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 1. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Introduction

matics 2. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 2 Weighted

Graphs, Eulerian Graphs,

in the Hamiltonian Graphs

 3. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 3 Graph

Modern Coloring

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 9

 4. Accomplish homework in WebAssign.

 5. Submit WGN Week 10.

Lesson 1. Modelling with Graphs


A. Give a brief definition of the following:

1. Graph

A graph is a set of points called vertices and line segments called edges that connect vertices.

2. Degree of a vertex

The degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident to it, or equivalently, the number of
vertices that are adjacent to it.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 9

3. Isomorphic graphs

Two graphs which contain the same number of graph vertices connected in the same way  are
said to be isomorphic. Formally, two graphs and with graph vertices are said to be isomorphic if
there is a permutation of such that is in the set of graph edges if is in the set of graph edges.

B. Give 4 types of graphs and give a brief description (you may describe in
words or just draw a sample graph).

Directed Graphs: A directed graph is sometimes called a digraph or a directed network. In

contrast, a graph where the edges are bidirectional is called an undirected graph.

Multigraph: is a graph which is permitted to have multiple edges, that is, edges that have the
same end nodes. 

Null Graph: A null graph is defined as a graph which consists only the isolated vertices.

Path Graph:  a path in a graph is a finite or infinite sequence of edges which joins a sequence of
vertices which, by most definitions, are all distinct.

Lesson 2. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Weighted Graphs


A. Define the following:

1. Walk
- a walk is a sequence of adjacent vertices.
2. Path, Trail
- If a walk has no repeated vertex, then it is called a path.
- if a walk does not have repeated edges, then it is called a trail.
3. Cycle, Circuit
- A closed path is called a cycle.
- A closed trail is called a circuit.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 9

B. What is Eulerian Graph?

A circuit (or a trail) is said to be Eulerian if it traverses all the edges of the graph. A graph that contains
an Eulerian circuit is called an Eulerian graph.

C. What is Hamiltonian Graph?

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian path is a path in an undirected or directed
graph that visits each vertex exactly once. A Hamiltonian cycle is a Hamiltonian path that is a cycle. A
graph is Hamiltonian if it contains a Hamiltonian cycle. A Hamiltonian cycle is a closed path that
traverses all the vertices of the graph, with each vertex being traversed only once.

D. Describe how to solve the Konigsberg Problem.

The Königsberg Bridge dilemma, a mathematical recreational puzzle set in the ancient Prussian city of
Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia), which contributed to the growth of mathematics' topology and
graph theory branches.

Lesson 3. Graph Coloring


A. Give a summary of the Greedy Algorithm.

A greedy algorithm is a simple, intuitive algorithm that is used in optimization problems. The
algorithm makes the optimal choice at each stage as it attempts to find the overall optimal way to
solve the whole problem.

B. Give a summary of the Edge-Picking Algorithm.

The edge-picking algorithm tells you to mark the edge that has the smallest weight in the full graph.
Then, if a circle is not complete, the edge with the next smallest weight is labeled, and a single
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 9

vertex does not add a third labeled edge. Until the edge can no longer be found, this approach

C. What is a graph coloring, and how is it applied?

Another aspect of graph labeling is graph coloring. The main goal here is to color the vertices of the
graph with as few colors as possible such that no two neighboring vertices share the same color. It
can be applied to traffic lights and scheduling

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