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HSE Observation Report

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Contractor need to
Operatives from provide a safe & proper
MERAS was found working platform and Critical
standing on unsafe conduct awareness 1>3
1 Ground working
while performing the training to the workforce
Floor day
job, Potential risk to regarding safe working
fall from height

Contractor need to
ensure that all
Incomplete scaffolding platform
aluminum must be erected and Critical
Ground scaffolding found inspected by a certified 1>3
2 working
Floor using by Al bawani scaffold inspector and a
subcontractor (PBC) day
green tag must be fitted
potential risk of fall
to the safe scaffold
structure prior to use
HSE Observation Report

Contractor must ensure

Operatives was Non-Life
that all plant & Critical
found Operating
3 Ground spider lift without equipment operators 1>3
Floor must be competent and working
holding a valid day
certificate (repeated) certified by a 3rd party

Contractor need to
ensure that all
Observed that the scaffolding platform
scaffolding access must be inspected by a
tag inspection is not Non-Life
certified scaffold Critical
updated, Evidence of
Roof, inspector at regular 1>3
4 inspection conducted working
A02-A before more than interval not exceeding
seven (7) days. Last seven (7) days or any
inspection dated: after made and event
29.5.2021 likely to have affected
its stability
HSE Observation Report

Contractor need instruct

Found several their operatives that
Cigarette butts on Non-Life
smoking in non- Critical
Level-1, A02-A level -1
5 office area, evidence designated area is 1>3
A02-A working
that some operatives strictly prohibited.
smoking in non- Provide additional “NO
designated area. SMOKING” signage’s

Contractor need to
ensure that all Non-Life
Observed poor Critical
access/egress and
A02-A illumination at stair 1>3
6 staircase are well working
case due to electrical
maintenance illuminated, emergency day
light must be installed
HSE Observation Report

Contractor need to Non-Life

Observed that night Critical
update the contact
shift contact 1>3
7 A02, A05 number of the night shift
numbers posters working
were not updated as per the present date day

Contractor must ensure

Power tools were that all power tools are Non-Life
found using without inspected prior to use by Critical
8 Ground color code, No
a competent person and working
Floor evidence of color coded must be in day
inspection conducted

Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali
HSE Observation Report

Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice

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