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Concept Paper:

Establishing Rizal’s National Consciousness to Today’s Generation thru Video Blog


Submitted by:

Furiscal, John Carlo T.

Labrador, John Paul M.

Lantican, Maria Paula V.

Quimosing, Margarette Ann T.

Rizal’s national consciousness can be an agent of change to the relevance of the young

generation by the use of technology. Drastic changes brought by technology transformed our

everyday lives particularly in the field of education. Awareness of today's current condition

remains a problem as society became progressive. Rizal’s consciousness of his native land became

an important foundation to our freedom of expression. In lieu of this, a project through a video

blog can be an important avenue to the happenings during Laong Laan’s time and provide a

relationship to the development of the country. The project should serve as a way for the millennial

especially the youth to not only consider the benefit of technology but to use the life of Rizal in a

significant way by serving it as a way to show how our society works today.

The main objective of this project is to show and give knowledge to the listeners the passion

and nationalism of Dr. Jose Rizal since his intellect is still relevant to what is happening in our

country. Dr. Rizal’s ethos is impressive because he does not get blinded by the benefits he has

even though he was not born in a poor family, Dr. Rizal cares about his fellow countrymen and

women to have the rights of being Filipino. Dr. Jose Rizal as a role model and inspiration for every

Filipinos did not go anywhere, some Filipinos still use Rizal’s work and ideology as the reason for

what they are fighting for. Dr. Rizal’s strengths can be an approach for further generations that

everything can be done without war, being intelligent and passionate for what the people are

believing can move the desire to accomplish everything. Dr. Jose Rizal’s global perception can be

a catalyst for diversity through the use of technology like this project for the inclusion of the new


The value of the works of Rizal revolutionizes the sphere of Philippine literature. As a

student, every people must know the value and the dedication that is exerted in education. Just like

Rizal, he managed to be dedicated to his studies and accomplish many scholastic achievements
and ordeals. The integration project will explain various points that illustrate the relevance of

Rizal’s overseas travel by identifying the various circumstances that occurred during the 19th

century and role models he met. In order to evaluate the commitment of Rizal to our lives to this

day, it is necessary for the listeners of this project to specify the influence of Dr. Jose Rizal’s

knowledge. In this part, the project intended to explain the listeners who did Rizal met in Spain,

their role, and their importance in Rizal’s two most famous novels.

In relation to the importance of La Solidaridad, the integrating project will discuss several

points that explain the significance of the propaganda movement through explaining significant

and valuable scenarios that happened during 19th-century colonialism. The project will introduce

the Ilustrados of the 19th century and their importance to our society. It will be implemented by

introducing the members of the movement, its significance, and how the movement paved the way

to the freedom of speech of Filipinos today. The speaker will state several institutions in today’s

era that became a way for many Filipinos to express their freedom of information.

Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere has played a very important role in the Philippine social,

cultural, and political history. The creation of this book can be a way for this project to provide the

current generation the confidence to express themselves. For the integrating project, it will use

Rizal's literature to intensified Filipino consciousness. As corruption, injustices, neediness,

poverty, and abuses remain the same problem up to this day, it is very crucial for everyone,

especially the youth to have a wake-up call in this current situation. Through profound realizations

on Noli Me Tangere that are going to share using a different platform, the project will be able to

mark in the viewer’s hearts the values that the novel tells to everyone- to be someone that can be

an agent of change.
This integrating project is a representation of the life of Jose Rizal that can and will give

the new generation the benefit of the doubt. It is not just an exposure to what made him our national

hero, but this project presents the significance of Jose Rizal’s impact on today’s youth. Yet, the

youth is not an exclusion. The significance of this project is that everyone should always be

inspired to break the barriers and limitations everyone has. Courage is a persistent component of

Dr. Rizal's writings and life scenarios. Without the integral component of courage, what natural

abilities everyone has been given, or what knowledge and skills gained, matters little. However,

society is in the struggle in an attempt to prove Filipinos as different as before and as human beings

that they cannot simply write their own work, but make the words worth reading. The only question

is whether the Filipino of this next generation has the confidence to find it but, in this project, the

viewers will understand that heroes like Rizal will be the light of the road and everyone must travel

on that path.

In conclusion, this integrating project will discuss the significant events of Jose Rizal’s life

from higher education up to his own novel, Noli Me Tangere through the use of educational video

blogs. As the world today progresses, the transformation of information develops with the power

of evolving technology. It can be a powerful tool in the distribution of information and a beneficial

way of communication. As the group believes that educational vlogs are also an efficient way of

learning and promoting its own objectives. This integrating project will serve as a reminder and

instrument to intensify how the group patronizes the country, respecting the laws, and promote its

own culture. Thus, empowering the youth as a catalyst of change for the country is one of the true

goals of this project.

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