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1. Memorandum – commonly known as “memo.

” It is a short message or correspondence used

for internal communication in business. A memorandum is written and prepared for a person or a
group of individuals in order to provide them with information about a particular matter.
2. Minutes of the Meeting is a written or recorded documentation which primarily aims
to inform people or members of an organization of what happened or transpired during the
meeting. It also defines the next step planned.
In writing minutes of the meeting, the following should be included:
∎ the names of the attendees or participants
∎ the agenda items
∎ the calendar or due dates
∎ the actions or tasks
∎ the main points
∎ the decisions made by the attendees or participants
∎ the records of what is most important points
∎ the future decisions
∎ the documents: images, attached files

∎ Business and Technical Reports

1. Feasibility Report – is a document that assesses potential solution to the business
problem or opportunity, and determines which of these are viable for further analysis. The
purpose of the feasibility report is to present the project parameters and define the potential
solutions to the defined problem, need, or opportunity.
2. Progress Report. The main objective of this report is to inform the business
executives or owners about work done on a particular project during a particular period of time.
Progress reports are written for those people, such as: administrators, executive officials,
company organizations, etc. that need to be informed with what is going on about a certain
activity or project
being undertaken.

They must be informed about various projects being undertaken under their supervision to decide
intelligently whether the work should be continued, given new direction or emphasis, or it should
be discontinued.
Three things to consider and include in the report:
∎ What is the report about
∎ What precisely has been done in the period covered
∎ What are the plans for immediate future

3. Recommendation Report. The function of the recommendation report is to suggest

and to persuade the reader to take a certain course of action. Invariably, it may be placed at the
end of a report. If the report is long, especially if the introductory summary is used, it is likely to
appear in the beginning as well, immediately after the statement of the problem.
4. Research Report is a document prepared by an analyst or strategist who is a part of
the investment research team. A research report may focus on a specific stock, or industry sector,
a currency, commodity or fixed-income instrument, or on a geographic region or country.
5. Business Proposal is a written offer to solve a technical problem in a particular way,
under a specified plan of management, for a certain sum of money.
∎ Elements of Business Proposal:
a. Technical Proposal – is a written solution to the technical problem described usually in
a minute detail, the design or plan proposed, sometimes along with some discussions or alternate
and designs.
b. Management Proposal – explains to the prospective client precisely how the entire
project will be managed, tells who will manage it, and suggests a time schedule for the
completion of the phases of the project.
c. Cost Proposal – gives a detailed breakdown of costs in terms of labor and materials

III. Communication for Academic Purposes

∎ Academic reading requires full concentration and comprehension to understand the key ideas,
information, themes, or argument of the text.
∎ Academic texts include concepts and theories that are related to the specific discipline they
explore. They usually exhibit all the properties of a well- written texts, i.e. organization, unity,
coherence, and cohesion as well as strict adherence to rules of language use and mechanics.

∎General Purposes of Reading Academic Texts

1. to better understand an existing idea
2. to get ideas that can support a particular writing assignment
3. to gain more information
4. to identify gaps in existing studies
5. to connect new ideas to existing ones
∎ Structure of Academic Texts
1. Typically formal
2. Have clearly structured introduction, body, and conclusion
3. Include information from credible sources which are in turn properly cited
4. Include a list of references used in developing the academic paper
∎ Papers for Academic Purposes
1. Articles are published in scholarly journals. This type of academic text offers results of
research and development that can either impact the academic community or provide relevance
to nation building.
2. Conference Papers. These are papers presented in scholastic conferences and may be
revised as articles for possible publication in scholarly journals.
3. Reviews. These provide evaluation or reviews of works published in scholarly
4. Theses and Dissertations. These are personal researches written by a candidate for a
college or university degree.
5. Position or Concept Paper. The position paper is a concise and brief statement of a
certain country’s positions and concerns upon a given topic or issue. Basically, it contains both
substantive information and detailed policies on the issue being discussed in a committee.
6. Case Study – is a research methodology commonly used in social sciences. It is an
empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon with its real-life context. Case studies are
based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the causes of
underlying principles.
7. Reaction Paper is a response or reaction to some sort of prompt.
A prompt may be a question, a current event or a form of media including movies or video clips.
A reaction paper or response paper requires the writer to analyze a text, then develop
commentaries related to it. It is a popular academic assignment because it requires thoughtful
reading, research, and writing.
∎ Characteristics of a Reaction Paper:
1. It is a reaction to something you have read, viewed or watched.
2. It is usually organized.
3. It has citations and references.
4. It includes one’s opinions but you must be careful to support your opinions with
5. It summarizes what you are reacting to in the beginning of the paper.
6. It explains your opinions to the topic and why you think this way about the topic.
7. It judges, analyses, or evaluates the issues of the topic.
8. It identifies and discusses the polarizing issues of the topic.

∎ Tips on How to Write a Reaction Paper:

1. When you write a response paper, you need to evaluate the text’s strengths and
weaknesses along with the If and How well the text accomplishes its objective.
2. You must respond to implied ideas and elaborate, evaluate, and analyze the author’s
purpose and main points.
3. In many cases, you may use the first person “I” while writing reaction papers.

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