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The Liceo de Cagayan University held its webinar on Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Methodologies last March 13, 2021. The topic on Qualitative Research: Methods,
Design and Data Analysis was discussed by Dr. Denis A. Tan of Central Mindanao University. She
discussed the origins of qualitative research in which Dr. Albert Einstein said “not everything
that counts in this world can be counted,” thus qualitative methodology takes in. Qualitative
research is useful to results which cannot be measured through counting. It is also called as
Interpretative research. The scientific paradigm for qualitative research is rooted in the
interpretive paradigm. Interpretative paradigm approach argues that research should explore
“…socially meaningful action through the direct detail observation of people in natural settings
in order to arrive at understanding and interpretation of how people create and maintain their
social worlds” (Neuman, 1997:68). She discussed when, how, and why we use qualitative
approach in our research and compared it to quantitative research. The elements of research
process for Inductive thinking (Qualitative) are observation, patterns, hypothesis, and theory.
She further discussed the essential characteristics of qualitative research; it is concerned with
understanding a phenomenon, assumes multiple realities, data collection is highly interactive,
etc. She also discussed the qualifications of investigators, how to do a qualitative research
design, and the phases of qualitative research. She also discussed on how to select participants
when doing a qualitative research and what instrument you will be using on data analysis. She
also mentioned the types of case studies in a qualitative research and the best approach to use
is phenomenology study. She also mentioned the types of grounded theory and gave a sample
study on using grounded theory. Furthermore, she showed us a sample of research case study
based on grounded theory.
The second topic was about Quantitative Research which was discussed by Dr. Raul
Orongan of Central Mindanao University. He first discuss the outline of the topic quantitative
research which consist of overview, basics of quantitative analysis, test comparisons,
correlation and regression, basics of path analysis, basics of structural equation model and
workshop. Quantitative also called metric (measurable) data is divided into two categories
which is Interval Scale and Ratio Scale. He also mentioned that research has types of
multivariate techniques which is Dependence techniques and Interdependence techniques.
Dependence techniques is a variable or set of variables is identified as the dependent variable
to be predicted or explained by other variables known as independent variables (e.g. Multiple
Regression, Multiple Discriminant Analysis, Logit/Logistic Regression, Multivariate Analysis of
Variance (MANOVA), and Covariance, Confront Analysis, Canonical Correlation, Structural
Equations Modeling (SEM). Interdependence techniques involve the simultaneous analysis of all
variables in the set, without distinction between dependent variables and independent
variables (e.g. Principal Components and Common Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis,
Multidimensional Scaling (perceptual mapping), Correspondence Analysis). He then discussed
the types of models which is the simple regression, multiple regression, path analysis and factor
analysis. He also gave a comprehensive workshop for the participants to learn how to use the
SPSS Software.

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