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Intake :
Lecturer :
Date Assigned :
Date Due :


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CLO1 Demonstrate a systematic understanding of appropriate Individual
application architecture and interaction between the various Assigment
component elements of an internet application. (A3, PLO5) (Presentation
and Report)
CLO2 Create an Internet Application applying a theory backed design Individual
to the planning and development cycle. (C6, PLO2) Assignment

Individual Assignment - Presentation & Report (35%):

Question Topic Question Vs Taxonomy
No. Affective Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Evaluating communication skills 100% 5
verbally and in written format.
Total 100%

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Individual Assignment - Implementation (55%):

Question Topic Question Vs Taxonomy
No. Cognitive Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Create an Internet Application 100% 2
applying a development
Total 100%


Sandy’s Souvenir Shop operates a successful business selling hand-made souvenirs in a

famous tourist spot in Kuala Lumpur. Currently, the shop is open from 10 am to 8 pm daily,
waiting for walk-in customers. Their customer profiles contain a large number of foreign
customers whose are young and familiar with World Wide Web.

“The trend has changed so we cannot afford to wait for customers to walk in to buy our
products.” said its owner Miss Sandy Lam, adding that the only way to grow is to take orders
online and show people what the shop has to offer using a website.

Miss Sandy has approached you, a Web developer to help the shop to make a website with
online ordering system. The new website will have various types of pages such as general
information, menu or products, promotion or offers, online ordering, registration form,
enquiry form, contact information, FAQ (Frequently asked questions) and etc.

Your task in this assignment is to create an interactive and dynamic website using .NET
technologies. You will need to meet various implementation requirements, but the actual
content of the website is entirely up to you. The goal is to create a relatively small application
that is extremely well designed, architected and implemented.

You are required to complete this assignment entirely by yourself. The website should consist
of following Web pages listed below.

1. Member Registration
New customers are able to register as members to perform tasks which are permitted
to members only.

2. Administrative Functions (Website Management)

The website administrators are allowed to perform administrative tasks like product
management, order, payment and delivery processing, generate various types of
reports and etc.

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3. Product Catalog
Customers are able to browse the products offered by the company. The product
listing is generated from database dynamically. The detail of the products should be
displayed upon clicking. A minimum of FIVE (5) different products is required.

4. Shopping Cart
Customers can view a product catalog and create a shopping cart for storing
merchandise. Customers can check-out anytime during shopping and proceed to
payment processing.

5. Payment Support
There are many Payment options available. Customers commonly use credit cards to
make payments or pay cash on delivery. Customers are allowed to download the
transaction details as a document and print the transaction document.

6. Product Delivery
Once a payment has been accepted the product(s) ordered will be delivered to
designated address.

7. Customer Feedback
Customers who are seeking for supports can leave their enquiries, feedbacks &
comments through the website. The website administrator will take action and
response respectively by checking the reports generated from administration pages.

The website must demonstrate good usage and appropriateness of multimedia element. You
are expected to provide a suitable interface by applying design principles and a fully functional
navigation component.


You are required to develop a detailed requirements specification for the website. The
website must fulfill the basic requirements described below:

1. The focus of this assignment to develop an interactive and dynamic website.

2. Your Web application should be able to be viewed in any standard Web browser, such
as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Opera. This means that you should
produce only standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript for client side processing
3. Your Web application should store information in a server-side SQL Server database.
Your Web application should both read and write this information.
4. It is strongly recommended that you develop your application in an incremental
fashion, where you first develop a working system that meets all of the minimum
requirements before contemplating any of the optional requirements.

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In addition, the website must fulfill the following criteria; i.e. it should:

1. Consist of 10 - 20 interlinked Web pages.

2. Demonstrate good usage of standard XHTML 1.0 or HTML5 elements.
3. Demonstrate good usage of standard Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 2.0 & 3.0).
4. Display quality contents.
5. Demonstrate database connectivity & processing.
6. Using AttachDBFilename option for Microsoft SQL database. The database must be
created in App_Data directory within the root directory of your website. The
connection string must store in the website configuration file, web.config. This is to
allow graders to test and run the website with zero or minimal settings.
7. Contain a registration page for new members.
8. Protect & restrict access to website resources using ASP.NET forms authentication and
9. Create and use ASP.NET Web forms user controls.
10. Make use of advanced Web controls such as Repeater, DataList, DetailView, GridView,
and etc.
11. Use data binding to link Web controls to data sources.
12. Contain “member only” pages (require a valid login) to modify member profile, add to
cart, view and update cart and perform relevant tasks which are permitted to
members only.
13. Contain “admin only” pages (require a valid login) to maintain the database & perform
administrative tasks.
14. Perform form validation.
15. Contain a feedback form for visitors to give their comments and suggestions.
16. Provide appropriate navigation support.
17. Perform proper file organization and naming convention.
18. Contain a static HTML page named ReadMe.html that displays the following:
 A list of any (admin) user names or passwords that might be required by graders
to test your Web application.
 A summary to setup & configure your website
19. Run and test on a standalone Windows PC with Visual Studio and MS SQL Server
20. Be viewable on multiple browsers and settings, and on any operating system. This
means that you should produce only standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript for client side

1. The usage of Web page creation tools is permitted.
2. Verification for online payment is not required.
3. All other conditional checks that are necessary should be included.

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The documentation should be in a standard report format with appropriate header and
footer. There must be a cover page stating your name and ID. The documentation should
contain at least 3000 words. The documentation needs to be handed in both soft copy. All
other necessary files to run the project should be all included in a zipped folder and to be
sunmitted together with the documentation.

The documentation should include the following:

1. Styles & Formats

 Type face: Times New Roman/ Arial. Bold face, italic & lines can be used for
emphasizing and to enhance readability
 Font size: 12(except tittles and headings)
 Margins: 1” from the left, right, top & bottom of the edges of the A4 paper
 Spacing: maximum 1.5 lines between texts of a paragraph
 Alignment: full justify
 Headers and footers can be used
 Each page must be numbered
2. Cover page, your cover page should contain the following items
 Your name and ID
 Intake code
 Subject
 Project title
 Date assigned (the date the report was handed out)
 Date completed (the date the report is due to be handed in)
 APU logo
3. Recommended Content
 Acknowledgement
 Table of Contents - The table of contents should have the topic title and reference
page number attached to each topic.
 Introduction or Project Plan - This section introduces your project including the
background information of the Web site, and objectives, scopes, targeted
audiences, project schedule and a summary of the major functions of your Web
 Requirement Specification - This section defines the needs or conditions to meet
requirements of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users.
 Design - The section defines the database structures, interface design, website
architectures, Web page descriptions and etc. You are required to discuss the
design decisions made and the reasons for them.
 Implementation - Discuss the steps on how you implement the system.
 Conclusions – This section reviews and evaluates the works you have conducted.
You can validate the website whether it has achieved the formulated objectives.
Also, you are required to discuss limitations of the website and ways to address
these issues in the future.
 References
 Appendices

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4. User Manual
 A list of any (admin) user names or passwords that might be required by graders
to test your Web application.
 A summary to setup & configure your website
 A simple walkthrough to use your website


1. All documentation must be submitted online to Moodle or Webspace.

2. Please prepare a list of user names or passwords including administrator that might
be required by graders to test your website in the appendix section of your report.
3. All other necessary files to run the website must be submitted to Moodle or Webspace
as a zipped folder.


The documentation and presentation component is weighted at 35%, and the

implementation component is weighted at 55%. Your efforts will be assessed based on the
following criteria.
No Criteria Score
Documentation and Presentation (70/180)
1. Introduction & Requirement Specification 15 0
2. Design & Modeling 20 0
3. Implementation, Discussion and Conclusion 20 0
4. Document Styles and Formatting, Oral Presentation 15 0
Total Mark: 70 0
Weightage: 35 % 0
Implementation (110/180)
5. Web Page Layout & Appearance (Overall Design And 20 0
6. Display Record (Dynamic Content, Product Catalog & Etc.) 20 0
7. Insert Record (Registration, Add New Product, Add To Cart & 20 0
8. Update & Delete Record (Edit Member Profile, Manage 20 0
Products, Manage Shopping Cart & Etc.)
9. User Authentication & Form Validation 15 0
10. Navigation Design, Content of the Website and Usability of 15 0
the Web pages
Total Mark: 110 0
Weightage: 55 % 0

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Performance Indicator& Marking Guide Line:

Grade Indications Score/15 Score/20
Distinction  Outstanding, comprehensive and clear 11 - 15 14-20
>70% explanation or implementation of the criteria.
 A quality piece of work giving full coverage of the
Merit  Effective and well standard of criteria used or 9 - 10 12-13
60-69% implemented.
 Project works well with some minor limitations.
Pass  Acceptable and sufficient of criteria used or 8 10-11
50-59% implemented.
 Project essentially works but with some severe
Fail  Insufficient and unclear of criteria used or 0-7 0-9
0-49% implemented.
 Major sections of criteria missing.
 System does not work in most parts or system does
not work at all

CT069-3-M-IA Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 2021

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