RYA Flag Etiquette and Visual Signals (C4) 2001 0901501813

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flag eti uette

& v· tJ I 5 nals

International Code of Signals

Code & answering Pendant AAlfa B Bravo

C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf
I [J
H Hotel

I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November

o Oscar
a P Papa
D Q Quebec R Romeo
~ S Sierra TTango

U Uniform V Victor WWhiskey X X-ray Y Yankee ZZulu

Numeral Pendants

2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 o


First Substitute Second Substitute Third Substitute

flag etiquette
& visual signals
Written by the RYA and
Commander R L Hewitt MVO RN

First Published (1969) as Flags

and Signals.
Revised into an RYA book 1975.
Reprinted June 1987 and 1989.
This edition updated October 2001.

An RYA publication

Printed by The JPS Group

Published by
The Royal Yachting Association
RYA House Ensign Way Hamble
Southampton S031 4YA
Tel: 08453450400
Fax: 0845 345 0329
Email: info@rya.org.uk
Web: www.rya.org.uk

C 2001 Royal Yachbng Association and Commander R.l Hewrtt MVD RN nghts reserved. No part of this publicalion may be transmitted.
stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronIC. mecharjcal, photocopying, recording or Otherw1se, without the
prior permission of the publISher.

Flags worn by and flown from British yachts 6
The Ensign 6
Times during which Ensigns should be worn 6
Positions from which to wear Ensigns 8
The Red Ensign 8
The special Ensigns 9
Conditions governing the issue of yacht permits 9
Foreign or courtesy Ensigns 11
Club burgees and flags of flag officers 12
Club burgee 12
Flag Officer's flags 12
Special flag of Past Commodore, Vice President, etc 12
General 12
Position of burgee or Flag Officer's flag 13
Membership of more than one club 13
House flags 13
Euro flag 13
RYAflag 13
The owner's house flag or distinguishing flag 14
Chartered vessels 14
Special flags 14
The Union Flag 14
The Pilot Jack 15
FlagQ 15
The Diving Flag 15
Racing flags 15
Retirement 15
Protest 15
Quick reference guide for flag positioning 16
Prize flags 18
Mourning 18
National mourning 18
Private mourning 19
Hoisting and lowering Ensigns and burgees on occasions when they
are being worn at half mast 19
Salutes 19
Dressing ship 19
Dressing overall 19
Dressing with mast-head flags 20
Dates for dressing ship 20


International Code of Signals (1969) 22
General instructions 23
Morse code 24
Phonetic tables 25
Procedure signals 25
Single letter signals 26
Single letter signals with complements 26
Tables of complements 27
Flag signalling 28
Definitions 28
Equipment required 28
Procedure 29
Identity of vessels 29
Substitutes 29
Answering Pendant 30
Morse code by flashing light 30
Spacing 30
Procedure signals 31
Morse procedure (flashing light) 31
Notes on procedure signals 32
Transmitting morse 32
Learning the morse code 33
Morse code by other methods 33
Sound signals 33
Sound signals in restricted visibility 33
Vessels in sight of each other 34
Sound signals for distress purposes 34
Urgent and important signals 34
Sound signals - procedure 34
Waming signal 35
Distress signals - general 35
Replies to distress signals 36
Landing signals for boats with rescued persons 36
Signals used by aircraft on search and rescue operations 36
Miscellaneous signals 36
Pratique messages 36
Pilot signals 37
Fishery protection ships and fishing vessels 37
Port signals 37
International port traffic signals 37
Tide signals 38
International port traffic signals - examples 38
Appendix 39
International Code - selected groups 39

Flag etiquette, as a whole, is a mixture of law and good manners which have risen out
of tradition. The second point is important as bad manners can offend and upset
others. It is good, therefore, to make the effort to understand and observe the traditions
and customs of motor or sail cruising. This book aims to clarify the main pOints of flag
etiquette and other visual signalling methods. Flag etiquette is not difficult, the basic
rules are simple and the satisfaction gained from doing it right should not be
Acknowledgement must be given to those people who have helped the RYA to produce
this book over its various editions. These are the late Major Heckstall-Smith, one time
editor of Yachting World and Captain EMC Barraclough CBE RN (retd). Although this
book contains a great deal of additional material which will be useful to sailors, the
compilers of the first edition leaned heavily on Captain Barraclough's book entitled
Yacht Flags and Ensigns, later re-titled Flag Etiquette for Yachts.
We hope you enjoy this book and gain the satisfaction of knowing that your flag
etiquette is spot on.
Flags worn by and flown from In 1859 the Admiralty withdrew all Warrants
British yachts to wear the White Ensign still existing
The flags and Ensigns customanly worn except from the Royal Yacht Squadron.
by and flown from British yachts comprise: The right to wear the Blue Ensign is dealt
with later in this book.
1. The Ensign.
2. The club burgee or special flag of
officers of a yacht club.
Generally, the use of the national Ensign
3. House flags. is governed by statutes and statutory
4. Special flags. regulations (The Merchant Shipping Acts
5. Racing flags occasionally. and Queen's Regulations for the Royal
Navy), although in part it is governed by
6. Prize flags. custom and tradition except that the
The history of the use of Ensigns dates design and manner of use of these flags
right back to about 1570. In those days, must not conflict with any existing
the Ensigns almost invariably had the regulation or recognised signal code.
St George's Cross in the canton where the The Ensign is the national flag and denotes
Union Rag is in the present Ensign. The the country of registration. Generally this
remainder of the Ensign's area was will follow the nationality of the owner,
covered with horizontal stripes indicating although Spain for example, has rules for
the port from which the vessel hailed. The the registration in Spain of yachts owned
use of such Ensigns declined and early in by resident foreigners. Individuals affected
the seventeenth century the Red, White by such rules would be required to fly the
and Blue Ensigns began to be used. In Spanish ensign, being the flag of the
1674 the Red Ensign became the Ensign country of registration rather than that of
of British merchant ships. the owner's nationality.
Yacht clubs started being formed
somewhere round about 1720, and it is
Times during which
believed that the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Ensigns should be worn
originally called the Water Club of the At sea
Harbour of Cork, was the first. It was The rules for peacetime are set out in full,
reformed in 1822 as the Cork Yacht ClUb. although it is obviously unlikely that a yacht
The Cumberland Society was formed by will find itself in the situation described in
the Duke of Cumberland in 1775 and in subsection 1 below:
1823 became the Thames Yacht ClUb. The 1. The Ensign should be worn
prefix •Royal' was granted in 1830 and on continuously at sea by day and by night
19 February 1835 the club was granted an by a vessel flying or escorting a Royal
Admiralty Warrant to wear a plain White Standard or Flag of a Head of State.
Ensign bearing in the fly a crown over the 2. The Ensign is to be hoisted if there is
letters RTYC in red. Prior to, and after that sufficient light for it to be seen, upon
date, a number of clubs were happily passing or meeting one of Her
wearing Ensigns without authority. The Majesty's Ships, and also, unless there
records show that the Royal Yacht should be some reason to the contrary,
Squadron was granted the right to wear on falling in with any other ship or ships
the White Ensign in 1829, but, at that date, at sea, or when within sight of or near
the Red Ensign was still the senior Ensign. to land, and especially when paSSing or
approaching forts. batteries. signal or Failing either of the above, yachts should
coast guard stations. lighthouses or endeavour to follow the actions of the
towns. This is the strict rule and senior flag officer of a yacht club, if one is
appears to pre-suppose that there is no present. The flag officers of clubs should
objection to hauling the Ensign down appreciate that they have this responsibility.
during darkness or when out of sight of As will be seen in the Conditions about the
land or other ships. wearing of special Ensigns (page 10 para 7)
3. When racing. the RORC lay down the a special Ensign can only be worn when
rule that an Ensign should not be worn the owner is in effective control of the
after the five minute gun. and during a yacht. If the holder of the permit is absent
race (unless the yacht has retired) and from the port such a yacht can only wear
should be worn after the yacht has the Red Ensign.
crossed the finishing line. The crew (paid or unpaid) should therefore
4. It used to be accepted procedure at hoist the Red Ensign at 0800 (0900 in
most regattas for yachts larger than winter). If, during the day, the owner who
dinghies to leave their moorings wearing holds a permit to wear a special Ensign
an Ensign but this practice has virtually comes aboard then the Red Ensign may be
ceased. However. if the Ensign is worn. replaced with the Ensign to which he is
it and its staff should be removed before entitled. Similarly, if he leaves the yacht not
or at the five minute gun to signify that intending to remain in the port, then the
the yacht is subject to ISAF rules. Red Ensign should be substituted for the
In harbour special ensign.
In British waters. the proper time for Clearly the circumstances of the use of
hoisting the Ensign is 0800 (0900 in the most yachts preclude strict compliance
winter months between 1 November and with the timing of hoisting Ensigns. It is
14 February inclusive). Ensigns are always accepted that as soon as the crew join the
lowered at sunset or at 2100 local time. if yacht within the prescribed hours then the
earlier. correct Ensign will be hoisted.
When abroad. the local custom should be Ashore
followed; generally this will be found to be The White and Blue Ensigns of Her
the same as in British waters. although. in Majesty's Fleet are purely maritime flags
most places with a temperate climate, and in general their use on shore is
colours are hoisted at 0800 throughout the incorrect. There has, however, been a
year, while in extreme northern and customary extension of the use of the
southern latitudes, when sunrise is later White Ensign (from the harbour ship used
than 0900 colours are made at sunrise. as a Fleet establishment) to barracks and
Similarly, during the summer months in high other buildings on shore serving the same
latitudes, when sunset may not occur until purpose. There has been a parallel
a very late hour, it is customary to fix an extension of the use of these from yachts,
arbitrary time (normally 21oo) for lowering Customs vessels and the like, to their
the colours. headquarters on the coast - the club house
or Customs office.
Yachts should take their time for hoisting
and lowering colours from the senior ship It is common also for the White and Blue
present. If ships of the Royal Navy are Ensigns to be used on cenotaphs and
present, the ship of the senior naval officer other memorials to naval personnel.
is the senior ship present; if none of HM As the flying of Ensigns and burgees from
ships are present, the principal yacht club the club houses of yacht clubs is
in the port should give the time by hoisting recognised, it is desirable to give some
and lowering the Ensign at its flag staff. and guidance on this pOint.
on ceremonial occasions by a Signal such Generally, it can be assumed that yacht
as the finng of a gun. and sailing clubs should proceed exactly as
if they were registered British ships. In other In gaff-rigged ships this is the peak of the
words, a yacht club should wear the Ensign sail on the after mast (Le. mainsail of single-
of the club on the gaff of its flagstaff and its masted vessels and schooners, and the
burgee - or the special flag of the senior mizzen of three-masted vessels, yawls and
officer of the club present in the port - at ketches).
the flagstaff head. This position has been in use so long that it
The same rules for dressing ship apply. The can be laid down that a gaff-rigged yacht
flags should be hoisted at the time of when at sea may wear her Ensign either at
making colours in the morning and lowered the peak or at the Ensign staff, whichever is
at sunset. preferred.
With these exceptions, the use of Ensigns Bermudan-rigged yachts present a
ashore is incorrect. difficulty; in the past some have worn their
If a club wishes to extend a particular Ensigns from a position approximately two-
courtesy to another club, where, for thirds up the leech of the after sail, but this
example, members are visiting for the position is unsatisfactory because the
purpose of a team race, then the burgee of Ensign may sometimes curl into the lee of
the visiting club may be flown at the the sail and does not fly out and, unless a
starboard yard-arm. If this club is an yacht has no other position from which to
overseas club, then its national maritime wear the Ensign, is not recommended.
Ensign should be flown at the starboard Bermudan-rigged yachts when at sea
yard-arm and the burgee flown from the should wear the Ensign as follows:
port yard-arm. 1. For all types: whenever possible from
Positions from which to the Ensign staff on the taffrail.
wear Ensigns 2. For single-masted yachts, schooners,
In general, the guiding rule is that the or ships with more than two masts in
most important flag should be most which the after-mast is as tall as, or
prominently displayed and in the most taller than, the other masts and the
important position, the second most Ensign staff cannot be used, there is no
important flag in the second most alternative but to wear the Ensign in a
important position. and so on. Dating from position two-thirds up the leech of the
the time of sailing ships, the after part of after sail.
the ship has been considered the most 3. For yawls, ketches and yachts with
important part, as the officers were more than two masts where the after
accommodated aft and the ship conned mast is shorter than the mainmast. then
and worked from the poop and quarter- the Ensign may be worn at a staff at the
deck. mizzen masthead.
The Ensign of the country to which the In power-driven yachts which have an after-
yacht belongs is the most important of the mast fitted with a gaff, the Ensign may be
flags and it should be worn in the after part worn at the peak of this gaff when at sea.
of the ship and most prominently displayed,
usually from its own special staff on the
The Red Ensign
taffrail. This is the particular national flag of the
British merchantman and as yachts are
It is, however, impossible for some ships to
classed as merchantmen, they are entitled
keep the Ensign staff shipped when under
to wear the Ensign under the terms of the
way owing to interference by sails or gear.
Merchant Shipping Acts.
When this occurs, the Ensign should be
worn in a position as near as possible to By the same Acts, a vessel over 50 tons
that which it would occupy when flying gross is compelled to wear her colours
from its staff. when entering or leaving a British port and
all vessels (unless registered as fishing
vessels) must wear their proper national Conditions governing the
colours when entering or leaving a foreign issue of yacht permits to
port. members of entitled
A registered yacht is entitled and required yacht clubs in the United
to wear the Red Ensign, and for an Kingdom and Channel
unregistered yacht it can be assumed that
although not entitled, she can and should
wear the Red Ensign on all occasions In Section 73 of the Merchant Shipping
when it is proper to show the national Act 1894, it is an offence to hoist on board
colours. any ship or boat belonging to any British
subject certain colours, flags and pendants
The Red Ensign should be carried on
without a Warrant from Her Majesty the
board even if not worn. Queen or from the Secretary of State for
The special Ensigns Defence.
Certain yacht dubs Oisted in the Navy list) The maximum penalty is one thousand
are granted the privilege of using a special pounds for each offence. Among the
Ensign and members of such a club may prohibited flags are the Union Flag, The
wear that Ensign on their yachts provided White Ensign, the Blue Ensign (plain or
they comply with the conditions of a defaced) and the Red Ensign with any
Warrant issued before 1 April 1985 or the defacement.
conditions of a permit issued to them by The prohibition applies to any ship or boat
the Secretary of the club after that date. belonging to any British subject wherever it
The latter Conditions are set out in full on may be, and so extends not only to tidal
pages 12 to 15. waters but equally to rivers, lakes and
The special Ensigns are: inland waters generally.
The White Ensign of Her Majesty's Fleet Yachts may not wear the special Ensigns
which is used exdusively by the Royal prohibited above except:
Yacht Squadron.
(a) Under a Warrant issued to the yacht
The Blue Ensign (undefaced) and the Blue owner by the Secretary of State for
or Red Ensign with the badge, emblem or Defence prior to 1 April 1985 and in
crest of a particular yacht dub in the fly. accordance with the conditions stated
The privilege of wearing these is granted thereon.
by the Secretary of State for Defence on (b) Under a permit issued to the yacht
behalf of HM The Queen. Any yacht club owner by a yacht club from 1 Apnl
granted this privilege is usually of some 1985 onwards and in accordance with
antiquity and must fulfil other conditions the Conditions set out below.
induding having in its members' ownership
RYA note
a considerable tonnage of cruising sea-
As will be seen
going vessels. Nowadays the list of such
undefaced Union Flag is never flown by
privileged clubs is seldom expanded.
merchant ships or yachts.
It is worth making a few points other than
The term yacht used above may of course
the notes by the RYA contained in the
include both sailing and motor yachts.
official conditions.
A privileged owner has no right to wear the Conditions
yacht's Ensign elsewhere than on board 1. permit
that yacht. The yacht must be issued with a permit
A special Ensign should never be wom by a yacht club pursuant to the granting of
without the burgee of the entitled club or a a Warrant to that club by the Secretary of
Flag Officer's flag of that dub. State for Defence.
RYA note purpose. A yacht whose name
The validity period of the permit is left to incorporates a name, product or
the discretion of the individual yacht club. trademark used for business or
2. Registration and commercial purposes is not eligible for
measurement a permit.
(a) Registration. The yacht must be a ship (c) A yacht which is never used for cruising
registered under either: (eg a houseboat) is ineligible for a
(1) Part 1 of the Merchant Shipping Act
1894; (Part 1 Registration) RYA note
(2) The Merchant Shipping Act 1983. Cruising. of course, includes a sea-going
(Small Ships Register SSR) racing yacht.

(b) Measurement. The yacht must measure 6. Limited companies

not less than: A yacht which is the property of a limited
Company may be eligible for a permit
(1) Two tons gross if registered under
provided the prOVisions of Condition 5 are
(a)(1) above
complied with and the user is a British
(2) Seven metres in length overall if subject and a member of a designated
registered under (a){2) above. yacht club.
RYA note RYA note
Yachts entitled to be registered on the Yachts owned by limited companies are
Small Ships Register are measured by not eligible to be registered on the Small
length rather than by tonnage. Ships Register hence such yachts must be
Those below seven metres length overall registered under the procedure for
on that Register do not quality to wear a registration contained in Part I of the
special Ensign Merchant Shipping Act 1894 (See
3. Membership of designated Condition 2).
yacht club 7. Presence of holder of
The owner or owners of the yacht must permit
have current membership of one of the Except under the provisions of Condition 6,
yacht clubs in the United Kingdom or a permit does not confer any authority
Channel Islands to which a Warrant has while the yacht is being sailed by anyone
been issued and which is designated in the other than the owner in person.
Navy List. Thus a special Ensign may not be worn
RYA note unless the owner or user (see Condition 6)
Yacht Warrants are, under this scheme, of the yacht is on board, or in effective, in
issued to each entitled yacht club and control of her when she is in harbour or at
authorise the flag Officers and Committee anchor near the shore, and the club's
to issue permits to members whose yachts burgee is flown at the main masthead, or
satisfy the qualifying conditions. other suitable position.
4. Nationality The permit must always be carried on
The owner or owners must be British board when a special Ensign is worn.
subjects. RYA note
5. Use of yacht The first sentence of this Condition may
(a) The special Ensign may only be worn on tend to confuse! But the Condition read
a yacht used exclusively for private and as a whole makes it clear that, provided
personal purposes of the yachtsman to the owner is on board, any member of the
whom the permit is issued crew may physically sail the yacht whilst
the special Ensign is being worn.
(b) The yacht must not be used for any
professional, business or commercial
B. Separate authorisation from 13. Tenders
each club The special Ensign may be worn by any
If the owner or user belongs to more boat which belongs to the yacht and can
than one of the designated clubs, he must conveniently be hoisted on board her.
have on board the permit authorising the 14. Foreign cruises
particular Ensign which is being worn.
When cruising in foreign waters, a yacht
9. Charter or loan of yacht for for which a permit to wear a special Ensign
which a permit has been has been issued should take care to avoid
issued. any action which might result in
When a yacht for which a permit has complications with a foreign power.
been issued to a member of a designated To this end, members intending to visit
yacht club is occasionally and for a short foreign waters affected by war or serious
penod let out on charter such action will disturbances must give particulars of their
not be held to infringe Condition 5 and will voyage to the Secretary of the club, who
not lead to permanent disqualification. should immediately inform the Ministry of
However, the permit must be withdrawn by Defence (Naval Law Division), Whitehall,
the Secretary of the yacht club. London SW1 A 2HB.
Application may be made for a fresh 15. Breach of conditions
permit on termination of the period of
A permit for a yacht to wear a special
Ensign becomes invalid if the provisions of
RYA note the above Conditions are not met.
A yacht which is chartered out to a 16. Etiquette
person who is not a member of a
permit holders may wish to comply with
designated club is not entitled to wear the
the custom, when in harbour, of hoisting
special Ensign of an entitled club. Properly,
the Ensign at 0800 (0900 between
such a yacht if chartered to a British
1 November and 14 February) and
subject would wear the Red Ensign.
lowering the Ensign at sunset (or 2100
10 .Return of permit local time if earlier).
When a yacht is sold or there is a RYA note
change of ownership or the owner ceases
This condition is a gentle reminder to
to be a member of the club, the permit
observe the customs and traditions of
must at once be surrendered to the
honouring the Colours and will no doubt
Secretary of the club who shall forthwith
meet with the approval of all those who
cancel it.
have gone to the trouble to obtain a permit
11. Alterations to permits to wear a special Ensign. Equally, it would
No alterations are to be made to permits be appropriate to remind readers that all
If the name of the yacht is changed, or Ensigns should be in a presentable
alterations are made which affect the condition. The RYA has heard in the past
register, the permit is to be withdrawn by of yachts being arrested in foreign waters
the Secretary of the club. because courtesy Ensigns were in an
unsavoury condition!
A new permit may be issued provided
these conditions are otherwise satisfied. Foreign or courtesy
12. Permits lost or stolen Ensigns
In the event of a permit being lost or It is customary, but not obligatory, when
stolen, the member must forward to the lying in a foreign port, to fly the maritime
Secretary of the club a report on the Ensign of the country being visited, as a
circumstances of the loss and the steps mark of courtesy. The courtesy Ensign is
taken to recover it. The secretary may, at usually considerably smaller than the
his discretion, issue a fresh permit. vessel's Ensign and it would appear to be
custom for it to be struck at the same time
as the yacht's own Ensign, although Special flag of past
opinions differ on this point. Commodore, Vice-
The Ensign should, in the case of a single- President, Admiral etc.
masted vessel, be flown at the starboard Although there is no naval custom to
topsail yard, or upper crosstrees. In the follow in this respect, it is quite usual for
case of yachts with more than one mast it past Commodores and others to fly, at the
may be flown either at this position or at masthead, a rectangular flag, similar to the
the fore or mizzen masthead. But, club burgee in design and bearing the
whenever it is flown, care should be taken club's badge, emblem or crest.
that it is not hoisted at a position inferior to
any other flag except the yacht's own General
national Ensign and club burgee or, in the It goes without saying that the owner of
case of a yacht club's flag officer, the flag a yacht should only fly the burgees of
officer's personal flag. yacht clubs of which he is a member.
The British maritime Ensign for use as a A person who has chartered or been lent a
courtesy Ensign is the Red Ensign and not yacht should use the burgees of yacht
the Union Flag. clubs of which he is a member, and not
the burgees of yacht clubs of which the
CLUB BURGEES AND absent owner is a member.
FLAGS OF FLAG Traditionally a yacht normally displays only
one burgee.
The custom of flying one burgee at the
Club burgee truck and the burgee of another club at
Each yacht or sailing club has its own the starboard crosstrees is not strictly
burgee and in Great Britain this is a correct. The etiquette as to which burgee
triangular flag. Yacht clubs are free to should be flown when the owner is a
choose their own design of burgee so long member of more than one club is
as it does not contravene any Ministry explained under the heading Membership
regulation or can be confused with any of more than one club on page 13.
other flag, Ensign or burgee. A new club
should make every investigation to see The yacht club burgee should be flown
that the burgee proposed conforms with with the correct Ensign, and the Ensign
the regulations and is not too similar to an may be either the special Ensign of the
already existing burgee design. club whose burgee is being flown, or an
undefaced Red Ensign. The burgee may,
Flag Officer1s flags however, be flown on its own in a small
Most yacht clubs authorise a special flag boat which would not normally wear an
to be used by the flag officers of the club. Ensign, or in a larger yacht at sea which
Customarily the design of these flags is may strike its Ensign when away from land
generally the same as the club burgee. A or other ships.
Commodore flies a broad (or swallow- Many yacht owners, when in harbour at
tailed) pendant. The Vice and Rear night, will strike both their Ensign and their
Commodore's pendants are distinguished burgee whilst in harbour, and these will be
from the Commodore's pendant by one lowered at sunset or at 2100, whichever is
and two balls respectively in the cantons earlier, or when the owner goes ashore if it
next to the hoist. (See example on inside is before this time.
back cover).
Some yachtsmen nowadays, however,
strike only the Ensign and leave the club
burgee flying during the hours of darkness
during such time as the owner is in the
vicinity of the yacht and can be described
as being in effective control of the yacht.
The special flag of a Flag Officer of a yacht the senior club should normally be
club corresponds in principle to the used, except on the occasions when
personal or distinguishing flag of a Flag another club in the port is having a
Officer in Her Majesty's Fleet. In the Royal regatta or some such function, when
Navy, this flag is flown continuously by day the EnSign and burgee of that club
and by night whilst the Flag Officer is in should be used.
exercise of his command. Thus the special It is also traditional that where a yacht
flag of a Flag Officer of a yacht club should is engaged in some function organised
be flown continuously by day and by night, by one of the owner's clubs, then it is
whenever the owner is in the vicinity of the in order for the Ensign and burgee of
yacht and can be described as being in that club to be used. For example, the
effective control of his yacht, except when RORC Ensign and burgee would be
he chooses to fly a racing flag or is worn by yachts which are assembling
required by the sailing instructions so to for the start of a race organised by that
do. As with the Ensign, when at sea, there club. Where a club is entitled to a
is no objection to hauling the flag down special Ensign, members should fly the
during the hours of darkness or when out appropriate club burgee or Flag
of sight of land or other ships. Officer's flag with that special Ensign.
Position of burgee or 4. In certain clubs, such as the Service
Flag Officer's flag Clubs, Royal Cruising Club, Royal
Both these flags should be flown from a Ocean Racing Club and Uttle Ship Club
staff at the main masthead. The starboard (which are national clubs and have no
crosstree is considered a reasonable local affiliations), it is correct for an
alternative for racing yachts with no owner to use the Ensign and burgee of
masthead halyard, or with too many any of these clubs of which he is a
instruments at the masthead. A gaff rigged member whenever his yacht is in a
cutter carrying a big jackyard topsail may place where there is no yacht club of
fly the burgee or Flag Officer's special flag which he is a member.
from the end of the topsail yard.
In powerboats which have no mast the HOUSE FLAGS
burgee may be flown from a staff on the Euro flag
bow or over the wheelhouse. The dark blue European Union flag with
Membership of more twelve gold mullets (stars, single point
uppermost). This is not an Ensign and may
than one club
not be defaced with the Union flag. It is a
Although it will usually be obvious which
house flag and should be accorded the
burgee or Flag Officer's flag should be
same procedures and positioning as other
flown the following rules are suggested for
house flags.
1. If an owner is a Flag Officer of a yacht
RVA flag
club he should generally fly his Flag A square flag hoisted in harbour at the
Officer's flag and wear the appropriate crosstrees (starboard yard-arm or rigging)
Ensign in preference to any other by members of the Royal Yachting
burgee and Ensign, wherever he may Association, the National Authority and
be. governing body protecting the interests of
2. If an owner is not a Flag Officer but is a
member of a yacht club in the port in It is a white square flag with a broad blue
which his yacht is lying then he should cross defaced in the centre with a
use the Ensign and burgee of that club. diamond laid horizontal in red colour,
representing yachts under various points of
3. If an owner belongs to several clubs in
one port, then the Ensign and burgee of
The olNner1s house flag have established a new type of House
or distinguishing flag Flag, normally flown in the forepart of the
vessel in marinas when regattas are in
All shipping companies have a private
progress. The flag is extremely large and
flag which, when flown from a ship,
bears what may be described as
denotes the company to which the vessel
personally designed armorial designs.
belongs. In the same way, an individual
owner of a yacht may use his own The European Union flag is a house flag
distinguishing or house flag. The use of and should only be flown as such. The 12
this flag is optional, and the design is a stars (or mullets) should have the single
matter entirely for the owner, the only point upwards and the flag may not
stipulation being that the design must not include a Union Flag.
conflict with an existing regulation or any
other existing Ensign, flag or burgee. It is CHARTERED VESSELS
none too easy to establish that this design Leaving aside the question of the right to
does not conflict with other designs. At wear a special Ensign we should, perhaps,
present there is no publication which discuss the situation where a yachtsman
indicates all designs, even if they had all charters the yacht of another.
been scrutinised.
Clearly, the yacht cannot change
The owner of a yacht, or a person who nationality. Hence, if a British subject
has chartered or been lent a yacht. may charters a German yacht it should wear
use his personal house flag in his own German colours. In the case of a charter
yacht or in one he has chartered or been by one British subject from another British
lent. subject there is no problem. The Red
House flags may be flown with or without Ensign will suffice.
an Ensign but are never flown in vessels Clearly, the courtesy Ensign of the country
wearing the White Ensign. being visited should be worn at the
If any owner wishes to use his own house starboard crosstrees.
flag, it should be hoisted and lowered at The burgee should be of a club to which
the same time as the club burgee or the the charterer belongs.
special flag of a Flag Officer of a yacht
The practice has sprung up of the
club. Customarily, the owner's house flag
charterer indicating his own nationality, if it
is only flown when the owner is actually on
is different from the yacht's, by wearing a
board his yacht.
small courtesy Ensign or maritime flag at
In single-masted yachts, the house flag the port crosstrees.
should be flown from the starboard yard-
arm or, if there is no yard-arm, from the SPECIAL FLAGS
starboard upper crosstrees or similar
position. The Union Flag
The Union Flag, except as stated below,
In schooners or yachts with more than two
is flown only by ships of the Royal Navy
masts, it should be flown from the fore
and HM Air Force vessels, and never by
merchant ships or yachts.
In yawls or ketches, it may be flown from
The Union Flag, generally defaced by a
the mizzen masthead or from the yard-arm
badge in the centre, is the official flag of
or crosstrees of the mainmast.
certain high officers of the Government,
It is perhaps worth pointing out that the such as governors of colonies. If one of
flying of house flags from this position these officers is embarked in an official
whilst at sea could be confusing since capacity on a merchant ship or yacht, his
signals would be flown from the same flag is flown from the main masthead or
position. from a staff on the bow, if the ship has no
In recent years, the large racing yachts mast.
The Union Flag is often referred to as the background, single diagonal white) in use.
Union Jack, but it is only correct to call it Rule 27(e) of the International Regulations
the Union Jack when it is flying at the for Preventing Collisions at Sea lays down
jackstaff of one of HM ships. a special rule for small craft in diving
The Union Flag is not a recognised flag for operations.
a yacht to fly, and should never be flown
by a foreign yachtsman as a courtesy flag. RACING FLAGS
The correct flag for this purpose is the Red As a general rule. although there are
Ensign. exceptions, no Ensign is worn when a
yacht is racing. However, it may
The Pilot Jack
occasionally be necessary for yachts
This flag consists of the Union Flag with engaged, for example, in an offshore race,
a white surround and may only be used by to show their colours when in foreign
British Registered ships. It is very rarely territorial waters or when entering a foreign
used but, if desired, it may be flown from a port. On these occasions it is permissible
Jackstaff on the bow when in harbour or at for an Ensign to be worn although the
anchor; it should only be flown when the
yacht is racing.
yacht is wearing her Ensign, and it should
be hoisted and lowered at the same time As has been said before in this booklet.
as colours are hoisted and lowered. The much of flag usage is etiquette, rather than
Pilot Jack is only flown at sea on dress law, and much has grown up by custom. In
ship days, i.e. when the yacht is at sea many yachting centres the wearing of an
and dresses with mast head flags only. Ensign is sufficient to indicate that a yacht
is not racing. The Ensign, removed at the
Flag Q preparatory (fIVe minute) signal then
This is specially noted in this part of the indicates that the yacht is amenable to the
book because a yacht must, upon Racing Rules.
entering United Kingdom territorial waters, It has for long been the custom that
fly it to indicate to Customs that the yacht vessels, not engaged in racing, generally,
is arriving from foreign and requires as an act of courtesy, endeavour to keep
clearance. clear of yachts that are racing.
In the case of commercial ships Flag Q (or It cannot now however, be antiCipated that
ZS under the 1969 International Code of this will be the case. In any event, the rules
Signals) means 'My vessel is healthy and I of the road require specific action on the
request free pratique'. part of vessels meeting and it is now
Other signals to indicate state of health are perhaps more likely than ever that vessels
to be found in the International Code of will stand on their rights according to those
Signals (1969). internationally recognised rules.
The rules as to flying Flag Q when entering Retirement
foreign territorial waters differ from country If a yacht gives up or retires from a race
to country and the most up-to-date the Ensign should be worn to show that
information will be found in cruising guides the yacht is no longer amenable to the
or the RYA books C1 and C2 Planning a Racing Rules.
Foreign Cruise.
The Diving Flag
A protest flag is defined in the
Flag A from the International Code of International Yacht Racing Rules, and is
Signals (1969) indicates 'I have a diver either Flag B of the International Code or a
down; keep well clear at slow speed' and special flag as prescribed by the national
is the Signal most generally used. authority of the country in which the club
Occasionally you may see NATO Rag No 4 organising the racing is situated.
(a white St. Andrew's cross with red
background) or the USA Diving Flag (red

Motor Single Mast Racing

Cruising Yacht Sailing Cruising Yacht Yacht

ENSIGN Red unless entitled to Red unless entitled to

Not whilst racing.
wear a special Ensign. wear a special Ensign.
Worn from a staff at Worn from a staff at
the stem. the stem.

COURTESY If stub mast has Starboard crosstrees NlA

ENSIGN crosstrees then on superior to all
starboard halyard. except Ensign.

CLUB BURGEE If no mast, from a At masthead. Not while racing.

(On staff) staff on the bow or Rectangular flag if
over a wheelhouse. required by club offering

FLAG Fly in preference to At masthead Not while racing.

OFFICER'S burgee of any other superior to any other Rectangular flag if
FLAG club, with associated club burgee with required by club offering
Ensign. associated Ensign. racing.

QFLAG If stub mast has Below courtesy Ensign if

crosstrees, on port only one flag halyard.
halyard if courtesy Otherwise on port
Ensign is beillij worn. halyard.

HOUSE FLAG On stub mast Not to be worn at sea -

over wheelhouse. if worn with courtesy
Not to be worn at sea. Ensigns E&Q it should
be ilrferior lAoth.

FLAG. It is used officially by certain high ranking Government Officers. worn from
the main mast head, or a staff on the bow. It is only called the UNION JACK when
flown at the jackstaff of one of HM Ships.

Racing Dayboat Chartered Vessel Yawl or Ketch Gaff Rigged

Usually unable to Maritime flag Worn at a staff at the Peak of the sail on
wear one anyway; (Ensign) of country to mizzen masthead if it the aftermast if unable
but not whilst racing. which yacht belongs. cannot be worn at to wear at stem.

Starboard Starboard crosstrees Starboard crosstrees

crosstrees superior to all superior to a"
superior to a" except Ensign. except Ensign.
acept Ensign.

Not whilst racing. Burgee of From a staff at From a staff at

Rectangular flag if charterer NOT main masthead. main masthead.
required by club OWNER.
offering racing.

Not whilst lCK:ing. If charterer is a Burgee or Flag Offiicer's Burgee or Flag Officer's
Rectangular flag if Flag Officer flag from a staff at main flag from a staff at main
required by club substitute for masthead. masthead.
offering raCing. burgee.

See Sailing See Sailing See Sailing

Cruising Yacht. Cruising Yacht. Cruising Yacht.

Though not a house

flag, the courtesy
Ensign of charterer's
nationality may be
worn at port halyard.

POSITION AND Signals on halyards are read in the following order:-

IMPORTANCE OF Starboard (outer): Port (outer): Starboard (inner): Port (inner).
PRIZE FLAGS moors after the last race of the series and,
The custom of hoisting prize flags has or in addition, they may be hoisted with the
virtually ceased but if it is desired to fly Colours in the morning.
prize flags the following general comments When only a few prize flags are being flown
may be of use: they should be flown from the burgee
The prize flag is a rectangular flag similar to halyards, below the burgee, or they may be
a racing flag only smaller. flown from the starboard upper crosstrees.

The second and third prizes are When a large number of prize flags are
distinguished by the flag being hoisted flown, for instance at the end of the
inferior to the first prize. A blue flag marked season, they should be flown on a dressing
with a white figure 2 signifies second prize, line from the main masthead to the taffrail
and a red flag marked with a white fjgure 3 or boom end, and if there are more flags to
signifies third prize. be flown than can be accommodated, the
balance should be flown on a line from the
The prize flags are flown on completion of masthead to the stem.
racing to indicate any prizes won. The rules
can be summarised as follows:
1. At the end of a day's racing, the prize Mourning is indicated by wearing the
flag is hoisted to indicate any prize won Ensign and, in some cases, the burgee at
in the day's race. half mast. The rules concerning the
2. At the end of a day's racing, when it is observance of mourning by yachts are as
the last day of a regatta lasting several follows:
days, the yacht may hoist one prize flag
National mourning
for each prize won during that regatta,
second and third prizes indicated by 2 This is observed on occasions such as
and 3 pendants as already described. the death of a member of the Royal Family
Alternatively, if the yacht is remaining in Colours only, and not burgee, are half
the port where the regatta was held, masted as soon as news is received and
she may show all her prizes for that kept at half mast until sunset of that day,
regatta on the day after the regatta or, if the news is received during the hours
ceases, e.g. on the Sunday. She may of darkness, then the Colours are worn at
also show all prizes won in the regatta half mast for the next day. Colours are
when she returns to her home port, again half masted during the time that the
flying the flags on arrival and the next funeral is in progress.
day. The details vary considerably with the
3. On the next day after the last race of importance of the person in respect of
the season a yacht can hoist prize flags whom the Colours are being worn at half
showing all prizes won during the mast. When any ships of the Royal Navy
season, and she can also do this on are present, owners are advised to
return to her home port at the end of ascertain the procedure they are using.
the season; generally, it is When the funeral of a naval officer or rating
recommended that they be flown on the is in progress in a port where any of HM
day after arrival as well. If the person in ships are lying, Ensigns and Jacks are half
charge is confident that a prize has masted during the time the funeral is taking
been won, the appropriate prize flag place. On these occasions, yachts present
may be hoisted immediately after the should follow the actions of HM ships.
end of the race.
A number of foreign countries have
If it is desired to fly from a yacht a series of national days of mourning when Ensigns
prize flags to indicate prizes won in a are worn at half mast; it is a courtesy for
regatta or over the season, these should visiting yachts to conform with local
be hoisted as soon as she anchors or practice.
Private lTlourning The burgee and the special flag of a Flag
If the owner of a yacht dies, the Colours Officer of a yacht club should never be
and burgee should be half masted when the dipped when saluting.
information is received and at sunset hauled Yachts entering or leaving a port, where the
down for the last time. Should the news be yacht club whose burgee the yacht is flying
received during the hours of darkness, the is situated, may salute the club by dipping
Ensign and burgee should be worn and the Ensign. This is more desirable if the flag
flown half mast next day, and finally hauled of a Flag Officer is flying at the time from
down at sunset on that day. the club flagstaff. The club should respond
Should the death of a Flag Officer of a yacht by dipping its Ensign.
club occur, there is no objection to yachts,
which are lying in the home port of the DRESSING SHIP
yacht club and whose owners are members Dressing overall
of the club, by mutual arrangement wearing This consists of stringing the flags of the
their Ensigns at half mast for the same
International Code from the stem head to
periods as are observed on the occasion of the masthead, from masthead to masthead
the death of the owner of a yacht. (where the ship has more than one mast)
Hoisting and lowering and thence to the taffrail.
EnSigns and burgees on It is important that Ensigns, racing or other
occasions when they are private flags should not be used on the
being worn at half lTlast dressing lines (Le. the string of flags going
overall), which should be confined to flags
Ensigns and burgees should never be
of the International Code of Signals. In
hoisted direct to or lowered from the half
mast position. When being hoisted, they arranging the flags on the dressing lines,
should first be hauled close up and then, triangular flags and pendants should, as far
as possible, be placed between
after a pause of a few seconds, lowered to
rectangular flags (this cannot be done
the dipped position. Similarly, when Colours
throughout, however, as there are not
or burgees are to be lowered, they should
enough pendants and triangular flags), and
first be hauled from the dipped position
adjacent flags should be chosen to give as
close up and, after a pause of a few
seconds, lowered. This is the correct much contrast as possible, if the full
ceremonial procedure. complement of flags is unavailable.
All vessels should, as far as possible, be
SALUTES dressed alike. In general the order, reading
from the bow, should be:
It is customary for yachts to salute the
following: All Royal Yachts; all warships, E, Q, p3, G, p8, Z, p4, W, p6, P, p1, I,
both British and foreign; Flag Officers of a Code, T, Y, B, X, 1st, H, 3rd, D, F, 2nd, U,
yacht club when the yacht making the A, 0, M, R, p2, J, PO, N, pg, K, p7, V, p5,
salute is wearing the burgee of that club. L, C,S.
(It is customary when in their own waters for In a single-masted vessel the line from bow
yachts to salute a Flag Officer only once a to masthead could finish with 3rd
day.) substitute, and the line from masthead to
Salutes are made by dipping the Ensign, Le. stern carried on from D.
lowering it slowly to a position about one- The line between masts in two-masted
third from the lower end of its hoist (the vessels starts with Y and finishes with O.
Ensign should not be lowered so far that it
In addition to the ship's Colours (her
cannot fly). The ship making the salute
Ensign) which should still be worn at its
keeps her Ensign at the dip until the ship
usual place, Le. the Ensign staff on the
being saluted starts to re-hoist her Ensign,
taffrail, flags - generally Ensigns - should
when the ship making the salute re-hoists
also be flown from each masthead when
the ship is dressed. It is important that flown at the masthead. The special Ensign
there is a flag at each masthead, and the of one yacht club should never be flown
flags flown at the masthead should be in from the masthead at the same time as the
accordance with the following: special Ensign of another yacht club is
1. For British national festivals British worn from the taffrail.
Ensigns are flown at all mastheads; at DreSSing with lT1asthead
the main masthead the Ensign and the flags
club burgee are flown side by side.
When vessels are underway in the vicinity
There is, however, an exception to this
of an anchorage or are not fitted with
rule when the owner of the yacht is a
dreSSing lines, they should hoist Ensigns at
Flag Officer of a yacht club. In that
the masthead and Ensign staff and, where
case, his personal flag is flown by itself
appropriate, they may also hoist the Pilot
at the main masthead without any
Jack at the jackstaff.
Ensign. It follows, that if such a yacht is
a single-masted yacht. no masthead Dates for dressing ship
Ensign can be flown. The principal national festivals of Great
2. For foreign national festivals (either in Britain currently celebrated by dressing
British waters or abroad) an Ensign of ship are: Accession Day; Coronation Day:
the country in whose honour the ship is HM The Queen's Birthday; Commonwealth
dressed is flown at the masthead. For Day; HM The Queen's Official birthday
schooners or yachts with more than (usually the first Saturday in June);
two masts, the foreign Ensign is flown HRH The Duke of Edinburgh's birthday.
at the fore, for yawls and ketches at the In addition to these fixed days, ships are
mizzen, and for single-masted yachts it dressed on other occasions such as the
is flown at the main masthead marriage of a member of the Royal Family,
alongside the club burgee. British the visit of Royalty to a port, etc. There
Ensigns are flown at the other should be no difficulty in ascertaining these
mastheads. dates, and yachts are advised to follow the
As when celebrating British national action of ships of the Royal Navy when
festivals, the personal flag of a Flag lying in a harbour where those ships are
Officer of a yacht club is always flown present.
by itself at the main masthead. This Foreign countries have their own national
produces a difficulty in the case of festivals which are celebrated by dressing
single-masted yachts and, under these ship. Visiting yachts should, as a courtesy,
circumstances, the foreign Ensign may follow the local customs.
be flown either at the starboard yard- It is customary to dress ship for a local
arm or else at the crosstrees. festival.
3. For local festivals, such as regattas, the
club burgee should be flown at the
main masthead with no Ensign. The
owner's house flag may also be flown in
its usual place or, alternatively, an
Ensign may be flown. An Ensign should
also be flown at all other mastheads
where no other flag is flying.
In all the above cases, if the owner is
entitled to wear the special Ensign of a
privileged yacht club, he may fly either this
Ensign at the masthead or a Red Ensign,
but, should he elect to wear a special
Ensign, the same special Ensign must be
Although radiotelephony is generally 1 . The ability to send distress signals in
discussed in this booklet, the immense as many of the accepted forms as
amount of necessary information regarding possible and to pass other related
licensing and operating regulations, the information which is of help to
choice of equipment, and how to use it would-be rescuers.
including the handling of urgency, safety 2. The ability to communicate
and distress traffic, forms the subject of regarding some other craft in
other books from the RYA, in particular distress, either with her or with
books G22 VHF Radio inc GMDSS and another ship or shore.
G26 VHF Radio SRC Assessments.
3. To be able to pass important
This book deals with visual signalling and information (e.g. concerning safety
signalling by sound when vessels are in or navigation) to another craft.
close proximity as for example, in restricted
4. To be able to pass routine or
visibility. The principal reasons for which a
personal messages as and when
yachtsman needs to receive signals of one
convenient (e.g. to notify people
kind or another are:
ashore of changes to the yacht's
1. To obtain weather forecasts and gale programme).
In order to meet these requirements various
2. To obtain time signals, more particularly methods of signalling are available to
when astro-navigation is used. yachtsmen. Some of them are relatively
3. To obtain navigational information in slow, but are simple and convenient over
various forms (e.g. from local port signal short distances and require little equipment
stations, lighthouses, light-vessels, or training. Others are more complicated
Coastguards, and other ships or and expensive, requiring more knowledge
yachts). and experience.
4. To receive emergency signals from (or The basis of many forms of marine
concerning) other craft. communication is the International Code of
5. To establish the nature of another Signals. The Code takes account of the
vessel (e.g. during darkness or in fog) wide and increasing use of plain language
and to determine her movement relative communications and it provides for all
to one's own ship. situations relating to safety of navigation
and of persons, especially when language
6. To establish the identity (e.g. name,
difficulties arise.
club and/or nationality) of another yacht
or ship. The International Code can be transmitted
by any of the following methods:
7. To receive messages for personal or
business reasons, or messages which 1. Flag signalling, using the International
may affect the yacht's programme. Code flags. They consist of flags of
different colours and shapes which are
8. To be able to interpret signals used in displayed in groups (or singly for the
connection with yacht racing (e.g. more important signals), and which can
starting, cancellations, shortening
be interpreted from the code book,
courses, etc.). printed in nine languages. This method
There are perhaps fewer reasons for is rather slow, and it can only be used in
yachts being able to send signals, but they daylight and in good visibility.
2. Flashing light, using the Morse Code. of Trade set up a committee to look into
This code of dots and dashes is widely the problem.
known and can be transmitted by light As a result, a new International Code was
(day or night) over considerable introduced in 1857, based on the use of
distances-given a powerful light and 18 flags, which were the consonants of the
good visibility. alphabet less X and Z. It was issued in two
3. Sound signalling, also using the Morse parts, the first part containing international
Code. Owing to the equipment used signals and the second part only British
(e.g. whistle, siren or fog-horn) this ones. It was substantially revised in 1901
method is slow. It can also cause and again in 1943, on each occasion
confusion in poor visibility, when its use becoming more international in character.
should be restricted to a minimum. The more recent version (the 1931
4. Voice over a loud hailer. Messages by International Code) was published in two
loud hailer are normally passed in plain volumes, one for visual and sound
language, but the International Code signalling and one for radio
may be used if there are language communications. It provided for seven
difficulties. languages - English, French, Italian,
German, Japanese, Spanish and
5. Radiotelephony - by voice over a Norwegian. By means of the International
marine radio. Messages are normally
Code, ships of these various nationalities
passed in plain language, but the could pass messages to each other
International Code may be used in without any knowledge of foreign
cases of language difficulties.
languages at all. Apart from describing the
Established procedures and licensing actual flags, the meanings of the various
regulations must be followed. See RYA groups, and the procedure for their use, it
books G22 and G23 which explain
also detailed the methods of
these in great detail. communicating by morse, semaphore and
In addition to the above, sailors need to sound Signals.
be familiar with other special or local In the 1950's and 1960's a great deal of
signals which they will encounter. These work by international committees (under
include such items as combinations of what is now the International Maritime
shapes and flags (or lights by night) which
Organisation - IMO) resulted in a further
control the entry to certain ports or indicate
revision of the Code, which was completed
tidal heights, together with storm signals,
in 1964 and came into effect on 1 April
distress signals, pilot signals, pratique
1969. Russian and Greek were added to
messages, etc.
the previous seven languages and all forms
of marine communication combined into a
INTERNATIONAL single volume. As an example, all signals
CODE OF SIGNALS (including all the important single-letter
(1969) signals) may now be made by any method
of signalling, although there are restrictions
Several signal codes for mariners were
on sound signalling to conform to Rules 34
introduced in the early 1800's, perhaps the
and 35 of the Regulations for Preventing
best known being Marryat's (1817) which
Collisions at Sea.
can be fairly described as the first
International Code. This used numeral flags Each signal has a complete meaning.
0- 9, a rendezvous flag, a telegraph flag, Signals consist of:
a numeral pendant, two distinguishing 1. Single-letter signals, which are very
pendants as substitutes, and the Union urgent. important or common.
Flag. This code provided a total of 9,000
2. Two-letter signals for the General
signals which was soon found to be
insufficient, and in 1855 the British Board
3. Three-letter signals beginning with M for General instructions
the Medical Section. 1. Numbers
In some cases Complements are used to Numbers are signalled as follows:
supplement the available groups.
(i) Flag signalling: by the numeral
Complements express:
pendants of the Code.
1. Variations in the meaning of the basic
(ii) Flashing light or sound signalling:
signal. e.g.
usually by numerals in the Morse
CB :::: I require immediate Code, but may be spelt out in
assistance. important cases (e.g. in giving a
CB4 :::: I require immediate position).
assistance. I am aground. (iii) Marine Radio or loud hailer: by the
2. Questions concerning the same basic phonetic code words of the figure
subject or basic signal. e.g. spelling table.
DZ :::: Vessel (or aircraft) indicated 2. Decimal point
appears to be in distress. This is indicated as follows:
DZ1 :::: Is vessel (or aircraft) (i) Flag signalling: by inserting the
indicated in distress? Answering Pendant for the decimal
3. Answers to a question or request made point.
by the basic signal, e.g. (ii) Flashing light or sound signalling:
IB = What damage have you decimal signal AAA.
received? (iii) Voice: by use of the word decimal
IB3 = I have not received any (pronounced DAY-SEE-MAl, as
damage. indicated in figure spelling table).

4. Supplementary, specific, or detailed

3. Depths
information, e.g. Should be signalled in feet or metres.
Ql = You should go astern. Figures followed by F = feet (not
Ql1 = You should go slow astern.
Figures followed by M :::: metres.
Complements which appear in the text
more than once have been grouped in 4. Azimuth or bearing
three tables, which are given on page 27. Signalled by three figures, denoting
These tables should be used only as and degrees from 000 to 359. Where
when specified in the signal code. necessary, to avoid confusion, the figures
In some groups, words appear in brackets. to be prefixed by A (for azimuth). Unless
These are either alternatives, or information stated to the contrary, bearings are always
which may be included if it is available, or signalled as True.
explanations of the text. 5. Course
In the code itself, material is arranged As for azimuth, except that the figures
under the following main headings: are prefixed by C (for course).
Distress, Emergency, Casualties, Damage,
Meteorology, Communications, Pratique
and Medical.
Cross references are given in the right-
hand column, where appropriate, in order
to facilitate coding.
6. Dates Morse code
Dates are signalled by two, four or six
figures which are preceded by the letter 0
(for date).
B -
The first two figures = day of the month.
(When signalled alone they refer to the
- ...- .
present month).

The next two figures = month of the year
(e.g. 02012 = 20 December). F

·• ...
The final two figures, when six are G
signalled = year (e.g. 0201201 = 20
December 2001).
I •

7. Latitude

Signalled by four figures, preceded by L
and followed by N for (North latitudes) or S K
(for South latitudes). Nor S may be L
omitted where obvious. The first two
figures indicate degrees and the second
two indicate minutes. N
B. Longitude
Signalled by four (or five) figures
preceded by G and followed by E (for East)
or W (for West). The last two figures
indicate minutes and the first two (or three)
R .- .
indicate degrees. S • ••
9. Distance T
Signalled by figures (in nautical miles)
preceded by R.
·....- -
10. Speed
Signalled by figures preceded by S (for
- .. -
knots) or by V (for kilometres per hour).
11. Time
- - ..
Signalled by four figures, the first two
denoting the hour (from 00 to 23) and the
last two denoting minutes. When preceded Numerals
.- - - -
by T the time indicated is local time. When 1
preceded by Z the time indicated is
2 ---
Greenwich Mean Time.
12. Local signal codes
(when applicable) are preceded by the
4 .... -
- -

group YV 1 = The groups which follow are

from the local code.
6 ....

- - ...
8 ---
---- .
0 -----
Phonetic tables 6 SIX
Letter spelling table 7 SEV-EN
Letter Code Word Pronunciation 8 AIT
C Chartie CHAR LEE Decimal Point DAY-SEE-MAL
D Delta DELLTAH Full Stop STOP
E Echo ECK OH Numerals should be transmitted digit by
F Foxtrot FOKS TROT digit except that multiples of thousands
G Golf GOLF may be spoken as such.

H Hotel HOH TELL Procedure Signals

I India llil DEE AH Note
A bar over the letters of a signal means
that the letters are joined together and
K Kilo KEYLOH made as one symbol.
L Uma LEE MAH 1. Signals for voice
M Mike MIKE transmissions (RIT or loud
Signal Pronunciation Meaning
0 Oscar OSSCAH
INTERCO IN-TER-CO International
Code group(s)
Q Quebec KEH BECK follow(s).
R Romeo ROW ME OH CORRECllON KOR-REK- Cancel my last
S Sierra SEE AIR RAH SHUN word or group.
The correct
word or group
U Uniform YOU NEE FORM follows.
V Victor VIKTAH 2. Signals for Morse
W Whiskey WISS KEY transmission by light
X X-ray ECKS RAY AA AA AA etc. Call for unknown station
or general call.
EEEEEE etc. Erase signal.
AAA Full stop or decimal point.
The syllables to be emphaSised are TITIetc. Answering signal.
underlined. T Word or group received.
Figure spelling table 3. Signals for flags~ radio-
When numerals are transmitted by telephony and radio-
radiotelephone, the following rules for their telegraphy transmissions
pronunciation should be observed: CQ Call for unknown
Numeral Spoken as station(s) or general call
to all stations.
When this signal is used in voice
3 TREE transmission, it should be pronounced in
4 FOW-ER accordance with the letter spelling table
(Le. Charlie Quebec).
4. Signals for use where Notes
appropriate in all forms of 1. The procedure signals C, NO and RQ
transmission cannot be used in conjunction with
AA 'An after .. .' (used after the single-letter signals.
'Repeat' signal (RPT) - see below - 2. Other signals relating to procedure are
means 'Repeat all after .. .'). given under the heading of
AB 'All before .. .' (used after the Communications in the International
'Repeat' signal (RPT) - see below- Code.
means 'Repeat an before .. .'). 3. When these signals are used by voice
AR Ending signal or end of transmission transmission the letters should be
or signal. pronounced in accordance with the
AS Waiting signal or period. letter-spelling table, except that NO is
pronounced NO.
BN 'All between ... and ... ' (used
after the 'Repeat' signal (RPT) - Single letter signals
means 'Repeat all between . . and The single letter signal may be made by
.. .'). any method of signalling. For those marked
C Affirmative - 'YES' or The * see note (1) on next page.
significance of the previous group A 'I have a diver down; keep well clear at
should be read in the affirmative' . slow speed'.
CS 'What is the name or identity signal *8 'I am taking in, or discharging, or
of your vessel (or station)?' carrying dangerous goods'.
DE 'From .. .'(used to precede the *C 'YES' ('Affirmative' or 'The significance
name or identity signal of the calling of the previous group should be read in
station). the affirmative').
K 'I wish to communicate with you' or *0 'Keep clear of me; I am manoeuvring
'Invitation to transmit'. with difficulty'.
NO Negative - 'NO' or The *E 'I am altering my course to starboard'.
significance of the previous groups F 'I am disabled; communicate with me.'
should be read in the negative'.
When used in voice transmission G 'I require a pilot'. (When made by
fishing vessels operating in close
the pronunciation should be 'No'.
proximity on the fishing grounds it
OK Acknowledging a correct repetition means 'I am hauling nets'.)
or 'It is correct'.
H 'I have a pilot on board'.
RQ Interrogative, or 'The significance of
I 'I am altering my course to port'.
the previous group should read as a
question'. J 'I am on fire and have dangerous cargo
R 'Received' or 'I have received your on board; keep well clear of me'.
last signal' . K 'I wish to communicate with you' .
RPT Repeat signal 'I repeat' or 'Repeat L 'You should stop your vessel instantly'.
what you have sent' or 'Repeat M 'My vessel is stopped and making no
what you have received'. way through the water'.
WA 'Word or group after .. .'(used after N NO ('Negative' or 'The significance of
the 'Repeat' signal (RPT) means the previous group should be read in
'Repeat word or group after ... '). the negative'). This signal may be given
WB 'Word or group before . . .' (used only visually or by sound. For voice or
after the 'Repeat' signal (RPT) radio transmission the signal should be
means 'Repeat word or group NO.
before .. .'). 0 'Man overboard'.
P In harbour: D with two, four or six numerals
'All persons should report on board as = DATE.
the vessel is about to proceed to sea'. G with four or five numerals
At sea: = LONGITUDE (the last two numerals
denote minutes, and the rest degrees).
May be used by fishing vessels to mean
'My nets have come fast upon an K with one numeral
obstruction' . = 'I wish to communicate with you by . '
(Complements table 1 ).
Q 'My vessel is healthy and I request free
pratique'. L with four numerals
"S 'I am operating astern propulsion'.
= LATITUDE (the first two numerals
denote degrees, and the rest minutes).
"T 'Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair R - with one or more numerals
trawling'. = DISTANCE in nautical miles.
U 'You are running into danger'. S with one or more numerals
V 'I require assistance'. = SPEED in knots.
W 'I require medical assistance'. T with four numerals
X 'Stop carrying out your intentions and = LOCAL TIME (24-hour clock).
watch for my signals'. V with one or more numerals
Y 'I am dragging my anchor'. = SPEED in kilometres per hour.
"'z 'I require a tug'. When made by fishing Z with four numerals
vessels operating in close proximity on = GMT (24 hour clock).
the fishing grounds it means 'I am Tables of complements
shooting nets'.
Table I
Notes 1. Semaphore.
1 . Signals of letters marked ", when made 2. Morse Signalling by hand flags or arms.
by sound, may only be made in
compliance with the requirements of the 3. Loud hailer (or megaphone).
International Regulations for Preventing 4. Morse signalling lamp.
Collisions at Sea, (Rules 34 and 35), 5. Sound signals.
accepting that sound signals G and Z
6. International Code flags.
may continue to be used by fishing
vessels fishing in close proximity to 7. Radiotelegraphy, 500kHz.
other fishing vessels. 8. Radiotelephony, 2182kHz.
2. Signals K and S have special meanings 9. VHF Radiotelephony Channel 16.
as landing signals for small boats with
Table 11
crews or persons in distress.
O. Water.
The letter R has been omitted from the
revised list of single letter meanings and a 1. Provisions.
meaning has so far been unallocated, but 2. Fuel.
see Rule 35(9) of the Collision Regulations. 3. Pumping equipment.
Single letter signals with 4. Fire ighting appliance.
complements 5. Medical assistance.
(May be made by any method of signalling) 6. Towing.
A with three numerals 7. Survival craft.
8. Vessel to stand-by.
C with three numerals
= COURSE. 9. Ice breaker.
Table '" At the dip
O. Direction unknown (or calm). A hoist or Signal is at the dip when hoisted
1 . North-east. only about half-way up.
2. East. Close up
A signal is close up when it is fully hoisted,
3. South-east.
or when it is two blocks.
4. South.
5. South-west.
A line used to separate the groups in a
6. West. hoist, so that they are read separately.
7. North-west. Superior
8. North. A flag or group hoisted above another flag
9. All directions (or confused or variable). or group. (Note - flags are always read from
the top downwards.)


The flags used in the International Code A flag or group hoisted below another flag
(see inside front cover) remain as in the or group.
1931 version of the Code and consist of: Class
1. Twenty six flags - one for each letter of The class of a flag refers to whether it is an
the alphabet. These are all rectangular alphabetical flag or a numeral pendant.
in shape, except A and B which are (See under the heading Substitutes).
burgee shaped. Equipment required
2. Eleven pendants - consisting of the 10 In order to be able to signal using the
numerals 0-9, plus the Answering International Code the following are
Pendant (or Code Flag as it is necessary:
sometimes called).
1. A complete set of the 40 flags. It should
3. Three triangular flags - the First, be emphasised that flags must be of an
Second and Third Substitutes. These adequate size if they are to be identified
are used to avoid the necessity of a at a worthwhile distance. 24in on the
ship having to carry more than one set hoist by 30in on the fly is none too large
of the 26 flags and 11 pendants given for practical purposes. Yacht outfits are
above. They enable the same signal often smaller than this and of not much
flag - either alphabetical flag or numeral use except for dressing ship.
pendant - to be repeated one or more
2. Flags must have a proper stowage, so
times in the same group. Their use is
that each is readily identifiable and can
described more fully below.
be quickly extracted. Large ships have
Definitions flag lockers, but most yachts stow their
Group flags in a canvas wallet which can be
One or more continuous letters and/or rolled up and put away when not
numerals which together comprise a required.
signal. 3. Bearing in mind the size of flags
Hoist required, it is essential to have a halliard
or halliards of sufficient length to make a
One or more groups displayed from a
hoist. While the height of mast should
single halliard. (Another use of the word
not present any problem in a sailing
hoist is to indicate the portion of a flag
yacht, most of the stubby affairs fitted in
nearest to the line of the halliard - the fly
modern motor yachts are useless for
being the other end which flutters in the
4. A code book, with the meanings of the
various groups.
5. Binoculars, in order to read signals from Nowadays when ships meet on the high
other ships. seas they often communicate by R!T or by
light; the old procedure for speaking to a
ship was to indicate:
The basic procedure is that the sending
ship hoists the identity (see under Identity 1. National flag.
of Vessels) of the ship she desires to 2. Signal letters.
signal. If the other ship's identity signal is 3. Port from which sailed.
not known she hoists the group VF ('You
4. Destination.
should hoist your identity signal') or CS
(,What is the name or identity signal of your 5. Number of days out.
vessel (station),) - preferably at the same 6. Longitude.
time hoisting her own identity signal. If the
sending ship does not indicate the Substitutes
receiving ship by signal letters, then the In order to provide for the repetition of
signal is addressed to all ships within one or more letters within a group, the
range. Substitute flags are used. The First
Substitute repeats the first flag of the
The sending ship then hoists her signal,
group in the class which is immediately
and when this is sighted the receiving ship
superior to it. Similarly the Second
hoists her Answering Pendant at the dip.
Substitute repeats the second flag in the
When she has read the signal and is
group, and the Third Substitute the third
certain that she understands it she hoists
flag. It must be remembered that class
the Answering Pendant close up.
refers to whether it is an alphabetical or a
The sending ship then lowers her signal - numeral flag (see Definitions on page 28).
at which the receiving ship brings her
A substitute can only repeat a signal flag of
Answering Pendant to the dip again. If the
the same class as that immediately
sending ship has a further hoist or hoists to
preceding it. If a substitute follows one or
make, the procedure is repeated. but if the
more alphabetical flags, it repeats one of
message has been completed she hoists
those flags; if it follows one or more
the Answering Pendant close up to signify
numeral pendants it represents one of
End of Message. The receiving ship hoists
those pendants. The Answering Pendant
her Answering Pendant close up to
when used as a decimal point should be
acknowledge, both then lower their
disregarded when determining which
Answering Pendants and the procedure is
substitute to use. No substitute can be
used more than once in the same group.
Identity of vessels The following are examples of the use of
It is often necessary for ships and yachts substitutes:
to exchange their identities. The most
1. The signal BILL would be made by:
obvious identification is a ship's nationality
- by her Ensign. In addition all ships are B
allocated a registered number which I
actually consists of four alphabetical flags. L
For British ships the first is G or M. Third Substitute.
Registered yachts may apply for signal 2. The group PPRP would be made by:
letters. P
Signal letters are not compulsory for First Substitute
yachts, even if they are registered. When R
speaking to or calling a ship her signal Second Substitute.
letters precede the signal; when speaking
of or indicating a ship they follow the
3. The signal T1330 would be made by: Spacing
T Morse is a matter of timing and rhythm. If
1 a dot is taken as the unit of time, the
3 following is the correct spacing, and this
Second Substitute must be achieved if the message is to be
o clearly readable.
Note Dot 1 unit
Here two classes of flags are used, and Dash 3 units
the Second Substitute refers to the Space between each dot
second numeral pendant - not to the or dash in a letter 1 unit
second flag in the hoist. Space between each letter
or symbol 3 units
Answering Pendant Space between each word
The use of the Answering Pendant at the or group 7 units
dip when a signal is first seen, and close
The essential pOints to remember are that
up when it has been read and understood,
a dash is three times as long as a dot, and
has already been described under
there must be a slight pause between
Procedure on page 29, also to signify 'End
each letter - otherwise EE would become
of Message' and to acknowledge same. In
1 , and AE would be read as R, for
addition it is used to signal a decimal point
example. The pause between words is
between numeral pendants.
more pronounced, but this occurs almost
It may also be used by a Royal Navy ship automatically because (as will be seen
while she is signalling with a non-naval below) the receiving ship or station
ship or a shore station. Although the Royal acknowledges each word by making the
Navy now uses International Code flags letter T.
(supplemented by other naval numeral
flags and other special flags and
pendants), the International Code groups
are not used between naval units. The
answering pendant therefore indicates that
a warship is using the International Code.

In order to pass messages satisfactorily it
is necessary to have the right equipment;
allthough over very short distances at
night, almost any electric torch will suffice
provided it is fitted with a suitable switch,
but for greater ranges or for daylight
signalling specialist equipment is used,
e.g., an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is
essentially directional and must be kept
trained on the receiving station using the
sights provided - pressure on the trigger
deflecting the reflecting mirror and forming
the dots or dashes. This can naturally
cause some difficulty in bad weather
when, despite its shorter range, an all-
round light (at the masthead for example)
may be preferable.
Procedure signals
The following procedure signals are used when sending and receiving Morse Code by flashing
light. When a bar is placed on top of the sign the letters are run together without any pause
between them.
Sign Morse symbol Meaning
AA AA AA etc. e - e - e - e - Call up.
(until answered) e - e - etc.
(until call stops) Answering signal.
T Word received.
AAA e - e - e - Full stop or decimal point.
EEEEEEE etc. e e e e e etc Erase.
(Note: The five signals above are used only when sending Morse by light. The remaining
procedure signals below can be used with other methods, as well as when using light.)
DE - e e e From.
RPT e -e e -- e - Repeat signal.
AA e - All after.
AB - e e e All before.
WA e -- Word or group after.
WB e -- - eee Word or group before.
BN - e e e Word or group between.
AR e - e - e Message ends.
AS e - e e e Waiting signal or period signal.
C - e - e Affirmative YES.
R Received.
YT4 e e e e - I cannot read your morse signalling
YU - e -- e e - Am going to communicate by
International Code.

Morse procedure makes her signal letters, which the other

(flashing light) repeats back.
The correct procedure for passing Then follows the text of the message,
messages by flashing light is given in either in plain language or in code groups
Chapter VI of the International Code. (code groups being preceded by the signal
Briefly the transmitting ships are called up, YU). Each word or group is signalled
either AA AA etc. or with the signal letters separately and acknowledged by the
of the ship addressed, until answered. receiving ship with the letter T. When
When ready to receive, the other ship proper names are to be inserted in code
makes the Answering Signal. If necessary group messages and have been spelt out
the ships exchange identities, the in plain language, they should be preceded
transmitting ship making DE followed by by yz (the words which follow are in plain
her signal letters, which the receiving ship language). At the end of the transmission
repeats back. The receiving ship then the sending ship makes AA which the
receiving ship acknowledges with R.
Notes on procedure 8. For a negative reply to a question, or for
signals a negative statement, the signal N is
used in visual signalling (and NO is used
1. The General call signal (or call for
for voice communication).
unknown station) AA AA AA etc. is used
to attract all stations in sight, or a 9. The signals C, N (or NO) and RQ cannot
station whose name or identity signal is be used in conjunction with single-letter
not known. It is made until the signals.
Answering Signal is received. 10. Waiting Signal AS is used either between
2. The Answering Signal is made until the groups as necessary to separate them
call up ceases. (to avoid confusion) or after the end of a
signal to indicate that the other station
3. The Erase Signal EEEEEE indicates that
should wait for a further transmission.
the last word or group was signalled
incorrectly. It is answered by the Erase Transmitting morse
Signal. The transmitting station then The inexperienced signalman who makes
repeats the message, commencing with and receives morse quite slowly will find it
the last word or group that was best to err on the side of making dots
correctly signalled. rather shorter than the prescribed
4. The Repeat Signal (RPT) is used by the proportion of three dots to one dash. That
transmitting station to indicate a is to say the difference should be made
repetition. If such repetition does not more distinct, otherwise it is sometimes
follow, the signal should be interpreted difficult to appreciate their relative lengths,
as a request for the receiving station to because the dots and dashes do not follow
repeat back the signal received. It may each other very quickly.
also be used by the receiving station to Learning the morse code
request a repetition of the signal.
Over the years various methods of learning
5. The Repetition Signals (AA, AB etc) are morse have evolved. You can start by
made by the receiving station after RPT mastering the letters composed only of dots
to request repetition of the part of the (E,I,S and H) and only of dashes (T,M and
signal indicated. For example: 0); then there are the opposites, K L..J and
RPT AA EP= R (._.), P.k _ .) and X C ..J. Two dots first
'Repeat all after group EP'. for F (. ._.) and two dots last for L k .. ) help
to distinguish between these two. No doubt
RPT BN aircraft wreckage =
many signalmen subconsciously remember
'Repeat all between words aircraft
Q L _.J by 'Here comes the Queen' (the
and wreckage'.
short word 'the' corresponding to the
If a signal is not understood the Repeat position of the dot).
Signal should not be used. In this case the
It does not make any difference whether
group ZL ('Your signal has been received
but not understood') would be appropriate. the code is learned or practised by working
with a light or with a buzzer. Using a light
6. The signal OK is used to acknowledge you can familiarise yourself with the code
a correctly received repetition. The flashing into a mirror - a suitable hand torch
same signal is also used as an will do. If you have a tape recorder you can
affirmative answer to a question, but prepare your own buzzer lesson on tape.
normally the single letter C should be Another instructional aid is a set of cards on
used to indicate an affirmative each of which is a letter of the alphabet on
statement or an affirmative reply to an one side, and the equivalent morse symbol
interrogative signal. on the other.
7 RQ converts a signal into a question. With two people the problem is simplified,
For example: since they can make random letters to each
GZ = 'All persons saved'. other in order to learn the code, and
GZ RQ = 'Are all persons saved?' eventually pass complete messages
backwards and forwards, using the correct Sound signals in restricted visibility are as
procedures. follows:
Throughout, it is most important to Power vessel making way through water
maintain the correct spacing of dots, A prolonged blast at intervals of not
dashes and pauses, and also to regulate more than 2 minutes.
the speed of sending so that a gradual Power vessel under way but stopped
improvement is maintained. (i.e. not at anchor)
Morse code by other Two prolonged blasts at intervals of not
methods more than 2 minutes.
Although morse code by flashing light is Vessel at anchor
the method most likely to be used by Ring the bell rapidly for about 5
yachtsmen, the following methods are also seconds, at intervals of not more than 1
available: minute.
1. Radiotelegraphy. For yachtsmen this is Vessels over 100m at anchor
normally restricted to identifying the In addition to above, sound gong aft at
alphabetical call signs of any remaining similar intervals.
marine radio beacons. The transmission (In addition, a vessel at anchor may
of morse by buzzer over radio (or line) sound R on her foghorn to warn an
telegraphy used to be used extensively. approaching vessel).
However it is no longer used in this
Vessel towed
way. One long blast followed by three short,
2. Sound Signals. Morse Code can be every two minutes.
transmitted by sound signals using the
Vessel aground
ship's foghorn, whistle or siren. This
As for at anchor, plus three separate
method is restricted to urgent or
and distinct strokes of bell before and
important signals and is described in
Sound Signals below.
Pilot vessel on duty
Four short blasts
Sound signals in restricted Vessel under sail, or not under
visibility command, or constrained by her
draught, or engaged fishing or towing
The requirement for ships to make sound
One long followed by two short blasts,
signals in fog, mist, heavy rain or other
at least every two in minutes.
conditions restricting normal visibility
(whether by day or night) are in Rule 35 of Hence in fog or restricted visibility a sailing
the International Regulations for Preventing vessel will sound one long followed by two
Collisions at Sea (1972). The full text, short blasts at intervals of not more than 2
annotated for yachtsmen, is contained in minutes but if she is less than 12 metres
RYA book G2, and should be studied she shall not be obliged to give the above-
carefully. mentioned signals. She must, however,
have other means of making an efficient
By Rule 33, a vessel of 12 metres or more
sound signal.
in length shall be provided with a whistle
and a bell and a vessel of 100 metres or The provision of an efficient foghorn on a
more in length shall, in addition, be small yacht is something of a problem. The
provided with a gong. best proposition is a hand-operated pump
in a sailing yacht. Horns blown by mouth or
A vessel less than 12 metres is not obliged
aerosols are ineffective under most
to carry the signalling appliances above
conditions. Motor yachts can and should
described but if she does not she must
be equipped with a proper horn.
have other means of making an efficient
sound signal.
Vessels in sight of each Urgent and important
other Signals
Rule 34 prescribes signals for power-driven The International Code makes special
vessels in sight of each other as follows: provision for sound signalling, using the
One short blast ship's whistle, siren or foghorn. Since the
I am altering course to starboard. misuse of these signals could cause serious
confusion, the method is normally confined
Two short blasts
to urgent and important signals. The
I am altering course to port. system is necessarily slow. Sound signalling
Three short blasts in fog should be reduced to a minimum.
I am operating astern propulsion. Signals other than the single-letter signals
When either of two vessels approaching below should be used only in extreme
each other fails to understand the actions emergency (when no other means of
or intention of the other, or is doubtful that communication is available), and never in
sufficient action is being taken to avoid a frequented waters.
collision, she shall give at least five short The following letters, when made by sound,
and rapid blasts. may only be used as in Rules 34 and 35 of
The whistle signals above may be the Collision Regulations.
supplemented by an all-round white light, E, I and S Manoeuvring and Warning
with the number of flashes equivalent to the Signals - Rule 34.
number of blasts. B,D,H & T In restricted visibility - Rule 35.
In a narrow channel, when overtaking can B For a vessel being towed -
only occur if the overtaken vessel takes
Rule 35(e).
action to permit safe passing, a vessel
intending to overtake shall indicate her D For a vessel not under
intention by the following whistle signals: command, or sailing, fishing or
towing - Rule 35(c).
Two long blasts followed by one short
I intend to overtake you on your H For a pilot vessel on pilotage
starboard side. duty - Rule 350).
Two long blasts followed by two short T For a power driven vessel
under way - Rule 35(a).
I intend to overtake you on your port
side. Sound signals -
If in agreement the overtaken vessel procedure
sounds one long, one short, one long and No call or answering sign is made for the
one short blast, and takes the necessary single-letter signals mentioned previously,
steps. If in doubt she may sound five or and identities are not exchanged. No
more short and rapid blasts. special procedures are given for other
sound signals, transmitted by ship's siren,
Sound signals for whistle, foghorn, etc. The signals shown in
distress purposes Clause 4 of Procedure Signals may be used
Under Annex IV the following constitute as appropriate. It should be remembered
distress signals, and should not be used for that single letter signals marked by
any other purpose: asterisks may only be made by sound in
1. A gun or other explosive signal fired at compliance with the International
intervals of about a minute. Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
In general the sending ship simply makes
2. The continuous sounding of any fog-
her message, ending with AR, the receiving
signalling apparatus.
ship then makes her message, ending with
AR, the receiving ship then making R to
signify that she has received the signal.
Signals should be made slowly and clearly;
they may be repeated, if necessary, but at miles. Most makes available to yachtsmen
sufficiently long intervals to ensure that burn for almost a minute with a
confusion does not arise. The receiving candlepower of 15,000. Parachute flares
ship can make the Repeat Sign (RPT) if she are the best option for distress signalling at
misses a word. night, since they operate for almost a
minute at a height of over 300m. Under
Warning signal
good conditions they can be seen for 20
Under Rule 34 (e), a power-driven vessel is miles or more by night, and 5 miles by day.
required to sound one prolonged blast as a While they are admittedly considerably
warning when approaching a bend in a more expensive than hand flares, they are
river or channel where a vessel coming in much more effective. Most of these
the other direction cannot be seen. pyrotechnics have a limited life and
therefore need to be renewed periodically
DISTRESS SIGNALS - in accordance with the maker's
GENERAL instructions-normally about every three
Of all the signals which a yachtsman may years. Flares should be stored in watertight
have to send or read in a hurry, possibly containers.
without reference to any book such as this, • The letters SOS in morse, by light or
distress signals are the most important. any other signalling method.
Under conditions when a yacht is in real
• The International Code Flag signal NC.
danger there is no time to consult the
signal book. In the same way, distress • The continuous sounding of any fog
signals should be recognised instantly. signalling apparatus (e.g. foghorn, siren
or whistle). In order to avoid any
Every owner and skipper should make sure
possible doubt as to the intention of the
that his boat carries adequate distress
signals, the continuous sounding
equipment and signals, depending on her should be made in the form of a
size and type, and on the waters in which succession of letters SOS.
she sails. It is important that all on board
should know where distress and • A gun or other explosive signal,
emergency equipment is stowed and how sounded at intervals of about a minute.
to use it. (This signal is normally not suitable for
small craft, but yachtsmen should be
Methods of indicating distress include:
aware of its significance).
• The distress warning signal on GMDSS
• A square flag (or something resembling
radio followed by a plain voice MAYDAY a flag), with a round object either above
message. For more information see RYA
or below it.
books G22 and G26
• Flames, from burning rags soaked in
• For non GMDSS radios the spoken
paraffin or oil (not a particularly effective
word MAYDAY on marine radio followed
signal, and rather a last resort).
by a plain voice MAYDAY message.
• Raising and lowering the outstretched
• Signals transmitted by EPIRBs and SARTs arms slowly.
• Red parachute flares fired one at a time It must be strongly emphasised that the
at short intervals or red pinpoint hand use of any of the above signals, except for
held flares. distress purposes, is forbidden. Even then
• Orange smoke signals, for use in they should only be made with the
daylight. These consist of a buoyant authority of the skipper, and only in cases
container, which after ignition is thrown of serious and imminent danger requiring
into the sea and generates smoke for urgent assistance, or on behalf of another
about 2-3 minutes. ship in such danger which, for some
Hand flares are satisfactory for smaller reason, cannot itself make a distress
boats and are efficient at ranges of up to 5 signal.
Replies to distress flag, or light, or flare in the direction to
signals be indicated.
The following signals from ashore indicate 2. By firing a red flare vertically and a white
that a ship's distress signals have been star in the direction towards the better
received and that assistance will be given landing place.
as soon as possible: 3. By using the code letter S, followed by
By day R if the landing is to the right, or L if it is
An orange smoke signal, or combined to the left of the approach line.
light and sound signal - three single
Signals used by aircraft
Signals fired at intervals of about 1
on search and rescue
By night
The following signals may be used by
A white star rocket. consisting of three
aircraft to direct ships towards another
single signals fired at intervals of about
ship, or aircraft, in distress:
1 minute.
1. In sequence, the aircraft first circles the
Landing signals for boats ship at least once. It then crosses low,
with rescued persons close ahead of the ship, opening and
Meaning - T his is the best p lace to land. ' closing the throttle, or changing the
By day propeller pitch. Finally, it heads in the
Vertical motion of the arms or of a white direction in which the ship is to be
flag. directed. The signal may be repeated.
Green star signal. The aircraft is directing the ship towards
the ship or aircraft in distress.
International Code signal K by light or
sound signal. 2. The aircraft passes close astern of the
ship, at low altitude, opening and
By night
closing the throttle, or changing the
Vertical motion of white light or flare.
propeller pitch.
Green star signal.
Indicates that the assistance of the ship
International Code signal K by light or is no longer required.
sound signal.
Meaning - 'Landing here is highly MISCELLANEOUS
dangerous.' SIGNALS
By day There are a variety of signals at sea which
Horizontal motion of a white flag, or are applicable to special situations. Some
arms extended horizontally. of these such as Pratique Messages (or
Red star signal. Quarantine Signals) are of direct interest to
yachtsmen. Others are unlikely to be used
International Code Signal S by light or
in, or may not be applicable to, small
sound signal.
private vessels; nevertheless the yacht
By night skipper should at least be aware of their
Horizontal motion of white light or flare. existence and know where to find the
Red star signal. details if required.
International Code signal S by light or Pratique messages
sound signal. All yachts, whether carrying dutiable
Where landing is signalled as dangerous, a stores or not, arriving in the United
more favourable landing place may be Kingdom from outside the EU - including
indicated as follows: the Channel Islands - must fly Flag Q.
1. By placing or carrying another white Details are given in Customs Notice No. 8,
which can be obtained from any Customs
House or from HM Customs and Excise 1. The main movement message
website: www.hmce.gov.uk comprises three lights disposed
Pilot signal vertically and no additional light may be
added to this column. Hence three
The following signals relate to pilotage vertical lights indicate a traffic signal,
and it is an offence, under the Pilotage Act and not lights of naVigational
(1913), to use them incorrectly, or for significance.
example to fail to show the correct signal
in waters, where pilotage is compulsory. 2. Red lights mean 'Do not proceed.'

Meaning - 'I require a pilot' (which can be 3. Green lights mean' 'Proceed, subject
signalled by any method) to the conditions stipulated.'

By Day or Night It should be noted that, to avoid

International Code Signal G confusion, red and green lights are
never shown together.
Under International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), Rule 4. A single yellow light, shown to the left
35, a power-driven pilot vessel when of the column carrying main messages
engaged on pilotage duty may, in addition Nos 2 or 5, at the level of the upper
to the signals prescribed in subsections (a), light, means ' Vessels which can safely
(b) or (9), sound an identity signal navigate outside the main channel
consisting of four short blasts. need not comply with the main
message'. This is obviously significant
Fishery protection ships to yachtsmen.
and fishing vessels 5. Signals which are auxiliary to the main
A code of signals exists, and is message may be adopted by local
internationally agreed, for communication authorities. Such signals should use
between fishing vessels and Fishery only white and/or yellow lights, and be
Protection Ships. The code makes use of displayed to the right of the column
Ensigns and coloured flags, but is not of carrying the main message.
direct interest to yachtsmen.
It can be seen that the basic signals are
Port signals fairly easy to memorise. Ports with
British Ports. Local signals control entry to complex entrances and much traffic need
(and departure from) certain ports and various auxiliary signals, which need to be
harbours around the coasts of the British documented. Small harbours need only
Isles. These signals are detailed in the two or three of the basiC signals.
appropriate Admiralty Pilot, to which Some signals may be omni-directional -
reference should be made. shown to all vessels simultaneously.
In addition, the Ministry of Defence might, Others must be directional - shown to
in certain circumstances, control the entry vessels either entering or leaving, but not
to special ports and institute an both.
Examination Service for vessels which Signal number five assumes that some
approach them. In such cases, where entry other means of communication such as
is prohibited, this is indicated by three red VHF radio, signal lamp, loud hailer, or
balls disposed vertically by day and three auxiliary signal is used to inform the vessel
all-round red flashing lights disposed that she may proceed.
vertically by night.
Number one signal, for a serious
International port traffic emergency, must be flashing lights. All
Signals other signals must be either fixed or slow
This system is still in an introductory occulting lights (the latter being useful
stage, but its use is bound to spread. when background lights are a problem). A
mixture of fixed and occulting lights must
The rules for this system are:
not be used.
Tide signals Reference should be made to local sailing
At certain ports, signals are displayed directions or the appropriate Admiralty
(normally by a combination of various Pilot since, particularly in the United
shapes by day, and of lights by night) to Kingdom, a variety of different signals are
indicate the height of the tide, or the depth in use.
of water at the entrance, or over the bar.

International port traffic signals - examples

No Lights Main message

1 R 0> Serious emergency - all vessels to

R :E
stop or divert according to
co instructions.
R u::::

2 R
R Vessels shall not proceed.

3 G 0>
c Vessels may proceed.
G +='
:; One way traffic.
G ()
4 G en
Cs Vessels may proceed.
G "'0 Two way traffic.
W x

5 G
A vessel may proceed only when she
W has received specific orders to do so.

Exemption signals and messages

2a Y R Vessels shall not proceed, except that

c vessels which navigate outside the
R +='
"S main channel need not comply with
R () the main message.
5a Y G Ci5 A vessel may proceed only when she
Cs has received specific orders to do so,
W "'0
except that vessels which navigate
G x outside the main channel need not
comply with the main message.
International Code - selected groups
AC I am abandoning my vessel.
AE I must abandon my vessel.
AF I do not intend to abandon my vessel.
AN I need a doctor.
CB I require immediate assistance.
CB 4 I require immediate assistance. I am aground.
CB 5 I require immediate assistance. I am drifting.
CB 6 I require immediate assistance. I am on fire.
CB 7 I require immediate assistance. I have sprung a leak.
CJ Do you require assistance?
CK Assistance is not (or is no longer) required by me (or vessel indicated) .
CV I am unable to give assistance.
OX I am sinking.
EO Your distress signals are understood.
EF SOS/MAYDAY has been cancelled.
FA Will you give me my position
IL I can only proceed at slow speed.
IM I request to be escorted until further notice.
IT I am on fire.
IZ Fire has been extinguished.
JG I am aground. I am in a dangerous situation.
JH I am aground. I am not in danger.
JI Are you aground?
JL You are running the risk of going aground.
JO I am afloat.
JW I have sprung a leak.
JX Leak is gaining rapidly.
KM I can take you in tow.
KN I cannot take you in tow.
KO Prepare to be taken in tow.
KR All is ready for towing.
LG You should prepare to cast off towing hawsers.
La I am not in my correct position. (To be used by a light vessel).
MG You should steer course ...
NC I am in distress and require immediate assistance.
NG You are in a dangerous position.
NH You are clear of all dangers.
PD Your navigation Iight(s) is (are) not visible.
PH You should steer as indicated.
PI You should maintain your present course.
PP Keep well clear of me.
00 You should not come alongside.
OP I will come alongside.
OR I cannot come alongside.
aT You should not anchor. You are going to foul my anchor.
RA My anchor is foul.
RB I am dragging my anchor.
RN My engines are out of action.
SC I am under way.
SO I am not ready to get under way.
SO You should stop or heave to.
UM The harbour or port is closed to traffic.
UN You may enter harbour immediately.
UO You must not enter harbour.
UW I wish you a pleasant voyage.
Gale is expected from direction indicated.
Storm is expected from direction indicated. } Complements
Table 111.
YT I cannot read your ... Complement Table 1.
YU I am going to communicate with your station by International Code.
YV The groups which follow are from the International Code of Signals.
ZK I cannot distinguish your signal.
ZL Your signal has been received but not understood.
ZM You should send (or speak) more slowly.
ZO 2 Please report me to L1oyd's London.
This illustration depicts the various types of Ensign, the order in which prize flags are
flown and the broad pendants and burgee of a typical yacht club.
Flag etiquette &visual signals
Modern technology has all but replaced our general knowledge of flags,
once essential for effective communication on the water. But in some
circumstances, the older methods may still prove useful.
Meanwhile, good manners remain good manners. Correct flag etiquette
demonstrates consideration, care and respect for maritime traditions and
culture. Why show your ignorance - or, worse still, cause offence - when
this handy guide can help you avoid the pitfalls?
Flag Etiquette & Visual Signals is a simple guide to signalling afloat. In our
ever more crowded waterways, particularly abroad, it's wise not to set sail
without it.

The RYA is the UK governing body representing sailing, windsurfing,
motor boating, powerboat racing and personal watercraft, at sea and on
inland waters. It works for the good of all who enjoy these activities,
campaigning for their interests at local, regional, national, European and
world level.
More than 120,000 people annually take an RYA training course or
qualification, While RYA coaching provides for every competitive level from
beginner to Olympic champion.
This book is one of over 60 published by the RYA Some relate to specific
training courses and are a valuable study and learning aid. Others provide
technical, legal or general boating advice. All are expertly written,
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