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Speaking test preparation:

1. Should teenagers share the household chores with their family?

Why or why not?
In a common belief, housework is an indispensable task for the
whole family. It means that everyone should do the household
chores together, from young to old. So I think that it is a must for
teenagers to share the housemaking with other family members.
First and foremost, learning to think ahead at what may need to be
done, what the consequences of things are etc…are skills that we all
need, and planning is a life skill that can be gained from helping around
the house.
If young people start to gain responsibilities, it will allow them to work
out when and how to do these tasks – let them have some say in the
planning and they will feel more engaged and involved.
As they get older they can start to understand the needs of themselves
and others and plan accordingly (i.e. if they have to help with their
washing, then let them learn to ensure that they wash things in time to
wear etc….)– they may start to plan ahead and work out that its quicker
to tidy up one thing before they get another out rather than leave a huge
mess until the end of the day.
Secondly, sharing the housework also makes them be more self-reliant.
It means that they no longer rely on their parents to do the housework.
Instead, they can do it by themselves. It also helps them to survive in
some situations when their parents stay away from home.
Last but not least, getting teenagers involved in doing chores give them a
massive set of skill that will benefit them forever. We therefore
understand how to cook, how to clean, how to shop, how to budget.
They can fend for themselves and much more confident when growing
up without parents’help.
With some reasons above, I think that teenagers sharing the housework
with the other is necessary because it gives them a lot of advantages that
benefit them in their future life.
2. What are the bad habits of teenagers nowadays? What are the
effective ways to get rid of them?
In the modern age, the development of people’s living standard has
made a big change in the habit of people, especially teenagers. A
lot of good habits have had a great impact on their life, but there
exists also bad ones that pose a dire threat for themselves. And
now I will point out some of it in my presentation.The first one I’d
like to mention is that many young people nowadays tend to skip
breakfast. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of
the day as it provides the majority of the body’s energy after a
night sleep. However, for some reason, teenagers now don’t pay
much attention to breakfast. This habit not only makes the body
tired and sluggish, but it also harms the stomach. They don’t have
enough energy to concentrate on their work. In some cases, some
young people also pass out because of this bad habit.Secondly, as
we all know that computers, mobile phones are now becoming an
indispensable part of people’s life. The fast development of this
equipment also sets a new, bad habit for teenagers. It is the
excessive use of technological devices. They tend to use it almost
on a regular basis, some even use it more than 12 hours a day.
They don’t know that using too much mobile phones or computers
may pose a dire threat to their health such as: the deterioration of
eyesight, osteoarthritis, back pain. Some even have to deal with
depression because of lack of communication. To get rid of these
bad habits, I think that they themselves should raise awareness of
all the harmful effects of these habits. Moreover, they should
change their lifestyle and have a more positive life. I think these
solutions will help them stay away from all the bad habits.
3. What is your favourite TV program? What can you learn from
Nowadays, media is becoming more and more popular with a
variety of channels and programmes available on the TV nowadays
such as: educational programmes, sports programmes, comedy….
But, among them, I personally think that current affair is the one
that I fancy the most.
Current affair is broadcast everyday at 6.30 pm on VTV1. It often
lasts about 30 minutes.News about all the important information of
every field throughout the country, or all the world… is updated
quickly and precisely in this programme.
What makes me like this programme is that I can keep up-to-date
with the development of society, gain more knowledge in every
field. News from current affair is absolutely censored strictly and
carefully, so I can attain the information without worrying about its
authenticity. Furthermore, what I can learn about current affair is
that I will have more chances to know about all the tradition and
custom of different countries in the world. To sum up, it is a great
idea to watch current affair everyday. But on the other hand,
because the exam is coming, I have to spend all my time revising,
so I don’t have enough time to go on with my hobby.
4. What should you do to help your community better?
Well, I know that we all want to live in a good environment that
makes us feel better. However, not all the time the places we live
are perfect. If we ourselves are aware enough, we can join our
hand to help our community improve in various ways.And now I
will suggest some of them for you to know more about how to
change our community.
First of all, we should be a good citizen. I think it’s the easiest way
to make our community better and I believe that everyone can do
it. In addition, it also creates the kind of vibe that makes people
feel safe and happy. For instance, if you see someone in need of
assistance, come to their aid instead of averting your eyes, or try to
figure out how you can help the people who ask for money in the
street, instead of passing them without looking them in the eyes.
Do for others what you’d want them to do for you if you were in
their situation.
Secondly, as pollution is now becoming the most serious problem
all around the world, we should try to recycle and compost. Many
communities are experiencing problems with landfills that are
getting too full. It is not good for the community’s long-term
health. So you can do your part to help improve the situation by
recycling and composting as much of your waste as possible. Or if
you want to go above and beyond, you could also spread
awareness about how to recycle, and if possible, start a recycling
program at your school or place of work.
I think these suggestions can help solve all the community’s
problem, so they will partially make our community much better
and better.
5. What invention do you like best and why?
As we all know that, the development of society has witnessed a
lot of important inventions that hve positive impacts on people’s
life such as: telephone, computer, penicillin… but among them, the
one I admire most is perhaps smart phone, which is one of the
revolutionary creations of human beings.
The reasons why I choose this, firstly because it is convenient and
cost-effective. You know that in the past, when there was no smart
phone, people could only get in touch with each other through
telephone and it took ages to reach one person. But now, we can
use it for various purposes. Not only can we call others but we can
communicate face-to-face with them via video call. We can also
keep updated with the latest trend or information, do whatever we
want, for instance, listen to music or surf the Internet. With this
smart device, there no longer seems to have any barrier in
communication among people.
In addition, smart phone also helps reduce the cost of all call. As
we now have Skype, Zalo or Messenger, we don’t have to
worrying about the cost of each call because they all allow us to
give a free call without cost or limit in time. What’s more, we can
also do the shopping without going to markets anymore. With just
a screen and one touch, we can buy whatever we want and have it
delivered directly to our home. People often say that with one
smart phone, they can carry the whole world with them.
To sum up, I think that smart phone is the most popular and
effective invention in modern life. It helps people a lot in every
field, not only call, but also in office, shopping….
Question 6:What are the good ways to have good health?

 First of all, our health is the only thing we really have in the world. You can take
away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive. Take away our
health and we will die. So, in today’s hectic world that we live in, maintaining our
good health is of great importance and now I will suggest some good ways to have
good health that I have considered to you.

As for a high school student like me, I believe the most crucial way to have good
health is to get enough sleep. To be honest, I have been so caught up in my work
since I was admitted to NBK high school. I have to stay up late to finish all my
work and then, watch some movies while eating midnight snack to be relaxed,
which is my leisure habit. Gradually, my health has been degraded because
of sleep deprivation. So I’ve decided to change this habit I sleep at least 8 hours
each night and 10 - 20 minute nap during each day. And interestingly, I’ve become
more optimistic and work more efficiently after that. Another way I want to
mention is that we should have a reasonable diet. For example, we should eat more
vegetables instead of junk food. It’s true that eating and drinking enough can
provide you with enough energy and protein, but eating and drinking too much can
cause common diseases such as stomachache, obesity. There is also a saying: “Eat
to live, not live to eat.” Of course, eating and drinking too little can cause energy
shortage and make you tired or sick easily. So all in all, we should eat and drink in
moderation. Besides, we can do exercise every morning such as: walking, jogging,
riding bicycles and so on to keep fit. Well, these are some ways to maintain good
health but mainly I think everyone should be aware of taking care of themselves.

Question 7:Why do people do volunteer?

Volunteer is nowadays a kind of community activity that attracts a large number of

attendants from different age groups on the basis of its huge advantages.

Volunteering is beneficial to both mental and physical health. It has been shown
that people will enjoy higher life satisfaction when being helpful to others, which
allows them to get rid of stress, anxiety and depression. Secondly, volunteering
builds a strong relationship among humans. It is easy to make friends with the
same hobbies or purposes. That is why voluntary work is the perfect opportunity
for people who are so shy and afraid of connecting with other people. Last but not
least, people can gain work experiences and better career development. Such life
skills can be gain through this activity as teamwork, problem-solving, time-
management. Volunteering gives people free chances to try out new fields, testing
new jobs to find the most suitable one in the future. To conclude, there are
numerous personal benefits that people can gain by doing volunteer work so it is
encouraged that people should spend some free time to take part in this meaningful

Question 8:What are the benefits of smartphone for your learning?

In the age of advanced technology, more and more modern devices are invented to
serve our lives. One of them is smartphone , it is widely used all over the world. It
is a part of our lives and it seems that people cannot live without their
smartphones. Why is it important and popular?As for a student like me, Let me
show you how smartphone benefits my learning.
    Firstly, the appearance of the smartphone has changed the way I communicate
very much. It makes the process of communication faster and easier. It means that
I can make calls or send messages my friends to do exercise together in a long
   Secondly, the smartphone can be seen as a source of entertainment. It has all
applications of the laptop, but it is small and portable. For example ,I always use it
for listening to music ,which is the effective to let my hair down after a hard-
working day .Thanks to this habit,I work more effectively without bothering about
hetic schedule.We can download and store musics in the smartphone, so we can
listen to music anytime and anywhere we like. Besides, the smartphone has a
function similar to the camera. We can use it to take photographs and save our
great memories. Finally, we can use the smartphone to connect to the Internet
instead of using computer or laptop. It is very useful for us to get news on around
the world and expand knowledge. We can surf the web and search for information
which is necessary for us. Smartphone helps me improve my academic
performaces.Because I’m an English major, by using smartphone, I can look up
some new words in dictionary apps and get information for our presentations at

   To summarize, the smartphone has a lot of advantages for our lives, but it will be
harmful for us if we use it regularly. But actually, it plays an important role in our

Question 9:What are the best ways to make your family happy?


There is no doubt that music plays an essential part in their life. For a number of
reasons, some people think that music is important because we can reap a lot of
benefits from listening to music Firstly, a lot of people believe that music has a
positive effect on human's cognitive development. Based on some scientific
researches, it is found that people who love music are more intelligent than those
who do not like music. They could balance their emotional and logical thinking,
therefore they could easily adapt to different kind of environments. Secondly, it is
believed that music could also affect to people's performances. It is a fact that fast
beat music could positively affect to athletes' performances, therefore these type of
music are usually played during the training and the game session. And then it is
true that slow instrument music could help people let their hair down. For instance,
after a stressful day at work, I would like to listen to ……songs and that would
give me a quick relaxation Lastly, some people are relying on music as their source
of income. A lot of people do not realise that music industries have created a lot of
job opportunities in societies. Some people of relying themselves on music as their
main jobs, such as being a singer, music producer, songwriter and last but not least
as a music teacher. In conclusion, it is true that music plays a vital role in our ways
of life, as music can affect our mindset and emotions. And then music can also be
used as a source of income as well, therefore, we must appreciate music and enjoy

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