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Where am I?

Is that... Blood... on the floor?
Christ. It looks like it. What's going on?
How the fuck did I even get here?!
testing 1
testing 2
testing 3
testing 4
Where am I?*
How did I get here?*
Hmm... No phone credit as usual. I'd better get moving, it's getting dark.
Is that... Blood?
Huh? What was that?
What the...*
What the hell was that?
You unlocked the lock.
Is that... a body? Christ, it smells bad.
He's holding a gun. Better take it with me...
This place doesn't feel right.
Oh no...*
Did he do this to himself?*
Hmm. There's a key in the tub.*
Maybe I can climb down here?
What the hell! What is this place?
Uh..Oh... Did I pass out?*
SIMON: Huh? Who's that!?*
DOCTOR: Relax! I'm not one of them.*
SIMON: Who are you then?*
DOCTOR: I'm nobody.*
SIMON: What?*
DOCTOR: You shouldn't be here, it's very dangerous.*
SIMON: Wait. Why are you wearing a gasmask?*
DOCTOR: Are you stupid or something?*
Do I look like I want to turn into one of them?*
SIMON: Uh...*
DOCTOR: I can't trust you, I don't know if you're real...*
Just leave me alone!*
What the...*
Who was he? Nobody?
What the hell! Who was he?*
I've got to call the police.*
Damn it! No signal.*
MAN: Help! Somebody!*
SIMON: Oh shit!*
SIMON: What's happened?*
DOCTOR: All I wanted to know is where the key was!*
SIMON: Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!*
DOCTOR: Not you again!*
SIMON: Wait!*
SIMON: Oh shit! Isn't that the key he was talking about?*
The power's charging. I'd better get to somewhere safe.
I'm going to need something big to cut free that key.
Hmm... Says here that I can take the subway from Hansson Square to get home.
So I need to head to Saxon Avenue first...
SIMON: What the? Sophie?!*
What the hell are you doing here?!*
SOPHIE: Ah. Hi Simon.*
SIMON: What... I don't... I don't understand anything now...*
SOPHIE: What is it that you don't understand?*
SIMON: What do you think!*
The whole fucking city is crawling with... monsters, and I've just...*
I mean, suddenly you just turn up on these rooftops?*
What are you doing here? Are you hurt?*
SOPHIE: Uh... Monsters? Simon? You're scaring me...*
SIMON: Scaring? What the fuck, this is just sick!...*
Well I... Maybe it's just...*
SOPHIE: Hmm. Let's talk about something else.*
How have you been?*
SIMON: Uh... No I don't know.*
I'm just confused... You?*
SOPHIE: Not too bad thank you. Better now that you're here.*
SIMON: Yeah, I'm... I'm glad you're here too Sophie.*
I've been alone all this time.*
SOPHIE: I see, sounds tough.*
SIMON: But what about yourself? Why are you here?*
Are you hiding up here from those things?*
SOPHIE: No, I really don't understand what you're talking about.*
I'm just... thinking.*
SIMON: Thinking... Yeah, I've been doing a lot of that too.*
Do you remember how you got here?*
SOPHIE: I don't know...*
SIMON: Oh, because I woke up myself, but it was in an alley and... *
Wait, I can probably show you!*
SOPHIE: No, hush Simon. Can't we just sit here for a while?*
SIMON: Oh... Yeah... Sure.*
SOPHIE: Do you want to know something?*
SIMON: Yes, yes I do!*
I want to know just what in the fuck is going on here!*
Is it about that doctor guy? In the gas mask?*
SOPHIE: Doctor? Simon please. No, I mean about school.*
SIMON: Oh... Yeah... What?*
SOPHIE: Well, I dunno if you knew but I always had a hard time at school.*
You were... Well, you were pretty much the only guy who was kind to me.*
I never said it, but I really want to thank you for making my life that*
little bit more bearable. You're a cute guy, Simon.*
SIMON: Yeah... Yeah, you did have it pretty rough.... Thank you.*
SOPHIE: Yeah...*
SIMON: I guess I helped you because I liked you.*
You were one of the prettiest girls at school and I dunno, I just...*
I guess I wanted to protect you.*
I don't love you, but I think I could if we got to know each other better.*
You're so beautiful Sophie...*
SOPHIE: Why haven't you said anything?*
SIMON: I never had the courage!*
I mean, I wasn't exactly the toughest kid in school, was I?*
But now we're here alone, I feel... stronger.*
I've always liked you Sophie.*
SOPHIE: Oh, Simon... I don't know what to say...*
I've always liked you too, but... not that in that way.*
I always thought you were just a friend. Nothing more. I'm sorry.*
SIMON: Oh...*
SIMON: But... Shit! Damn, so much stuff has happened lately.*
All this craziness! The darkness and the monsters...*
...I think I'm going crazy.*
I'm so glad I found you!*
SOPHIE: I know, a lot of things have been going on lately.*
SIMON: Yeah really... Was it you who tried to phone me by the way?*
SOPHIE: Yeah... I wanted to talk to you. To get away from it all.*
SIMON: Oh, but what, out here?*
SOPHIE: No... Away from everything, away from all this.*
SIMON: What? What do you mean?*
SOPHIE: You know full well what I mean.*
SIMON: Wait a sec... You mean all...*
What the hell just happened, what is all this? What the fuck!*
Was it you who made her do it? Why? Why?! You sick fuck!*
I've always felt alone all my life, for as long as I can remember.*
I don't know if I like it, or if I'm just used to it,*
but I do know this:*
Being lonely does things to you,*
and feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time*
just eats away at you.*
No no no!*
Sophie... Why did she?*
What the fuck...*
This... this isn't making any sense!*
Was it you who made her do it?*
Why? Why!?*
You sick fuck!*
Damn it! What was that? Hallucinations?*
Am I going insane? Shit!*
I need to get some help, or at least just... find my way back home.
I wonder who that sick doctor is. He must have done something to me...
He's wearing a gasmask... And I'm not.
DOCTOR: I told you to not come closer! You stupid psycho!*
Look what you made me do to you.*
Oh well. You probably would have done it to yourself anyway.*
Did he just shoot that guy? I better follow.
Damn it, he must have locked it. Why is he doing this?
Hmm, there's a key and a battery lying on the ground. I better take it.
I better have a look on those maps.
He always goes back to the same place, day after day, just
watching it like it was yesterday.
Despite the fact that it causes him tremendous anxiety,
he insists on returning.
He insists it's for "therapeutic" reasons, but I remain skeptical.
He doesn't respond well to questions about his personal life,
and became extremely angry when I mentioned events prior to what
he insists on describing as "the black day".
His school and home-life are no-go topics when discussing these
feelings and anxieties. He told me the other day that he'd been
seeing hallucinations, but couldn't give a clear description of
what he'd been seeing. Naturally, I didn't take him seriously.
I saw no evidence to suggest this was the case, but upped his
prescription anyway.
He claims the extra medication helps.
SIMON: Hello?*
CALLER: Si... Is th... ...ou?*
SIMON: Hello? I can't hear you! Who is this?*
CALLER: S...mon... It's So... Where ... you?*
SIMON: How did you get my number? Can you help me? What the fuck is going on in
this town?!*
CALLER: I ..ed to sp... you Simon... I'm up... roof... Opp...Park*
SIMON: You're... What? You're up on the roof? I can't hear what you're saying!*
SIMON: Hello? Hello! Are you still there?*
SIMON: Ah shit!*
Back to the train, sitting here like a fool...*
Feels like it was just a few seconds ago I was traveling here.*
No, think straight...*
I got hit by a car, woke up, and these... things, have been trying*
to kill me since.*
I mean, what is actually happening with me?*
Mom keeps telling me to get home, but, why?*
How would that solve any of the crazy shit I've seen?*
I can't even contact the police here.*
Everything is just... fucked.*
Could it be that I'm just hallucinating?*
No, seriously. Am I?*
Or, is there something else?*
I keep thinking back to that doctor guy.*
Well he is crazy alright, but could he have done something to me?*
Seeing as he wears a gasmask.*
Or is all this just not real?*
I'm confused... I'm just... very confused.*
So many questions, but no answers.*
I'll see what happens when I come home.*
There's something in the ceiling.
Hmm, I should probably grab one of those lanterns...
Shit, my bag!*
SIMON: Sophie!*
SOPHIE: Simon, let me go!*
SIMON: I love... I love you Sophie!*
SOPHIE: I have to leave, please!*
SIMON: I fucking love you!*
SOPHIE: Just let me go Simon!*
Oh, I'm at Kirkville now, my hometown. I hope everything is okay here...
DOCTOR: Simon, the pills by itself won't make you feel better,*
you have to do something more than that.*
I recommend that you try a new modern treatment called cognitive therapy.*
SIMON: What's... that?*
DOCTOR: Well... It's a set of exercises you do, a way to forget the past,*
all the bad memories and anxiety you have.*
Are you interested in books, Simon?*
SIMON: I don't know... Why?*
DOCTOR: Alright, I just wanted to find out, because I want you to try out
I want you to write a book, a book about how you feel.*
Do you think you can do that?*
SIMON: I guess so... I can try...*
DOCTOR: Yes, he suffered severe spinal damage in the accident.*
It's a miracle he still retains upper body motion.*
From the waist down however, there is no nervous response at all,*
not to mention the mental trauma he's suffered.*
From what I can tell, Simon is a deeply disturbed individual*
who had mental problems even prior to the accident.*
Holy fuck!*
Holy shit.*
That was close.*
Is he still there?*
What the fuck?*
Wasn't this where I came from?*
No... No no no, something is obviously not right.*
I should hurry now... Before something else happens.*
DOCTOR: Come over here, so we can talk...*
I want to talk.*
SIMON: What the fuck do you want? You're crazy!*
DOCTOR: Come closer.*
SIMON: I'm close enough.*
DOCTOR: Come closer!*
SIMON: I can't! There's a big fucking gate in the way!*
DOCTOR: That's why I want you to come closer,*
I'll help you open it.*
SIMON: How?*
DOCTOR: I need a gun.*
SIMON: You got a gun!*
The subway, the guy you shot, remember?*
DOCTOR: I want a new gun.*
SIMON: Look, just open the gate will you?*
I'm tired of all this...*
DOCTOR: No, there's a new gun in the bowling alley.*
Get it for me, now!*
SIMON: I... If I do..,*
will you open the gate for me?*
DOCTOR: Yes, I have the key right here.*
Go and get it.*
SIMON: Fine...*
SIMON: Here.*
There's no ammo in it though.*
Now, give me the key.*
DOCTOR: Thank you Simon, I'm glad you can trust me.*
Now in return, here!*
SIMON: Argh!*
You crazy bastard, I'll kill you!*
SIMON: I don't think I can trust you.*
I won't give you the gun.*
DOCTOR: As I thought.*
There is still no change in you Simon...*
Still no change...*
Take the key.*
SIMON: Argh!*
You crazy bastard, I'll kill you!*
SIMON: I know... I have it already.*
DOCTOR: Good, give it to me right now, it's mine!*
Then, I'll give you the key.*
SIMON: There you are!*
You're dead!*
You're so fucking dead!*
DOCTOR: No...*
No, no!*
Where are you!?*
Finally home...!*
I hope mom's okay.*
SIMON: Hello?*
Who is this?*
VOICE: Follow the path of inequity.*
Yield not to the light,*
darkness is your new master.*
SIMON: What?!*
VOICE: The number... Remember the number, and you shall proceed.*
SIMON: What the fuck are you talking about?! I need help, please!*
VOICE: 5...2...4...7*
SIMON: God damn it! Help me!*
Huh? It's delivered to me? I wonder what's inside.
Where am I?
SPEAKER: The train to Norcastle is delayed due to a signal malfunction.*
Please stand well clear of the platform and the gates,*
as the next train is not for public use.*
DAVID: Wow, you ok?*
SIMON: ...What the fuck?*
DAVID: Sorry man, I'm fucking stoned.*
SIMON: Oh you're gonna regret this.*
You're gonna regret this BIG TIME!*
DAVID: Ooh shit!*
SIMON: Come back here! Come back!*
That is one creepy fucking painting.*

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