Political Internet Memes On Corruption Issue Surrounding The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

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Layes, Catherine P. & Sarinopia, Feline Joy M. Email address: cathlayes@gmail.


Semester: 1st semester S.Y.: 2020-2021

Political Internet Memes on Corruption Issue Surrounding the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation


Keywords : Political memes, Philhealth, Political Discourse Analysis


Political memes became a medium of discourse in online discussions and social media. People are
active to shared posts and exchange opinions about the issue. Biologist Richard Dawkins coined the
term “meme” to describe a theoretical self-replicating unit of cultural transmission that spreads by
imitation. Examples of memes presented by Dawkins include “tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes
fashions, ways of making pots or building arches” (p.192). The name “meme” was chosen due to its
similarity to the word “gene”, as well as its relation to the Greek root “meme” meaning “that which is
imitated” (p.192). According to Davison (2012 p.122) “ The Language of Internet Memes, he defines a
meme as” a piece of culture, typically, a joke, which gains influence through online transmission”.
Furthermore, the political meme is composed of words, colors, images, and animations. The political
meme contains satiric and sarcastic elements.

Nonetheless, people became aware of the political issues. People used memes to criticize the corrupt
public officials. The meme can easily catch the attention of the people about political issues. It let the
people became participative and informative about the socio-political issues. Political meme
generates an opinion of the masses and influence other ‘s perspective. Most of the time for digital
natives it acts as a primary source of information too as they turn to read more of the news based on
the memes made on it. (Liisi Lainesk, 2016). According to the study of Varona (n.d.) stated stresses
that through the memes, the people could criticize the elite “ allowing crowded or muted voices of
the masses to be heard letting them participate in “public discourse”.

Moreover, there are government officials who practice graft and corruption. Based on the 1987
Philippine Constitution, Article XI, Section 1. “Public office is a public trust. Public officers and
employees must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility,
integrity, loyalty, ad efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. Pertierra ( 2012)
stated that unsuccessful and unfulfilled responsibilities of public officials and” in the absence of
rational explanations for the paradoxes of politics”, the people used memes as a form of criticizing the
abuse of power and authority.

This paper sought to analyze Philippine political internet memes surrounding the Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation. Specifically, the study aims to: a) identify the purpose of the meme to the
audience; b) understand the connotative meanings behind the humorous signifiers; c) discuss the
implication of the corruption in Philippine Health Insurance Corporation.


Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a qualitative analytical approach for critically describing, interpreting,
and explaining how discourses construct, maintain, and legitimize social inequalities. (Mullet, 2018.)
Critical Discourse Analysis and theories are used to understand and analyze the text and words that are
found on the political memes. The sample of content under scrutiny is selected based on popularity and
diversity. In-depth research about the past related literature is needed to analyze each detail of each
political memes. To examine how meaning is constructed, a sample of political memes based on the
likes and shares are selected for analysis.
Results and Discussion

Figure 1.v
Results and Discussion


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