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Company Fundamentals - Financial Summary

Company Name Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk PT (KIAS.JK)

Country Indonesia
TRBC Industry Group Homebuilding & Construction Supplies
CF Template Industrial
Consolidation Basis Consolidated
Period Annual
Export Date 15-04-2020
Statement Data 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018
Period End Date
12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Period Length
31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2012 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018
Statement Date
Original Original Reclassification Original Original Restatement Restatement Original Original Original
Update Type
Standardized Currency
Reporting Currency
Thousands Thousands Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Millions Millions Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling)
Reporting Unit
31-03-2010 30-03-2011 28-03-2013 28-03-2013 01-05-2014 31-03-2016 31-03-2017 31-03-2017 29-03-2018 29-03-2019
Source Date
31-03-2010 12:00 30-03-2011 12:00 02-04-2012 12:00 28-03-2013 12:00 01-05-2014 12:00 31-03-2015 12:00 31-03-2016 12:00 31-03-2017 12:00 29-03-2018 12:00 29-03-2019 22:31
Original Announcement Date
Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
Complete Statement
Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update
Flash Update
Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated
Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi
Auditor Name Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto

Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified
Auditor Opinion
Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian
Acc. Std
Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross
Template Type Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit

Financial Summary - Standardized (Currency: As Reported)

FCC Field Name 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Selected Income Statement Items

Tot Rev from Biz Activ 359,944 582,296 650,547 780,234 910,846 898,977 800,392 863,715 810,064 875,963

Gross Profit - Ind/Prop - Tot 71,876 106,828 106,873 129,560 171,088 136,633 -54,280 -52,161 2,779.0 -1,881.3
Op Profit Bef Non-Recur Inc/(Expn) 62,806 70,323 52,554 69,070 94,257 70,488 -185,000 -163,935 -95,347 -91,576

85,762 113,417 100,802 137,243 173,602 182,502 -83,276 -57,629 11,072 9,087.7

Inc Bef Disc Ops & Exord Items 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

Selected Balance Sheet Items

12,803 3,226.8 7,064.5 31,614 15,691 13,727 14,273 8,961.0 9,384.2 7,612.3
SCAE Cash & Cash Equiv

12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2 7,612.3
SCSI Cash & ST Invst
Tot Assets 1,320,516 1,266,122 2,049,633 2,143,815 2,270,905 2,268,247 2,083,770 1,859,670 1,767,604 1,704,425

552,128 680,709 784,396 0 20,000

SLSD Debt - Tot

149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,317,791
SQCM Com Eq - Tot

Selected Cash Flow Items

Net Cash Flow from Op -39,887 36,857 39,280 131,132 202,177 51,976 -56,750 25,239 -17,869 -19,688

3,977.9 24,463 26,353 96,615 63,917 98,996 86,337 46,051 8,223.9 5,239.6

Net Chg in Cash - Tot 1,818.0 -9,576.0 67,338 84,049 135,077 -69,164 -165,754 -20,812 -24,576 -1,771.9

-44,254 12,289 11,899 32,822 131,376 -89,780 -170,821 -21,393 -28,901 -26,417

Selected Per Share Data

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1.5%

DivYieldI Div Yld - Com Stock - Issue

2.65 1.34 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97
SDCOC EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items, Com - Tot

10,313 10,875 8,425.0 13,628 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929
SDWSC Shares Used to Calc Diluted EPS - Tot

Profitability / Return

20.0% 18.4% 16.4% 16.6% 18.8% 15.2% 6.8% 6.0% 0.3% 0.2%
RGRPM Gross Profit Margin - %

23.8% 19.5% 15.5% 17.6% 19.1% 20.3% 10.4% 6.7% 1.4% 1.0%

17.5% 12.1% 8.1% 8.9% 10.4% 7.8% 23.1% 19.0% 11.8% 10.5%
ROPMAR Operating Margin - %

8.2% 1.3% 3.3% 8.2% 11.7% 10.8% 22.8% 19.2% 11.7% 10.9%
RIBTM Inc Bef Taxes Margin - %

4.6% -118.4% 11.4% 29.4% 17.7%

RINTR Inc Taxes Rate - %

7.8% 2.7% 3.1% 9.1% 8.3% 8.9% 18.1% 29.2% 10.5% 9.0%
RNIMAR Net Margin - %

3.3% 1.2% 1.9% 1.4% 5.8% 3.1% 11.0% 1.8%


20.1% 6.8% 3.2% 4.8% 3.6% 3.9% 7.4% 15.1% 5.7% 5.5%
RetOnSTCSE Return On Avg Com Eq

2.6% 1.2% 1.2% 3.4% 3.4% 3.5% 6.7% 12.8% 4.7% 4.6%
RetOnTotAst Return On Avg Tot Assets
9.9% 18.1% 3.9% 3.5% 3.7%
RetOnInvestCap Return On Invst Cap

Tot Rev from Biz Activ 359,944 582,296 650,547 780,234 910,846 898,977 800,392 863,715 810,064 875,963

Op Profit Bef Non-Recur Inc/(Expn) 62,806 70,323 52,554 69,070 94,257 70,488 -185,000 -163,935 -95,347 -91,576
85,762 113,417 100,802 137,243 173,602 182,502 -83,276 -57,629 11,072 9,087.7

Inc Bef Disc Ops & Exord Items 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

2.65 1.34 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97
SDCOC EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items, Com - Tot
8,425.0 8,425.0 8,425.0 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929
STCOC Com Shares - O/S - Tot

Financial Strength / Leverage

41.8% 53.8% 38.3% 0.0% 1.2%

RTDTA Tot Debt Pct of Tot Assets
75.7% 68.2% 42.3% 0.0% 1.5%
RTDTC Tot Debt Pct of Tot Cap

312.0% 214.9% 73.3% 0.0% 1.5%

RTDTE Tot Debt Pct of Tot Eq

54,702 173,520 537,796 392,061 -13,319 -21,207 -12,014 -2,864.0 -723.3 952.3
DebtServ Debt Srvc
195.1% 1,091.0% 551.9%
DebtServ2Earn Debt Srvc Pct Of Norm After Taxes Profit

1.76 1.09 0.99 12.45 -69.02

REBITIE Intr Coverage Ratio

311.0% 325.5%
DivCover Dividend Coverage

1.00 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.69

EarnRetenRate Earn Retention Rate

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 32.2% 30.7%

PayoutRatio Div Payout Ratio

Enterprise Value Breakdown

1,095,250 791,950 631,875 2,612,593 2,314,011 2,194,578 1,343,619 1,194,328 1,493,350 1,501,683
Mcap Market Capitalization

552,128 680,709 784,396 0 20,000

SLSD Debt - Tot

27,456 35,194 71,363 73,240 78,494 78,149 59,488 46,649 41,572 37,047
STMI Minority Intr - Tot

12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2 7,612.3
SCSTI Cash & ST Invst - Tot

1,662,031 1,504,626 1,417,069 2,531,219 2,102,813 2,052,200 1,348,334 1,207,016 1,525,538 1,551,117
Ev Enterprise Value

Dupont / Earning Power

0.33 0.45 0.39 0.37 0.41 0.40 0.37 0.44 0.45 0.50
Sales2TotAst Asset Turnover

8.2% 1.3% 3.3% 8.2% 11.7% 10.8% 22.8% 19.2% 11.7% 10.9%
RIBTM Inc Bef Taxes Margin - %

2.7% 0.6% 1.3% 3.0% 4.8% 4.3% 8.4% 8.4% 5.2% 5.5%
PretaxRoa Pretax ROA
7.19 5.24 2.39 1.38 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.20 1.23 1.25
AvgTotAst2AvgToTot Assets To Tot ShareHolders Eq

19.7% 3.0% 3.1% 4.2% 5.3% 4.8% 9.6% 10.1% 6.4% 6.8%
PretaxRoe Pretax ROE

0.95 2.18 1.11 0.71 0.82

RTAXC Tax Complement
20.1% 6.8% 3.2% 4.8% 3.6% 3.9% 7.4% 15.1% 5.7% 5.5%
RetOnSTCSE Return On Avg Com Eq

1.00 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.69

EarnRetenRate Earn Retention Rate

20.1% 6.8% 3.2% 4.8% 2.5% 2.7% 7.4% 15.1%

Reinvest ReInvst Rate

20,536,187 9,959,082 -13,054,011 47,202,286 45,521,176 44,220,232 -80,959,978 -142,856,577 -51,996,938 -52,646,373
Inc2Empl Net Inc After Taxes per Emp

263,598,421 364,618,468 419,572,394 518,427,609 550,193,800 499,154,348 448,022,390 488,664,781 493,790,993 582,228,760
Sales2Empl Sales per Emp
825,838,523 793,807,070 1,360,978,048 1,425,408,833 1,256,726,569 1,263,647,153 1,171,974,128 1,058,434,832 1,159,844,820 1,147,760,659
TotAst2Empl Tot Assets per Emp


1.30 1.52 0.65 5.86 5.27 5.62 3.24 3.13 3.11 2.91
RCURR Curr Ratio
0.97 1.09 0.45 4.07 3.75 3.83 2.30 2.50 2.50 2.34
RQRAT Quick Ratio

0.09 0.14 -0.15 0.25 0.26 0.29 0.22 0.19 0.20 0.22
RWCTA Wkg Cap to Tot Assets


1.16 1.81 2.22 2.84 3.64 3.41 2.34 2.26 2.08 2.08
ActsRcxTurnover Acct Rcvbl Turnover

316.4 202.7 164.6 129.0 100.6 107.3 156.5 161.8 176.3 175.6
ReceivDays Avg Rcvbl Collect Days

3.10 3.99 5.68 8.84 10.88 10.72 10.09 10.30 9.20 9.62
PayablesTurnoverPble Turnover

118.1 91.72 64.42 41.41 33.64 34.14 36.26 35.53 39.79 38.06
PayDays Avg Pble Paymt Days

2.78 3.50 3.45 3.53 3.62 3.26 3.81 6.12 7.75 8.19
InvenTurn Invnt Turnover

131.6 104.5 106.1 103.7 101.2 112.2 95.98 59.85 47.24 44.67
InvenDays Avg Invnt Days

329.9 215.4 206.3 191.3 168.2 185.4 216.2 186.2 183.8 182.2
TrdCycle Avg Net Trade Cycle Days
Company Fundamentals - Income Statement
Company Name Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk PT (KIAS.JK)
Country Indonesia
TRBC Industry Group Homebuilding & Construction Supplies
CF Template Industrial
Consolidation Basis Consolidated
Period Annual
Export Date 15-04-2020
Statement Data 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Period End Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Period Length 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months

Statement Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2012 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Update Type Original Original Reclassification Original Original Restatement Restatement Original Original Original



Reporting Unit Thousands Thousands Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Millions Millions Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling)


Source Date 31-03-2010 30-03-2011 28-03-2013 28-03-2013 01-05-2014 31-03-2016 31-03-2017 31-03-2017 29-03-2018 29-03-2019

Original Announcement Date 31-03-2010 12:00 30-03-2011 12:00 02-04-2012 12:00 28-03-2013 12:00 01-05-2014 12:00 31-03-2015 12:00 31-03-2016 12:00 31-03-2017 12:00 29-03-2018 12:00 29-03-2019 22:31

Complete Statement Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete

Flash Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi
Auditor Name Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto

Auditor Opinion Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified

Acc. Std Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian

Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross Industrial - Gross
Template Type Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit

Income Statement - Standardized (Currency: As Reported)

FCC Field Name 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018


SNTS Rev from Goods & Srvc 359,944 582,296 650,547 780,234 910,846 898,977 800,392 863,715 810,064 875,963

SNTU Sales of Goods & Srvc - Net - Unclassif 359,944 582,296 650,547 780,234 910,846 898,977 800,392 863,715 810,064 875,963

STLR Tot Rev from Biz Activ 359,944 582,296 650,547 780,234 910,846 898,977 800,392 863,715 810,064 875,963

Operating Expenses

SCOR Cost of Op Rev 288,067 475,467 543,674 650,673 739,758 762,344 854,672 915,876 807,285 877,844

SCGS COGS - Tot 288,067 475,467 543,674 650,673 739,758 762,344 854,672 915,876 807,285 877,844

SCOU COGS - Unclassif 288,393 477,418 252,475 284,693 333,221 315,698 394,294 461,974 396,475 434,814

SACS Amort in COGS -325.2 -1,951.2

SDCS Depr in COGS 48,248 67,878 79,345 112,015 101,461 106,130 106,334 100,358

SLAC Labor & Related Expn incl Stock-Based Comp in COGS 48,446 55,868 72,736 88,607 93,034 104,452 108,722 112,302

SMAT Material Expn 194,505 242,234 254,456 246,025 265,883 243,320 195,754 230,370

SMAU Material Expn - Unclassif 194,505 242,234 254,456 246,025 265,883 243,320 195,754 230,370

SGRP Gross Profit - Ind/Prop - Tot 71,876 106,828 106,873 129,560 171,088 136,633 -54,280 -52,161 2,779.0 -1,881.3

SSGA SGA - Tot 36,031 36,233 54,319 60,490 76,831 66,146 130,484 114,275 100,073 88,135

SSGU SGA Unclassif 24,446 35,943 12,786 22,354 31,283 31,336 45,623 25,127 23,797 32,104

SLAS Labor & Related Expn incl Stock-Based Comp in SGA 19,440 20,041 23,293 13,822 33,065 57,254 64,421 45,087

SDES Depr in SGA 871.2 294.8 272.4 203.3 263.0 176.0 83.70 305.6

SSGO SGA - Oth - Tot 11,585 289.2 21,221 17,800 21,982 20,785 51,533 31,718 11,771 10,638

SADE Ad Expn 11,585 289.2 15,794 13,981 16,042 16,058 41,555 22,014 7,692.7 6,186.1

SPTX Prop & Oth Taxes 3,843.0 1,057.5 2,444.4 964.4 4,101.0 4,953.0 616.6

SRXP Rental Expn 1,584.5 2,762.0 3,495.3 3,762.1 5,877.0 4,751.0 3,461.8 4,451.8

SOIE Oth Op Expn/(Inc) - Net -26,961 272.7 236.0 -2,501.0 -1,947.0 1,559.3

SOET Op Expn - Tot 297,138 511,972 597,993 711,163 816,589 828,489 985,392 1,027,650 905,411 967,539

Operating Profit

SOPR Op Profit Bef Non-Recur Inc/(Expn) 62,806 70,323 52,554 69,070 94,257 70,488 -185,000 -163,935 -95,347 -91,576

Non-Operating Expenses

SFIE Fin Inc/(Expn) - Net - Tot -33,402 -63,040 -97,222 -7,371.0 6,628.5 19,906 2,761.0 5,370.0 -2,014.1 -3,384.3

SNII Intr Expn - Net of (Intr Inc) 35,614 64,302 51,159 -136.8 -13,319 -21,207 -12,014 -2,864.0 -723.3 952.3

SINI Intr Inc - Non-Bank 84.25 464.3 1,764.1 5,684.3 13,319 21,207 12,014 2,864.0 723.3 374.5

SIEN Intr Expn - Net of Cap Intr 35,698 64,766 52,923 5,547.4 1,326.8
SNIF Non-Intr Fin Inc/(Expn) - Tot 2,212.2 1,261.2 -46,063 -7,507.8 -6,690.8 -1,300.7 -9,253.0 2,506.0 -2,737.4 -2,432.0

SIFX FX G/(L) - Non-Biz 2,212.2 1,261.2 -46,063 -7,507.8 -6,690.8 -1,300.7 -9,253.0 2,506.0 -2,737.4 -2,432.0

SFAS Sale of Tang & Intang Fixed Assets - G/(L) 15,483 254.6 2,549.8 12,219 -7,362.0 2,650.0 -78.68

SNEI Oth Non-Op Inc/(Expn) - Tot 0 0 7,427.0 1,824.2 3,270.5 -5,877.8

SSPN Suppl Adj - Non-Op - Decr/(Incr) 499.2 436.2

SNPX Norm Pretax Profit 29,404 7,282.9 -21,758 63,778 106,706 96,735 -182,239 -165,927 -94,711 -95,039

Non-Recurring Income/Expense

Pre-Tax Income

SIBT Inc Bef Taxes 29,404 7,282.9 -21,758 63,778 106,706 96,735 -182,239 -165,927 -94,711 -95,039


STAX Inc Taxes 1,361.8 -8,621.8 -1,517.5 -7,261.5 31,346 17,095 -37,604 86,572 -9,409.7 -15,833

SCTX Inc Taxes For The Yr - Curr 0 0 26,273 20,727 0 30,009 334.4 431.5

SDTR Inc Taxes - Def 1,361.8 -8,621.8 -1,517.5 -7,261.5 5,072.5 -3,632.3 -37,604 56,563 -9,744.1 -16,264

Net Income After Tax

SIAT Net Inc After Taxes 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

After Tax Income/Expense

SOAN After-tax Adj - Oth - Inc/(Expn) - Tot 0

SICO Inc Bef Disc Ops & Exord Items 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

SIBM Net Inc Bef Minority Intr 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

SMNI Minority Intr 713.9 1,332.1 457.4 1,877.3 5,253.5 4,327.8 -8,953.0 -12,301 -4,566.9 -4,999.3

SNIC Net Inc After Minority Intr 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

Net Income

SOAJ Earnings Adj to Net Inc - Oth Expn/(Inc) 0

SNIS Inc Avail to Com Shares 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

Other Coprehensive Income

SOCS Oth Compr Inc - Starting Line -85,301 -79,206

SCPP Oth Compr Inc - Pension Related -10,665 9,751.2

SITC Oth Compr Inc - Inc Tax 2,666.3 -2,437.8

SCOP Oth Compr Inc - Net of Tax - Tot -7,998.8 7,313.4

SCIB Compr Inc Bef Minority Intr - Tot -93,300 -71,893

SCIM Compr Inc - Attrib to Minority Intr - Tot 0 473.6

SCIE Compr Inc - Parent - Tot -93,300 6,839.8

Share/Per Share - Basic

BINCC Net Inc - Basic - incl Exord Items, Com - Tot 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

SNCN Inc Avail to Com excl Exord Items 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

SBASC Shares Used to Calc Basic EPS - Tot 8,425.0 8,425.0 8,425.0 13,628 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

SBAIC EPS Basic - incl Exord Items, Com - Tot 3.24 1.73 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SBCOC EPS Basic - excl Exord Items, Com - Tot 3.24 1.73 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SBESC EPS Basic - excl Exord Items - Norm - Tot 3.49 0.86 -2.40 5.21 5.05 5.33 -9.69 -16.91 -5.71 -5.31

BINCI Alloc Net Inc incl Exord Items, Com - Issue -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

BEAFI Earnings Alloc Factor - Basic - Issue 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

SBASI Shares Used to Calc Basic EPS - Issue 8,425.0 13,628 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

SBAII EPS Basic - incl Exord Items, Com - Issue -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SBCOI EPS Basic - excl Exord Items, Com - Issue -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SBESI EPS Basic - excl Exord Items - Norm - Issue -2.40 5.21 5.05 5.33 -9.69 -16.91 -5.71 -5.31

SEPSXB EPS Basic from Disc Ops & Exord Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SCBEI Compr EPS Basic - Issue -6.25 0.46

Share/Per Share - Diluted

SCDAJ Dil Adj 0

DINCC Net Inc - Diluted - incl Exord Items, Com - Tot 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

SNCND Diluted Inc Avail to Com excl Exord Items 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

SDWSC Shares Used to Calc Diluted EPS - Tot 10,313 10,875 8,425.0 13,628 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

SDAIC EPS Diluted - incl Exord Items, Com - Tot 2.65 1.34 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SDCOC EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items, Com - Tot 2.65 1.34 -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SDESC EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items - Norm - Tot 2.85 0.67 -2.40 5.21 5.05 5.33 -9.69 -16.91 -5.71 -5.31
DINNCI Alloc Diluted Net Inc incl Exord Items, Com - Issue -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

DEAFI Earnings Alloc Factor - Diluted - Issue 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

SDWSI Shares Used to Calc EPS Diluted - Issue 8,425.0 13,628 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

SDAII EPS Diluted - incl Exord Items, Com - Issue -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SDCOI EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items, Com - Issue -2.46 5.07 4.70 5.04 -9.09 -16.09 -5.41 -4.97

SDESI EPS Diluted - excl Exord Items - Norm - Issue -2.40 5.21 5.05 5.33 -9.69 -16.91 -5.71 -5.31

SEPSXD EPS Diluted from Disc Ops & Exord Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SCDEI Compr EPS Diluted - Issue -6.25 0.46

Share/Per Share - Dividends

SDPSGI DPS - Com - Gross - Issue 0 0 0 0.24 1.55

SDPSNI DPS - Com - Net - Issue 0 0 0 0.20 1.32

SDPSNI DPS - Com - Net - Issue 0 0

EBIT/EBITDA & related

SEBIT EBIT 62,806 70,323 52,554 69,070 94,257 70,488 -185,000 -163,935 -95,347 -91,576

SEBITDA EBITDA 85,762 113,417 100,802 137,243 173,602 182,502 -83,276 -57,629 11,072 9,087.7

SEBITDAL EBITDA & Op Lease Paymt 86,724 114,454 102,387 140,005 177,098 186,264 -77,399 -52,878 14,533 13,540

Depreciation/Amortization - Income Statement

SDEA Depr & Amort - Suppl 22,957 43,094 48,248 67,878 79,345 112,015 101,724 106,306 106,418 100,664

SDPR Depr Expn - Tot - Suppl 23,282 45,045 48,248 67,878 79,345 112,015 101,724 106,306 106,418 100,664

SAMR Amort - Tot - Suppl -325.2 -1,951.2

SAMA Goodw Amort - Suppl -325.2 -1,951.2

Depreciation/Amortization - Total

STDAE Depr, Depl & Amort - Tot 22,957 43,094 48,248 68,173 79,345 112,015 101,724 106,306 106,418 100,664

STDEP Depr - Tot 23,282 45,045 48,248 68,173 79,345 112,015 101,724 106,306 106,418 100,664

STAMA Amort of Goodw - Tot -325.2 -1,951.2

Research & Development

Labor & Related Expenses

SLAR Labor & Related Expn - Tot 67,886 75,909 96,029 102,428 126,099 161,706 173,143 157,390

SVLAR Labor & Related Expn - Suppl 67,886 75,909 96,029 102,428 126,099 161,706 173,143 157,390

Auditor Fees


SNAT Norm After Taxes Profit 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

SNCO Norm Net Inc from Cont Ops 28,042 15,905 -20,240 71,039 75,360 79,641 -144,635 -252,499 -85,301 -79,206

SIBL Norm Net Inc - Bottom Line 27,328 14,573 -20,698 69,162 70,107 75,313 -135,682 -240,198 -80,734 -74,207

SNEBIT EBIT - Norm 65,018 71,584 29,401 63,641 93,387 75,528 -194,253 -168,791 -95,434 -94,087

SNEBITDA EBITDA - Norm 87,975 114,679 77,649 131,814 172,732 187,543 -92,529 -62,485 10,984 6,577.0



SROL Rental/Op Lease Expn 961.6 1,036.8 1,584.5 2,762.0 3,495.3 3,762.1 5,877.0 4,751.0 3,461.8 4,451.8

SADV Ad Expn - Suppl 11,585 289.2 15,794 13,981 16,042 16,058 41,555 22,014 7,692.7 6,186.1

SCREV COGS incl Op & Maint (Util) - Tot 288,067 475,467 543,674 650,673 739,758 762,344 854,672 915,876 807,285 877,844

SCOGXD COGS excl Depr 288,393 477,418 495,426 582,795 660,413 650,329 753,211 809,746 700,951 777,486

SINTEX Intr Expn 35,698 64,766 52,923 5,547.4 1,326.8

SOPEX Op Expn 297,138 511,972 597,993 711,163 816,589 828,489 985,392 1,027,650 905,411 967,539

SGAXRD SGA excl R&D Expn 36,031 36,233 54,319 60,490 76,831 66,146 130,484 114,275 100,073 88,135

Company Fundamentals - Balance Sheet
Company Name Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk PT (KIAS.JK)
Country Indonesia
TRBC Industry Group Homebuilding & Construction Supplies
CF Template Industrial
Consolidation Basis Consolidated
Period Annual
Export Date 15-04-2020
Statement Data 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Period End Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Statement Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2011 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Update Type Original Reclassification Original Original Reclassification Restatement Restatement Original Original Original



Reporting Unit Thousands Thousands Thousands Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Millions Millions Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling)


Source Date 31-03-2010 02-04-2012 02-04-2012 28-03-2013 31-03-2015 31-03-2016 31-03-2017 31-03-2017 29-03-2018 29-03-2019

Original Announcement Date 31-03-2010 12:00 30-03-2011 12:00 02-04-2012 12:00 28-03-2013 12:00 01-05-2014 12:00 31-03-2015 12:00 31-03-2016 12:00 31-03-2017 12:00 29-03-2018 12:00 29-03-2019 22:31

Complete Statement Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete

Flash Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi
Auditor Name Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto
Unqualified with Unqualified with
Auditor Opinion Unqualified
Explanation Explanation
Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified

Acc. Std Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian

Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial - Industrial -
Template Type Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated

Balance Sheet - Standardized (Currency: As Reported)

FCC Field Name 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Current Assets

SCSI Cash & ST Invst 12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2 7,612.3

SCAE Cash & Cash Equiv 12,803 3,226.8 7,064.5 31,614 15,691 13,727 14,273 8,961.0 9,384.2 7,612.3

SSTI ST Invst - Tot 63,500 123,000 274,000 206,800 40,500 25,000 0

SCLR Loans & Rcvbl - Net - ST 339,821 305,000 280,174 269,929 230,820 296,488 387,881 375,932 404,457 436,172

SANR Trade Acct & Trade Notes Rcvbl - Net 339,292 304,748 268,123 267,022 227,668 294,542 387,039 371,461 399,189 427,959

SARG Trade Acct & Trade Notes Rcvbl - Gross 344,949 310,386 274,267 267,022 227,668

SPDA Prov - Trade Acct & Trade Notes Rcvbl 5,656.9 5,637.3 6,143.2 0

SROT Rcvbl - Oth - Tot 529.2 251.4 12,050 2,906.4 3,152.0 1,946.5 842.0 4,471.0 5,268.0 8,212.6

SINY Invnt - Tot 129,945 141,484 173,820 194,893 214,185 253,388 194,888 104,655 103,728 110,534

SIRM Invnt - Raw Materials 97,506 94,921 115,238 135,075 139,531 140,764 118,728 102,627 100,585 105,589

SIWP Invnt - Work in Progress 7,209.3 7,337.6 8,013.3 8,590.4 9,485.4 12,787 14,497 8,856.0 9,104.5 8,363.5

SIFG Invnt - Fin Goods 25,230 39,225 39,532 44,262 61,107 99,838 71,928 11,772 11,773 10,486

SIOT Invnt - Oth - Tot 11,036 6,966.1 4,061.1 -10,265 -18,600 -17,734 -13,905

SPPD Prepaid Expn - ST 29,332 50,838 45,771 16,858 5,980.6 24,227 35,727 5,113.0 9,887.2 6,138.3

STCA Tot Curr Assets 511,902 500,548 570,329 636,294 740,676 794,630 673,269 519,661 527,456 560,456

Non-Current Assets

SILT Invst - LT 0 15,409 13,879 9,859.7

SNVP Invst Prop - Net 0 15,409 13,879 9,859.7

SPPE PPE - Net - Tot 783,275 762,798 1,299,659 1,328,355 1,458,988 1,414,912 1,338,674 1,265,476 1,169,622 1,075,042

SPXE PPE - excl Assets Leased Out - Net - Tot 783,275 762,798 1,299,659 1,328,355 1,458,988 1,414,912 1,338,674 1,265,476 1,169,622 1,075,042

SLSN Land & Build - Net 746,835 837,429 903,669 819,177 803,368 788,171 765,997

SNLI Land/Improv - Net 471,045 495,999 495,912 495,912 495,912 495,912 495,240

SBGN Build - Net 275,790 341,430 407,757 323,265 307,456 292,260 270,758

SMEN Plant, Machinery & Equip - Net 537,711 596,790 452,639 449,310 433,996 376,565 304,254

STEN Transport Equip - Net 5,548.3 3,901.1 7,280.1 1,015.0 77.00 16.21 7.50

SCPN Constr in Progress - Net 41,058 23,899 53,818 66,781 24,949 2,651.8 3,382.9

SOPN PPE - Oth - Net 2,751.3 869.9 4,785.9 3,406.0 3,163.0 2,233.5 1,407.9

SPPC PPE - Gross - Tot 1,236,463 1,260,892 1,845,619 1,937,418 2,145,094 2,265,867 2,338,115 2,364,861 2,366,079 2,369,711

SPXC PPE - excl Assets Leased Out - Gross 1,236,463 1,260,892 1,845,619 1,937,418 2,145,094 2,265,867 2,338,115 2,364,861 2,366,079 2,369,711

SLSC Land & Build - Gross 269,504 271,082 845,702 865,289 976,824 988,291 994,518 1,000,638 1,007,608 1,007,142

SLIC Land/Improv - Gross 87,392 88,282 451,998 471,045 495,999 495,912 495,912 495,912 495,912 495,240
SBGC Build - Gross 182,112 182,800 393,704 394,244 480,825 492,379 498,606 504,726 511,696 511,902

SMEC Plant, Machinery & Equip - Gross 498,057 765,079 980,542 1,012,305 1,123,620 1,201,645 1,254,187 1,315,402 1,331,715 1,334,966

STEC Transport Equip - Gross 21,531 22,606 26,864 26,955 25,147 23,313 14,316 10,776 8,991.7 6,989.1

SCPC Constr in Progress - Gross 203,975 208,857 2,526.5 41,058 23,899 53,818 66,781 24,949 2,651.8 3,382.9

SCLC PPE - Cap Lease - Gross 249,490

SOPC PPE - Oth - Gross 15,437 15,874 16,849 18,766 20,752 22,114 22,629 23,872 24,104 24,220

SDPP PPE - Accum Depr - Tot 453,189 498,094 545,960 609,063 686,106 850,956 999,441 1,099,385 1,196,457 1,294,669

SDPX PPE - excl Assets Leased Out - Accum Depr - Tot 453,189 498,094 545,960 609,063 686,106 850,956 999,441 1,099,385 1,196,457 1,294,669

SDLS Land & Build - Accum Depr 118,455 139,395 84,622 175,341 197,270 219,436 241,144

SDBG Build - Accum Depr 118,455 139,395 84,622 175,341 197,270 219,436 241,144

SDME Plant, Machinery & Equip - Accum Depr 474,593 526,829 749,006 804,877 881,406 955,150 1,030,712

SDTE Transport Equip - Accum Depr 21,406 21,246 16,033 13,301 10,699 8,975.4 6,981.6

SDPZ PPE - Oth - Accum Depr 16,015 19,882 17,328 19,223 20,709 21,871 22,812

SDOA Assets Held For Sale/Disc Ops - LT 177,396 60,215 56,069 56,069 56,069 56,069 56,069

SOAS Oth Non-Curr Assets - Tot 25,339 2,776.7 179,645 1,769.5 11,026 2,635.9 14,606 1,999.0 453.7 2,763.9

SDTA Def Tax - Asset - LT 9,289.2 11,611 0

SNCA Oth Non-Curr Assets 25,339 2,776.7 179,645 1,769.5 1,736.5 2,635.9 2,995.0 1,999.0 453.7 2,763.9

SINN Intang - Tot - Net 1,152.0 1,056.0 123.8 233.1

STIN Intang - excl Goodw - Net - Tot 1,152.0 1,056.0 123.8 233.1

STLA Tot Non-Curr Assets 808,614 765,574 1,479,304 1,507,521 1,530,229 1,473,617 1,410,501 1,340,009 1,240,147 1,143,968

Total Assets

ATOT Tot Assets 1,320,516 1,266,122 2,049,633 2,143,815 2,270,905 2,268,247 2,083,770 1,859,670 1,767,604 1,704,425

Current Liabilities

SAPA Trade Acct Pble & Accruals - ST 156,973 138,004 95,544 101,663 100,621 108,999 133,769 126,367 129,918 132,457

SANC Trade Acct & Trade Notes Pble - ST 125,577 112,731 78,652 68,596 67,389 74,826 94,541 83,303 92,209 90,386

SAEC Accrued Expn - ST 31,396 25,273 16,892 33,067 33,232 34,173 39,228 43,064 37,709 42,072

SSTD ST Debt & Curr Port of LT Debt 29,558 188,880 784,396 0 20,000

SSOD ST Debt & Notes Pble 163,105 784,382 0 20,000

SCLD Curr Port of LT Debt & Cap Leases 29,558 25,775 13.61 0

SCDE Curr Port of LT Debt excl Cap Lease 25,208 0

SCFL Cap Lease - Curr Port 29,558 566.7 13.61

STXZ Inc Taxes - Pble - ST 7,649.2 1,584.4 3,048.5 6,908.1 27,684 11,394 7,285.0 11,937 4,647.6 4,591.4

SDPB Div/Distrib Pble 60.61 440.5 899.0 899.0 898.9 898.9

SOCL Oth Curr Liab - Tot 199,750 12,110 20,632 65,724 26,645 34,286 34,353

SCLO Oth Curr Liab 199,750 12,110 20,632 65,724 26,645 34,286 34,353

SCLT Tot Curr Liab 393,930 328,468 882,988 108,571 140,476 141,466 207,677 165,848 169,750 192,301

Non-Current Liabilities

SLTD Debt - LT - Tot 522,570 491,830 0

SDXL LT Debt excl Cap Lease 335,769 491,369 0

LNCD Debt - Non-Convert - LT 88,769 244,369 0

SCDL Convert Debt - LT 247,000 247,000 0

SLCL Cap Lease Oblig - LT 186,801 460.6

SDTX Def Tax & Invst Tax Credits - LT 121,608 19,169 17,651 10,390 24,751 45,273 13,157 55,056 42,646 28,819

SDTL Def Tax - Liab - LT 121,608 19,169 17,651 10,390 24,751 45,273 13,157 55,056 42,646 28,819

SLLT Oth Non-Curr Liab - Tot 105,461 109,895 79,010 49,531 58,577 62,795 96,658 118,736 128,478 128,468

SNCP Prov - LT 28,763 35,148 41,010 49,531 58,577 62,795 96,658 118,736 128,478 128,468

SPEN Post Emp Benefits - Pension & Oth - LT 28,763 35,148 41,010 49,531 58,577 62,795 96,658 118,736 128,478 128,468

SDIL Def Rev - LT 36,747

SOLL Oth Non-Curr Liab 76,698 38,000 38,000 0

SLDL Tot Non-Curr Liab 749,640 620,893 96,661 59,921 83,328 108,068 109,815 173,792 171,123 157,287

Total Liabilities

STLB Tot Liab 1,143,570 949,361 979,649 168,492 223,804 249,534 317,492 339,640 340,873 349,587

Shareholders' Equity

QTEP Shareholders' Eq - Parent Shareholders - Tot 149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,317,791

QCEP Com Eq Parent Shareholders 149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,317,791
SCOM Com Eq - Contrib 2,256,250 2,256,250 937,533 1,767,504 1,813,518 1,813,518 1,813,518 1,828,927 1,828,927 1,828,927

SCMS Com Stock - Issued & Paid 2,212,500 2,212,500 929,250 1,612,181 1,612,181 1,612,181 1,612,181 1,612,181 1,612,181 1,612,181

SPIC Com Stock - Share Premium incl Option Rsrv 43,750 43,750 8,283.1 155,323 201,337 201,337 201,337 216,746 216,746 216,746

SRES Eq - Non-Contrib - Rsrv & Retained Earnings -2,106,760 -1,974,682 61,088 134,580 155,089 127,046 -106,728 -355,546 -443,769 -511,136

SRED Retained Earnings - Tot -2,106,760 -2,016,367 19,404 88,566 155,089 127,046 -106,728 -355,546 -443,769 -511,136

SACI Compr Inc - Accum - Tot 4,329.3

SCTC Forn Ccy Transl Adj - Accum 4,329.3

SORE Oth Rsrv/Eq - Tot 41,685 41,685 41,685

SQCM Com Eq - Tot 149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,317,791

SMNE Minority Intr - Eq 27,456 35,194 71,363 73,240 78,494 78,149 59,488 46,649 41,572 37,047

Total Shareholders' Equity

STLE Tot Shareholders Eq 176,946 316,761 1,069,984 1,975,323 2,047,101 2,018,713 1,766,278 1,520,030 1,426,730 1,354,837

Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity

STBL Tot Liab & Eq 1,320,516 1,266,122 2,049,633 2,143,815 2,270,905 2,268,247 2,083,770 1,859,670 1,767,604 1,704,425

Share/Per Share - Common

STCIC Com Shares - Issued - Tot 8,425.0 8,425.0 8,425.0 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

STCOC Com Shares - O/S - Tot 8,425.0 8,425.0 8,425.0 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929 14,929

STCTC Com Shares - Treasury - Tot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

STCAI Com Shares - Authorized - Issue 680.0 680.0 680.0 680.0 680.0 680.0 680.0

STCAI Com Shares - Authorized - Issue 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000

STCII Com Shares - Issued - Issue 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0

STCOI Com Shares - O/S - Issue 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0 425.0

STCTI Com Shares - Treasury - Issue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

STCII Com Shares - Issued - Issue 8,000.0 8,000.0 8,000.0 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504

STCOI Com Shares - O/S - Issue 8,000.0 8,000.0 8,000.0 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504 14,504

STCTI Com Shares - Treasury - Issue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Share/Per Share - Preferred

Share/Per Share - Other

SAAFI Asset Alloc Factor - Issue 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

SAAFI Asset Alloc Factor - Issue 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

Right of Use Tangible Assets

SPXR PPE - excl ROU Tang & Cap Lease - Net

SXRC PPE - excl ROU Tang & Cap Lease - Gross 986,973

SDXR PPE - excl ROU Tang & Cap Lease - Accum Depr 453,189 498,094 545,960 609,063 686,106 850,956 999,441 1,099,385 1,196,457 1,294,669

Right of Use Intangible Assets

Right of Use Liabilities

STFL Fin & Op Lease Liab - Tot 216,359 1,027.3 13.61

STDL Debt incl Fin & Op Lease Liab 552,128 680,709 784,396 0 20,000

Long-Term & Short-Term

STIV Invst - Tot 63,500 123,000 274,000 206,800 40,500 40,409 13,879 9,859.7

SLRE Loans & Rcvbl - Tot 339,821 305,000 280,174 269,929 230,820 296,488 387,881 375,932 404,457 436,172

AART Acct & Notes Rcvbl - Trade - Gross - Tot 344,949 310,386 274,267 267,022 227,668

SDAS Assets Held For Sale/Disc Ops - LT & ST 177,396 60,215 56,069 56,069 56,069 56,069 56,069

SOAT Oth Assets - Tot 25,339 2,776.7 179,645 1,769.5 11,026 2,635.9 14,606 1,999.0 453.7 2,763.9

STXB Inc Taxes - Pble - LT & ST 7,649.2 1,584.4 3,048.5 6,908.1 27,684 11,394 7,285.0 11,937 4,647.6 4,591.4

SDPT Div Pble 60.61 440.5 899.0 899.0 898.9 898.9

SPAB Pble & Accrued Expn 156,973 138,004 95,544 101,663 100,621 108,999 133,769 126,367 129,918 132,457

SANP Trade Acct Pble - Tot 125,577 112,731 78,652 68,596 67,389 74,826 94,541 83,303 92,209 90,386

SAEA Accrued Expn 31,396 25,273 16,892 33,067 33,232 34,173 39,228 43,064 37,709 42,072

Debt Related

SSND Net Debt 539,325 677,482 713,831 -154,614 -289,691 -220,527 -54,773 -33,961 -9,384.2 12,388

Debt Maturity

Capital Lease Maturity

STLS Cap Lease Mat - Tot 695.7 1,027.3 13.61

SCL1 Cap Lease Mat - Due within 1 Yr 467.3 643.1

SCLX Cap Lease Mat - Remain Mat 307.6 494.4 14.00

SINC Cap Lease Mat - Intr Costs 79.30 110.2 0.39

SCL6B Cap Lease Mat - Due in Yr 6 & Beyond 307.6 494.4 14.00


STMI Minority Intr - Tot 27,456 35,194 71,363 73,240 78,494 78,149 59,488 46,649 41,572 37,047

SACRU Accruals - ST 105,169 168,853 -319,723 496,109 584,509 639,437 451,319 344,852 348,322 360,544

SASAC Asset Accruals 1,307,713 1,262,896 2,042,568 2,112,201 2,255,214 2,254,520 2,069,497 1,850,709 1,758,219 1,696,812

SCASH Cash & Cash Equiv - Tot 12,803 3,226.8 7,064.5 31,614 15,691 13,727 14,273 8,961.0 9,384.2 7,612.3

SCSTI Cash & ST Invst - Tot 12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2 7,612.3

STDBT Debt - incl Pref Eq & Minority Intr - Tot 579,584 715,903 855,758 73,240 78,494 78,149 59,488 46,649 41,572 57,047

SINVP Invst - Permanent 0 15,409 13,879 9,859.7

SNBKC Net Book Cap 716,271 994,244 1,783,815 1,820,709 1,757,410 1,798,186 1,711,505 1,486,069 1,417,346 1,367,225

SNOPA Net Op Assets 716,271 994,244 1,783,815 1,820,709 1,757,410 1,798,186 1,711,505 1,486,069 1,417,346 1,367,225

SPROV Prov - Tot 150,371 54,316 58,661 59,921 83,328 108,068 109,815 173,792 171,123 157,287

STCSE Shareholders Eq - Com 149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,317,791

STTAN Tang Tot Eq 176,946 316,761 1,069,984 1,975,323 2,047,101 2,018,713 1,765,126 1,518,974 1,426,606 1,354,604

SQTAN Tang BV 149,490 281,568 998,621 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,705,638 1,472,325 1,385,034 1,317,558

STBKC Tot Book Cap 701,618 962,277 1,783,017 1,902,083 1,968,607 1,940,563 1,706,790 1,473,381 1,385,158 1,337,791

STCAP Tot Cap 729,074 997,470 1,854,380 1,975,323 2,047,101 2,018,713 1,766,278 1,520,030 1,426,730 1,374,837

STLTC Tot LT Cap 926,586 937,654 1,166,645 2,035,244 2,130,429 2,126,781 1,876,093 1,693,822 1,597,854 1,512,124

STNCA Tot Fixed Assets - Net 808,614 765,574 1,479,304 1,507,521 1,530,229 1,473,617 1,410,501 1,340,009 1,240,147 1,143,968

SUREV Unearned Rev - Tot 36,747

SWCAP Wkg Cap 117,972 172,080 -312,659 527,723 600,200 653,164 465,592 353,813 357,706 368,156

SNCWC Wkg Cap - Non-Cash 105,169 168,853 -383,223 373,109 310,509 432,637 410,819 319,852 348,322 360,544

SWCXOAL Wkg Cap excl Oth Curr Assets & Liab 317,722 612,310 673,796 531,316 380,458 391,992 402,509

STCSEO BV excl Oth Eq 239,883 956,937 1,860,399


SETL Emp - FTE & Equiv - Period End 1,599.0 1,595.0 1,506.0 1,504.0 1,807.0 1,795.0 1,778.0 1,757.0 1,524.0 1,485.0

SETA Emp - FTE & Equiv - Curr Date 1,599.0 1,595.0 1,506.0 1,504.0 1,807.0 1,795.0 1,778.0 1,757.0 1,524.0 1,485.0
Company Fundamentals - Cash Flow
Company Name Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk PT (KIAS.JK)
Country Indonesia
TRBC Industry Group Homebuilding & Construction Supplies
CF Template Industrial
Consolidation Basis Consolidated
Period Annual
Export Date 15-04-2020
Statement Data 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Period End Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Period Length 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months

Statement Date 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Update Type Original Original Original Original Original Reclassification Restatement Original Original Original



Reporting Unit Thousands Thousands Thousands Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling) Millions Millions Ones (no scaling) Ones (no scaling)


Source Date 31-03-2010 30-03-2011 02-04-2012 28-03-2013 01-05-2014 31-03-2016 31-03-2017 31-03-2017 29-03-2018 29-03-2019

Original Announcement Date 31-03-2010 12:00 30-03-2011 12:00 02-04-2012 12:00 28-03-2013 12:00 01-05-2014 12:00 31-03-2015 12:00 31-03-2016 12:00 31-03-2017 12:00 29-03-2018 12:00 29-03-2019 22:31

Complete Statement Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete

Flash Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update Full Update

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Jamaludin, Aria, Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi Mulyamin Sensi
Auditor Name Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Sukimto & Rekan Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto
Unqualified with
Auditor Opinion Unqualified Unqualified
Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified Unqualified

Acc. Std Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian Indonesian

Template Type Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct Industrial - Direct

Cash Flow - Standardized (Currency: As Reported)

FCC Field Name 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2013 31-12-2014 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2017 31-12-2018

Operating Cash Flow - Direct

SCRC Cash Receipts - Biz Activ - CF 394,317 670,561 769,871 743,333 950,200 832,947 707,895 875,628 781,615 847,193

SCPD Cash Paymt - Biz Activ - CF 352,756 541,172 657,972 643,052 748,573 760,328 763,180 847,584 799,907 866,650

SCPE Cash Paymt - Emp - CF 88,397

SCPO Cash Paymt - Oth - CF 554,656

SDTN Inc Taxes - Paid/(Reimb) - Direct CF 40,200 28,061 38,948 -36,057 12,769 41,843 13,459 5,705.0 1,979.8 -611.0

SDIP Intr Paid - Cash (Cash Flow - Direct) 41,332 64,935 44,411 5,547.4 1,288.6

SIDD Intr & Div - Received - Tot - CF - Direct 84.25 464.3 1,764.1 5,684.3 13,319 21,200 11,994 2,900.0 738.3 374.5

SOCN Cash Receipts/(Paymt) - Net - CF 0 0 8,976.5 -5,342.6 1,664.6 72.75

STLO Net Cash Flow from Op -39,887 36,857 39,280 131,132 202,177 51,976 -56,750 25,239 -17,869 -19,688

Investing Cash Flow

SCAP CAPEX - Net - CF 3,977.9 24,463 26,353 96,615 63,917 98,996 86,337 46,051 8,223.9 5,239.6

SPPN PPE - Purch/(Sold) - Net - CF 3,977.9 24,463 26,353 96,615 63,917 98,254 85,924 46,019 8,213.3 5,091.0

SCEP PPE - Purch - CF 4,367.0 24,568 27,381 98,309 67,279 118,850 90,977 46,600 11,021 6,580.9

SSFA PPE Sold - CF 389.1 105.4 1,028.1 1,694.4 3,361.6 20,597 5,053.0 581.0 2,808.0 1,489.9

SIAN Intang - Purch/(Sold) - Net - Tot - CF 742.5 413.0 32.00 10.63 148.6

SIAQ Intang - Purch/Acq - CF 742.5 413.0 32.00 10.63 148.6

SCEX CAPEX - Tot 4,367.0 24,568 27,381 98,309 67,279 119,593 91,390 46,632 11,032 6,729.5

SIVN Invst excl Loans - Decr/(Incr) - CF 0 0 1,516.3 3,155.4

SVPN Invst Prop excl from CAPEX - Sold/(Purch) - Net - CF 1,516.3 3,155.4

SIVT Invst Sec Sold/(Purch) - Net - Tot - CF 0 0

SINS Invst Sec - Sold/Matured CF 85,000 0

SINP Invst Sec - Purch CF 85,000 0

SICF Oth Invst Cash Flow - Decr/(Incr) -45.71 384.8 15,364 139.8 338.8

STLI Net Cash Flow from Invst -4,023.6 -24,078 -10,989 -96,475 -63,578 -98,996 -86,337 -46,051 -6,707.6 -2,084.2

Financing Cash Flow

SCDP Div Paid - Cash - Tot - CF 3,522.4 22,163 22,681 0

SPDC Div - Com - Cash Paid 3,522.4 22,163 22,681 0

SPSS Stock - Tot - Issuance/(Ret) - Net - CF 834,300

SOPX Options Exercised - CF 834,300

SPRD Debt - LT & ST - Issuance/(Ret) - Tot - CF -4,155.6 154,940 39,398 -784,396 20,000
SSDB Debt - Issued/(Reduced) - ST - Tot - CF 20,000

SSDI Debt - Issued - ST - CF 20,000

SLDN Debt - Issued/(Reduced) - LT - CF -4,155.6 154,940 39,398 -784,396

SLDI Debt - Issued - LT - CF 0 370,271 735,683 0

SLDR Debt - Reduced - LT - CF 4,155.6 215,332 696,285 784,396

SFCF Oth Fin Cash Flow - Incr/(Decr) 49,884 -177,294 -351.2 -511.2

STLF Net Cash Flow from Fin 45,729 -22,355 39,046 49,393 -3,522.4 -22,163 -22,681 0 20,000

Foreign Exchange Effects

SFEE FX Effects - CF 19.57 14.00 0

Change in Cash

SNCC Net Chg in Cash - Tot 1,818.0 -9,576.0 67,338 84,049 135,077 -69,164 -165,754 -20,812 -24,576 -1,771.9

SCNC Net Cash from Cont Ops 1,818.0 -9,576.0 67,338 84,049 135,077 -69,164 -165,754 -20,812 -24,576 -1,771.9

SNCB Net Cash - Beg Bal 3,343.1 12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2

SNCE Net Cash - Ending Bal 12,803 3,226.8 70,565 154,614 289,691 220,527 54,773 33,961 9,384.2 7,612.3


SDCW Wkg Cap - CF - Direct - Suppl 0

SFCFE Free Cash Flow to Eq -48,021 167,334 52,325 -749,879 138,260 -47,021 -143,087 -20,812 -26,093 -4,927.3

SFCFO FOCF -44,254 12,289 11,899 32,822 131,376 -89,780 -170,821 -21,393 -28,901 -26,417

SFCFL Levered FOCF -44,254 12,289 11,899 32,822 134,899 -67,617 -148,140 -21,393 -28,901 -26,417


SDCM Div Provided/Paid - Com 0 0 0 22,543 23,140 0 0

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