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Enhancing promotion and career prospects for female employees

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Running head: Enhancing promotion and career prospects of female employees.

Enhancing promotion and career prospects of female employees

A diverse and inclusive culture is what many companies are working towards achieving

in their work environment. However, diversity and inclusiveness can only be achieved if a

company offers a female-friendly environment (Dessler, 2013). A friendly environment allows

women to grow. Thus, they can positively impact a company. In the US, the women workforce

keeps rising as women are included in all job areas. The women are educated, and thus it will be

good business practice if one focuses on them as highly skilled and believe that they can

positively impact an organization. Since women can offer exemplary services and be believed by

organizations, the same organizations should work towards ensuring they are promoted. Their

career built-up (Dessler, 2013).inclusivity and mentorship are among the steps an organization

can take towards enhancing female employees' promotion and career prospects. In essence,

organizations should believe in women and allow them to work with them as they are skilled and

can work just like their male counterparts though:

1. Prioritize inclusion and diversity

Organizations should ensure diversity is created in the working environment.

Diversity should be accompanied by inclusion. While diversity focuses on the

organization's make-up, inclusivity creates thriving room for those working in an

organization (Dessler, 2013).employers should ensure women are given equal

opportunities, their contributions are appreciated, and they have equal access to

opportunities that may emerge in the organization. They should be given

promotional opportunities as well.

2. Focusing on mentoring and sponsoring

Running head: Enhancing promotion and career prospects of female employees.

Women in the company should be mentored and given sponsorship to different

levels. In traditionally male-dominated industries, the company leaders should

focus on investing in the long-term success of women by offering mentorship

programs to them.

3. Equitability of salaries and benefits

All employees should be treated equally and compensated without bias depending

on their skills and expertise. Organizations should seal the pay gaps and ensure

both genders are paid equally if they work on the same level (Dessler, 2013). if

companies do not practice equitability, they are likely to lose highly skilled

females who might feel left out, and their high skills are taken for a ride.

Organizations should also ensure work flexibility to allow women to balance

work and caregiving at home. Flexibility at work allows females to have a work-

life balance.

4. Offering peer connection and support groups

Women should allow interacting as peers within an organization. They should

form groups led by employees where their minority problems are aired and ideas

exchanged. The groups help in creating cohesion within the workplace, which

leads to diversity and inclusion.

5. Emphasizing female professional development

By focusing on female professional development, the women will acquire new

skills that will enable them to excel in their work. They should be allowed to lead

in projects and also doing project assignments. Women should be allowed to face

new challenges in their field of work as it helps them grow (Dessler, 2013).
Running head: Enhancing promotion and career prospects of female employees.

through new challenges, they can acquire more skills and improve on the ones

they initially had. The skills will be used in other fields within the workplace, thus

benefitting the organization through expanded skills.

In conclusion, women should be given equal opportunities. Organizations should not treat

women as weaklings but instead believe that they can work like males. The women should be

included in all work fields, be mentored and sponsored, given equal opportunities, developed,

and even allowed to form peer groups. By supporting them, they will perform highly and be

promoted for their exemplary output.

Running head: Enhancing promotion and career prospects of female employees.


Gary Dessler, 2013. A Framework for Human Resource Management. Prentice-Hall. ISBN. 13:


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