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1. In the Philippines there was no teacher preparation since the Spanish regime.

the statement CORRECT? – Understanding

A. No. C. There was but informal

B. Yes. D. There was and for men only.

2. Which is the first legal document that professionalized teaching in the Philippines?
– Remembering

A. RA 7836 C. RA. 9192

B. PD 1006 D RA. 8981

3. Did teacher preparation in the Philippines begin with 4 years? - Remembering

A. Yes. C. No.

B. Yes, 4 years but informal D. No, it began with 1 year

10 Do’s and Don’ts
1.Move Around the Class 1. Don’t send your pupils to the Head
Effective use of space in the classroom Teacher
helps you to develop your presence as a Doing so could have negative
teacher and to effectively manage student effects on how students feel about
behavior. you. It can weaken your influence in
the classroom.
2.Try Non- Verbal Cues 2. Don’t let pupils shout out answers
Non-verbal cues can help you make Clearly explain to your students how
positive impressions and gain students’ and why hand-raising is beneficial
trust. The use of eye contact is considered and fair for everyone in the
the most powerful method of non-verbal classroom.
3.Introduce structure to your classroom 3. Don’t make tests too difficult
Providing structure in the classroom is a If the whole classroom underperforms
key component for successful teachers. on a hard test, students might assume
Students feel safer in a structured class that your teaching isn’t efficient.
and that helps in maximizing learning
4.Control your emotions 4. Don’t try to be their friend
Shouting is a normal reaction for every This is a line teachers shouldn’t
teacher, however controlling your voice cross as the outcome might be very
and using it wisely can effectively complicated. They might assume
encourage pupils to behave better. that you are equal in the classroom.
5.Always plan ahead 5. Don’t dress casually
Planning ahead will to maintain Not looking professional is risky as
sanity and most importantly the students might not treat you as a
students will enjoy a stress-free teacher if you don’t look like it.
learning environment.
Article II

1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are nurseries for? Why are schools called the
“nurseries of the citizens of the state?”

Nurseries are the place of the future citizens of the state. Schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the
state” because it is the place where the citizens are taught by the educators. The educators are the one who
nourish and develop the national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance
to the constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state

2. “Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to
transmit to learn such heritage.” In what ways can teachers do this?

The teacher can transmit cultural and educational heritage through teaching them the significant values to the
lives of every people. Through innovative ways such as using social media to advocate the heritages. For
example, students can upload photos of heritages that they choose and encourage them to put their
reflections. Also, engaging the students to the real life scenario such as bringing them to museums and
historical heritages. And showing them movies that promotes the cultural and educational heritages.

3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote national pride and cultivate
love of country?

The professional teacher can help to uplift patriotism through instilling them on how to be a good
citizen of the country. Being good citizen by respecting the people who are in authority, upon
hearing the national anthem they should stop and sing it with full pride. And develop the national
identity of children and let them realize the importance of obeying the rule of law of the state.
4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally, and morally fit?

To ensure that the teacher is physically, mentally, and morally fit. The employer must require the teacher a
health clearance from the person with authority.

5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violate Section 5, Article II.

Section 5, Art. II
A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious or other partisan
interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or
service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.

1. The teacher become a partisan member of political party during an election period.
2. When a teacher gives high grades to the student because of receiving bribe from the
parents of his/her student.
3. The teacher solicits money from her colleagues for the expenses of her vacation.

6. How can a professional teacher violate Sec. 6 and Section 7 of Article II?

Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and

Section 7. A teacher shall not use his /her position or facial authority or influence to coerce
any other person to follow any political course of action.

The above mentioned can be violate if the professional teacher refuses to do his/ her
duty. Using his/her authority to enforce rules which is outside the school jurisdiction, that
caters his/her personal interest.
7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom mean? Is this academic freedom

Academic freedom is a freedom of teachers, students, and academic institutions to pursue

knowledge wherever it may lead, without undue or unreasonable interference. It involves the freedom to
engage in the entire range of activities involved in the creation of knowledge. On the other hand,
academic freedom is not absolute. It must be exercised within the law and in accordance with the
collective agreement. Teachers cannot simply teach anything they want. The lessons to be teach to the
students must be vetted and approved by departmental heads. Also, teachers cannot humiliate students,
discriminate and harass their students. The teacher should observe code of conduct. These code of
conduct is the basis whether the teacher’s act is ethical, moral and legal. Ethical, moral and legal aspects
have considerations like the assessment, basis and punishments.

Explain how professional teachers should relate to the state, community and parents
all education stakeholders.
Professional teacher is the trustee of the state to develop and nurture the children for the betterment of
the community. The teacher is the one who molded the future leader and to be a good citizens of the society.
It is expected among teachers to deliver an efficient, effective and quality education among learners.

Teacher and community

The teacher must be the good role model to the people in the community. People think that teachers are role
model because they are called professionals. She must understand the culture and customs of the
community where she belongs. With these, she can have a sympathetic attitude and to prevent to describe
the community as weak and unimportant. The teacher is the bridge to enlighten the people in the community.

Teacher and parents

Parents trust the teachers to teach their children with quality education. In order to have a harmonious
relationship, the teacher and parents must respect each other. Teachers must inform parents, through
proper authorities of the development of their learners. Also, teachers shall hear the parent’s complaints
with sympathy and understanding and shall discourage biased criticism.

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