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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI- Western Visayas

Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

Barangay Profiling
Barangay Purok Uno,
San Joaquin, Iloilo

Submitted by:
Feline Joy M. Sarinopia
AB Political Science III A

Submitted to:

Mr. Jonald B. Dorado

Philippine Local Administration and Governance
Course Instructor

I. Background of the Barangay

Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

Purok Uno is situated at the western shoreline of the municipality of San Joaquin. The
distance from the municipal hall is 17 kilometers and 53 kilometers from Iloilo Provincial Capitol.
Further, it can be found in Purok Uno, the Campo Santo which was declared National Museum
of the Philippines as National Cultural Treasure last December 2015.

Nevertheless, it is divided into 3 sitios: Cabitoonan, Ngalay-ngalay, and the Poblacion

proper. Sitio Cabitoonan derived its name from a star(bitoon). According to a resident of the
place, it was named Cabitoonan because there was a time in daylight when the old folks can
see a star shining in the sky.On the contrary, Sitio Ngalay-ngalay derived its name from a steep
hilly place wherein anyone who walks up this place will find themselves tired and breathless
(mangalay ang lawas) upon reaching the top. Thus, it was called Ngalay-ngalay.

Additionally, Purok 1 has a total land area of 54.21 has. Or 542.100 It consists of
0-25% mountains, valley, and plateau and 26%-50% of plain and hills. Furthermore, the
distribution of land use is mostly residential which is 85%, commercial 10%, and 5% of
agricultural use. Moreover, it is composed of 297 households and a total population of 1,346.
The community is composed of few middle-income families, with the majority of its population
is low-income status. With an average income per household of 15,000 pesos. The source of
income is mostly fishing, farming, and business. Also, the religion is mostly Roman Catholic
which consists of 98.31%, Iglesia ni Cristo is 0.33%, Jehovah's Witness is 0.33%, and 1.01%
Baptist. The language predominantly spoken is Kinaray-a. In terms of health, there is a low
percentage of malnourished children which is 2.02%. There is one clinic present in the
barangay. On the other hand, there is two school building present in the barangay, one daycare
center, and one secondary school which is Don Felix Serra National High School. The students
are enrolled in both public and private elementary, secondary school, state, and universities. On
the contrary, the kinds of shelter, the permanent (concrete, woods, and G.I. sheet) is 33.39%,
semi-permanent (wood and G.I. sheet) is 33.67%, and temporary (bamboo,sawali, and nipa) is
24.58%. Also, the settlement of the dispute is through the Lupong Tagapamayapa. While the
wedding celebration is by church and civil. On the other hand, Purok Uno’s patron saint is
Señora de Lapaz Y Buen Viaje while the patronal fiesta is held every 24th of May. Furthermore,
the establishment present at the barangay is fifteen banks and financial/ lending institutions,
three auto supply and motor parts, two restaurant/ food stalls, and two computer shops.
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

Finally, the major drinking water source is a deep well and the energy source is electricity.
Besides, the existing non-governmental organizations in the barangay are UNBOUND and
Christian Children’s Fund, Inc. .

II. Officials of the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan

SECTION. 387. Chief Officials and Offices. - (a) There shall be in each Barangay a Punong
Barangay, seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay members, the Sangguniang Kabataan chairman, a
Barangay Secretary, and a Barangay treasurer.

The elective barangay officials are the Punong Barangay, regular Sangguniang
Barangay members and Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman. Barangay Purok 1 is headed by
Barangay Captain Mario P. Sansolis. It is composed of seven Sangguniang Barangay members
namely Elisie S, Serrato, Poe S. Sarabia, Herminio J. Malco, Napoleon C. Secondes, Richard S.
Nacion, Rodel G. Sañada, and Edwin G. Calopez. On the other hand, the Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairman Christine Joy S. Dipus.

Punong Barangay Mario P. Sansolis as the local chief executive of the barangay. He
administers and governs the barangay events and projects. Nevertheless, the seven barangay
councils have their own designated committee’s chairmanship. First, Sangguniang Barangay
Elsie S. Serrato is the chairperson of the Committee on Women and Family. Her responsibility
is to make sure that women and children are protected with fair and equal rights. Second,
Sangguniang Barangay Poe S. Sarabia is chairperson of the Committee on Peace and Order
and Committee on Environment. He crafts policies for the protection and preservation of the
environment and peace within the barangay. Third, Sangguniang Barangay Hermninio J. Malco
leads the Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries. He asks and checks the farmers and
fisherfolks on what are the needed materials for their farming. On the other hand, if there is a
pest-related problem he consults the Municipal Agriculture Officers. Fourth, Sangguniang
Barangay Napoleon C. Secondes headed the Committee on Infrastructure. He proposes in the
Sangguniang barangay the infrastructures that are needed for the development of the
barangay. Fifth, Sangguniang Barangay Richard S. Nacion is the chairperson of the Committee
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

on Human Rights and Social Services. His responsibility is to protect the inhabitants from
violating their human rights and give them equal access to social services. Sixth, Sangguniang
Barangay Rodel G. Sañada is the chairperson of the Committee on Health and Sanitation and
Committee on Education. He spread genuine information about health and education.
Seventh, Sangguniang Barangay Edwin G. Calopez is the chairperson of the Committee on
Appropriation. He is in charge of appropriating the allocation of barangay funds in various
barangay programs. Lastly, Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman Christine Joy S. Dipus headed
the Committee on Sports and Development. With the help of her Sangguniang Kabataan
members namely, Ms. Cyden Mae E. Gustilo, Ms. Jessamar S. Serdeña, Mr. Jeremy Miles A.
Isiderio, Ms. Mary Grace S. Serrano, Ms. Jelyn B. Puga, and Ms. Dulcee Kate O. Emboltura.
They organize sports leagues and other activities for the good of the youth of Barangay Purok

Moreover, the appointed officials are Barangay Treasurer and Barangay Secretary, the
treasurer is Salvacion M. Denolo and the secretary is Ma. Femi S. Nacion. They are both assist
the barangay officials to deliver better services for their constituents. Nevertheless, other
appointed barangay officials are the peacemakers, barangay health workers, and barangay
service point officers, and barangay nutrition scholars. Peacemakers help maintain the peace
and order of the barangay. On the other hand, the BSPO and BNS assess the health and
sanitation of the inhabitants.

III. The Powers, Duties, and Functions of the Barangay Officials

Punong Barangay Mario P. Sansolis do his duties and responsibilities effectively. He
enforces the laws and ordinances passed by the Sangguniang Bayan of San Joaquin. For
instance, San Joaquin is a coastal municipality in the Province of Iloilo. The Republic Act 8550
also known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 mandates all the coastal municipalities to
enact ordinances that will address the sustainable management, utilization, development, and
conservation of the municipal waters and its coastal fishery resources. As stated in the Local
Government Code of 1991 the managing, conserving, protecting, and utilizing of municipal
waters and fisheries resources is a responsibility of municipal government. With this, the
Sangguniang Bayan Members passed Ordinance No. 07-2009 or “MARINE SANCTUARIES
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

stated that the purpose is to promote the conservation of marine resources and protect marine
habitats and aquatic resources from all forms of illegal fishing and other harmful activities,
rehabilitate degraded marine resources and support the fish population through the regulation
of fishing activities. On the other hand, Barangay Purok Uno has one existing marine
protected area which is Tambi- Tambi Marine Sanctuary. With these, Punong Barangay
Sansolis has implemented the ordinance. Logically, the Punong Barangay is the nearest person
in authority and knows what are the social activities of his constituents with regards to coastal
preservation. This is for the protection of the coastal area because this is where the people get
their livelihood. Furthermore, during the annual fiesta, the Punong Barangay assist the LGU
San Joaquin by placing and requesting the barangay peacemakers to roam around within the
barangay proper. Further, Punong Barangay Sansolis is presiding over the monthly session of
the barangay. He gives equal rights and obligations to his barangay kagawads. He observes the
principles of parliamentary procedures during their monthly barangay session. During
emergencies and calamities, Punong Barangay Sansolis manages to maintain the safety of his
constituents. Specifically, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a COVID-19
positive in our barangay. Moreover, some people are discriminating and throwing stones at the
houses of the COVID-19 patient. Consequently, he commanded his barangay peacemakers and
barangay kagawads to put barricades to the corner of the streets. This is to regulate the
positive person and his/her family to go out with their home, likewise, the other people to come
inside. To inhibit the above-mentioned incident to happen again. Furthermore, he enforces
regulations to preserve and protect the environment. Some sanctions and penalties given to
the person caught littering wastes and cutting trees. On the contrary, he applied all the
provisions stated in Chapter 7 of the Local Government Code of 1991. Lastly, there is a summer
league every year in cooperation with Sangguniang Kabataan. This summer league aims to
develop camaraderie, sportsmanship, and enhance the talent of the youth. Hence, the youth
will not join the activities that will hinder their better future.

Nevertheless, the seven barangay members are Elisie S, Serrato, Poe S. Sarabia,
Herminio J. Malco, Napoleon C. Secondes, Richard S. Nacion, Rodel G. Sañada, and Edwin G.
Calopez. They did their duties and responsibilities following the Local Government Code of
1991. They enact the annual and supplemental budget of the barangay. They promote the
general welfare of their constituents, in particular, during the general community quarantine
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

they distributed groceries and sanitizer kits from the barangay fund and donations from Mrs.
Merrieam Suarez. Furthermore, they enact an annual and supplemental budget. They assist
Punong Barangay Sansolis in implementing the programs and activities such as Limpyo Iloilo.
Nevertheless, they renovate the chapel, barangay plaza, barangay hall, and daycare center with
the barangay fund. They practice “dagyaw” or “Bayanihan” when there is someone who needs
help especially at a funeral wake or building a home. Also, when there are family conflict or
accident, the barangay members act as a peace officer while waiting for the presence of the
police. On the contrary, the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson Christine Joy S. Dipus
implemented activities and programs such as the dear letters project and mural painting.
Moreover, the “Dear Letters Project” aims to give awareness about mental health by written
letters. While mural painting activity aims to encourage women and showcase the youth’s
talent. Also, she joins the session with barangay officials and barangay activities. Nevertheless,
both the appointive secretary and treasurer are responsible and active in doing their duties and
responsibilities. Additionally, she helps the barangay officials in the activities and programs of
the barangay.

However, the barangay officials of Barangay Purok Uno can effectively perform their
powers, duties, and responsibilities. First, the barangay officials were able to read sections
389,391, and 392 of the Local Government Code of 1991. Also, the seminars and training of the
Department of the Interior and Local Government and other government agencies that they
have attended and helped them on how to become an effective leader. Then, there is a
barangay action plan, which states the program and projects that must be implemented, the
person-in-charge-, purpose of the project, the time frame, and the budget allotted. With these,
they could know the development of their local governance. Next, the barangay fund, which
made the projects and programs implemented. The implemented barangay projects show that
the barangay officials are working their responsibilities. Since the formulation of the barangay
ordinances up to implementation needs collective action. Fourth, transparency, the barangay
financial statement is being announced during the barangay assembly. Additionally, the
publicity of the barangay activities through Facebook had made the inhabitants aware that the
barangay officials are doing their part as a public servant. Sometimes, the people would think
that barangay officials are lazy or irresponsible because they are unaware and did not see it
personally. Finally, people’s participation is important because it will determine the programs
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

needed and the success of the program. Additionally, it shows the effectiveness of the barangay
officials to implement the programs and services of the government.

IV. Katarungang Pambarangay

I know that Katarungang Pamabarangay is existing and active in doing their

responsibilities. The Lupong Tagapamayapa is consists of Punong Barangay and 10 members.
The members of lupon come from the professional sector, lay minister, and retired teachers
within the barangay. Moreover, the members of Lupon Tagapamayapa is Mr. Bernardo Napano,
Ms.Ofelia Corcolia, Mr. Samson Galilea, Mr. Noe Secondes, Mrs.Ma. Teresita Dalisay, Mr.
Domingo Nacion, Mr. Victorino Setubal, Mr. Teresito Sedano, Ms. May Crespo, and Ms. Rosario
Sariego. They are all qualified since they are bona fide residents and have ideas about human
nature. Also, I saw the notice to constitute the lupon in barangay hall, daycare center, and
barangay chapel.

Moreover, I experienced how the Katarungang Pambaragay works. Last year, my family
and my father’s sisters had a family dispute. However, my father’s sister sent me every day
infuriating messages which I felt anxious, harassing, and it is not good for my inner peace. I
don’t reply to their messages and blocking them on Facebook and Messenger wasn’t enough.
Nevertheless, I decided to settle it in legal ways. At first, I thought it was a cybercrime, so I
went police station, but, the police officer told me to go to the barangay because the complaint
is not worst and it is under the jurisdiction of the Punong Barangay. Further, the incident record
form from the San Joaquin Municipal Police Station was given to me and I gave it to the Punong
Barangay. Additionally, the Punong Barangay received a copy of the incident form and
immediately called the barangay secretary to send the summon to my father’s sister. The
secretary set a schedule and after two days, I and my father’s sisters were called to settle the
dispute. Further, the summon contains the name of the province, municipality, barangay, name
of the complainant, respondent, the place, time of settlement, and with the attached name and
signature of the Punong Barangay. On the contrary, the barangay secretary sent me a letter
which stated the venue and time of arbitration Moreover, during the mediation at the barangay
hall of Purok 1, the present persons are Punong Barangay Sansolis, Barangay Kagawad Poe S.
Sarabia, and Barangay Secretary Ma. Femie Nacion. The Punong Barangay asked me first about
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

the issue. Furthermore, I stated what is the issue, the reason, and my point of view.
Nevertheless, the defendants were asked about their point of view. Also, there was a rebuttal
after each of us has been stated our point of view. After hearing both sides, the Lupong
Tagapamayapa Chairman gave options on how to settle our dispute. Next, the Punong
tagapamayapa requested the Lupong Tagapamayapa secretary to record and print what was
agreed by both parties. Lastly, the agreement paper contains the date, agreed solution which
was in Kinaray-a, the signature of both parties, and Punong Barangay’s signature. Nevertheless,
some cases are referred to as Pangkat ng Tagapagsundo if the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa failed
settled the dispute. On the other hand, Pangkat ng Tagapagsundo composes of three members
of Lupong Tagapamayapa, with who the parties can choose and agree. However, if both
Lupong Tagapamayapa and Pangkat Tagapagkasundo were failed to settle, the Lupon Secretary
or Pangkat ng Tagapagsundo with the attestation of Lupon Tagapayamapa or Pangkat ng
Tagapagsundo will issue a certificate to file an action in court.

V.Recommendations and Conclusion

Progress in barangay has no assurance despite the barangay officials are been sitting
in their positions for a long time. First, Punong Barangay Sansolis is sitting in his barangay
position since 1990, however, during the end of his term there is someone who is his alliance
inherits his position. Also, some Sangguniang Barangay officials made his /her position a
livelihood. There are many Lakbay-Aral, conventions, and training attended by these barangay
officials but there is no application of what they have learned and experience. It is mostly short
term projects like clean and green activity, feeding program, making lanterns, and renovation of
barangay structures.
The Punong Barangay and with his Sangguniang barangay can initiate long term
programs such as livelihood program for his unemployed constituents. Despite there is a
livelihood program but the impact is short term. Additionally, he can use the best practices of
other barangays such as squash noodle making and crafting recyclable products. This livelihood
program can sustain the daily necessity of the inhabitants and this is to teach them not to
depend on the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program of the government. Then, improve the
Material Recovery Facility and strengthen the waste management information awareness of the
barangay. This will diminish the dengue cases and pollution to the environment. The fund for
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

the said program needs collective action of Barangay officials, NGO’s and the people of Purok
Furthermore, they should train the barangay officials on how to use technologies and
social media. Sometimes, the delivery of information is slow because the barangay officials
depend only on one person which is the barangay secretary or treasurer. Through social media,
they could create a Facebook page wherein they can create announcements and ordinances.
This is to make sure that the inhabitants are aware of what are the policies and municipal
ordinances. The programs need people’s participation to be successful and effective. After the
implementation of the projects, there must be a post-evaluation. The evaluation would be the
basis of whether the project is effective or failed. Sometimes, barangay officials forget to
evaluate the result of the program. They just accomplishing what has been stated in the action
plan without having a second thought to evaluate it.
Moreover, for Sangguniang Kabataan, there must have a long term project such as
peer tutorial, leadership training program, and economic program for the youth. Specifically, the
peer tutorial aims to teach children ages 5-12 years-old. These include reading, writing, and
arithmetic. The persons involved are the Sangguniang Kabataan officials, Baranggay officials,
and the parents. Next, the Sangguniang Kabataan will have a tutorial every Saturday and
Sunday from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the barangay hall. The Sangguniang Kabataan should
have the lists of names of the students residing in the barangay. Also, the Sangguniang
Kabataan will provide the paper, pencil, notebook, and other educational materials that are
needed for the tutorial. On the other hand, the barangay officials’ role is to help disseminate the
information and motivate the parents to allow their children to participate in the said activity.
Additionally, the parents should be willing to cooperate and support the project of the
Sangguniang Kabataan.
On the contrary, I observe that not all youth in our barangay have the opportunity to
attend leadership training and programs. Then, the Sangguniang Kabataan officials didn’t share
what they have learned and experience during their seminars and convention. They just took
pictures of themselves for publicity and nothing follows. Also, there is stereotyping when it
comes to choosing the person who will attend the training. Specifically, the “out-of-school youth
is not capable to lead” mindset. Nevertheless, the leadership training program aims to produce
responsible, effective, and better Filipino citizens.
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

The persons in charge are Sangguniang Kabataan officials and bona fide youth of Purok
Uno. This could be done twice a year while they can get their financial support for the training
from their SK fund and donations from the people of Purok Uno. The leadership training must-
have lecture about the 1987 Philippine Constitution, parliamentary procedure, and others
related to leadership. Nevertheless, Sangguniang Kabataan officials must also know how to
formulate policies and implement them effectively. As what West Visayas State University
College of Arts and Sciences Dean Ma. Elfleda Ecube told us “Always do what is right and you
will never go wrong.” Consequently, the youth will be aware of what are their rights and legal

Furthermore, the economic program purpose is to help the youth to ease the economic
burden. The Sanggunian Kabataan could facilitate the establishment of SK Negosyo within the
barangay. Then, the persons involved are Sangguniang Kabataan officials, Baranggay officials,
and the youth of Purok 1. The SK could sell artworks, foods, clothes, and flowers. They could
use social media as a platform to disseminate information about their business. On the other
hand, many potential youths waiting to be discovered and motivate by their fellow youth.

The Sangguniang Kabataan should not be limited to movie marathons, sports leagues,
or beauty pageants. Short term project doesn’t have a long-term effect on the community.
People would remember who won or who participated in the sports league and beauty pageant
but they don’t care what was its impact. Also, the Sangguniang Kabataan was labeled as the
training ground for the future leaders but prone to the political intervention of the traditional
politicians. The youth must prove that they are the future of the Motherland.

Nonetheless, the patron-client relationship, elite democracy, and patrimonialism are still
relevant at the barangay level. The elective barangay officials are hesitant to report the
anomaly and corruptions of those in the higher positions because they are afraid that they
cannot get projects and funding. Furthermore, the projects and programs cannot be effectively
implemented because of the control of the traditional politicians. The social services and
programs are used as the political machinery of the officials. However, some barangay officials
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

are just good when the election is getting near. Moreover, the barangay officials should be
accountable and responsible in doing their duties and responsibilities. Public officials should not
compromise the public interest for their interests.

Barangay Officials in Action

Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

Barangay Purok Uno’s Annual Budget F.Y. 2020

Supplemental Budget Series of 2019

Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, 5000

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