Basic Needs Program ‘A1 Food: Food preparation in jails must be guided by the standard menu for regular diet. Likewise, jails shall follow the prescribed diet for PDL infected with COVID-19. Disposition of all food donations or “pa-abot” food meals from service providers and PDL families shall comply with BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #3. ‘A2 Overall sanitation in the kitchen and food storage areas: Food safety remains to be a priority in the new normal. Jails must strictly abide by the sanitation and cleanliness protocols established by their Jail COVID- 19 Task Force and recommended interventions on the matter provided in BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #5. A3 Non-Food: PDL uniform shall include face masks and hygiene kits which contain alcohol and soap. Non-food donations intended for PDL consumption shall be distributed equitably among intended recipients. B. Cultural and Sports Program B.1 Indoor Activities: B.1.1 Jail libraries must continue to provide its services of lending reading materials to PDL. B.1.2 Board games are to be continuously allowed for PDL use subject to equitable rotations considering the limited board game Page 2 of 7 BIMP COVID-19 Advisory # 37: Interim guidelines on the implementation of POL Welfare and Development programs inthe new normal” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” materials. Such board games are to be played within their respective dorms only. Inter-dorm competitions are not allowed. Sanitation of board games every after use must be observed. B.1.3 Television Viewing and Movie Time: Television viewing and movie time must continue to be regulated so as not to cause increased anxiety among PDL and to prevent proliferation of fake news. B.2 Outdoor Activities B.2.1 Sunning activities is very crucial. Healthy exposure to sunlight boosts the body's immune system to help fight against COVID-19. Hence, all PDL must be allowed sunning subject to equitable rotation schedules and security measures. B.2.2 Daily physical exercises: All PDL shall be encouraged to perform daily exercises even in their respective dormitories and during their sunning time. C. Religious Activities Mass congregation for religious activities shall remain to be prohibited. However, PDL shall be allowed to pray individually or in small groups of not more than ten (10) in their respective dormitories. PDL prayer groups shall be reminded with the strict prohibition of the usual brotherly or sisterly handshakes, holding hands, or embraces. Broadcasting of online and offline religious rituals and religious teachings of accredited religious service providers of the jail may be allowed subject to supervision of the Unit Welfare and Development Officer (UWDO). D. E-dalaw Program The E-dalaw program shall continue to be maximized and equitably accessed by the PDL while regular jail visitation is still suspended. All E-dalaw must be strictly supervised and duly recorded, as per existing E-dalaw policy. The use of the official telephone and mobile phone of the jail may be allowed if the regular E-dalaw mode of video call is not available due to issues of connectivity. E. Paralegal Servic Liaising activities of paralegal officers with the courts are subject to administrative circulars on court office hours and alternative modes of transactions or communications promulgated by the latter. Considering the decongestion policy of the Bureau, paralegal officers shall intensify their information and education to PDL on the different modes of early release. They shall coordinate and assist in the proper implementation of hearings through video conferencing, The Unit Paralegal Officer shall exert all efforts to coordinate with the court and DOH-acredited physician to comply with the court order for the prompt conduct of Drug Dependency Examinations (DDE) of PDL who availed of plea bargaining under A.M. No. 18-03-16-SC. F. Human Rights Desks The designated Unit Human Rights Desk shall continue to receive and report any complaints or information of alleged torture and ill-treatment in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure re: BUMP Revised Policy on Mandatory Reporting of Torture Cases. Page 3 of 7 BIMP COVID-19 Advisory #37: Interim guidelines onthe implementation of PDL Welfare and Development programs inthe new normal” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” G. Help Desks Urgent requests of PDL for assistance concerning health shalll be directed to the Unit Health Service or the Jail COVID-19 Task Force for immediate action. All other referrals for assistance shall be processed following the rules and regulations of the receiving agencies. Such rules and regulations must be fully explained to the requesting PDL so as to. level expectations on service delivery considering present restrictions. H, Treatment of Vulnerable Groups PDL who are aged 60 and above, pregnant, and those with underlying condition or co-morbidity at risk of COVID-19 exacerbation are considered most-at-risk population for COVID-19. They shall be given priority in the provision of basic needs, healthcare, and paralegal assistance. Their exclusion in some group-based WD activities in the interim is for their protection and should not be considered as a form of discrimination. 2. For jails under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ), and General Community Quarantine (GCQ) areas Apart from those enumerated above which are applicable to all jails notwithstanding the quarantine levels, the following programs and activities are allowed for jails under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ), General Community Quarantine (Gcq): 3. For j A. Stress Management Seminars: The UWDO in coordination with the Jail Nurse shall provide stress management seminars using only authorized information, education and communication (IEC) materials endorsed by the BJMP Mental Health Team, Department of Health (DOH), and other verified sources. B. Counseling: Individual counseling to PDL shall be provided only by the UWDO, Jail Nurse, or personnel from the BUMP Mental Health Team through face-to-face, telephone, video call or other social media platforms. Counseling offered by service providers through online, by telephone, video call or other social media platforms shall not be allowed. This is a precautionary measure against the present danger of unauthorized recordings, screenshots, and broadcasting which may lead to breach of confidentiality and jail security. under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) areas The following programs and activities are allowed for jails under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) areas apart from those enumerated above in Numbers 1 and 2. A. Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) ‘A1 Morning Meetings: The TC Morning Meetings should be continued to be facilitated by the dorm/cell coordinators in their respective dormitoriesicells. However, the regular shaking of hands or brotherly/sisterly embraces in the Affirmation part, and holding hands during the Community singing shall be strictly prohibited. Likewise, in the Page 4 of 7 BIMP COVID-19 Advisory # 37: Interim guidelines on the implementation of PDL Welfare and Development programs inthe new normal” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” newscasting part, the news of the day must be validated to avoid fake news. ‘As much as possible, news of the day must focus on positive information. 2 Static Group Sessions: PDL may continue to hold static group sessions in their respective dorms/cells and in the multi-purpose activity areas of the jail. However, each static group shall be composed of not more than ten (10) PDL. A.3 Stress Management Seminars: The UWDO in coordination with the Jail Nurse shall provide stress management seminars using only authorized IEC materials endorsed by the BJMP Mental Health Team, DOH, and other verified sources. ‘A4 Counseling: Individual counseling to PDL shall be provided only by the UWDO, Jail Nurse, or personnel from the BJMP Mental Health Team through face-to-face, telephone, video call or other social media platforms. Counseling offered by service providers through online, by telephone, video call or other social media platforms shall not be allowed This is a precautionary measure against the present danger of unauthorized recordings, screenshots, and broadcasting which may lead to breach of confidentiality and jail security. B. Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad (KKDK) Drug Counseling B.1 PDL drug plea bargainers ordered by the drug courts to undergo drug counseling or drug rehabilitation but cannot be immediately transferred to a DOH-DATRC or community-based facilities may be provided with the KKDK drug counseling. However, the number of PDL per group session must not exceed ten (10). B.2 KKDK graduation programs may be dispensed with if not feasible because of minimum public health standards. Nevertheless, all PDL who completed the twenty-four (24) modules shall be issued their Certificate of Completion. B.3 PDL who are able to finish the eighteen (18) modules but cannot move on to the family modules because of restrictions in jail visitations shall still be issued Certificate of Completion. B.4 PDL enrolled in the KKDK counseling to be released but have not yet completed the modules must be issued Certificate of Attendance with proper indication of the modules attended, B.5 All PDL who participated in the KKDK drug counseling must be referred to the respective Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) for family interventions and aftercare. B.6 The warden shall continue to inform their respective ADAC and other partners of the status of their drug counseling and other drug Tehabilitation-related interventions. C. Educational Program C.1 Considering the continuing prohibition of face-to-face classes, WD Officers shall coordinate with their respective local DepEd partners to. explore and determine the best option for PDL ALS Leamers. Depending ‘on the circumstances of the jail and subject to latest guidelines from IATF and BJMP National COVID-19 Task Force, jail units are encouraged to adopt any or combination of the following options for the continuation of the Alternative Learning System: > Blended approach for advanced Elementary and Secondary level leamers provided the teacher who will provide the face-to- face interaction is the BJMP Personnel Instructional Manager (IM) Page 5 of 7 BIMP COVID-19 Advisory # 37: Interim guidelines onthe implementation of PDL Welfare and Development programs inthe "new norma” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” > Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) or Broadcast of ALS “bang Klase” TV episodes of Knowledge Channel > Online learning for PDL learners with gadgets and access to the internet C.2 All online learning shall be strictly supervised so as to ensure security and prevent unauthorized access to internet by the PDL. C.3 Tutorials conducted by PDL to fellow PDL ALS learners to assist the latter in the ALS modules may be allowed subject to the observance of minimum public health standards and provided that both tutor PDL and PDL ALS leamer belong to the same dormitory. D. Cultural and Sports Program D.1 Gardening: Gardening shall be continued both for its therapeutic purposes to PDL as well as its practical use as additional source of food supply for the jail. D.2 Dance Exercises: Dance exercises for PDL shall resume subject to compliance to minimum public health standards. D.3 Other Cultural Celebrations: Cultural celebrations such as birthdays, TC “Saturday Night” programs, and local festivities may be allowed subject to the discretion of the warden, with due consideration to minimum public health standards and quarantine level of the local government unit having jurisdiction over the jail. E, Livelihood Program The livelihood program provides the means to PDL to eam income for their personal upkeep and support to their families. Subject to the availability of raw materials and the strict observance of minimum public health standards, jails may resume the implementation of their livelihood projects. F. Skills Training Program Qualified PDL may be allowed to enroll in the TESDA Online Program. Only the PDL officially enrolled in the online courses should be allowed to attend the offline modular classes. Jails should avoid mass broadcasting of the e-courses disregarding basic eligibility requirements of the courses and causing the unnecessary large gatherings of PDL. The UWDO should assist the PDL to create a new personal account for the sole purpose of the online enrollment. 4, The above interim guidelines supersedes the provisions pertaining to WD programs in item # 3 (For PDL) of the Recommended Actions of BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #8 dated March 27, 2020. 5. Entry of service providers is subject to BJMP COVID Advisory # 32. In addition, if the jail was able to successfully secure authorization for the resumption of jail visitation, only service providers catering to essential services such as officials from DepEd, TESDA, local DOH, LGU representatives conducting assessments and other critical services may be allowed. Number of service providers allowed entry shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) at a time only and shall be done strictly on schedule so as to limit the number of visitors. 6. Reminders a. Online or virtual materials offered by service providers for PDL shalll be properly screened as to content prior to communicating them to the PDL. Page 6 of 7 BJMP COVID-19 Advisory #37 Interim guidelines onthe implementation of POL Welfare and Development programs inthe ‘new norma” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” All online activities must be strictly supervised to ensure confidentiality, unauthorized access to internet sites, and jail security. b. Broadcasting of WD program implementation in social media remains subject to existing policies on the use of social media. c. Resumption of WD programs under this Advisory shall be done gradually depending on the capacity of the jail and community quarantine level of the locality, provided that minimum public health standards are properly observed. d. UWDO must coordinate schedules of activities with other units of the jail prior to implementation. 7. All programmed Learning and Development Interventions (LDIs) of Regional Welfare and Development Divisions and Jail Welfare and Development Units may proceed as planned subject to strict observance of minimum public health standards or the same may be shifted to online or virtual mode of implementation if feasible, 8. Regular jail inspection as part of the monitoring function of all Regional Welfare and Development Divisions remains suspended to limit the entry of personnel into the jails. To continue this vital function, remote modes of monitoring of program implementation shall be established by each regional office instead. 9. Be guided accordingly. BY AUTHORITY OF THE CHIEF, BUMP: i+ M IE A ESPINOSA I Senior Superintendent Director for Operations Co-Chairperson, BMP National COVID-19 Task Force Page 7 of 7 BUMP COVID-19 Advisory #37: Interim guidelines onthe implementation of PDL Welfare and Development programs in the ‘new norma” “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

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