Hyd 06.09 WS-1

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Race-1 1200 3yrsm .

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR

7 GALWAN 606 99,102 99 102 20 17 100 100 60 67
6 BURANO 603 115,47 47 27 24 100 100 70 67
2 JEAN LAFETTE 587 96,99 96 99 32 12 100 100 70 64
5 STAR CRUISE 575 78,100 78 44 20 11 100 100 60 57
8 MISS LITTLE ANGEL 574 82,75 82 75 17 43 100 100 70 62
1 BANDIT KING 571 74 74 24 13 100 100 60 58
4 SALISBURY 562 84,100 100 19 39 100 100 60 61
3 ONE MORE TIME 555 60,95 60 95 18 26 100 100 60 61
9 MORIOR INVICTUS 545 69,100 100 14 43 100 100 70 66
10 NEFFERETI 541 55,16 55 16 24 14 100 0 80 53
Top 4 in NTR 7-6-9-2

Spotlight On: 6.Burano

Galwan is proving costly to follow, now runs with Blinkers ON and switch in saddle support from best
to moderate, not sighted in tracks after last run
Burano finished a good second to River Song, qualifies on Horse-Jockey developing partnership,
looks very sharp in trials
Jean Lafette was squarely beaten last time as a On money fav, should be ignored till it bounces back
Miss Little Angel failed to show out with Akshay astride, this time Trainer has opted for Basket Bit
with another top rider astride, soft fast work is a negative
Salisbury displayed insipid form last time where it was squarely beaten, now runs with Blinkers, not
sighted in tracks after last run
Morior Invictus displayed running out tendencies in both runs, now fitted with Tongue Strap and Xnb
to assist rider for better control. Soft final fast work does not inspire require confidence
Conclusion: Interesting race with many failed favs of last run. Galwan has best numbers but
appears to be a non jobber. Burano is not better than Galwan on 14 th Feb line yet appeals most
due to impressive final fast work.

Race-2 1200 20-45

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR
6 WATCH MY STRIDE 648 101,84 84 33 43 100 100 60 75
2 TRUMP STAR 627 111,60 89 24 19 60 100 80 65
4 PROUD 620 106,85 85 80 27 16 100 100 70 61
11 SUN DANCER 606 71,79 56 19 20 40 0 60 50
1 ASHWA RAUDEE 605 120,84 120 84 27 43 100 100 80 80
9 HASHTAG 604 97,51 86 16 19 40 100 70 58
3 HARD TO TOSS 594 104,89 104 89 24 18 100 100 70 68
8 CITY OF PASSION 594 92,18 92 20 17 60 100 70 66
5 BLISSFUL 587 89,91 89 91 18 26 60 100 60 63
10 SEA WOLF 585 54,75 54 75 16 11 40 100 60 53
7 BLUE VALENTINE 583 85,86 85 86 27 19 60 100 80 61
Top 4 in NTR 1-6-3-8

Spotlight On: 6.Watch My Stride

Watch My Stride runs after a gap of 6 months, won well on debut and recent tracks are suggestive of
its fitness, watch out for body weights at race time
Trump Star has won over this C&D, is at par weights and appears to be very fit as evident by pleasing
trials, choice of Jockey is perplexing
Proud has dropped significantly in handicap, can upset
Ashwa Raudee warmed up late last time to finish close 2 nd, entrusted to its fav rider and should be
prime contender again, runs with equipment different from its winning one
Hard To Toss justified its name by a brilliant turn of foot keeping entire field at bay last time, treated
lightly by handicapper but trial works are indifferent from last winning one
City of Passion warms up late and may need a little more ground
Blissful is a heavy built horse that put up lot of weights before last race, has won over this C&D but
placed disadvantegously vis-a-vis that run

Conclusion: Competitive affair. Watch My Stride if fit can rattle the field as he is enjoying a clear
advantage in weights. Proud is a good place prospect


Race-3 1400 20-45

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR
7 ABLE LOVE 597 96,86 96 86 16 11 100 100 70 63
11 MOONLIGHT RUBY 589 89,84 89 14 31 100 100 70 62
6 ZEUS 576 93 27 43 100 100 70 65
3 SPECIAL EFFORT 571 77,97 77 27 7 100 100 60 59
4 WALLOP AND GALLOP 569 75,78 75 13 18 100 100 70 60
1 MY MASTER 567 74,81 74 17 18 26 100 100 60 61
9 BOLD BIDDING 559 58,46 33 43 100 100 70 65
2 ROYAL SUPPORT 553 95 32 12 100 100 70 57
5 ZAMAZENTA 543 62,37 -7 19 39 100 100 80 62
8 ASHWA PUSHKIN 527 56,40 13 27 24 100 100 70 61
10 INCEPTION 495 14,25 32 24 100 100 60 58

Top 4 in NTR 6-9-7-11

Spotlight On: 7.Able Love

Able Love has numbers in favour, same jockey repeats after a good second
Moonlight Ruby was tested for this trip in hands of work rider last time, now gets positive switch in
saddle support and multiple change of equipments
Zeus finished a decent 4th in debut, same Jockey repeats, Dam was decent class-2 performer over
Wallop And Gallop qualifies on “First Time Blinkers in a handicap debut”, Jockey who tested it in
trials has executed few gambles for this stables
My Master who is half brother to Tintinnabulation warms up late and may extend well in a handicap
race over mile
Bold Bidding who runs first time this season will relish extended trip, Akshay has tested it in final fast
work and also qualifies on Horse-Jockey developing partnership
Conclusion: Able Love can beat market fancy. Wallop and Gallop can place at decent odds


Race-4 1200 00-25

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR
5 STAR BABE 591 112,83 33 23 60 100 70 61
7 N R I GIFT 589 82,32 67 24 17 20 100 70 56
9 SHELDON 585 78,97 97 16 43 40 100 80 65
6 ROYAL GIRL 581 37,44 16 19 40 100 70 57
1 AIR SALUTE 580 100,64 64 19 19 20 100 70 57
12 CEPHALONIA 575 84,45 19 39 60 100 60 58
10 BIG DAY 572 88,72 72 18 26 60 100 60 54
8 MINNELLI 571 65,-4 27 20 40 100 70 55
2 CRACKERSHOW 553 68,47 68 10 13 40 100 60 56
13 HOPSCOTCH 552 56,53 56 17 19 20 0 70 46
4 SILVER SET 547 40,-6 -6 17 14 40 100 70 57
14 MOMENT OF SILENCE 547 46,63 36 14 20 40 100 70 52
3 RED RIVER 540 31,56 56 18 10 40 100 60 52
11 PROUD LEGACY 507 19,68 68 20 11 60 100 70 50

Top 4 in NTR 9-5-12-4

Spotlight On: 5.Star Babe

Star Babe who displayed good forward form in debut had excuses in subsequent runs, should be in
Cracker Show, Silver Set, Royal Baby and N R I Gift are moving from a lower grade hence ignored
Sheldon failed as fav last time in a lower grade, gets huge switch in saddle support
Cephalonia has weak formline
Minnelli is due for an improved performance

Conclusion: Star Babe can pull it off this time.


Race-5 1600 20-45

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR
7 N R I TOUCH 577 105,19 19 33 43 60 100 70 69
4 FASHION UNIVERSE 568 102,63 38 33 19 60 100 50 60
5 MORINGA 565 103,69 27 43 60 100 70 64
10 PAREE 561 62,11 14 7 60 100 70 52
1 FLYING JET 558 98,95 19 19 60 100 50 52
12 MT DAVIDSON 557 75,55 16 11 60 100 70 54
2 QUEEN DAENERYS 554 19,48 19 24 26 60 100 50 55
6 BERKELEY 554 96,85 19 39 60 100 60 59
11 FOREVER BOND 552 69,26 27 19 60 100 30 50
3 GRAND FINALE 550 50,10 50 24 13 60 100 70 58
8 BALMA 546 48,43 14 33 17 60 100 70 53
13 LIGHTNING FAIRY 533 55,11 7 17 20 60 100 70 52
9 SOUTHERN LADY 531 61,54 32 24 40 100 70 57

Top 4 in NTR 7-5-4-6

Spotlight On: 6.Berkeley

N R I Touch has failed 5 times in this class which includes 2 times with this Jockey
Fashion Universe may not be tried against stablemate, lack of trackwork after last run reinforces that
Moringa almost pulled off a stunning upset in last run, has penalty to beat
Flying Jet has speed but outer draw and mile trip are clear negatives.
Mtdavidson improved in last run, can upset at huge odds
Berkeley ran a suggestive 2nd last time, positive switch in saddle support can extract the best
Grand Finale has best TR for this trip, has penalty to beat
Southern Lady has been a disappointment after her reappearance this season

Conclusion: Berkeley is the pick for win and MtDavidson for place


Race-6 1200 00-25

Sl Name DR TR TD Trv Jkv Age Shoes Prep NTR
8 JO MALONE 574 93,59 77 14 18 20 100 60 53
12 ICE BERRY 572 75,54 54 18 8 60 100 70 53
1 CALIFORNIA BEAUTY 571 91,61 61 10 12 40 100 70 61
2 FLAMINGO FAME 570 67,71 71 16 43 40 100 70 60
10 THAT'S MY SPEED 568 84,39 84 16 11 60 100 40 52
13 ROYAL AVENGER 567 67,8 19 20 20 0 80 49
9 CHARCOAL 564 73,32 32 16 19 60 100 70 56
6 GOLDEN FORZA 561 83,29 29 20 17 60 100 60 53
5 ASTRONAUT 558 84,75 84 27 7 60 100 70 56
11 INDIA GATE 551 62,27 -119 24 19 60 100 80 57
3 TEAM PLAYER 543 49,52 49 18 10 60 100 60 51
4 TOP IN CLASS 543 56,57 56 17 43 60 100 70 58
7 ELMIRA 506 26,67 16 19 10 60 0 70 47

Top 4 in NTR 1-2-4-11

Spotlight On: 8. Jo Malone

Jo Malone has dropped a lot in handicap and is expected to bounce back
Flamingo Fame drops in class and will be fancied, sports bandages
That’s My Speed improved in last run, pitched in easier grade this time
Top in Class drops in class, tested by Akshay himself and will be fully tried
California Beauty surprisingly comes in top in NTR reasons for that she being the only Class and
Distance winner in the set but that was a NO Whip Race, one should also note that it is placed well
on handicap vis-a-Vis that run
Conclusion: Horses on demotion rarely perform well and on that count ignoring Flamingo Fame
and Top in Class. If we see Relative Handicap table of this race we can note that on 1 st August and
26th Jan line Jo Molone was better than rest and hence first preference. California Beauty for place
Place Hopefuls: [2-4],[3-4],[5-12]

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