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LME monthly trading

Mar 2021

Prices - Mar 2021

Contract Offical Cash Settlement Price Official 3 Month Price
Average Low High *M/M Average Low High *M/M
change % change %
LME Aluminium $2,191.59 $2,139.00 $2,260.50 5.4% $2,212.17 $2,156.50 $2,285.00 6.1%
LME Aluminium Alloy $2,187.24 $2,041.00 $2,215.00 5.2% $2,202.57 $2,050.00 $2,235.00 4.7%
LME NASAAC $2,235.17 $2,150.00 $2,310.00 7.2% $2,253.41 $2,168.00 $2,326.00 7.7%
LME Copper $9,004.98 $8,781.00 $9,266.00 6.4% $8,988.20 $8,757.00 $9,227.50 6.5%
LME Lead $1,960.76 $1,896.00 $2,075.00 -6.0% $1,982.72 $1,922.00 $2,086.50 -5.5%
LME Nickel $16,460.74 $15,907.00 $18,655.00 -11.3% $16,506.30 $15,951.00 $18,675.00 -11.3%
LME Tin $27,396.30 $24,505.00 $30,995.00 2.5% $25,078.65 $23,031.00 $26,170.00 2.7%
LME Zinc $2,791.65 $2,734.50 $2,860.50 1.8% $2,808.54 $2,751.50 $2,873.00 1.7%
LME Cobalt $52,466.52 $50,610.00 $52,795.00 10.9% $52,317.83 $50,500.00 $52,610.00 10.9%

* Percentage change in average price from previous month

Warehouse stock movements (tonnes) - Mar 2021

Contract Delivered In Delivered Out Net Closing
LME Aluminium 752,325 179,725 572,600 1,889,400
LME Aluminium Alloy 200 0 200 1,680
LME NASAAC 980 2,540 -1,560 16,000
LME Copper 86,975 17,400 69,575 143,775
LME Lead 34,125 9,200 24,925 119,550
LME Nickel 18,138 9,540 8,598 259,182
LME Tin 645 650 -5 1,740
LME Zinc 8,025 7,250 775 270,500
LME Cobalt 0 33 -33 294
TOTAL 901,413 226,338 675,075 2,702,121

Monthly warehouse stock movements

LME monthly trading
Mar 2021

Volumes - Mar 2021

Contract ADV (lots) ADV Y/Y change Volume Year to date Tonnes Year to Futures Market
%* (lots) date (millions) Open Interest **
Non-ferrous metals (futures,traded options and TAPOs)
LME Aluminium 249,967 -26.9% 14,800,733 370 853,329
LME Aluminium Alloy 41 -70.1% 1,465 0 133
LME NASAAC 72 -83.5% 4,059 0 537
LME Copper 118,763 -28.0% 8,296,510 207 365,668
LME Lead 37,503 -30.8% 2,392,912 60 114,860
LME Nickel 66,441 -36.7% 4,401,591 26 238,201
LME Tin 3,562 -35.0% 282,732 1 12,835
LME Zinc 77,995 -34.8% 5,242,363 131 261,548
LME M A Futures*** 216 -42.2% 18,360 0 7,738
LMEminis 0 - 0 0 0
LME Premiums 0 - 0 0 0
LME Aluminium Premium Duty Paid 3 - 667 0 324
US Midwest (Platts)
Minor metals (futures)
LME Cobalt 2 -33.3% 442 0 82
Ferrous (futures)
LME Steel Rebar 235 -4.5% 14,571 0 682
LME Steel HRC N. America (Platts) 65 364.3% 4,468 0 634
LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus) 250 -38.6% 14,552 0 2,235
LME Steel Scrap 1,091 -11.4% 82,487 1 7,486
Precious (futures)
Total 556,206 -29.9% 35,557,912 798 1,866,292
Total (excl. UNA) 534,010

* Percentage year-on-year change between current month and corresponding month in the previous year.
**Last trading day of month
***LME Monthly Average Futures include contracts for aluminium, aluminium alloy, NASAAC, copper, nickel, lead, tin and zinc

Monthly Volumes & Futures Market Open Interest (MOI)

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The
past performance of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort
has been made to ensure the information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is
published "as is" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may
result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be
reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any way into another publication or other material.
LME Alumina (CRU/Fastmarkets MB basket)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $296.41
Minimum $290.36
Maximum $305.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 0

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Volume - Year To date

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $290.36

Apr 2021 $315.00

May 2021 $315.00

Jun 2021 $315.00

Jul 2021 $325.00

Aug 2021 $325.00

Sep 2021 $325.00

Oct 2021 $328.50

Nov 2021 $328.50

Dec 2021 $328.50

Jan 2022 $330.00

Feb 2022 $330.00

Mar 2022 $330.00

Apr 2022 $330.00

May 2022 $330.00

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Aluminium Alloy

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $2,187.24
Minimum $2,041.00
Maximum $2,215.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $2,202.57
Minimum $2,050.00
Maximum $2,235.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 952

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 952
Tonnes 19,040

Volume - Year To date

Lots 1,465
Tonnes 29,300

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 200
Delivered Out 0
Net 200

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 540
Delivered Out -2,200
Net -1,660

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Aluminium

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $2,191.59
Minimum $2,139.00
Maximum $2,260.50

Official 3 Month Price

Average $2,212.17
Minimum $2,156.50
Maximum $2,285.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 5,486,990

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 5,749,251
Tonnes 143,731,275

Volume - Year To date

Lots 14,800,733
Tonnes 370,018,325

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 752,325
Delivered Out -179,725
Net 572,600

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 980,425
Delivered Out -431,550
Net 548,875

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Aluminium Premium Duty Paid US Midwest (Platts)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $390.17
Minimum $358.31
Maximum $415.64

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 67

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 67
Tonnes 1,675

Volume - Year To date

Lots 667
Tonnes 16,675

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $415.64 8

Apr 2021 $479.59 1 25

May 2021 $479.59 60

Jun 2021 $478.49 11 52

Jul 2021 $446.51 11 27

Aug 2021 $446.51 12 28

Sep 2021 $446.51 12

Oct 2021 $429.98 36

Nov 2021 $429.98 36

Dec 2021 $423.91 12 20

Jan 2022 $402.41 4 4

Feb 2022 $402.41 4 4

Mar 2022 $402.41 4 4

Apr 2022 $402.41 4 4

May 2022 $402.41 4 4

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Aluminium Premium Duty Unpaid European (Fastmarkets MB)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $143.60
Minimum $132.00
Maximum $153.87

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 0

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Volume - Year To date

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $153.87

Apr 2021 $162.75

May 2021 $162.75

Jun 2021 $162.75

Jul 2021 $148.75

Aug 2021 $148.75

Sep 2021 $148.75

Oct 2021 $148.75

Nov 2021 $148.75

Dec 2021 $148.75

Jan 2022 $148.75

Feb 2022 $148.75

Mar 2022 $148.75

Apr 2022 $148.75

May 2022 $148.75

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $54,308.73
Minimum $53,284.77
Maximum $55,513.36

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 0

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Volume - Year To date

Lots 0
Tonnes 0

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $53,284.77

Apr 2021 $53,489.77

May 2021 $53,694.77

Jun 2021 $53,899.77

Jul 2021 $54,104.77

Aug 2021 $54,309.77

Sep 2021 $54,514.77

Oct 2021 $54,719.77

Nov 2021 $54,924.77

Dec 2021 $55,129.77

Jan 2022 $55,334.77

Feb 2022 $55,539.77

Mar 2022 $55,744.77

Apr 2022 $55,949.77

May 2022 $56,154.77

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Cobalt

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $52,466.52
Minimum $50,610.00
Maximum $52,795.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $52,317.83
Minimum $50,500.00
Maximum $52,610.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 36

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 36
Tonnes 36

Volume - Year To date

Lots 442
Tonnes 442

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 0
Delivered Out -33
Net -33

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 0
Delivered Out -157
Net -157

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Copper

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $9,004.98
Minimum $8,781.00
Maximum $9,266.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $8,988.20
Minimum $8,757.00
Maximum $9,227.50

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 2,664,552

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 2,731,547
Tonnes 68,288,675

Volume - Year To date

Lots 8,296,510
Tonnes 207,412,750

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 86,975
Delivered Out -17,400
Net 69,575

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 115,850
Delivered Out -77,875
Net 37,975

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Lead

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $1,960.76
Minimum $1,896.00
Maximum $2,075.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $1,982.72
Minimum $1,922.00
Maximum $2,086.50

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 820,505

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 862,577
Tonnes 21,564,425

Volume - Year To date

Lots 2,392,912
Tonnes 59,822,800

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 34,125
Delivered Out -9,200
Net 24,925

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 40,500
Delivered Out -54,125
Net -13,625

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Molybdenum (Platts)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $12.06
Minimum $11.73
Maximum $12.45

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 0

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 0
Pounds 0

Volume - Year To date

Lots 0
Pounds 0

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $11.75

Apr 2021 $11.05

May 2021 $11.05

Jun 2021 $11.05

Jul 2021 $11.05

Aug 2021 $11.05

Sep 2021 $11.05

Oct 2021 $11.05

Nov 2021 $11.05

Dec 2021 $11.05

Jan 2022 $11.05

Feb 2022 $11.05

Mar 2022 $11.05

Apr 2022 $11.05

May 2022 $11.05

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $2,235.17
Minimum $2,150.00
Maximum $2,310.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $2,253.41
Minimum $2,168.00
Maximum $2,326.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 1,645

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 1,645
Tonnes 32,900

Volume - Year To date

Lots 4,059
Tonnes 81,180

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 980
Delivered Out -2,540
Net -1,560

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 2,540
Delivered Out -7,340
Net -4,800

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Nickel

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $16,460.74
Minimum $15,907.00
Maximum $18,655.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $16,506.30
Minimum $15,951.00
Maximum $18,675.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 1,463,056

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 1,528,137
Tonnes 9,168,822

Volume - Year To date

Lots 4,401,591
Tonnes 26,409,546

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 18,138
Delivered Out -9,540
Net 8,598

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 28,692
Delivered Out -17,490
Net 11,202

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $714.02
Minimum $686.00
Maximum $733.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 5,660

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 5,760
Tonnes 57,600

Volume - Year To date

Lots 14,552
Tonnes 145,520

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $725.35 468 5

Apr 2021 $795.00 611 408

May 2021 $780.00 3,622 1,243

Jun 2021 $761.00 415 101

Jul 2021 $749.00 219 83

Aug 2021 $740.00 121 55

Sep 2021 $726.00 44 88

Oct 2021 $712.50 47 105

Nov 2021 $704.00 82 86

Dec 2021 $698.50 84 52

Jan 2022 $694.50 32 7

Feb 2022 $690.50 9

Mar 2022 $689.00 6 2

Apr 2022 $686.00

May 2022 $686.00

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Steel HRC N. America (Platts)

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $1,278.85
Minimum $1,252.00
Maximum $1,296.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 1,497

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 1,497
Short tons 14,970

Volume - Year To date

Lots 4,468
Short tons 44,680

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume Endof Month MOI

Daily Settlement
Mar 2021 $1,295.50 167 73

Apr 2021 $1,344.50 155 32

May 2021 $1,320.00 78 25

Jun 2021 $1,297.00 194 45

Jul 2021 $1,214.00 175 75

Aug 2021 $1,189.00 135 79

Sep 2021 $1,137.00 138 66

Oct 2021 $1,027.00 178 86

Nov 2021 $965.00 100 72

Dec 2021 $933.00 49 49

Jan 2022 $917.00 66 13

Feb 2022 $901.00 14 9

Mar 2022 $897.00 31 7

Apr 2022 $889.00 17 3

May 2022 $889.00

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Steel Rebar

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $634.38
Minimum $622.00
Maximum $656.50

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 5,394

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 5,394
Tonnes 53,940

Volume - Year To date

Lots 14,571
Tonnes 145,710

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume End of Month

Daily Settlement MOI
Mar 2021 $628.22 358 73

Apr 2021 $646.00 3,987 118

May 2021 $646.00 182 98

Jun 2021 $645.00 122 52

Jul 2021 $644.00 180 38

Aug 2021 $635.00 151 34

Sep 2021 $625.50 65 29

Oct 2021 $625.00 107 42

Nov 2021 $621.00 85 78

Dec 2021 $617.00 52 67

Jan 2022 $617.00 42 13

Feb 2022 $615.00 12 21

Mar 2022 $613.50 24 17

Apr 2022 $611.00 27 2

May 2022 $611.00

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
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inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Steel Scrap

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Front Month
Average $445.49
Minimum $430.00
Maximum $474.50

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 24,434

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 25,088
Tonnes 250,880

Volume - Year To date

Lots 82,487
Tonnes 824,870

Prompt Month End of Month - Volume End of Month

Daily Settlement MOI
Mar 2021 $436.33 912 67

Apr 2021 $465.50 13,447 2,255

May 2021 $475.00 8,218 1,093

Jun 2021 $472.00 441 573

Jul 2021 $476.50 369 535

Aug 2021 $479.00 273 575

Sep 2021 $464.00 231 539

Oct 2021 $456.00 274 502

Nov 2021 $452.00 254 489

Dec 2021 $448.00 213 247

Jan 2022 $442.00 34 185

Feb 2022 $439.00 48 226

Mar 2022 $437.50 50 188

Apr 2022 $435.50 324 12

May 2022 $435.50

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $27,396.30
Minimum $24,505.00
Maximum $30,995.00

Official 3 Month Price

Average $25,078.65
Minimum $23,031.00
Maximum $26,170.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 80,990

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 81,927
Tonnes 409,635

Volume - Year To date

Lots 282,732
Tonnes 1,413,660

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 645
Delivered Out -650
Net -5

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 1,945
Delivered Out -2,065
Net -120

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.
LME Zinc

Monthly Overview - Mar 2021

Official Cash Settlement Price

Average $2,791.65
Minimum $2,734.50
Maximum $2,860.50

Official 3 Month Price

Average $2,808.54
Minimum $2,751.50
Maximum $2,873.00

Volume (Excl UNA) - Mar 2021

Lots 1,721,469

Volume - Mar 2021

Lots 1,793,877
Tonnes 44,846,925

Volume - Year To date

Lots 5,242,363
Tonnes 131,059,075

Warehouse stock - Mar 2021

Delivered In 8,025
Delivered Out -7,250
Net 775

Warehouse stock - Year to date

Delivered In 114,125
Delivered Out -45,700
Net 68,425

© The London Metal Exchange - An HKEX Company. 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ
The information contained within this presentation is for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. The past performance
of any commodity, derivative or other product referred to in the presentation cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information is up-to-date and correct, the LME cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate and free from human error. The information is published "as is" without any warranty of any
kind, express or implied, as to accuracy of the information and the LME shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the presentation as a consequence of any
inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information which it may contain. The information may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any
way into another publication or other material.

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