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Kimberly Hsi Ming Moraca Chong

ENGAGE: Task 1
“What is your Philosophy in Life?”

1. Simply state your philosophy in life. It could be a sentence, a short paragraph.

“A bird is safe in its nest ----but that is not what its wings are made for. Do not fear
failure, but rather fear not trying.”

2. After stating your philosophy, briefly explain (at least 2 to 3 sentences) what
you value by having that philosophical quote/statement.

I value this philosophical quote because it made me appreciate my life more.

I am always in my comfort zone, not exploring life because I am so afraid of knowing
that I’ll fail and I’ll experience pain. Still, this quote made me realize that I was born
to see the world just like the bird—to fly high and see all kinds of sunsets and
sceneries even if I lost some feathers on the way. The thrill of flying, the feeling of
surviving after a strong wind hits you on the way, and lastly, finding your happiness
is what life is.

3. Make a simple poster about your philosophy in life.

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