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– Describe   the  types  of  people  who  tend  to  be  more  motivated  than  

– Learn  how  to  motivate  people  through  goal  setting.

– Appreciate   the  importance  of  providing  feedback.

– Apply  operant  conditioning  principles  to  motivate  employees.
Employee  Motivation – Discuss  the  importance  of  treating  employees  fairly.

– Identify  the  types  of  individual  and  organizational  incentives  that  

best  motivate   employees.

– Is   an  Employee   Predisposed   to   Being  Motivated?

– Are  Employees   Effectively  Involved   in   Self-­‐Regulating  
– Have  the  Employee’s   Values  and   Expectations   Been  
– It   is   the  internal force that   drives   a  worker  to   action  as  
Met? well   as   external  factors   that  encourage   that  action.

– Do  Employees   Have  A chievable  Goals? What  is  work  
– Are  Employees   Receiving  Feedback  on  their   Goal  
motivation? – Ability   and   skill   determine   whether   a  worker  can do   the  
job;   motivation   determines   whether   the   worker  will do  
– Are  Employees   Rewarded  for  A chieving  Goals? it   properly.
– Are  R ewards   and  R esources  Given   Equitably?
– Are  Other   Employees   Motivated?
– Integration   of  Motivation   Theories


– Remember  OCEAN  ( or  OCEAS)?

– Conscientiousness:   the  best   predictor   of  organizational  

Is  an  Employee   citizenship   behavior   (OCB)  and  academic  performance.
– OCB – behaviors  that  are   not  part  of  an  employee’s  job  but  
which  make   the  organization  a  better  place  to  work  (e.g.,  
Predisposed   to  Being   Personality   helping  others,  staying  late,  etc.)  

Motivated? – Stability:   most  associated   with   salary   and  setting   high  

Some   employees   come   to  most   jobs  with  a   tendency   to  be  
motivated,   while   others   come   with  the   tendency   to  be  
– Extraversion:   highly   correlated   with   number   of  
promotions   received.

– The   extent  to  which   a  person   views   herself   as  v aluable  

and  worthy   predicts   motivation.

– Consistency  theory   – employees   will   be  motivated   to  

Self  -­‐Esteem
perform  at   levels   consistent   with   their   self-­‐esteem. Intrinsic   – Work  motivation   in  the   absence   of  external  factors  
Motivation such   as  pay,  promotion,   and  c oworkers.
– Thus,   we  c an  improve   performance  by  increasing   an  
employee’s   self-­‐esteem   through
– Self-­‐esteem   workshops
– Experience   with  success
– Supervisor  behavior


– Need   for   achievement   – the  extent  to   which   a  person  

desires   to  be   successful.
– Motivated  by  jobs  that  are  challenging  &  over   which  they  
have   some  control

Needs  for   – Need   for   affiliation   – the   extent  to  which   a  person  
Are  Employees  Effectively  
Achievement   desires   to  be   around  other   people.
– Motivated  by  jobs  where  they  can  work  with  and  help  other   Involved  in  Self-­‐Regulating  
and  Power people
– Need   for   power   – the   extent  to   which  a   person   desires  
to  be   in   control  of   other  people.
– Motivated  by  a   desire  to  influence  others  rather  than  simply  
be  successful

– A  person’s   ability   to   select,  set,  and   modify   goals   to  

adapt   to  c hanging   conditions.
Have  t he  Employee’s  
– Involves:  
Self-­‐regulation – Choosing  goals  and  setting  levels  for  each  goal Values  and  Expectations  
Planning  how  to  accomplish  these  goals
Taking  action  toward  accomplishing  goals  (goal  striving) Been  Met?
– Evaluating  progress  toward  goal  attainment  and  either  
maintaining,  revising,   or  abandoning  a  goal. The   extent   to  which  we   select   a   goal   and   apply   energy   toward  
that   goal  is   influenced   by   the  discrepancy   between   what   we  
want,  value,   and   expect and  what   the  job   actually   provides.


– Job   characteristics   theory   – certain   characteristics   of  a  

job   will   make  the  job   more  or   less   satisfying,   depending  
– Remember   the  realistic  j ob  p review? on   the  particular   needs   of  the   worker.

– Employees   desire   jobs   that   are  m eaningful,  provide  

them  with   opportunity   to   be  personally   responsible   for  
Job   Job   the  outcome   of  their   work   (autonomy),  and  provide  
them  with   feedback.
expectations characteristics
– Jobs   will   have  m otivation  potential   if   they  allow  
employees   to   use  a   variety  of  skills   (skill   variety),  and  to  
connect  their   efforts   to  an  outcome   (task  identification)  
that  has   meaning,   is   useful,   or  is   appreciated   by  
coworkers   as  well   as  by  others   in   society   (task  

– ERG  Theory  (Aldefer):  

describes  three   levels   of  
Needs  Values   – Maslow’s  Needs   Hierarchy
Needs  Values   – Existence
– Relatedness
and  Wants and  Wants – Growth

– A  person  can  skip  levels   of  



– Hygiene  factors
– Two-­‐Factor  theory   – Pay
(Herzberg):  job-­‐related  factors   – Security
can  be  divided  into  two   – Coworkers
– W orking   conditions
– Company   policy
– Hygiene  f actors  – job-­‐r elated   – W ork  schedule
elements  that  result  from  but   – supervisors
Needs  Values   do  not  involve  the  job  itself.
– Motivators Do  Employees  Have  
and  Wants – Motivators – job  elements  that  
concern  the  actual  duties  
performed  by  the  employee.
Achievable   Goals?
– Independence
– Variety Goal-­‐setting – a   method   of  increasing   performance   in  which  
– Only  the  presence  of  both   – A chievement employees   are   given   specific   performance   goals   to  aim   for.
motivators  and  hygiene  factors  
can  bring  job  satisfaction. – Control
– Interesting   work

– Specific
– Measurable
Are  Employees  
Goals  should  
– Attainable   (difficult  but  attainable) Receiving   Feedback   on  
– Relevant
– Time-­‐Bound their  Goal  Progress?


– May   be  verbal   or  nonverbal

Are  Employees  
– Best  increases   performance  when  positive  and  informational  
rather  than  negative  and  controlling Rewarded  for  Achieving  
– Must  be  given  when  employees   do  things  properly,  not  just  when  
they  make   mistakes.
Use   of  operant   conditioning  in   rewarding   employees

– Motivation   is   a   function  of   expectancy,  instrumentality,  

and  v alence
1. Timing  o f  the  i ncentive
Factors  to   2. Contingency  o f  consequences
– Expectancy:   if  an   employee  believes   that  no   matter  
consider  in   3. Type  o f  incentive  u sed  (Premack principle,   how   hard  he   works   he  will   never  reach  the  necessary  
financial  rewards,  recognition,  travel) level   of  performance,  then  his   motivation   will   probably  
determining   Expectancy   be  low.
effectiveness   4. Use  o f  individual-­‐b ased  vs.  g roup-­‐b ased   theory
of  incentive   – Instrumentality:   employees   will   be   motivated  only   if  
5. Use  o f  positive  i ncentives  (rewards)   vs.  
programs negative  incentives  (punishment)
their   behavior   results   in   some   specific   consequences.

6. Fairness  o f  the  reward  system  (equity)

– Valence:  the  reward  must   be   something   the   employee  


– A  theory   of  job   satisfaction   stating   that   employees   will  

be  satisfied   if   their   ratio   of  effort  to   reward  is   similar   to  
that  of   other  employees.

Are  Rewards  and   – Inputs – the  elements   that   employees   put   into   their  
jobs   (e.g.,  time,  effort,  education,  experience).
Resources  Given   Equity  theory
– Outputs – what  employees   get  from  their   jobs   (e.g.,  
Equitably? pay,  benefits,   challenge,  responsibility)

– Input/output   ratio   – ratio   of  how   much  employees  

believe   they  put   into   their   jobs   to   how   much  they  
believe   they  get   from  their   jobs.  

– When   an  employee’s  
– When   an  employee’s   outputs   are  greater   than  
inputs   are  greater  than   his   inputs  
his   outputs   (overpayment),  he:
(underpayment),  he:
Equity  theory – Is  less   likely   to  be  
persuaded  by  his  
Are  Other  Employees  
– Works  less   hard
– Becomes   more  selfish
– Has   lower  job  
underpaid  peers
– Does   not  feel  guilty Motivated?
– Works  harder
satisfaction Employees   observe   the   levels   of  motivation   and  satisfaction  
– Becomes   more  team   of  other  employees   and   then  model   those   levels.


– Discrepancy  and   needs   theories:   we   will   be   motivated  

if  the   job   itself   and   the  organization   meet  our  
expectations   and   values  and   satisfy   our   needs

– Goal-­‐setting   theory:  employees   who   have,  understand,  

Let’s  review   and  agree   to  goals   will   be   more  motivated   than  those  
Integration   of   the  theories  of  
without   or  with   unclear  goals.

Motivation  Theories motivation – Expectancy  theory  &  goal-­‐setting   theory:  goals   must  
be  c hallenging   but   reasonable

– Operant   learning   and   expectancy  theories:  extrinsically  

motivated   people   will   be  more  motivated   if   behavior  
results   in  a   reward.

– Operant   learning   plus   discrepancy  theory,  needs  

theories,   and   Premack principle:   rewards   must   have  
value  to   the  employee   to   be  motivating.   Because  
different   people   value  different   rewards,   care  must  be  
taken  to   ensure   that  a  v ariety  of   rewards   are  available.
Let’s  review  
the  theories  of   – Equity   theory:  rewards   that   are  v alued   will   be  
work   motivating   only   if   they  are  given   in   an  equitable   way.  
Perceptions of  equity   are  as   important   as   the  reality of  
motivation equity.

– Social   influence   theory:  if   other  employees   are  

motivated,  there   is   an  increased   probability   that   we  
will   model   their   behavior  and   be  motivated.

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