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Virtual Hand notes for

Updated as on 24th June 2021
Steps to be followed:

❖ When you are assigned with an Induction, the first step is to

Upload the Resume, Questionnaire, written test and Signed offer
letter in the Signed Agreement folder.

❖ Pathway to upload:

HR India - Team folder - Signed Agreement - Tech Interns -

Candidate Folder (newly joined intern) (inside this folder all the
candidate files would be there)

❖ It is mentioned as follows in the images below

Step 1: Click on the Bitrix 24 Drive
Step 2: Click on HR – India folder
Step: Select your respective teams folder from team A to I
Step 4: Select the Signed Agreement folder
Step 5: Select the respective position of the candidate for whom you
have been assigned with the Induction
Step 6: Create a folder on the candidates name under the
selected position
Step 7: Upload the candidates Resume, Questionnaire, Signed
offer letter and Resume under this folder. Copy the above Link.
Sending Bitrix Invite Request
❖ The Bitrix invite request for the candidates has to be sent to Angelina
Shaji (Country TL) on Bitrix.

❖ The request has to be sent in the following format:

Candidate’s Name – Manan Bhavin Sanghavi

Candidate’s Email ID –
Candidate’s Country – India
Position Applied – Social Media Marketing Intern
Starting Date of Intern – 26/07/2021
Signed Agreement Link -

The above link mentioned will be the link that was copy pasted after
uploading all the files of the candidate
❖ Once the Invite request has been sent to the Country TL, it
might take 2 to 3 days for the candidate to receive the

Until then, please be in touch with the candidate and inform

them to check their inbox regularly and not to accept the

The process of conducting the Induction process is explained

in the below slides.
Conducting an Induction
Before the Induction Starts
- Make sure that the candidate has received the Bitrix24
- Inform the candidate not to accept the invitation until the
- If the candidate doesn’t find the Bitrix24 invitation, ask
them to check in all the folders on mail, including the
- Inform the Candidate to join the Induction call through laptop
or PC alone and not through phone.
- Ask the Candidate to star the email and save it
Message that can be sent to the Candidate before Induction
Hey! Hope you are doing good.!!...

You will receive an email stating that, "You've been invited to Bitrix24" and
the email ID from which you will receive is ""

Kindly have a check at this email and please star and mail alone. DO NOT

Kindly have a look at your spam folder too and check for this email.
GAO Tek - the company name will not be mentioned in this email. Please note
that too. It will be a Bitrix 24 Invitation.

Hoping to see you soon on-board!!..

Intern name
At the Beginning of the Induction

1. Ask the candidate to share the screen, go to mail and open the
Bitrix24 invitation and accept it.
2. In the details while registering, ask the candidate to provide the
same mail ID which he earlier gave us.
3. Suggest the candidate to bookmark the page to easily access it in the
4. Explain the candidate the use of Bitrix24 platform.
5.Open the “My profile” tab and update the profile of the candidate.
6. The fields to be mandatorily updated are: Name (WESTERN for Indian
candidates), Position, Sex, DOB, city, hiring date, site (Skype ID),
About me, Interests and a Professional Profile Picture.

7. Once updated the profile, save it.

8. Explain the candidate about how to use clock-in/out. Tell
the candidate that they have Break option. Inform that the
total Working time should be more than the total Break time
for a day.

9.Inform the candidate that they can Clock-in and Clock-out

only once in a day and Clock-out should be done before
midnight for a day.

10.Inform the candidate to log in even on sundays, but

recording the time of 5-10 mins could be enough on that day.

11.Send the template/format for the Daily report and ask

them to use it for that day and can modify in future
according to their daily works.
12. Explain them the places, where the daily reports are to be
saved in Bitrix –

(1) Daily Summary (Clock in/out area),

(2) Workgroup: “HR - Interns & Staff” Bitrix group
(3) Team A – I – “HR – India” – Sub TL name and Country TL Bitrix

Example: Team G - "HR India" - Perla Mackenzie, Angelina Shaji

13.Orally explain the candidates how to locate and use the drive
(creating folders, etc) (it could help them in future)

Note: The other groups/drive places will be told to them by their

respective TLs
14. Show the candidate the chat area and send the candidate a
message over Bitrix and show them the message
functions.Instruct the candidate to check notifications and other
15. YOU NEED NOT LINK THE “Do Not Use this Chat Anymore” drive
folder from the notifications panel to the profile, because we
are not using it anymore.

16. Make sure the candidate is very clear about everything.

17.If everything’s good, You can ask the candidate to repeat
what they’ve understood and also if time permits, share your
screen to give them an idea on how you do it everyday. Then
end the call, and you can gear up to create the Intro Chat.
18.Make sure that you clear all the doubts of our interns
who’re shadowing.
In a Gist!!! – Make Sure all these were explained and
1. Same mail ID use – Ensure the Candidate uses the same mail ID provided to
the company while logging into Bitrix.
2. Bookmark the Page
3. Notifications – Explain how it’s used, while tagged
4. My profile – Set the profile
5. Clock in and Clock out Section
6. Drives and Folders – Usage and importance
7. Daily Report – Updating in 3 places
8. Messages – How chats and groups work
9. Using Mobile App – Convey to download Skype and Bitrix 24 App on mobile
10. Intro Chat – Inform them on creating the Management chat and it’s need
Creating the Intro Chat
Intro Chat for Indian Applicants
1. Always choose a “private chat”, when creating an intro chat.

2. For any position, Add the Candidate, Country TL(Angelina Shaji),

Respective Sub - TL(From Team A to I), Amie Singh, Respective Assistant-HR-
Managers (according to your respective teams allocation)and Singto Mato (for
allocation of groups) to the intro chat.

3. Add the respective Assistant HR Managers:

Team A and B - Tina-Assistant-HR-Manager2

Team C and D - Noel-Assistant-HR-Manager14
Team E and F - Insha-Assistant-HR-Manager13
Team G, H and I - Kaisley-Assistant-HR-Manager10

4. After adding them, check whether all the people are added in the chat.
(including you).

5. Type a short welcoming message- “Everyone, @candidate’s name, is joining

the team”
Note: Until you type a message and press the enter, the chat
would not be created.
-Do not create intro chats after 10.00 PM

-If you are not able to add the candidate in the beginning , do so
after the chat has been created.

-Kindly recheck if all the participants above are added !!!

Intro Chat for US/Canadian Applicants
1. Always choose a “private chat”, when creating an intro chat.

2. For any position, Add the Candidate, Country TL of USA (Marco Dominguez-
Vera and Morgan McDonald) or Country TL of Canada (Sahibjot Maan),
Respective Sub - TL(From Team A to I), Amie Singh, Respective Assistant-HR-
Managers (according to your respective teams allocation) and Singto Mato (for
allocation of groups) to the Intro chat.

3. Add the respective Assistant HR Managers:

Team A and B - Tina-Assistant-HR-Manager2

Team C and D - Noel-Assistant-HR-Manager14
Team E and F - Insha-Assistant-HR-Manager13
Team G, H and I - Kaisley-Assistant-HR-Manager10
4. After adding them, check whether all the people are added in the chat.
(including you).

5. Type a short welcoming message- “Everyone, @candidate’s name, is joining

the team”
Note: Until you type a message and press the enter, the chat
would not be created.
-If you are not able to add the candidate in the beginning , do so
after the chat has been created.

-Kindly recheck if all the participants above are added !!!

-Do not create intro chats after 10.00 PM


Bitrix Name:
6. Once the chat is made, please Original Name:
click on the title to change it. Designation:
Format must be:
Contact No:

Candidate’s Bitrix name - Position - Skype ID:

LinkedIn ID
(Eg:- Mike Chawla - HR Intern - INDIA) Loca tion:
Start date:
7. Upload the Intro chat Last date of Inteínship:
credentials in the format given
- Gender:
on the right side which should be
- Qualifications: (your major and degree):
collected before/during Induction!
- Academic (your college):
8. Upload the candidate’s
- Native Language:
Resume, Questionnaire, Signed
offer Letter and the written - Location of the Elementary Education:
- Position Applied:
(No written test document for HR Intern, Chinese speaking Intern and Graphic
design Interns)

Note- Make sure the documents uploaded are named in the

Q-NewInternBitrixname (For questionnaire)
CV-NewInternBitrixname (For CV)
SA-NewInternBitrixname (For Signed Agreement)
WT-NewInternBitrixname (For Writing Test)

##That’s all if the candidate is joining for any position,

except for HR Intern##

(Please go to the next slides for further steps for HR

After Intro Chat (Only for HR Interns)
1. In addition to the intro chat, Add/Invite the candidate
to the “New HRs Team india” chat group.
2. Then send a message, “Hello @candidate’s name, Welcome on board.
You will soon be added to your respective team”

3. Megan M G and Ash Gopy will add the candidate to the respective teams

The respective Sub - TLs of teams A to I will take care of the

If you have further doubts and need more information, refer to
the files uploaded in the given link:

HR: Interview and Induction - Google Drive

The End!!!..

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