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A Visit to the Market During COVID19 Lockdown

Coronavirus which is commonly known as covid-19 is a newly discovered species of
viruses. It Is said to have originated in Wuhan, China, in December, 2019. Soon After its outbreak,
it spread rapidly across the world claiming millions of lives.

The early symptoms of the virus include coughing, sneezing, cold, flue and fever.
Apart from these, symptoms like sore throat, muscle pain, diarrhoea and headache can also be
seen in coronavirus patients.

Spread Of The Virus:

The coronavirus disease spreads mainly through the droplets generated from the cough or
sneeze of covid-19 patient. A healthy person may get infected by breathing the virus if he is
within a distance of 1 metre or so to a covid-19 patient.This disease also spreads if a person
touches a contaminated surface and then touches his mouth, nose or eyes without washing his

How to minimize the spread of this pandemic?

To stop the spread of this disease the government closed all restaurants, hotels, markets etc.

Visit to the Market during COVID19 Lockdown:

As we know because of this pandemic all restaurants, super markets, wedding halls, institutions
etc have been closed. During this when I went to the market there was not any crowd of people
becuase only general stores, medicine shops, milk shops, bakers shops were opened.Before
COVID19 there were a lot of people all around. This pandemic destroyed world's economy. When
I went to buy different things in the market some of the shops were closed and the shops which
were opened sold their things on high prices. Every shopkeeper was complaining about his
business. On the other hand people wore masks and gloves to protect themselves from this
pandemic. They took care of cleanliness. They did not make crowd. They were standing in queue
and waiting for their turn. Every thing was in simple and decent manner. The police were busy to
maintain SOP rules. The whole market was calm and serene. There was no loud sound of man or
woman, child or vehicle. Only needy people came to the market to buy things. While in normal
days some people come for enjoyment. The number of children were also less in the market. The
shopkeepers did not allow those people to their shops who did not wear masks. They wrote on
every wall or poster "No entry without mask, keep distance, wash your hands properly" etc. I
didn't eat anything in the market because hotels etc were remained close. When I bought things
for home and came to the bus stop it was very difficult for me because I waited for a long time on
the bus stop. At last a bus came I got on and came to home with different things for my children
and home.

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