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God has sent mankind to this earth on the account of the mistake which their parents Adam and

Eve made by eating the forbidden tree because of the false- whispers of Satan who is made
respite in the world for the work he assigned to himself of misleading the mankind and making
them astray but he is successful only for those who are weak at the faith, or for whom this world
is not an illusion but a real gem. Regretfully one after another we all fall prey to the evil, but the
Oft Forgiving Allah is always there to safe us and give us every opportunity to make ourselves on
the path on the straight path that leads nowhere but to success in this life and the hereafter.

If we look around ourselves, what is obvious to us all is the nature- yes the true nature which is
not visual to us because of our doubtful minds and eyes that are making us slaves of the
machine and hindering us to see beyond the limits.

Let’s take a very minute yet an eye opening example, what if we are short of breath, or make
yourself un breath for a moment you will surely get to know the importance of the nature.
Everything is been made on its special nature and no Al-Amin(mankind, jinn and all that exists)
can change it even a very bit of it. Allah has sent us to remember Him in good days so He won’t
leave us alone in our tough days.

It’s a common myth in we the humans generally, and Muslims particularly to we blame our fate.
So let me make it clear over here that luck is of three types. And it can only be changed by
Allah’s will. And Duaa( invoking your Lord for it )

1. Which is written.
2. Made by people around us.
3. Made by our self hard work and so on.

Its written for every human who has to come to this world, that who would he be born to, who
would he be marry to and from where will he get his rizq. A person can be made bad or good by
the company he keeps and the deeds he do. A very famous example is given by Hazrat Ali (R.A).
once he made a person to hold the cradle of his horse for a moment while he was away. That
man had some sort of greed for that cradle because it was 11 dirham worth that time. He took it
or stole it simple and ran away. When Ali (R.A) came back he saw his animal standing alone, he
then addressed the people of that time, and warn them that whatever is written for you, you
will get it at any cost or by any means, when he left the person he thought of giving him 11
dirham for keeping an eye on his animal, but that person stole it and ran and will still get 11
dirham but by an illegal manner.

So what we get from this thought full story, every person will get what he has to. But we should
not be impatient, or make our way wrong because this life is nothing but an exam for all of us. It
will end one day and everybody has to answer the Lord very soon.

If you observe people near you who are always unrest for useless things like what if they wont
work from where will they get their bread and butter, and such ridiculous thoughts, my question
to them all is very simple. Do you really know or are you sure enough to see tomorrow?
These are the people who live in doubts, they say by words that they trust Allah but in real they
don’t. when I was quitting my job for a very valid reason, people who are well wishers of mine
questioned me the same, and I believe every thing is from Allah the Lord of Heavens and the
Earths if He wills nobody can stop me working there and if I seek His guidance surely He will
show me the limelight.

People who think others as their leaders are always at blink of whether to chose that way or this
way, people who think much about future will never ever be happy its my bet.

Once I was reading a very good book although it’s been written by a non Muslim author but his
words were exactly going with the Islamic teachings. People of today say why Muslims aren’t
successful nowadays. My question to them is that are you not aware of the Quran the Noble
book which has a solution for every cause.

Today the Jews and Christians are following our teachings so they are succeeding in this world
but they don’t believe in it. And we the Muslims believe in the teachings of Islam but are not at
all following it that’s why we are lagging far behind the world.

If we just have a close look on the importance of time we all will be ashamed of our routine
because we have all left the profound teachings of Islam far behind to 1400 years. If we ever
think of the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) we should be ashamed of ourselves.
Today the motto of a Muslim is to earn money to make his needs all accomplished or if broadly
speaking he is working to look after his family and that’s it. Today the ratio to safe Islam is
getting declined at a very fast and an alarming rate. we all are responsible for it and we all have
to answer our lord for it on the day of resurrection that where were we when people were
getting deprived by the evil and devils forces. And what will we say that time, quite a pondering
question it is but we all are ignoring it as if we have to live in this world for all our lives.

Another very important thinking of a Muslim is that they ignore the importance of “self”. Yes I
will emphasis on the word “self” because its getting itself mingled with the word I. I and self are
two different words and cannot be ever called as synonyms because what a synonym is we
simply know by the valid English language definition is the words having same meanings. So I
and self are two different words quite opposite to each other.

And if we are plunging ourselves to make a mistake for mixing them up then we are confusing
ourselves for the life time.

In this age of real depression, anxiety and actual hopelessness one always asks oneself to get rid
of the world or simply asks questions like “I cannot live with myself any longer”. If I cannot live
with myself, there must be two of me: the ‘I’ and the ‘self’ that ‘I’ cannot live with.

The term ego means different things to different people but what I believe as I have read it in a
book that inspired me a lot and I am going to quote it over here is” it means a false self, created
by unconscious identification with the mind. To the ego, the present moment hardly exists. Only
past and future are considered important. This total reversal of the truth accounts for the fact
that in the ego mode the mind is so dysfunctional. Its always concerned with keeping the past
alive, because without it- who are you?”

This very quoting has made me to think and is changing me a lot. As its also in our magnificent
religion Islam that what ever is done nobody can change it and whatever will be done nobody
knows it, what we can change and continue improving is the present and what the present is the
very moment you are living in. you cannot deny the importance of time if you really want to
succeed in this life and the hereafter. A Muslim is asked to pray five times a day on the specified
time otherwise if he is offering it late Allah doesn’t want his prayers. So the prayer is
continuously emphasizing on the importance of time. Once time is gone its gone forever and it
will never ever be coming back to the life. Lets take an example what you were a day before,
you wont be any longer like that. Time keeps on changing but it’s the man who has to set
himself according to the regulations of the world and utmost himself.

Let’s take an example. If I am going to publish this article right now, I would be saving time and
in return I would be benefitting people for if only one person reads it might change his life in this

It’s an old quite a golden saying that time and tide waits for none.

Yes time and tide waits for none. And its you who can make it all useful or all vain. A person
destined to success will never ever lose a second he keeps on planning for every second of the
life and the world.

If we go through the history of great warriors of time we will come to know that they planned
every minute and every hour.

Allah has created everything according to the direction and the needs of every living being, His
creations are all clear of any flaws or and imperfections.

If we take a close look on our self how beautiful He has made us but regretfully we have
destroyed ourselves with the fake beauty or what we call decorations.

Now let me tell you a very practical yet important example of my life. I used to be a person who
liked to make everybody happy around me irrespective of my own self. Or I can truly say I was
ignoring myself to make people around me happy, and what I get, this I will tell you later.

So the major outfit or the task of ones life should be making his own self contented or simply
satisfied. If I am not satisfy with myself how can I make my loved one satisfy, and I can satisfy
myself only when I will admit the truth of present of what I am at the moment, I surely know my
potentials and strengths and I don’t take any negative energy as personal.
I used to give ear to peoples saying a lot that if I do this what will they think or stuff related with
that, and the result was so obvious that I was becoming diminished and everybody around me
was taking advantage of me. Yes I will say ADVANTAGE.

It’s a false prediction or thinking that if I am doing good to one he will also do good, the reality is
far against the rule its simple the advantage, if you are advantageous enough to a person you
would be the dearest to him or else its better to be a strangers, exceptions are there, and there
is only and only one relation who can be counted as a selfless relationship and that is the
PARENT. Your mother or father will never ever be going against you, I have experienced it
myself and it opened my eyes and by the will of my Allah I will never be able to thank Him and
the person who made me realize their importance.

So what we should do to our self is not to take worries as this life is so short, or for some days
only, or even less as our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) has regarded the world as a rest house for
sometime and then you have to move ahead.

I am really surprised by seeing many people who are making their lives so troublesome by
themselves. They are always trying to get to the ranks of this world as if they have to dwell in
here forever.

A real sorry state of them. I myself saw the financial manager of Toshiba Saudi Arabia region
dyeing in a very sorry state., and his family wife and children were just talking worldly things in a
relaxed mood. He earned his whole life for them and what he got in end a mere loss. May Allah
forgive us all amen.

As the famous writer Eckhart Tolle in his book “The power of now “ writes: “ those who have not
found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that
comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth. They are looking outside for
scraps of pleasure or fulfillment, for validation, security, or love, while they have a treasure
within that not only includes all those things but is infinitely greater than anything the world can

Yes for sure if one is not contented inner way how could he claim of being the happiest man on
the earth. Happiness lies beyond these materialistic things-money, gold, properties, real-estates
and all. They just increase tension and stress in mind that has made the man a slave of itself. He
cannot look beyond the limits of the materials. Or simply he is a Robot. Giving actions in
accordance with the obligations and implementations given by the mind to the person to

A real impudent condition he is suffering from.

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