Assignment No: 3 of System Analysis: Submitted To: Submitted By: Miss Isha Malik Ravi Mewari Rollno:b35

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System analysis

Submitted to: submitted by:

Miss isha malik ravi Mewari

Q1: What basic rules are relevant to constructing a DFD?
Ans. DFD: A graphic tool used to describe and analyze the movement of the data through a
In constructing a DFD the basic rules which are relevant are as follows:
1. Every process should be named and numbered according to its position and working for
the easy reference.
2. Direction of the flows must be from top to bottom and left to right. As the source in the
DFD can be repeated for some process so the flow can be the backward but If the flow
has to be remain in the forward, then the source symbol is used again in the DFD just
with a little difference of a short diagonal in the lower right corner.
3. If each process has further sub parts they have to be numbered. Like if process 2 has
further 2 parts then they will be numbered as 2.1 and 2.2.
4. Source, destination, data stores names must be written in the capital letters and the
process name should have the first letter capitalized.

Q2: “A data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data”. Discuss.

Ans A data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data. As we give names to all the
processes, data stores, source, destination, data flows which are used to describe them fully but
do not give the full details. So DFD build some structured place for representing the data flows,
processes etc.
It contains all the definitions of all the data elements and data structures.

To define the data structure, different notations are used. These are similar to the notations for
regular expression.

Essentially, besides sequence or composition ( represented by + ) selection and iteration are

included. Selection ( represented by vertical bar "|" ) means one or the other, and repetition
( represented by "*" ) means one or more occurrences’.

Q3: The roles played by the users and system analysts with the prototyping development
method. Discuss.
Ans. The roles played by the users and system analysts with the prototyping development
method are as follows:
 System analyst describes the prototype method to the users to explain the procedure of
the activities as these activities has to be done in the sequence.
 System analyst also discuss the responsibility of each participant.
 Estimates the prototyping tools i.e. gives the estimation of the costs and needs like
equipments personnel etc.
 User responsibility to work with the prototype and evaluate its features and operation.
 User experience with the system in the actual application settings should provide the
familiarity needed to determine what changes or enhancements are necessary or which
inadequate or undesirable features to eliminate.

Q4: If a prototype is developed and utilized, and the decision is made later to abandon the
application altogether, was the investment in the prototype a waste of time and resources?
Explain the reason for your answer.
Ans. Yes there is a benefit of the prototype which is developed and utilized and the decision is
made later to abandon the application altogether. This will not be the wastage of the time and
other resources like money etc. as it will give you the real exposure and the experience. It will
also add up to your knowledge.
The investment in the prototype is a waste of time and resources:

 Prototyping is better suited for smaller modular applications.

 Rapid prototyping can gross over essential steps in systems development.
 The performance may be rather inefficient.
 As the system can be changed easily, documentation may not be kept up-to-date.

Q5. Are high-level and low-level tools are different.”Is one type more useful to the analyst
than the other?” Justify this statement.
Ans. Yes high level and low level tools are different. Both are equally important to the analyst.
There is equal importance of both the tools as both are having their own significance.
High level tools describe the user requirements such as what the input has to be given and the
expected output and most important in today date performance expectations of the client. And
high level tools include the data flow diagrams (DFD), structure charts, data structure diagrams,
entity relationship diagrams/
Where as low level tools describe the further procedure to meet the requirements of the system.
It includes the flow charts which show the flow of the processes, code generators, reusable
software and prototyping tools.
So we can see that every tool has its own significance so both are important for the analyst.

Q6. Differentiate between human engineering and ergonomic design features of a system.
Are they related to each other?
Ans. Human Engineering: Human engineering refers to the system design i.e. incorporating
system features which are easy to adopt and easy to use and deters user error or carelessness.
The main objective of the human engineering is to make the system so much efficient that it can
be easily understand by the users as the system analyst will not be there whole of the time with
the users, staff members who are using the applications. As the every new application will create
the fear in the user’s mind at the first use and that will make the chances of errors or mistakes by
the users. So the human engineering does the work of:
 Preventing failures or improper procedures that will harm or embarrass the user.
 Provides enough flexibility to fit a variety of individual user needs
 Adapts to increasing user familiarity with the system.
 Generally functions in the manner that seems natural to the user.
 User friendly environment

Ergonomic Design: human engineering where concerns with the incorporating the system
features which are easy to understand there Ergonomics concerns with the factors like comfort,
performance, and the satisfaction of the users. The design of the chairs terminals and other
equipment influences the amount of fatigue and strain involved in these items.
It is also concerned with the selection of the equipment and in the design areas.

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