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PAGE 45.

1. Copy the chart. Then write the words beslow in the correct groups. Which words don't belong to
any of the groups?

Adjectives of personality: friendly, adventurous, hones and nice.

Activities: chat online, go shopping, download songs, do sport.

School items: notebook, pen, book and pencil sharpener.

Household items: blanket, ceiling fan, curtains and duvet.

Part of the body: hand, arm, foot and nose.

Don't belong to any of the groups: father, bathroom and big.

2. Read the clues and choose the correct answers.

1. You can use a rubber to correct mistakes when uou write with this: pencil.
2. It's the opposite of beautiful: ugly.
3. People put this on the wall and they can see their face in it: mirror.
4. You sit at this to do homework: desk.
5. People put this on the wall and they can see their face in it: surf the web.
6. You do this when you are tired: go to bed.
7. You put this on the floor and you walk on it: rug.
8.This day comes before Wednesday and after Monday: Tuesday.

3. Copy and complete the sentences with the wordl below. There are more words than you need.

1. People often write their timetables in their diary.

2. We hear with our ears.
3. My mother's mother is my grandmother.
4. The opposite of thin is fat.
5. I like his jokes. He's very funny.
6. The fridge and the cooker are in the kitchen.
7. Some teenagers listen to music on ipods and some use their mobile phones.

4. The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. In your notebook, write the sentences with the
correct words.

1.The books are on the shelves.

2. Brian does well at school because he's clever.
3.My friends send text messages.
4. John often carries big boxes. He'es very strong.
5. It's important to have breakfast because your body needs food in the morning.

6. I sleep with two pillows on my bed.

7. Please walk the dog. He wants to go out.
8. There are beautiful curtains.

5. Comple the adverts with the wordl below. There are more words than you need.

A detached house with a garden. Three bedrooms and a large living room. Kitchen with new
fridge and cooker. Open every October this month.

2.Do you play the guitar?

The Blake School POP Band is looking for new members. Auditions on 1 st Saturday at

3. Are you athletic? Do you play footballor do other sports? Madison Sports Centre has got
sports activities for all ages.

6. Copy and complete the questions.

1. Are the boys hard woking? No, they're not. They're very lazy!
2. Are you generous? Yes, I am. I often give my things to other people.
3. Is December the first month of the year? No, it isn't. It's the last month of the year.
4. Is John tall?No, he isn't. He's very short.
5. Has your house got a garage? Yes, it has.It has got room for two cars.
6. Do you get up early every morning? No, I don't. I like sleeping late at weekends.

PAGE 46.

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Mandy is my sister.She two years old.

2. I have got a dos. My dos is black and white.
3. What is the time?
4. That is Jake's pen. The pencil is his too.
5. Those are my parents.
6. Sam's father is on the phone.
7. Who is your best friend?
8. I haven't got a computer. That computer isn't mine.
9. I these your marker?
10. My mum's got a new rug. She loves his rug.

2.Copy and complete the senteces. Use the correct form of to be or have got.
1. I haven't got any brothers.
2. Are you Sarah's brother?
3. Mia is twuelve years old.
4. My sister have got blue eyes.
5. The curtains is on the window.
6. No, I am in Year 9.
7. Have we got an exam this morning?
8. What is your favourite colour?

3.Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are, articles and

1. There is pillow in the cupboard. Please put it on the bed

2. There aren't children in the classroom .They're all outside
3. There are money on the table .You can take it
4. There are students from italy in your class?
5. There is armchair in our living room. But we've got two sofas.
6. Is there computer in your bedroom?
7. Look there is cat in the garden

4.In your notebook,write affirmative and negative sentences with the word below . Use the present
Simple . Make the sentences true for you.

1. I watch TV every night

2. My dad doesn't do sport three time a week
3. I eat fruit pfther every meal
4. My mun reads a book every evening
5. My friends and I don't play computer games at games
6. I prepare dinner for my family

5.In your notebook rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets.Don't change the meaning of
the original sentences .

1. I never watch TV on school nights

2. Does Peter come home 4.00 always?
3. She rides her bike to school sometimes
4. Do you speak to ellen often during the dag?
5. He doesn't read rarely books?

6.Choose the correct anwear

1. Do you hear
2. Does a door
3. There are
4. Has got
5. Lives
6. Doesn't talk
7. Is.
8. Doesn't love
9. Hassh'got
10. Has got
11. Are
12. Doesn't hide


2.Copy and complete the sentences.

1. Midas lives in Phrygia

2. He doesn't want people in his garden
3. Dionysus gives Midas a wish because, he gives back to his friend.
4. Midas' wish is, I want everything I touch to become gold
5. Midas is sad because he hold beatufill daughter and she becomes gold
6. At the end of the story,Midas gives his people, his gold.

3.Which saying explains the message of the story?

1 Money does't buy happines



1.Copy and complete the chart with the words below .

1. Geografical feautures: Fores, Island, Valleg and River .

2. Clothes: Dress, Underwear, Boot, and caat .
3. Sports: Cycling, Karate, Volleyball, and Weightlifting.
4. Sports equipement: Skateboard, Gogles, Goal, and Bicycle
5. Animals: Spider, Zebra, Dolfhin, and whale
6. Animals groups:Mammal, Amphibiam, Insect, and Reptile.

2.Choose the word that doesn`t belong.Then in your notebook, add anothe word to each group.
There may be more than one correct anwers

1. Ladybug
2. River
3. boot
4. Snake
5. Football
6. Run
7. Basketball court
3.Are the sentences true or false In your notebook, correct the false sentences without chaging the
words in bold.

1. A huge animal is very big

2. A hill is a smal mountain
3. Ladybug are yiny animals
4. Crocodiles aren`t domesticated
5. Sharks live in oceans
6. Butterflies are insect.
7. You can swin in the ocean
8. People wear hats and scarves in cold weather

4.Find the words and in your notebook,match them to the definitions below.

1. People ride this animal. Horse

2. The sahara,for example. Desert
3. In this sport, you must kick the ball into a goal. Football
4. A reptile without legs. Snake
5. You hit a ball with this. Racket
6. You wear this on your head when cyling. Helmet
7. You wear them on your feet in the summer. Sandals
8. A water sport with a special board. Surfing
9. A very tall animal. Giraffe
10. You wear the on your hands in cold weather. Gloves

5.Complete The text the words below.

1. Sweater.
2. Jeans.
3. Skateboard
4. Rollerblades
5. Swimming poll.
6. Swimsuit.
7. Golf clubs.
8. Sheep
9. River
PAGE 86:

1.Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Use the Present
Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. I having lunch right now

2. The girl doesn't like this film
3. We don't watch TV at the moment.
4. When does the baby going to bed every nigt?
5. Don't worry, I belivieng you
6. Who do you talking now?
7. Does harry doing nomewolk at the moment
8. Jes ofther student witch friends.

2.Copy and the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives below.

1. We don't want to be late.Let's go Quick

2. This exercise isn't hard.You can do it Easy
3. Your English is very good .You speak Good
4. Are you tired You're walking very Slow
5. joe can kick a ball from one goal to the other goal He can kick it Far

3.In your notebook, rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets. Don't change the meaning of
the original sentences.

1. You mustn't talk on the phone during a lesson

2. He can play the guitar
3. I can not swim
4. We should walk
5. I must raise my hand before speaking.
6. It's a shouldn't idea to eat all of those biscuits.

4.In your notebook,wrike sentences with the words below.Use the comparative or superlative form
of the adjetives.

1. I am taller than my brother

2. The rabbit it is the mosd cute animal in the shop
3. crocodile is more dangerous than a mosquite.
4. Saturday is the best day for party
5. My marks in maths is worse than my marks in sciense.
6. Julie is the girl more beatiful in the school.
5.Copy and complete the sentences with the adjetives in brackets and as...

1. Tim and Mike are 14 today.Tim is not as old as Mike

2. My car weighs 4 kilos .my dog weighs 20 kilos.My cat is wot as heavy my dog
3. Eric is 1.65 metres.lisa is also 1.65 metres.Lisa is not as tall as
4. A goldfish cost 1 .One rabbit is as expensive as ten goldfish
5. I lover the book,but. The film is not as interesting as the book

6.Choose the correct answer

1. Are
2. Are enjoying
3. Well
4. Can
5. Friendlier than
6. Not as inteligent as
7. Are trging.
8. Are putting
9. Most


2.Answer the questions.

1. Is the narrator of the poem I never a person : Is Darren Saradeli.

2. What happened to the narrator of it's Dark in here? : A lion has eaten it.
3. Why doesn`'t the student in poem D know the other students? : Because he has the wrong
4. Poem D hasn't got a title.Can you suggest a title for it?: The lost.
5. Which poem do you like best? Why' : I like the poem D because it seems lonny.

3.Poems have usually got rhyming words. Which words rhyme in the poems above

1. POEM A:Rhyme the words ''room and room'' tops and floors
2. POEM B:Rhyme the words ''hand and blackboard'' Know and go
3. POEM C:Rhyme the words ''lines and heres''
4. POEM D:Rhyme the words ''thee and here''

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