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Senior Customs Agents Leader Arshad Jamal Elected Vice President United Business Group

Customs agents have an important role to play in trade and industry and taxation facilities: Iftikhar

Arshad Jamal has devine abilities and his compliance will further strengthen the United Business
Group: SM Munir

Customs agents and United Business Groups are inseparable: Federation's onto-UBG will win by a
huge majority in the upcoming elections: Amjad Chaudhry

The All Pakistan Customs Agents Association North Zone organized a function in Lahore in honour of
the country's leading business personalities and central leaders of the United Business Group to
discuss the country's conditions and business difficulties.

At the reception, Senior Vice Chairman APCAA, Arshad Jamal thanked all the distinguished guest
and said that at present the country has gone through a very difficult period and especially the
business situation is extremely difficult. He said that the vested interest stool at the Federation
House has further aggravated the problems of traders as they neither understand the business
difficulties nor do they have such a workforce. Who can set policies for traders. The federation has
become financially weak and trade bodies are being ignored. He said that now traders have to unite
and strengthen the United Business Group so that the problems of traders can be addressed on
priority basis through proper leadership.

Chairman APCAA Amjad Chaudhry said in his address that customs agents belong to the country's
largest service sector and provide services to the government and trade and industry round the clock
of the year. They said that the United Business Group is a real group of business community and its
leadership is sincere to Pakistan and to the businessmen. The All Pakistan Customs Agents
Association is part of it and will play its role in the election of the foundation so that real
representatives can be elected.

Speaking on the occasion, Patron Chief UBG, SM Munir said that the opposition group has
destroyed the condition of the federation and the traders are not in a state of disrepair, but The UBG
is playing its role and will not leave the traders alone in such a situation. "Custom agents are an
important part of us," he said, adding that Arshad Jamal was appointed Vice President - United
Business Group and announced that Arshad Jamal's services to Pakistan's business community were
valuable and that his appointment as Vice President would further strengthen UBG.

Iftikhar Ali Malik Chairman UBG expressed concern over business conditions and he said that the
whole nation would have to unite with regard to the whole of The Lord, and this epidemic would
have to be exposed. He said that customs agents play a key role in the business community and tax
system of this country.

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