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Last week August 29, 2019 (Thursday) was given us our first performance task as a
group and the title of the task or activity that was given to us is “Light it up!”. The
materials are needed in the task are laser pointer, small or flat mirror, tape measure or
meter stick, wooden block or thick book about 10cm tall, tape and graphing calculator. I
was excited because I thought the task is going to be easy and exciting but I’m wrong it
was hard and challenging.

September 1, 2019 (Sunday) when my group started to make the task or activity that
was given to us, my co members and I experience some struggles in terms of materials
that needed in the activity, because we don’t have enough materials like meter stick that
is very needed in this task. We have struggles interms of cooperation because that day
we are not complete and some of the members are not participating and involving in the
activity. On that day we fail to do the activity right.

September 4, 2019 (Wednesday) finally our materials are finally complete and we had a
vacant so we had the opportunity to do the task. First Anthony the leader of our group
place the books or binders in the floor that measured is 10cm tall and has short distance
from the wall and he also place the mirror on top of the books and binders that we use.
Then Allen stand on the side of mirror opposite to the wall and he aim the laser pointer
toward the center of the mirror and onto the wall. I chat down or note down the
measurement in centimeters of the height of the laser pointer from the floor, the
distance between the center of the mirror and the wall and the distance between the
floor and the mirror.

September 5, 2019 (Thursday) the day of submission but we fail to submit the activity
because we are struggling in the graph and computation and we thank you Sir because
you gave us another chance and day to complete the task. Even though the task is
challenging and hard but my group mates didn’t give up and enjoy doing it.


In this task or activity that we did, I learned that cooperation is the only key to do the
task right and fast. Also teamwork is the only need and working together towards a
common vision. It generates performance greater than the sum of the performance of its
individual. This task is cannot be done individually, but can be easily accomplished by
working it as a team. It has a combination of ideas, skills, helpfulness, and leadership.
The highs of a project are more motivating when working as a team. It can have
disagreements and misunderstanding among the group can happen and lead to conflict,
but it can be good because it can be lead to the best solutions to problems. Respect for
the thoughts and ideas of the group. Teamwork is really important because it provides
to have bond and know the characters of one another. To succeed in life one must
endure the challenges life presents and work to overcome these challenges to be the
best possible person that one can be. We must not only use hard work to impress those
around us but also to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. Honestly, we didn’t
manage our time right that’s why we’re struggling doing the task. I hope in the next task
or activity in the first place to have cooperation, teamwork and time management.

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