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Workbook 3 Creative Writing

Each task requires you to write creatively. You must write your answers on paper.
Read each task, create a plan and then write your answer.

Task 1 – Character
Look at the picture below. Write a story about the image focussing on the character. You could
 Who she is
 Why she is there
 What she is doing

Task 2 – Poem
Read the poem below and use this as the basis of a creative piece. You can decide on whether
you use the whole poem, the title or a line from the poem and the genre of the piece.

After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes

After great pain a formal feeling comes-

The nerves sit ceremonious like tombs;

The stiff Heart questions-was it He that bore?

And yesterday- or centuries before?

The feet, mechanical, go round
A wooden way

Of ground, or air, or ought,

Regardless grown,

A quartz contentment, like a stone.

This is the hour of lead

Remembered if outlived,

As freezing persons recollect the snow-

First chill, then stupor, then the letting go.

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Task 3 – Diary Entry
Using ONE of the 4 images below, write the diary entries of both characters.
Challenge Task : Write a diary entry for all of the images.

Task 4 – Emotions

Write a creative piece based on the

feelings and of the character in the
picture. Remember to vary sentences and
vocabulary for effect but also engage the
reader with an exciting story.

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Task 5 – Mood and Setting
Select one of the images below and describe the place focussing on the mood of
the setting. Use the features of the image to help you. Remember to include a
range of techniques to create imagery for the reader.

Task 6 – Write a short story in a book. You can type or handwrite it in

your best hand writing and put all the pages together in a cover at the end.

You will need to follow the following steps

1. Decide the type of story you are going to write . For example, a spooky
horror, an adventure, a fantasy, a comedy etc.

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2. Create a story board
. It can be a 6 square
or 12 square. You
should include your
main character/s,
where it is going to
be set, what are the main events, the adjectives you are going to use to
create the atmosphere and let your imagination take over!

3. Each board should be a chapter in your story book. Some chapters can be
longer or shorter. You decide. Remember each chapter is about an event in
your story.

4. When you have written each

chapter draw a picture/s to go
with it.

5. Give your book a title page for the front and a summary of your story on
the back. Here are some examples. Remember the book is open in these
examples to show you both front and the back cover together.

6. Put all your pages and cover together to

make a book for everyone to read and

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