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Lesson 8 ARTWORKS ring Outcomes ‘At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Analyze artworks as sources of historical data 2, Examine the perspectives of these artworks 3, Create your own artwork that will describe the country’s current socio-economic or socio-political conditions Ilustrations, drawings, and photographs play a large part im study of history. These sources have stories to tell and enable to distinguish details that give us insights into something ond the texts. They are also a record of the past useful for Photographs and illustrations ‘eflect social conditions ical realities and everyday life and indicate the situations t Societi > E ect ditorial cartoons) on the other hand, are Political expression or propaganda in the historical era came out. 10.0) vsveesraxonc Pe Editorial Cartoons FIGURE 11, El Candidato Longino The satirical cartoon from snl 27,1909) issue a Lipang-Kalabaw (Lipag-Kalabaw), a weekly satirical magazine published in Manila, shows Philippine Assembly candidate \Dominador Gome>as the Ror i us delivering the final spear blow ti E dom fighters (from left) Macario Sakay, Francisco Carreon, Julian Montalan, and Lucio de Vega, who were all sentenced to de, ity _by the mE Comer Was instrumental in the surrende" 1 eeeaDanad his men but the latter were subsequenriy aes it, Gome! or the death of Sakay and many believed th Ipino rebels to the Americans es of safe con was later blamed f he betrayed the Fil season FERBPECTIE a yor ™ Other IIfustrations/Cartoons ‘re elosng iustrations oF ca 007% appear in the hooker var ‘hppines publishe Then President : the League saying that the booklet ws the defects of both the individu: the booklet \e reproduced eo ERS lane trae ghee Raa nage GURE 12. - Pop Maniestation Honor tte ap uthern Disc of Ma, Femande Ma. Guero iho! Augen eon ot Aug A cartoon from the magazine Uipang-Ralabawepice “ jets the siti or parade of Filipinos celebrating th ies na ly held that month. The momentous occasion, See aie a Americans who wirnessed the event Patriots and ah y the massive show of support by Filipino ae pe singular display of the American flog amidst j ippine flags. : display, the Philippine Commission Teprherwise known as Philippine who ran for the which banned the public display of the L =, When the Philippine Assembly aber, only the Ted at the Mani he Manila Grand Opera House in Septem an otherwise eric, Phi 2" flag Nilpping 28 Could be seen—an ironic display for legislative body.

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