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A Person Who Has Made a Difference

Abraham Lincoln Nelson Mandela

Albert Einstein Muhammed Ali

Isaac Newton Princess Diana

Malala Yousafzai Oprah Winfrey

Steve Jobs Bill Gates

Princess Diana

Worked at a nursery school Participated in charity activities

Wanted to be a ballerina Transformed the global and social fashion environment

Fashion icon Supported the youth from developing countries

Her favorite color is pink Her favorite designer was Catherine Walker

Her style is followed nowadays Encouraged people to involve in charity projects

Princess Diana

Worked at a nursery school Participated in charity activities

Wanted to be a ballerina Transformed the global and social fashion environment

Fashion icon Supported the youth from developing countries

Her favorite color is pink Her favorite designer was Catherine Walker

Her style is followed nowadays Encouraged people to involve in charity projects

Princess Diana: Someone Who Made a Difference
Princess Diana was one of the most influential members of the British royal family in the
20th century, and she made a difference in two ways.
A. Participated in charity activities.
. Supported the youth from developing countries.
. Encouraged people to involve in charity projects.
B. She became a fashion icon.
. Her style is followed nowadays.
. Transformed the global and social fashion environment.
Shuaia Alsubaie

Writing 2

February 6, 2021

Princess Diana: Someone Who Made a Difference

Princess Diana was one of the most influential members of the British royal

family in the 20th century, and she made a difference by actively participating in

charity activities and becoming a fashion icon for several generations of people

around the world. Princess Diana actively supported the youth from developing

countries by assisting in providing them with shelter, food, and employment

opportunities. Subsequently, she expanded her charity projects to address the

growing health concerns in different parts of the world, such as HIV/AIDS,

cancer, and leprosy. Such activities have encouraged other people to increase

their involvement in charity projects with the main focus on challenges

experienced by people in developing countries. Regarding her fashion style,

Princess Diana was successful in selecting the original colorful clothes for

demonstrating her warmth and empathy to other people. In addition, Princess

Diana used her wardrobe to show her appreciation to the host nation during her

overseas trips, and this style is largely followed nowadays by members of the

royal families and first ladies of different countries. Thus, Princess Diana has

radically transformed the global social and fashion environment by formulating

new priorities to be followed.

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