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Consider a 161kV transmission line from Station G to

Station H (32 pts total) Station G Station H Et VT ratio=1400/1
CT ratio=240/1 V.=98 Zo � kV V=952-120 � kV V =82 Z120 �
kV 19=428 Z-15 � A 1 =7192-127 � A c=1660272 A VT
ratio=1400/1 CT ratio=240/1 V=9520 � kV V =962-120 � kV V
=672120 � kV l=4552168 � A 1 =75259 A 1=15702-108 � A A
phase-ground fault occurs somewhere in the area; your
assignment to determine whether the fault is on the line G-H, or
behind Station G, or behind Station H. The relays at Stations G
and H protecting the line G-H measure the three-phase voltages
and currents shown. The VT ratio is 1400/1 at both stations, the
CT ratio is 1200/5 at both terminals. The ground directional
element has a 60 degree lag type connection and requires
polarizing voltage|3V. > 2V secondary and operating current
310 > 0.5A secondary: � Ground directional element: 31, with-
3V. NOTE: The ground directional element operates with
maximum torque when 31. lags-3V. (negative 3V.) by 60
degrees, which indicates a forward fault. All phasor diagrams
must show the reference phasor, maximum torque line, and
operate and non-operate zones. Clearly label all phasors. a.
Ground Directional Relay at Station G on Line G-H (12 pts)
Using phasors and the characteristic of this zero sequence
directional relay, determine whether the element will indicate a
forward fault (operate decision) or a reverse fault (non-operate
decision). b. Ground Directional Relay at Station H on Line G-H
(12 pts) Using phasors and the characteristic of this zero
sequence directional relay, determine whether the element will
indicate a forward fault (operate decision) or a reverse fault
(non-operate decision). C. Conclusion (8 pts total) Is the fault
on the line, or behind Station G, or behind Station H? Why?
(4pts) Which phase(s) is(are) faulted? Why? (4pts)

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