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Link 1


Consequence for Billapong P/L:-

When Goods sold by Billapong P/L in the month of October:-

Billapong P/L had offered the products to surfs up P/L in the long stretch of October and remembered
for GST obligation for the period of October and paid GST subsequently.

When Goods returned by the surfs up P/L in the month of December:-

In the period of December when Surf Up P/L returned defective surfboards it gave credit note to
Billapong. When billapong recevied credit note it diminished its GST Obligation for such credit note from
the GST Risk for the long stretch of december.

Consequence for Surf Up P/I:-

When Goods purchased by Surfs Up P/L in the month of October:-

At the point when surfboard were bought in the long stretch of October it booked Info Tax reduction on
370 surfboards bought and balanced the equivalent from yield GST obligation.

When Goods returned to the Billapong P/L in the month of December:-

At the point when Surf up P/L returned 14faulty surfboards to Billapong P/L it gave a credit note to
Billapong P/L and it will turned around its GST input Tax break in the period of December for the
products bought in the long stretch of october and returned in the period of December.

=link 2

The case of Californian Copper Syndicate v Harris

Considering the issue of the realisation of a capital asset and whether the benefit from the offer of a
property to be misused for its minerals was assessable as ordinary income or capital in nature.

NOTE: Dear student please leave an upvote, it will be a great appreciation for enhancing my subject
knowledge thank you so much for being a good learner, happy chugging

Link 3

This case considered the issue of the realisation of a capital asset and whether or not the profit from the
sale of a property to be exploited for its minerals was assessable as ordinary income or capital in
nature.With this case the major agenda of the company was to get the land,which comprised copper
.Nevertheless,it fail to mine copper.Consequently,the company sold off the land to another company-
recieving share using the name of the later company.The court alleged the sale of land as income in
general.Everytime the main agenda of the company was to gain revenue accuring from the sale of the
lands.Hence this was a normal situation of the tariff payer and income in general.

Link 4


1) E(x) = mean = sum(xi) / n = 65.9

Arrange the value in the ascending order, as shown below

45, 53, 54, 61, 61, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 67, 68, 69, 71, 71, 76, 78, 81, 83

Median = {(n+1)/2)th} value = 66.5


Mode = highest frequency of value = 61


First quartile = = {(n+1)/4)th} value = (20+1)/4 = 5.25 th = (5th+ 6th )/2 = (61+61)/2= 61

Third quartile = = {(3)/4)*(n+1)} value = (20+1)*(3/4) = 15.75 th = (15 th+ 16th )/2 = (71+71)/2= 71


90th Percentile:

First of all we have to sort all the observation in ascending order as we have done in the above question

Compute the position L =(K/100)*N, Where N is the total number of observation.

L=(90/100)*20 = 18

The 90th Percentile = 78

Link 5


Here we have two variables

X = Graph of Age

Y = Answer (Yes/NO)

1) Now we have to prepare joint probability table

Age Limit YES NO ∑Yi/N
23 and under 207/2018 201/2018 408/2018
24 to26 299/2018 379/2018 678/2018
X 27 to 30 185/2018 268/2018 453/2018
31 to 35 66/2018 193/2018 259/2018
36 and over 51/2018 169/2018 220/2018
∑Xi/N 808/2018 1210/2018 2018/2018 = 1
Every column represent joint probability for example

P(X= 27, Y = YES) = 207/2018



Here student apply more than 1 university

So Y= yes and X=24.26

So P(X=29-26, Y= Yes) = 299/2018 = 0.1481


If and only iff X and Y independent

P(X=Xi , Y = Yj) = P(X= Xi). P/y = Yj

Now for X = 23 and under and Y= Yes

P(X=Xi) = 408/2018 = 0.2022

P(y = Yes) = 808/2018 = 0.4004

And P(X= 23 and under, Y= yes) = 207/2018 = 0.1026 …………………………………………… (1)

P(X= 23 and under x P/y= yes) = 02022 x 0.4004 = 0.0809……………………………………….(2)

(1) and (2) are not equal so X and Y are Not Independent


We Know that

E(x) = ∑ ❑ XiPx (xi)

E(x) = 10*0.05 + 20*0.10+30*0.1+40*0.2+50*0.95+60*0.2

E(x)= 43

E(x2) = 102*0.05 + 202*0.10+302*0.1+402*0.2+502*0.95+602*0.2

E(x2) = 2050

V(x) = E(x2) – (E(x))2

V(x) = 2050 – 1849

V(x) = 201

Link 6


YES No Total
<= 23 207 201 408
24 to 26 299 379 678
27 to 30 185 268 453
31 to 35 66 193 259
>= 36 51 169 220
Total 808 1210 2018


Joint Probability = Individual frequency / total frequency

YES No Total
<= 23 0.1026 0.0996 0.2022
24 to 26 0.1482 0.1878 0.3360
27 to 30 0.0917 0.1328 0.2245
31 to 35 0.0327 0.0956 0.1283
>= 36 0.0253 0.0837 0.1090
Total 0.4004 0.5996 1.00


P(24-26 I more than 1) =P(24-26 and more than 1) / P(more than 1) = 299/808 =0.37004505

P(<=23 I more than 1) = 207/808 = 0.2562

Since, P(<=23) I more than 1) ≠ P(X<=23), So events are not independent

X P(x) X*P(X) X2*P(X)

10 0.05 0.5 5.00
20 0.10 2 40.00

30 0.10 3 90.00
40 0.20 8 320.00
50 0.35 17.500 875.00
60 0.2 12.00 720.00

P(X) X*P(X) X2*P(X)

Total Sum 1 43 2050.00

Mean = E[X] = ∑X*P(X) = 43

E[X2] = X2*P(X) = 2050.00

Variance = E[X2] – (E[X])2 = 201.00

Link 7

Given, Annual Expenditure for prescription drugs in North East region = $838

Annual Expenditure of sample for prescription drugs in Midwest Region = $745

Number of samples = 60

Population Standard Deviation = $300

a. The Hypothesis will be given by

Null Hypothesis : 

Alternate Hypothesis :   (left tail test)

Since, we have to test to determine whether the expenditure of the sample is lower in Midwest
region, the test is a one tail (left tail) test.
b. Since, population standard deviation is given and number of samples is greater than 30, we will
use the Z- Test to determine our test statistic.
c. The Z statistic is given by

X −µ
α /√ n

Plugging in the values,


X= 745, µ = 838, α = 300, n=60

300/ √ 60

z = -2.40125 ~ -2.40
The p - value calculated from z table at P(Z < - 2.40) = 0.008198
d. Since, the calculated p value (0.008198) at (z< -2.4) is less than 0.01 ( 99% significance level), we
interpret that the value is significant, and we reject the NULL Hypothesis in favour of Alternate

e. The p value in our test is significant, so we can conclude that we can reject the NULL hypothesis.
We interpret that Annual Expenditure for prescription drugs in Midwest is significantly
lower than Annual Expenditure for prescription drugs in the North East region.

Link 8


Here we have to test that

Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the mean price of gasoline for the three brands
A, B and C.

That is 

Alternative hypothesis: There is significant difference in the mean price of gasoline for the three
brands A, B and C.


Level of significance =   = 0.05

k = number of groups = 3

nA = nB = nC = 10

n = nA + nB + nC =10+10+10 = 30

Numerator degrees of freedom = k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2

Denominator degrees of freedom = n - k = 30-3 = 27

F critical value from excel using function:


= 3.354

F critical value = 3.354

We reject the null hypothesis if test statistic > Critical value

xA xB xC (xA -ẋA)2=(xA – (xB -ẋB)2=(xB – (xC -ẋC)2=(xC –

3.811)2 3.846)2 3.85)2
3.77 3.83 3.78 0.0017 0.0003 0.0049
3.72 3.83 3.87 0.0083 0.0003 0.0004
3.87 3.85 3.89 0.0035 0.000 0.0016
3.76 3.77 3.79 0.0026 0.0058 0.0036
3.83 3.84 3.87 0.0004 0.00 0.0004
3.85 3.84 3.87 0.0015 0.00 0.0004
3.93 4.04 3.99 0.0142 0.0376 0.0196
3.79 3.78 3.79 0.0004 0.0044 0.0036
3.78 3.84 3.79 0.0010 0.00 0.0036
3.81 3.84 3.86 0.00 0.00 0.0001
∑xA =38.11 ∑xB =38.46 ∑xc =38.5 ∑(xA -ẋA)2= ∑(xB ∑(xC
0.0335 -ẋB)2=0.0484 -ẋC)2=0.0382

Sample Mean:

ẋA = ∑ xA / nA = 38.11/10 =3.811

ẋA = ∑ xB / nB = 38.46/10 =3.846

ẋC = ∑ xC / nC = 38.5/10 =3.85

Grand Mean:

ẋ’ = ẋA + ẋB + ẋC / 3

ẋ’ = 3.811 + 3.846 + 3.85/3

ẋ’ = 11.507/3

ẋ’ = 3.836

Sample Variance:

S2A = ∑ (xA - ẋA)2 / nA- 1 = 0.0335/10-1 = 0.0335/9 =0.0037

S2B = ∑ (xB - ẋB)2 / nB- 1 = 0.0484/10-1 = 0.0484/9 = 0.0054

S2C = ∑ (xC - ẋC)2 / nC- 1 = 0.0382/10-1 = 0.0382/9 = 0.0042


Test Statistic:


Where MSG is the mean square between group and MSE is mean square error.

MSG = nA*( ẋA- ẋ’)2+ nB*( ẋB- ẋ’)2+ nC*( ẋC- ẋ’)2 / k-1

MSG = 10*(3.811-3.836)2 + 10*(3.846-3.836)2 + 10*(3.85-3.836)2 / 3-1

MSG = 10* 0.000625 + 10* 0.0001 + 10*0.000196 / 2

MSG = 0.00625 + 0.001 + 0.00169 / 2

MSG = 0.0046


MSE = (nA-1) * S2A + (nB-1) * S2B + (nC-1) * S2C / n - k

MSE = (10-1)*0.0037 + (10-1)* 0.0054 + (10-1) * 0.0042 / 30 – 3

MSE = 9*0.0037 + 9* 0.0054 + 9* 0.0042 / 27

MSE = 0.0037 + 0.0486 + 0.0378 / 27

MSE = 0.1197 / 27

MSE = 0.0044



F = 0.0046 / 0.0044

F = 1.045

Test Statistic = 1.045


F critical value = 3.354

Test Statistics = 1.045

Here Test statistic < F critical Value

So we fail to reject the null hypothesis



We observe that there is no significance difference in the mean price of gasoline for the three brands A,
B and C

Link 9



SS residual
A = R square = 1- = 1 – 7448393.148 / 42699148.82
SS Total

A = R square = 0.8256

B = Observations = 50

C = df of residual = 47

D = SSRegression = SStotal – SS Residual

D = 35250755.67

E = MSRegression = SSRegression / dfRegression

F = MSRegression = SSResidual / dfResidual

F = 158476.45

G = Fratio = MSRegression / MSResidual

G = 17625377.84/158476.45

G = 111.2176

H = 33.1330/3.9679

H = 8.3503


The Residual Equation is

Annual credit card charges = 1304.9048 + 33.1330 * income + 356.2959 * household size

Now the estimated annual credit card charges = 1304.9048 + 33.1330* 40000 +356.2959 * 3 =

Link 10

t Y t*Y t^2
1 17000 17000 1
2 18000 36000 4
3 19500 58500 9
4 22000 88000 16
5 21000 105000 25
6 23000 138000 36
Total 21 120500 442500 91

From above graph

∑t = 21

∑Y = 120500

∑tY = 4425000

∑t2 = 91

Y = a+bt

b = n∑tY - ∑t ∑Y / n∑t2 – (∑t)2

b = 6*442500 – 21000*120500 / 6*91 – (21) 2

b = 1185.714

a = ∑Y - b∑x / n

a = 120500 – 1185.714*21 / 6

a = 15933.33

Ft = 15933.33 ≠ 1185.714

For October t=7

Ft = 15933.33 + 1185.714*7

Ft = 24233.328


Forecast = [0.2*19500 + 0.3*21000 +0.5*23000] = 22200

Difference = 2423.238 – 22200 = 2033.328


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