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College of Arts and Sciences Marist Avenue, General Santos City

1st Term SY 2020-2021

ENGLISH PLUS (Business English)

Week 2 Task on Writing Techniques, Revising and Proofreading Business Communication

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Observe academic honesty. Submissions that
contain plagiarism issues shall forfeit the points assigned for all of the items in this task.

I. Elaborate your answers. Provide specific examples if needed.

1. Discuss the important points in audience analysis in business communication
writing. 6 points
2. How relevant is brainstorming in drafting a business communication? What
important points should be considered in the conduct of brainstorming? 6 points
3. What should be considered in asking interview questions? Elaborate your answer.
6 points
4. Provide 2-3 sentence response to a client’s dissatisfaction to a company service.
Focus on the spotlighting on client’s benefit. 6 points
5. Discuss and illustrate the 3x3 writing process. 6 points

II. Outline the important points from the video presentation.

1. The Economics of K-Pop (
bbfFf07WNw) 20 points
III. Proofread the following business communication. Use red ink pen for
your proofreading symbols. 25 points


To: All Staffs

From: the Mngr

Date: May 27: 2010

Subject: Inaprpopriate use of time on social medias

it have come to my attention that many in the Office have spend time on the use of
social medias durig

office hours. This memo is a reminders to use your work hours for work work work.

The Section ten of the Company code

of cundoct reitrates that loofing and non-
working relatedness activities doing during
office hours shall be dealt with appropriate
corective actions includ the dismisal on the
servicing from the company.

Of course, we love all of you as much as you love us from the

bottom of our hearts. We encouraging a fun and competition environment, but we
should remember that you are paid every minutes you breathing in this company. We
aim for the successofourcompanyaswethriveto be efficient at all the time.

thank you:

john martines

IV. Revise the content of the following business communication. Apply significant
changes from your proofreading marks. You may omit unnecessary words or phrases.
You may also rephrase some parts of the memorandum. Observe proper alignment,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 25 points


To: All Staffs

From: the Mngr

Date: May 27: 2010

Subject: Inaprpopriate use of time on social medias

it have come to my attention that many in the Office have spend time on the use of
social medias durig

office hours. This memo is a reminders to use your work hours for work work work.

The Section ten of the Company code

of cundoct reitrates that loofing and non-
working relatedness activities doing during
office hours shall be dealt with appropriate
corective actions includ the dismisal on the
servicing from the company.

Of course, we love all of you as much as you love us from the

bottom of our hearts. We encouraging a fun and competition environment, but we
should remember that you are paid every minutes you breathing in this company. We
aim for the successofourcompanyaswethriveto be efficient at all the time.

thank you:

john martines


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