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Practical Research 1

Quarter 4-Week 3  Data Collection, Data Gathering Instrument,

and Analysis Procedures
I. Introduction
In the previous lesson, you have learned the most common sampling methods used in
qualitative research. Now, as a researcher you have to know the several techniques for data
collection. You have to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the different data collection techniques
so that you will be able to know the most appropriate data gathering method for your research topic that you want
to pursue.
In research methodology, data collection is included which can be interpreted or analyzed to answer
hypothesis. The primary data collection techniques are interview, participant observation, focused-group
interview, observational evaluation, biography / autobiography and questionnaire.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 identify the advantages and disadvantages of the different data collection techniques
 plan data collection and analysis procedures
 acknowledge the factors to consider when choosing appropriate data gathering method
II. Discussion
Data Collection Method
I. Observation
- a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate with the subjects of
yours.It is a systematic data collection approach where researchers use all of their senses to examine people in
natural settings or naturally occurring situations.
Classification of Observational Method
1.Casual and Scientific Observation
- Casual involves observing the right thing at the right place and also at the right time by a matter of chance
or by luck while scientific observation involves the use of the tools of the measurement but remember that all the
observations are not scientific in nature.
2.Natural Observation - involves observing the behavior in a normal setting, no efforts are made to bring any
type of change in the behavior of the observed.
3.Subjective and Objective Observation -The subject refers to the observer whereas the object refers to the
activity or any type of operation that is being observed.
- Subjective observation involves the observation of the one’s own immediate experience whereas the
observations involving observer as an entity apart from the thing being observed, are referred to as the objective
4.Direct and Indirect Observation
- Indirect method of observation involves studies of mechanical recording or the recording by some of the other
means like photographic or electronic. Direct observation is relatively straighter forward as compared to the
indirect observation.
5.Participant and Non Participant Observation
- In participant observation, a researcher may interact with participants and become part of their community .
But in the non participant type of observation, no participation of the observer in the activities of the group takes
place and also occurs no relationship between the researcher and the group.
6. Structured and Unstructured Observation
-Structured observation works according to a plan and involves specific information of the units that are to be
observed and also about the information that is to be recorded. But in the case of the unstructured observation,
observer has the freedom to note down what s/he feels is correct and relevant to the point of study.
7. Controlled and Un-controlled Observation
- Controlled observations are the observations made under the influence of some of the external forces and
such observations rarely lead to improvement in the precision of the research results. Un-controlled
observations are made in the natural environment and reverse to the controlled.
8. Covert and Overt Observation
-Covert observations are when the researcher pretends to be an ordinary member of the group and observes in
secret. Overt observations are when the researcher tells the group s/he is conducting research (i.e. they know
they are being observed)
II. Interview
-defined as a qualitative research technique which involves “conducting intensive individual interviews
with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program or
situation.”Boyce, C. & Neale, P. (2006)
Three different formats of interviews:
1. Structured interview- consist of a series of pre-determined questions that all interviewees answer in the
same order. Data analysis usually tends to be more straightforward because researcher can compare and
contrast different answers given to the same questions.
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2. Unstructured interview- are usually the least reliable from research viewpoint, because no questions
are prepared prior to the interview and data collection is conducted in an informal manner. Unstructured
interviews can be associated with a high level of bias and comparison of answers given by different
respondents tends to be difficult due to the differences in formulation of questions.
3. Semi-structured interview- contain the components of both, structured and unstructured interviews. In
semi-structured interviews, interviewer prepares a set of same questions to be answered by all
interviewees. At the same time, additional questions might be asked during interviews to clarify and/or
further expand certain issues.
III. Survey
-is often used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings. If possible the use of an already designed and
validated survey instrument will ensure that the data being collected is accurate. If you design your own
survey it is necessary to pilot test the survey on a sample of your target group to ensure that the survey
instrument is measuring what it intends to measure and is appropriate for the target group.
Data Collection Method in Survey:
1. Self-completion Survey
-this is via mail, email, the internet or SMS are generally the least expensive ,particularly for a widespread
sample. They allow respondents time to consider their answers, refer to records or consult with others
(which can be helpful or unhelpful, depending on the survey’s objectives). They also eliminate interviewer
errors and reduce the incidence of selected people (or units) being unable to be contacted. A major
disadvantage of self completion surveys is the potentially high non-response.
2. Interviewer-based Surveys
- such as face-to-face or telephone surveys generally allow more data to be gathered than self-completion
surveys and can include the use of more complex questionnaires. Interviewers can reduce non-response
by answering respondents’ queries or concerns. They can often pick up and resolve respondent errors.
Face-to-face surveys are usually more expensive than other methodologies.
Connaway, L.S.& Powell, R.P.(2010) “Basic Research Methods for Librarians” ABC-CLIO
Kabir, Syed Muhammad Sajjad(2016). Methodsof data Collection. Basic Guidelines for Research: An Introductory Approach for All Disciplines, Edition:
First, Chapter: 9, Publisher: Book Zone Publication, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh, pp.201-275

III. Engagement
Written Work # 3: Explain it!
Directions: Choose the topics that are appropriate for observation technique. Explain your choice.
1. Job Satisfaction of EPSON employees
2. Molecular Contents of Water at Lipa Public Market
3. Dirty Ice Cream Selling at Lipa Community Park
4. History of Coffee Industry in Lipa City
5. Work stress, dietary intake, and nutritional status of call center employees of Teletech – Lipa
6. Customer Satisfaction for the service provided by Food Panda
7. Strategies of Small Business Owners at B. Morada, Lipa City
8. Writing style of Bienvenido Lumbera, a National Artist for Literature in 2006 who was born in Lipa

IV. Application
Performance Task # 3 : On Advantages and Disadvantages
Complete the table by identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the different data collection
Data Collection Method Definition Advantage Disadvantage

Reflection: Answer the given question in 3 to 5 sentences.

What do you think are the factors to consider when choosing the most appropriate
data gathering method?
References :
Prieto, N., Naval, V., Carey, T. (2017 )Practical Research for Senior High School, LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Practical Research 1- Grade 11, Alternative Delivery Mode, First Edition 2020, Department of Education, Republic
of the Philippines
Prepared by:

Teacher III

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