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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Requirement - Labeling

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3
SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
RELATED DOCUMENTASJON .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 STANDARD LABELS ON TELIA CABLES AND EQUIPMENT .......................................................................... 3
3 STANDARD COLOR ON LABLE FOR DIFFERENT OPERATORS ON TELIA SITES ............................................ 3
4 MAST ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 DOOR ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 LABELING OF ANTENNA OPERATING ZONE .............................................................................................. 4
7 EXTERNAL ALARMS ................................................................................................................................. 4
8 CURRENT ................................................................................................................................................. 4
POWER CABINET ........................................................................................................................................ 4
RECTIFIERS ................................................................................................................................................ 4
FUSES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
48V/230V/400V ................................................................................................................................ 4
Marking when removing parallel fuses ............................................................................................. 5
Fuses for cabinet ............................................................................................................................... 5
-48V CABLE .............................................................................................................................................. 5
48V cable between fuse and BTS / RBS ............................................................................................. 5
48V cable between fuse and RRU ..................................................................................................... 5
HVDC Solution ................................................................................................................................... 5
POWER (AGGREGATE, HYDROGEN) ............................................................................................................... 6
9 TRANSMISSION ....................................................................................................................................... 6
RL ODU / IDU ......................................................................................................................................... 7
RL CABLES ................................................................................................................................................ 7
TRANSMISSION CABLE FOR RADIO EQUIPMENT, FIBER PATCH CABLES..................................................................... 7
10 ERICSSON RADIO EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................. 7
CABINET ................................................................................................................................................... 7
SYSTEM MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
RADIO MODULE......................................................................................................................................... 7
11 CASCADING CABLE................................................................................................................................... 8
STANDARD MARKING FOR CASCADING CABLE ................................................................................................... 8
12 RF CABLES................................................................................................................................................ 8
STANDARD FOR MARKING RF CABLES ............................................................................................................. 8
MARKING OF RF CABLES ON INDOOR SYSTEMS ................................................................................................. 8
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


JUMPERS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
MARKING OF RF CABLES AND JUMPERS USING DIPLEXING IN OUTDOOR SECTORS..................................................... 9
13 FIBER ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
FIBER (NOT TRUNK FIBER) BETWEEN RADIO SYSTEM MODULE AND RRU / RFU ....................................................... 9
ODF........................................................................................................................................................ 9
CORE FIBER FOR RRU ............................................................................................................................... 10
FIBER FROM ODF FOR RADIO EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................... 10
14 ANTENNAS, GPS, TMA AND RET CABLES ................................................................................................ 12
ANTENNAS.............................................................................................................................................. 12
GPS ANTENNA ........................................................................................................................................ 12
GPS RECIVER .......................................................................................................................................... 12
GPS CABLE ............................................................................................................................................. 12
TMA ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
RET CABLES ............................................................................................................................................ 13
From RRU .................................................................................................................................... 13
From TMA ................................................................................................................................... 13
From SBT ..................................................................................................................................... 13

Revision history
Rev. Appr. Appr.
Rev: Purpose revision: Rev. date:
sign: Sign. Date.
1.0 New document KK 2020-03-30
Added chap 11 – Marking of cascading 2020-05-05
1.1 KK
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


1 Introduction

This document presents the requirements from Telia Norway (Telia) relating to labeling on our base

In general, all Telia Norway (Telia) equipment, including cables, should be marked. This document
gives some examples of what to mark and how to mark it. Some cables or other equipment may not be
mentioned, but by using this document it should be possible to find the answer for labeling these also.

Related documentasjon
• 08.01-01-01 - Labelling of RF cables
• 08.01-01-02 - Labels for transmission and external alarms
• 08.01-01-03 - Labels for equipment and cables in 19 rack
• 01.01-01 - Requirements - Working environment and HSE
• 05.01-01 - Requirements – Electrical
• 06.01-01 - Requirements - Ventilation system
• 09.01-01 - Drawing - External alarm connections
• 07.01-01 - Inst of radio equipment, mounting, routing and measuring of cables

2 Standard labels on Telia cables and equipment

Use 9 mm marking tape with black text on yellow background. Type: Brother / Dymo type, extra
strong glue. The label must be placed in the "Flex mark" stocking which is fastened to cables with

All fiber cables shall be marked with Dymo without stocking. Placed across the fiber

3 Standard color on lable for different operators on Telia sites

• Telia: Black text on yellow background.

• Telenor: Black text on a green background.
• ICE: Black text on blue background.
• JBV: Black text on red background.
• NN: Black text on white background.

4 Mast
At base stations with mast, signs with the text "Danger of falling ice" should be mounted on two sides
of the climbing fence.
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


5 Door
The door should be marked with siteID and the phone number for Telia operations

6 Labeling of antenna operating zone

On sites where any person can enter the antenna operating zone without using any equipment like
ladders or lift, special marking shall be performed in accordance to guidelines decided and signed by
regulators and operators in Norway. Note that it’s only on those sites that this kind of marking is
required.The access route to the antennas shall be marked with a notice informing that the person may
enter an area where EMF exposure may exceed the recommended levels. A warning sign in A5 format
is designed for this purpose. In addition to this sign, each and every antenna shall be marked so that
the owner of the antenna can be identified and contacted in cases when the transmitter output power
temporarily has to be reduced or shut down. A smaller sign with logo, name and phone number is
designed for marking of the antenna. These two different signs are available from Telia.

The size and shape of the antenna operating zone is described in documents 01.01-01 – Working
environment and HSE

7 External Alarms
All cables are marked according to their connection. punch down block for external alarms shall be
marked in accordance with. Telia standard. See the document doc no: 08.01-01-02 - Labels for
transmission and external alarms .

8 Current

Power cabinet
The door shall be marked with 230V/400V and siteID.

Marked with Telia Rectifier 1, Telia Rectifier 2, etc.

All fuses used on both 230 / 400V and 48V distribution shall be marked with cross sections on the
course listing.
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Marking when removing parallel fuses

Parallel-coupled fuses -48V which are replaced with single-pole fuses shall be marked as follows:
The original course number is retained and the letters a, b, c is used in addition.
For example, if the F3 3x50A is to be replaced with 3 pieces. 1x63A then new 63A should be marked

Example: F3a
Example: F3b
Example: F3c

Fuses for cabinet

For Ericsson RBS6202 and RBS6601

Example: Telia RBS6202 CAB00.

-48V cable
48V cable between fuse and BTS / RBS
Should be marked where the fuse is terminated, and before / after all penetrations.

Example Ericsson cabinet: Telia RBS6201 Cab00 -48V F4 Telia RBS6201 Cab00 + 0V F4

48V cable between fuse and RRU

Should be marked where the fuse is terminated, and before / after all penetrations.

Example: Telia-F800-S2-No1-48V-2x6mm2-L30m-F3.

F3 stands for course number.

The -48V cable in the example above goes to the first RRU for 800MHz sector 2.
“No.1” can be removed for the first RRU, but if there are two RRU for 800MHz sector 2 the second
RRU shall have “no2” included in the text on the label.

HVDC Solution
Central Office is marked with security, number, [Remote Unit] and the sector to which the course is

Example: F1 Remote Unit Sector 1,

F2 Remote Unit Sector 2.

48V cable from load fuse to Central Office is marked with Telia CO xxmm2 -48V and fuse.

Example: Telia CO 50mm2 -48V F1, Telia CO 50mm2 + 0V

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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


380VDC cable between Central Office and Remote Unit should be marked where the fuse is
terminated, and before / after all penetrations.

Telia Remote Unit Sector No, cable length, mm2, voltage and fuse number.

Example: Telia-RU-S1-L200m-2x4mm2-380VDC-F1

Alarm cables from the Central Office are marked at both ends.

Example: Telia CO Alarm SPD1 / Module fail PR1. Telia CO Alarm SPD2 / Module fail PR2

The remote unit shall be clearly marked on the front of the door or above the door.
Here you shall write the name of the owner and what sector it is supplying electricity to.

Example: Telia Remote Unit HVDC Sector 1

Alarm cable from RU is connected to RRU / Radio 2212/2217.

Marked at both ends according to Telia std.

Example: Telia Remote Unit S1 Alarm SPD / Module fail.

Power (Aggregate, Hydrogen)

All cables that go out of Aux power unit should be marked at both ends, and before / after all
penetrations. accordance with. Telia standard.

Example: Telia Aux. Power 230 / 400V 16mm2 F1

9 Transmission
All cables are marked according to their connection.
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Shall be marked with "Telia" and which site ID ODU / IDU goes to the opposite end.
IDU shall be marked with a unique IP address stated in management.
When it is built with XPIC, it should be marked with “Telia”, which site it goes towards, and a H or V
depending on polarization (Horizontal / Vertical).

Example: Telia RL MOT STR000-V, Telia RL MOT STR000-H

RL cables
Example: Telia-RL-MOT STR000-V-L30m-H12m,
Telia-RL-MOT STR000-H-L30m-H12m

Transmission cable for radio equipment, fiber patch cables

Patch cables and cords are marked with equipment and port no / name.
Ref. chap 12.

10 Ericsson radio equipment

The first radio cabinet shall be marked with "CAB00", second cabinet "CAB01", etc.
The CAB00 in the database must correspond with CAB00 on the floorplan drawing and in the single-
line diagram for the fuses.
The lowest generation equipment on site should be in CAB00.
Existing cabinet numbering is not changed when remodeling existing sites.

[Telia / Equipment Owner] - [Cabinet Name] + [Cabinet Number]

Example Ericsson: Telia RBS6601 CAB00

System Module
When system module is mounted outside the cabinet it should be marked with “owner”, RBS “type”
and “number”.

For Ericsson, RBS6601:

Example: Telia RBS6601 00

Radio Module
RRU is marked with: [Telia / equipment owner] -RRU- F [frequency] -S [sector number] - no
[number of RRU]

Use no. 2 is if there are two RRU to the same sector for the same frequency.
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Usually, there is only one RRU pr sector, pr frequency. If there is only one RRU for the frequency,
there is no need to write no.1

The example shows how marking for RRU #1 for 2100 MHz sector 3 should be done.
Example: Telia RRU F2100 S3

The example shows how marking for RRU # 2 for 2100 MHz sector 3 should be done.
Example: Telia RRU F2100 S3 No. 2.

11 Cascading cable

Standard marking for cascading cable

RRU[type] Data [port] – RRU[Type] Data [port]

Example: RRU2479 Data 1 – RRU4499 Data 2

RRU4499 Data 2 – RRU2479 Data 1

12 RF cables

Standard for marking RF cables

The following appendix (08.01-01-01 – Labeling of RF cables) shows how the RF cables should be
marked in different situations on site.

Marking of RF cables on indoor systems

For indoor systems where all systems where quadplex / triplex / diplex is on used on the same cable,
the system and frequency does not need included on the marking.

On Indoor installations it’s important that the label includes where the cable goes from and goes to.
You don’t need to write the antenna height for indoor antenna cables. Use the same notation on sector
/ antenna on RF cabling as in system sketch. In the system sketch, the antennas are often called S1, S2
and upwards independently of the system on the antennas.

[Telia / equipment owner] -S [antenna number] - [cable type] - L [cable length] m- from [equipment
cable goes off] - to [equipment cable goes on]

Example: Telia-S2-7 / 8-L60m-from 1: 4 split in site room to S2 gate 43

For marking of a RF cable that is used for several antennas, it should be marked with S1 / S2 / S3 / S4
/ S5 or possibly S1 to S5 for many antennas.
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Example: Telia-S1 to S5 -1 / 2-L10m-from 1: 2 split in garage to 1: 5 split in hallway

The following appendix (08.01-01-01 – Labeling of RF cables) shows how the RF cables should be
marked in different situations on site.

Marking of RF cables and jumpers using diplexing in outdoor sectors

The following appendix (08.01-01-01 – Labeling of RF cables) shows how the RF cables should be
marked in different situations on site.

13 Fiber
Fiber cable is marked by equipment and before / after all penetrations. Fiber cable is marked with
warning marking at all penetrations and every 10 meters. These should be yellow plastic badges
attached with strips, not stickers.

Fiber (not trunk fiber) between radio system module and RRU / RFU
Use 9 mm marking tape with Black font on Yellow background of the Brother / Dymo type, extra
strong glue across the cable without "fleximark" stocking in cabinet.

Labelled: [Telia / Equipment Owner] - F [Frequency] -S [Sector Number] - L [Fiber Length] m

Example: Telia -F2100-S1-L20m 1a 1b 2a

When use of 2 fibers for the same sector, fiber number 2 is marked with number 2.

1a 1b 2a
Example: Telia-F2100-S1 nr2-L20m

ODF stands for Optical Distribution Frame. Patch box or patch panel is called ODF. Labeling of ODF
shall also include information on where ODF is terminated.

If ODF is terminated in all frequencies used on the same sector, then frequency information can be
dropped. In other words, if a site is expanded with a new sector, the marking on ODF where new fiber
to the new RRU goes it shall be updated.

[location of ODF] is described as: site room, roof, floor number. etc.

Example marking of ODF in site room:

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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Telia / OSL813 / site room / ODF-48/01 pos1-24 to Telia / OSL813 / roof / ODF-48/01 pos1-24

Example marking of ODF on roofs having fibers going to RRU sectors 1 and 2, frequencies
1800,2100 and 2600:

Telia / OSL813 / roof / ODF-48/01 pos1-12 to S2-S3

[Telia / Equipment owner] / SiteID] / [Location of ODF where trunk fiber is taken from] / ODF -
[number of fibers in ODF trunk fiber goes from] / [number of trunk fiber from ODF] pos [from
position in ODF used for staple fiber] - [even ODF used for staple fiber] to

If ODF is terminated in another ODF: [Telia / Equipment Owner] / [siteid] / [Location of ODF where
the fiber goes to] / ODF- [number of fibers in the ODF core fiber goes to / [No of the fiber to ODF]
item [ from and including position in ODF where fiber is terminated] - [even position in ODF where
fiber is terminated

If ODF is terminated in RRU: F [frequency] -S [sector number]

Core fiber for RRU

Fiber is the cable that runs between ODF and ODF. Ref. drawing no.1 cable no.3.
Use 9 mm marking tape with Black font on Yellow background of the Brother / Dymo type, extra
strong glue. The marks must be placed in the "Fleximark" stocking which is fastened to cables.

Example: Telia / OSL813 / site room / ODF-48/01 pos1-24 to Telia / OSL813 / roof / ODF-48/01
pos1-24 - L100m. 3

24 fibers mean that there are 12 pairs that can be used for 12 pieces of RRU.

[Telia / Equipment owner] / [siteID] / [Location of ODF where trunk fiber is from] / ODF - [number
of fibers in ODF trunk fiber goes from] / [number of trunk fiber from ODF] pos [from position in
ODF used to trunk fiber] - [even position in ODF used for trunk fiber] to [Telia / Equipment Owner] /
[siteID] / [location of ODF where trunk fiber goes to] / ODF- [number of fibers in ODF trunk fiber
goes to / [ No. of ODF] to [ODF] heading [starting from ODF where terminated fiber terminated] -
[pos in ODF where fiber is terminated] - L [Length of parent fiber] m

Fiber from ODF for radio equipment

Fiber from ODF to radio equipment may be patch cord or fiber to system module or may be from

Example for specific sector: ODF-48/01/Fiber 3-4 til F2100-S3-L5m 1a 2a

Example Transmisjon: ODF-48/01/Fiber 5-6 til RL-mot_OSL001-L5m 1a 2a

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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Marking: ODF - [number of fibers in ODF] / [number of core fiber fiber from ODF] / Fiber [x] - [x +
1, x and x + 1 are the number of fibers used in the core fiber] to F [frequency] -S [sector number] -L
[length of patch cord or fiber] m

Picture 1
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Picture 2

14 Antennas, GPS, TMA and RET cables

[Telia] - [Site ID] - S [Aerial Sector Number]

Example: Telia-AKH015-S3

GPS Antenna
[Telia] - GPS antenna

Example: Telia- GPS antenna

GPS Reciver
[Telia] – GPS receiver

Example: Telia-GPS receiver

GPS Cable
[Telia] – GPS L [cable length]m
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Created Responsible for document

Kjetil Kvammen Solveig Aanby Aas
Date Ver Belonging object
2020-05-05 1.1 Telia – Technical spec


Example: Telia-GPS L5m

[Telia / equipment owner] –TMA– F [frequency] - S [sector number]
Example: Telia-TMA-F2600-S1

RET cables
From RRU
[Telia]-RRU-F [frequency] -S [sector number] - RET- L [cable length]m
Example: Telia-F2600-S3-RET –L5m

From TMA
[Telia]-TMA-F [frequency] -S [sector number] - RET- L [cable length]m

From SBT
[Telia]-SBT-F [frequency] -S [sector number] - RET- L [cable length]m

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