Assignment 2 Maths

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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 2 1

Assignment 2

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Assignment 2

My research question is: people have different opinions on who should provide services

in America. Who do you think should primarily offer? I chose this question because the COID-

19 pandemic impacts many citizens. Those who are severely affected are blacks and whites in

lower families. Participants are randomly selected from U.S. households above 18 years of age

and fit the above descriptions. We are working with existing data from the target population of

GSS adults. The government and world health organization (WHO) is funding this research.

Since this study involves the use of 2018 GSS data collected after every two years, there is no

need for physical data gathering. The collection process is done by telephone or through

interviews. At a 95% confidence interval, the alternative hypothesis is testing with null having a

5% degree of freedom.

Research question: Who do you wish to provide healthcare services in America?

Null hypothesis H0: The majority of American citizens wish that the government should not

provide healthcare services to them

Alternative Hypothesis H.A.: The majority of American citizens wish that the government

provide healthcare services to them

From the descriptive table above, the PRES16 data shows the minimum value to be 14,

representing the religious groups while that of a maximum of 1477 is not applicable.

PRVDHLTH, which means the 2018 information, shows 1176 (government) as the highest value

and six no answers. In that case, it proves that most people in the United States want the

government to provide healthcare to them, and few do not know the answer to our research



Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

PRES16 8 14.00 1477.00 358.3750 514.75013 264967.696

PRVDHLTH 8 6.00 1176.00 281.1250 405.37899 164332.125

Valid N (listwise) 8

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Change Statistics

Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2
1 .741 .549 .474 2.32685 .549 7.298 1 6

a. Predictors: (Constant), age

b. Dependent Variable: code


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 39.515 1 39.515 7.298 .036b

1 Residual 32.485 6 5.414

Total 72.000 7

a. Dependent Variable: code

b. Predictors: (Constant), age


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B


B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound

(Constant) 5.654 1.026 5.513 .001 3.145 8.163
age -.005 .002 -.741 -2.702 .036 -.009 .000

a. Dependent Variable: code

Our variables only contain one dependent variable (DV) and predictor one (IV) in this

study. Age is the IV, and it falls under the range 35-44 years. The level of measurement is

nominal. The DV is age, and it falls under the scope of 35-44 years with the same group of size

as the IV. The expected count is E= n pi below 5 for each case. The chi-square with one degree

of freedom shows statistical significance with an indication from a p-value<.05. The bar graphs

indicate changes and differences in U.S citizen's opinions regarding whom should offer

healthcare services to the sick in that state. The majority of the people prefer the government,

others say not applicable, religious organizations, and few do not know their answers. The

ANOVA, model summary, and coefficients table show a p-value of .036, which implies that we

reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. In that case, from testing the hypothesis,

American citizens want the government to provide healthcare services to them.

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