Acetogenins From Annona Glabra Seeds

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Phytochemistry,Vol.47,No. 5,pp. 811 816.

I 1998PublishedbyElsevierScienceLtd.Allrightsreserved
Pergamon PrintedinGreatBritain
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PII: ~IJ~D1 Y/4LAqY/~llll/Sqll--z,




Departamento de Farmacologia, Farmacognosia y Farmacodinamia, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Valencia.

46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain; t Departamento de Qulmica, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

(Receivedin revisedlbrm 21 July 1997)


Key Word Index--Annona 91abra; Annonaceae; seeds; mono- and bis-tetrahydrofuranic; ace-
togenins; mitochondrial respiratory chain.

Abstract--From the cytotoxic ethanol extract of Annona 9labra seeds, a new mono-tetrahydrofuranic (mono-
THF) acetogenin, glabranin, as well as pair of 22-epimer bis-THF acetogenins, were isolated by semipreparative
HPLC. Four known mono-THF acetogenins with an identical threo/trans/threo relative configuration, annon-
acin, annonacinone, corossolin and corossolone, were found to be potent inhibitors of complex I of the
mitochondrial respiratory chain. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Annona glabra, a tree distributed mainly in South Fractionation by silica gel column chromatography
America and in the south east of Asia, is used in and semipreparative HPLC of hexane and ethanol
traditional medicine as an insecticide and a para- extracts from A. glabra seeds, collected in Cali
siticide [1]. In a previous study, three known bis- (Colombia), gave 12 acetogenins belonging to four
(THF) acetogenins, desacetyluvaricin, asimicin and different types: (a) mono-THF ~-monohydrylated ace-
squamocin, were isolated from seeds of this species [1, togenins, glabranin (1), muricatetrocin-B (2), gigan-
2], and shown to have insecticidial activity. tetronenin (3) and gigantetrocin-A (4); (b) mono-THF
We report, herein, the isolation of eight mono-THF ~d-dihydroxylated acetogenins, annonacin (5),
~,-methyl-7-1actone acetogenins (1-8), where glabranin annonacinone (6), corossolin (7) and corossolone (8);
(1) is a new olefinic tetrahydroxylated acetogenin. (c) adjacent bis-THF acetogenins, molvizarin (9) and
Moreover, a pair of 22-epimer adjacent bis-THF ace- parvilflorin (10); and (d) /%hydroxy-?-methyl-?-lac-
togenins, molvizarin and parviflorin (9 and 10), were tone acetogenins, laherradurin (11) and itrabin (12).
obtained by preparative HPLC. We also describe the The four mono-THF ~-monohydroxylated ace-
presence of laherradurin (11) and itrabin (12), belong- togenins (1~4), were obtained as two pairs of mixtures
ing to a very rare class of acetogenins, /J-hydloxy- (1+2 and 3+4). These mixtures were resolved by
7-methyl-7-1actones, which only have been reported semipreparative reverse-phase HPLC. Compounds 1
previously in A. cherimolia seeds [3, 4]. The mode and 2 showed a strong IR absorption band at 1740
of action of the cytotoxic acetogenins targets on the cm-~ and a positive Kedde reaction, characteristic of
mitochondrial NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase, an ~,/~-unsaturated ?-lactone. The molecular formula
also known as the respiratory complex I [5, 6]. of compounds 1 and 2 {C37H660 7 and C35H6407} were
Titration against NADH: decylubiquinone oxido- indicated by FAB-mass spectrometry by peaks at m/z
reductase activity on submitochondrial particles from 645 [M+Na]+/623 [MH] + and peaks at m/z 619
beef heart indicated that the mono-THF acetogenins, [M + Na] ÷/597 [MH] +, respectively. Examination of
annonacin (5), annonacinone (6), corossolin (7) the 1D-NMR (IH, 13C and DEPT) spectra of 1 and
and corossolone (8) [2], are potent and specific 2 suggested the presence of acetogenins with an 4-
inhibitors of the complex I activity of mammalian hydroxylated ~,/3-unsaturated 7-methyl-y-lactone sys-
mitochondria. tem (Fig. 1), as well as a c~-monohydroxylated mono-
THF system [4]. The presence of the latter was
deduced by two 13C signals at 6 79.3 1 and 6 81.7 2
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. due to oxygen-bearing carbons characteristic of this

812 T. GALLARDOet al.

ct-Monohydroxylated mono- THF acetogenins:

(~OH \ OH ~ 34/32
~(CH=). y O , , ~ (CH=)m CH,
37/35',/,,x o ~ o O H 12/,0\ _ . . . J '~'11 23/21 24/22
HsC ~ OH

1: In= 7; m= 9; C23=Cu: glabranin {C37H~oO7}

2: n = 7; m= 7; . . . . . . . . . . : muricatetrocin-B {C3~I-I~O7 }
3: n = 5; m= 11; C21=C22: gigantetronenin {C37H~607}
4: n = 5; m= 9; . . . . . . . . . . : gigantelxocin-A {C35H64091

et,et'-Dihydroxylated mono- THF acetogenins:

HO/ \- OH

35 ~j/,. O-,.\ R1 R2
H3c ~O~ "O - - (77"~

5: R~= R2= OH: annonacin 7: R~= H; R2= OH: corossolin

a: R~= OH; R2= O: annonacinone 8: R~= H; R2= O: corossolone

Adjacent bis-THF acetogenins:

HO/ \ OH 32

o 0 0
9: (*) erythro: molvizadn 10: (*) threo: pa~ifl~,n

13-Hydroxy-~,-methyl-y-lactone acetogenins:

H O ,~/.~ i~.,,.../(C H2). ~0 ,1'

37/35 I It~ '~'~"
.,c' -o-- - o

11: n-- 9: laherradm'in 12: n= 7: ia'abin

Scheme 1. Acetogenins from Annona 91abra seeds.

group of acetogenins [7, 8]. In addition, two res- acetogenin possessing a double bond located two
onances in the ~3C N M R at 6 74.59 and 6 74.23, also methylenes away from a vicinal diol [2, 12] (Fig. 1).
due to methine oxygen carbons, and their cor- The presence of four hydroxyl groups in 1 was con-
responding resonances in the 1H N M R at 6 3.40, con- firmed by the preparation of the tetraacetyl derivative
firmed the existence of a vicinal diol group in 1, similar (la), which showed four singlets in the ~H N M R at 6
to that observed for muricatetrocin-B (2) [9] and other 2.02, 6 2.04, 3 2.06 and 6 2.07 (3H each).
acetogenins isolated from A. glabra (3 and 4). To establish the placement of the monohy-
The remaining N M R signals for 1 were charac- droxylated m o n o - T H F system, the double bond and
teristic of olefinic m o n o - T H F acetogenins, like sen- the diol group along the hydrocarbon chain, mass
egalene [10] and annogalene [11]. Thus, two sp 2 meth- spectrometry studies were undertaken (Fig. 2). Three
ine resonances in the ~3C N M R spectrum, at 6 128.60 important cleavages in the structure of 1 could be
and 6 130.18, and the corresponding signals in the ~H considered as basic for its identification: (a) cleavage
N M R spectrum at 6 5.35 and 6 5.38, as well as the between C-3 and C-4 containing the terminal methyl
chemical shifts of the neighbour methylenes, are in (fragment ions at m/z 493 and 475), characteristic
agreement with those of venezenin, an unusual linear of 4-hydroxylated acetogenins, as for annosenegalin
Acetogenins from Annona glabra seeds 813

(2.50,2.38) (1,43) (3.82) (3.82) (3.40)

I 1: glabranin [
(7.17) 33.35 37.34 79.31 81.72 74.59
15!.82 131.141 / / | OH ~ OH
~- • • ~ ~? ~? 1 [ 33 44 "~][ 23,07 26.17 22.67 34

(9'40; ~ 2 15/ ~I 35.4g i ~PN~T M , ~. L.....s3 (104;161)

• ii OH \
HaC . ~ 0 69.83 M.~ 74 42 74.23
37 ¢ T (3.82) 28.38 (3.40) (3.40) I
I u (1.62,1,99) 128.60 130.18
77.99 174.94 (5.35) (5.38)

74.4 - -

N~4k O H 2 3 . 5 __ 27.3 ] venezenin ]

128.8 131.0
(5.36) (5.40)
Fig. 1. ~3C and hH N M R (in parentheses) ":# of glabranin (1) and venezenin [12]. "~H and ~3C N M R (and DEPT)
were recorded at 400 MHz and 100 MHz, respectively, in CDC13. ##J3,.3b = 15 Hz; J3~: = 8 Hz; J4,3b = 3 Hz; J23:-4 = 9 Hz;
J~,.~4 = 7 Hz; J,~.36 = 1.5 Hz; J~.~7 = 7 Hz.

F"~493-~--~ 475
, (100%) . . t
/ 29 1~1--309~1---~_ 295 I l: glabranln [
' , _ ~ ] ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ - 34
37 23 24 4

I (9: H20
361"q[*--379~* I 225

2: muricatetrocin-B gigantetrocin-A
F--~467 .
F1~467 4:
- - ~
/ / . 1 . - : 29

379 ~l*--L-~ 199
' 735141--t-~....

493 3: gigantetronenin
/ 281"91+ 323
/ 0 IOH OH __ 34
37 21 22 5
H a C ~
351 " ~ - " ~ 253
Fig. 2. Fragment ions in E1 mass spectrum of glabranin (1), muricatetrocin-B (2), gigantetronenin (3) and gigantetrocin-B
814 T. GALLARDOet al.

(mono-THF) [11] and molvizarin (9) (adjacent bis- In our study of acetogenins from A. glabra, we
THF) [13]; (b) cleavage over the THF ring (fragment found four C 3 5 a,cd-dihydroxylated mono-THF ace-
ions at m/z 267 and 249), typical of acetogenins with togenins (5-8), characterized by the presence of an
a THF ring u-monohydroxylated, as for senegalene identical relative configuration threo/trans/threo. The
(mono-THF) [10] and cherimolin- 1 (non-adjacent bis- structural differences between those compounds con-
THF) [4]; (c) cleavage between C-19 and C-20, indi- cern the presence and the nature of an oxygenated
cating the position of the two vicinal hydroxyl group at the C-10 position and at the C-4 position.
moieties, as for three other mono-THF acetogenins iso- As acetogenins are specific inhibitors of complex I of
lated from A. glabra, muricatetrocin-B (2) [9], gigan- mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain [2, 5, 6],
tetronenin (3) [14] and gigantetrocin-A (4) [7] (Fig. 2). we focused on the inhibition of this complex I (NAD-
The relative configuration of glabranin (1) should H:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) [18].
be considered to be identical to that of gigantetronenin Titration against NADH-decylubiquinone oxido-
(3), trans/threo (mono-THF system), threo (vicinal reductase activity in beef-heart submitochondrial
diol) and cis (double bond), muricatetrocin-B (2), and particles seems to indicate that these mono-THF ace-
gigantetrocin-A (4) (trans/threo-threo), based on simi- togenins (5-8) are specific and potent inhibitors of
lar 'H and ~3C N M R chemical shifts from the groups complex I activity. From ICs0 values of annonacin (5),
concerned [7, 9, 14, 15]. annonacinone (6), corossolin (7) and corossolone (8)
A couple of 22-epimer bis-THF acetogenins (9, 10) [corossolin (7) was also prepared from corossolone (8)
were separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Compounds by reduction with NaBH4], and rotenone as a classic
9 and 10 are two 4,13,22-trihydroxylated adjacent bis- inhibitor reference, we can establish some require-
THF acetogenins [2, 15]. Molvizarin (9), previously ments for their activity.
isolated from A. cherimolia seeds [13] possesses a As it has been previously reported by Gonzfilez et
classical threo/trans/threo/trans/erythro relative con- a/. [18], the different substitution of the carbon in the
figuration [15]. However parviflorin (10) belongs to 4-position classifies the acetogenins in two groups. If
the less frequent type of adjacent bis-THF acetogenins the acetogenin possesses an 4-hydroxyl group, sub-
with a threo/trans/threo/trans/threo relative con- stitution of an hydroxyl group in the 10-position by a
figuration (asimicin-type) [2, 15]. A similar iso-ace- ketone function increases the potency of mono-THF
togenins pair, isomolvizarins-I and -2, isolated from acetogenins up to seven times on the mammalian res-
A. cherimolia roots, were also separated by HPLC piratory chain complex I. However, this modification
[16]. Parviflorin (10), was previously isolated from does not affect the acetogenins without an hydroxyl
Asimina parviflora [2, 17]. in the 4-position (Fig. 3).
Laherradurin (11) and itrabin (12) belong to the In conclusion, in addition to the c~,~'-dihydro-
very rare class of acetogenins characterized by a satu- xylated mono-THF system and the a,fl unsaturated-
rated fl-hydroxy-7-methyl-7-1actone moiety [3, 4], and y-lactone moiety, the hydroxyl and keto groups in the
a classical threo/trans/threo/trans/erythro relative con- C-4 or C-10 positions are important for the inhibitory
figuration concerning the a,ct'-dihydroxylated bis- potency of the acetogenins against mammalian mito-
THF system, have been also isolated from A. glabra. chondrial complex I.

N A D H : D B O x i d o r e d u c t a s e Activity~
100 f
• Annonacin (5)
9o 1'i" A Annonacinone (6)
~ i A • Corossolin (7)
~o-~ ; o Corossolone (8)
• Rotenone
70 a '0
A 0
.•60 & • 0 • •
o~ A • • •
A 00 • •
A • 0 •
20 A • ~0

10 20 30 40 50 60
[Inhibitor] nM
# ICso : (5) 26 1± 3.2; (6) 3.7 ± 0.3; (7) 6.2 ± 04; (8) 10 5 ± 1 7: Rot•none 28.8 ± 15

Fig. 3. NADH decylubiquinone oxidoreductase activity of c¢,~'-dihydroxylatedmono-THF acetogenins from A. glabra

Acetogenins from Annona glabra seeds 815

EXPERIMENTAL I O-Dihydrocorossolone ( = corossolin, 7).

IH NMR: 250 and 400 MHz, CDCI3. 13C NMR: Compound 8 (15.4 mg) dissolved in MeOH (2 ml)
62.5 and 100 MHz, CDCI3. was treated with NaBH4 (20 mg). The reaction was
stirred under reflux for 30 min and, after extracting
with CHzCI2 and subsequent work-up, gave coros-
Plant material solin, 7 (11.6 mg). C35H6406. FABMS ( N M B A +
NaC1), m/z: 603 [M+Na] +, 581 [MH] +. ELMS,
Seeds of Annona glabra L. were collected in Cali, ~H N M R and ~3C NMR: see Ref. [19].
Colombia. A voucher specimen is deposited in the
herbarium of the Department of Botany, University
of Valle, Colombia, under Ref. Cabrera 4107. Molvizarin andparviflorin (9 and 10)
Amorphous. HPLC, M e C N - H 2 0 - T H F (3:2: 1) (9:
R~ 7.16 min; 10: R, 7.97 min). C35H620 7. FABMS
Extraction and isolation (NMBA+NaCI), re~z: 617 [M+Na] +, 595 [MH] +.
ElMS m/z (rel. int.): 576 (16), 465 (l 1), 423 (8), 353
Extraction and fractionation were monitored by the
(12), 311 (20), 283 (100), 241 (12), 171 (14), 141 (12),
Kedde reagent. Dried and powdered seeds (120 g)
123 (27). ~H NMR, 400 MHz (CDCI3): 3 2.50, 2.35
were extracted by Soxhlet with petroleum 30-60 °. The
(CH2-3), `5 3.84 (CH-4), `5 1.46 (CH2-5), 6 1.36 (CH2-
organic extract was evapd and the residue maintained
6), 6 1.25 (CH2-7-10), `5 1.36 (CH2-11, 12), 6 3.37 (CH-
at 4 ° for 24 h to give a ppt. (A_). This A (0.96 g)
13), 6 3.84 (CH-14), `5 1.96, 1.62 (CH2-15, 16), `5 3.84
was fractionated by 60 H silica gel CC with CH2CI2-
(CH-17, 18), 6 1.96, 1.62 (CH2-19, 20), 6 3.84 (CH-
EtOAc-MeOH (5.5:4:0.5), followed by semiprep.
21), 6 3.84 (9), 3.37 (10) (CH-22), `5 1.36 (CH2-23, 24),
reverse-phase HPLC (Merck-Hitachi, LiChroCART
6 1.25 (CH2-25 31), `5 0.87 (CH3-32), `5 7.16 (CH-33),
100 RP-18, 10 /~m, flow-rate 6 ml min-t). Deflated
,5 5.04 (CH-34), `5 1.42 (CH3-35). 13C NMR, 100 MHz
seeds were extracted with EtOH (B). The concd B
(CDCI3), 6:174.5 (C-I), `5 131.0 (C-2), `5 33.3 (CH2-3),
extract (7.68 g) was partitioned between CH2C12 and
6 70.0 (CH-4), ,5 37.4 (CH2-5), `5 33.3 (CH-12), `5 74.0
H20. The concd CH2C12 extract (C~ (2.14 g) was frac-
(CH2-13), `5 83.19 (9), 83.21 (10) (CH-14), `5 82.5 (9),
tionated by 60 H silica gel CC with CH2C12-EtOAc-
81.8 (10) (CH-I 7), 6 82.3 (9), 81.8 (10) (CH-18), 6 82.8
Me2CO (6: 3 : 1), followed by semiprep, reverse-phase
(9), 83.2 (10) (CH-21), `5 71.3 (9), 74.0 (10) (CH-22), `5
HPLC. From ppt. A and CH2C12 extract C, 12 ace-
32.4 (CH2-23), 6 22.7 (CH2-31), `5 14.1 (CH3-32), `5
togenins were isolated, glabranin (1) (5 mg), muri-
151.8 (CH-33), `5 78.0 (CH-34), 6 19.1 (CH~-35).
catetrocin-B (2) (5 mg), gigantetronenin (3) (5 mg),
gigantetrocin-A (4) (5 rag), annonacin (5) (130 rag),
annonacinone (6) (20 rag), corossolin (7) (10 mg), Inhibitor titrations
corossolone (8) (25 mg), molvizarin and parviflorin (9
and 10) (12 rag), laherradurin (11) (10 mg) and itrabin Titrations of different inhibitors were performed as
(12) (10 mg). described in [6]. Submitochondrial particles (SMP)
were dild in 250 mM sucrose, 10 mM tris-HCl buffer,
pH 7.6 to a final concn of 0.5 mg ml ~and were kept
in glass test tubes on ice. A quantity of 10-14 #g of
Glabranin (1) SMP was assayed in KPi buffer each time with the
Amorphous. HPLC, MeOH-H20 (4:1) (R, 28.4 addition of NADH (75 #M) and decylubiquinone
min); MeCN-H20 (3:2) (R, 48.6 min). C37H6707. (DB) (30 #M), and was treated with antimicin A at 2
FABMS (NMBA+NaC1), m/z: 645 [M+Na] +, 623 #M in order to block the activity of the ubiquinone:
[MH] +. EIMS m/z (rel. int.): 493 (24), 475 (3), 379 cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III), and KCN
(58), 361 (21), 309 (100), 295 (5), 293 (45), 291 (16), 2 mM to block the activity of the respiratory chain
269 (17), 267 (83), 251 (9), 249 (25), 225 (5). 'H N M R complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase). Controls were
(400 MHz, CDC13) and ]3C N M R (100 MHz, CDCI3): performed at the beginning of the titration. The
Fig. 1. titration was performed with the addition of a small
quantity of the inhibitor (0.005 0.01 mM in EtOH)
sequentially to the mixt. medium. EtOH never
exceeded 2% of the total vol. Time for incubation was
Glabranin tetraacetate (1 a)
5 min. ICs0 values were the final inhibitor concns in
Treatment of 1 (1.5 rag) with AczO-pyridine and the assay cuvette that inhibit enzymatic N A D H :
subsequent work-up gave la in quantitative yield. ubiquinone activities by 50%.
C45HvsO]I. FABMS (NMBA+NaCI), m/z: 813
[M + Na] +, 791 [MH] +. EIMS m/z (rel. int.): 421 (12), Acknowledgements--This research was supported by
351 (100), 309 (72), 267 (7), 261 (74), 239 (9). ~H N M R the Spanish DGICYT under grant PB 93-0682. We
(250 MHz, CDC13): `52.07, 2.06, 2.04, 2.02 (OCOCH3- wish to thank Spanish Ministerio de Educaci6n y
4, 16, 19 and 20). Cultura for a scholarship to J.R.T.
816 T. GALLARDOet al.

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