Report GESS 6

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Several Professions already existed

Now, we will talk about how several professions already existed in pre-colonial Philippines. As
we all know the Philippines is an agricultural country that made the ancient Filipinos a
predominant in agriculture with large tracts of land having both animal and crops. This made
them self-sufficient in terms of food and this is when several professions existed that created a
well-rounded society. So, what professions existed during precolonial? Aside From (bullet form
on ppt) hunting, fishing, mining, seafaring and weapon making. The Philippines having such a
resource rich country, also excelled in several other professions like weaving, textile making,
tin smithing, creating musical instruments, and carpentry. With these it made them produce a
lot of items such as pots , jewelry, and clothing that they could use and trade in because it is
highly-sought in other countries. This as well made the Philippines one of the richest and most
skilled pre-colonial settlements known to man. That is why many foreigners came to settle
within the Filipinos because of their skill-set and their friendly and honest lifestyle.

2. Islam was the major religion

The next topic that we will talk about is Islam as the major religion in pre-colonial Philippines.
Islam is said to be the oldest single religion to ever exist in pre-colonial Philippines that
attributed to the trade relations between the ancient Filipinos and Muslim traders from The
Persian Gulf and other surrounding areas. This happened in the 14th century and rapidly spread
to the rest of the country with a major concentration of Muslims in the southern region of
Mindanao. The greatest warriors in terms of fighting against the west and general colonization
were the Muslims such as the tribe of Rajah Sulayman who was the Muslim Rajah (leader) of
Manila and the tribe of Datu Lapu lapu of Cebu which is known as “Tausug” muslims where
most people believed that the Tausug is the first group of Filipinos who have resisted against
colonizers. These tribes are considered as the deadliest and most fearless warriors of ancient
Filipinos. In the present day, Islam is currently a religion practised by 6% of the Philippine
population where most of them is residing in the southern islands of Mindanao, Sulu, and
Palawan. And the rest are  Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism where they are now taking a
big chunk of the current Philippine population.

It is evident that the average ancient pre-colonial Filipino was a person with a strong and rich
culture, well-endowed intellect with a high level of professionalism and skill. With such large
tracts of well-endowed land, an honest society with equality, religion, and diversity that was
embraced rather than shunned.

Datu Lapu Lapu Rajah Sulayman

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