Online Chapter Tests: 13. Nuclei

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106 Online Chapter Test

Online Chapter Tests


Time : 3 Hrs. MM : 45
General Instructions
1. This test consists of 28 questions, grouped according to their type, carrying a total of 45 marks.
2. Marks related to each question are mentioned clearly.
3. Time allotted to complete this test is 3 hrs.
4. It is advisable that you should attempt this test in a single slot of time and without the help of books or teachers.
5. To assess your chapterwise understanding, once you complete this test compare your answers/solutions with our
solutions given with each test and score yourself.

I. Multiple Choice Questions [1 Mark each]

1. If the binding energy per nucleon of deuteron is 1.115 MeV, its mass defect in atomic mass unit is
(a) 0.0024 (b) 0.0048 (c) 0.0012 (d) 0.0036
2. A radioactive sample S 1 having the activity A1 has twice the number of nuclei as another sample S 2 of
activity A2. If A2 = 2 A1 , then the ratio of half-life of S 1 to the half-life of S 2 is
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 0.25 (d) 0.75
3. The number of atoms of radioactive substance of half-life T is N at t = 0 . The time necessary to decay from
N 0 / 2 atoms to N 0 / 10 atoms will be
5  5 ln 5
(a) T ln 5 (b) T (c) T ln   (d) T
2 2 ln 2
4. A radioactive nucleus emits 3α-particles and 2 positrons. The ratio of number of neutrons to that of
protons in the final nucleus will be (its initial mass number is A and atomic number is Z)
A − Z − 12 A − Z −8 A−Z −4 A−Z −4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Z −4 Z −4 Z −8 Z −2
5. In the reaction, 21 H+ 31 H → 42 He + 10n, if the binding energies of 21 H, 31 H and 24 He are respectively B 1 , B 2
and B 3 ,then the energy released in this reaction is
(a) B 3 + B 1 − B 2 (b) B 3 − B 1 − B 2 (c) B 1 + B 2 + B 3 (d) B 1 + B 2 − B 3
II. True or False [1 Mark each]

6. At radioactive equilibrium, the number of atoms of A and B are in the inverse ratio of their average life periods.
7. If binding energy is positive, a nuclide is bound and stable.
8. In β-emission n / p ratio increases.
9. Velocity of β-particles is greater than α-particles.
10. Average life is sum of life time of all the atoms divided by total number of atoms.

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III. Fill in the Blanks [1 Mark each]

11. The density of nuclei is ...................... of the mass number.

12. During mean life of a radioactive element, the fraction that disintegrates, is ........................... .
13. The activity of a radioactive sample is 1.6 curie and its half-life is 2.5days. Its activity after 10 days
will be ................... .
14. If the speed of light were 2/ 3 of it present value, the energy released in a given atomic explosion will be
decreased by fraction .......................... .
15. 22
11 Na → 22
10 Ne + ................+ ν .

IV. Matching Type [2 Marks each]

16. Match the Column I with Column II and mark the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II

A. Rate of disintegration radioactive decay is proportional to P. Greater half-life

B. Mean life of radioactive substance is Q. Number of atoms of present radioactive at time t

C. Intensity of γ-rays of initial intensity I0 after traversing the R. Temperature,pressure and volume of its
thickness x of absorbing medium is related with x as surrounding

D. The radioactive decay rate is not affected by S. Decreases with increasing x

(a) Q P S R (b) P Q P R
(c) Q R S P (d) S P R R
17. When a nucleus (Column I) with atomic number Z and mass number A (Column II) undergoes a
radioactive decay process and mark the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II

A. If the process is α-decay P. Z will increase and A will not change

B. If the process is β -decay Q. Both A and Z will decrease

C. If the process is β − -decay R. Z and A will remain unchanged

D. If the process is γ-decay S. Z will decrease but A will not change

(a) Q S P R (b) Q P S R
(c) P S Q R (d) Q S R P
Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark each]

18. Why do α-rays have the highest ionising power?

19. Fission and fusion processes, both are highly exothermic in nature. Conceptually,what is common in them ?
235 235
20. What is the activity of a 10 kg sample of U that is used in a nuclear reactor ? U has half-life is
7.04 × 10 year.

21. A teacher while reporting a nuclear reactor stresses the importance of cadmium rods in it, specify the
reason, why?

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108 Online Chapter Test

22. Number of radioactive atoms at any instant are given by

N = N 0 e − λt
Write down this equation for a sample whose graph N versus t is shown in figure.

log N 2

O 20 40 60

Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks each]

23. The disintegration rate of a radioactive sample at a certain instant is 4750 disintegration per minute. Five
minute later, the rate becomes 2700 disintegration per minute. Calculate its radioactive decay constant.
What is its half-life?

Long Answer Type I Questions [3 Marks each]

24. In the chain analysis of a rock, the mass ratio of two radioactive isotopes is found to be 100 :1. The mean
lives of these two istopes are 4 × 10 9 years and 2 × 10 9 years, respectively. If it is assumed that at the time of
formation of the rock, both isotopes were in equal proportion, calculate the age of the rock. (Take, the ratio
of atomic weights of the two isotopes is 1.02 : 1)
25. Why would 55 Fe prefer electron capture rather than β + decay?
26 Fe) = 54 .938298 amu
M (55
25 Mn) = 54 .938050 amu
M (55
and M (e) = M(β + ) = 0 .000549 amu
26. (i) The mass of a nucleus always less than the sum of the masses of its constituents, what does it imply ?
(ii) If the total number of neutrons and protons in a nuclear reaction is conserved, how then is the energy
absorbed or evolved in the reaction? Explain.

Long Answer Type II Questions [5 Marks each]

27. A country has a target of producing by 2050 to 3 × 105 MW of electric power 6% of which would be
obtained from nuclear power plants.
Suppose it is given that,on an average, the efficiency of utilisation, (i.e. conversion to electric energy)of
thermal energy produced in a reactor is 30%. How much amount of fissionable uranium would that
country need per year by 2050? (Take, the heat energy per fission of 235 U to be about 200 MeV)
28. Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a constant rate α. The element has a decay
constant λ. At time t = 0, there are N 0 nuclei of the element.
(i) Calculate the number N of nuclei of A at time t.
(ii) If α = 2λ N 0, calculate the number of nuclei of A after on half-life of A and also the limiting value of N
as t → ∞.

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