NAME: Pacilan, Princess April Joy H. SECTION: BSC-2106 SUBJECT: GED-103 Life and Works of Rizal

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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City

NAME: Pacilan, Princess April Joy H.

SUBJECT: GED-103 Life and Works of Rizal

A Reaction Paper about the Memorable Things of Gat Jose Rizal.

Dr. Jose Rizal’s memorable works and actions had really left a huge
impact on our history and somehow plays a role on our present and daily lives.
He was one of those persons who fought for the rights and freedom of our
country from the colonizers; through his wisdom and knowledge, using his
writings that changed and woke up the Filipino to the reality back then.
Nevertheless, who would have thought that those simple things that our national
hero used and made when he was still alive would have cost a million as time
pass by?

Our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal was a great man even at a very young
age, for he had not only done various of things but even devoted his own life to
his country. All those great things he had done are now part of our history
specially all of his works and writings and there are people who wanted to
preserve those things and believe that it should be keep and must also be seen
by the next generation.
According to the documentary presented and posted by the popular TV show
“Jessica Soho” last June year 2020, about the popular auction conducted by
those Rizal Fanatics who aims to have and keep the personal belonging calling it
Rizaliana of our national hero, even if it cost them a million just to have and
acquire it. There is a place at Makati, named the Leon Gallery where some of the
things and works of Jose Rizal are kept to preserve. For them, they think that
those works and things Rizal used when he was still alive should be kept to give
importance and which be able to remind us all about the things he had made. Not
all of us are able to afford the costs of each Rizaliana but those personalities who
were be able to purchase it are willing to share their experiences; seeing it
personally and being able to hold and keep it by giving some information or
creating a post in social media.

It is not only the task of our government to preserve and keep those
memorable things are heroes have left us in order for us to remember their
deeds to our freedom but even those persons who have the great desire to do so
must have the authoruty. Making those Rizaliana available to public may only just
result to some casualties. Those Rizaliana should be preserve to keep its
memories that reminds us Filipino about the great deeds of are national hero, Dr.
Jose Rizal and which can be also kept for our next generation.

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