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I. Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
1. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than
A. man B. the man C. the one of the man’s D. that of man
2. If Jim _________ the plane, he _________ here by now.
A. hadn’t missed/ would have been B. didn’t miss/ would have been
C. hadn’t missed/ would be here D. hadn’t missed/ had been
3. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” she said.
A. She apologized for having to leave so earlier. B. She apologized for having to leave early.
C. She regretted to have left so early. D. She left early, and she feels sorry now.
4. I was astonished that he turned down the job – I _________ it would have been ideal for him.
A. have thought B. would have thought C. am thinking D. had been thinking
5. They go to the seaside ______ they should be disturbed by the noise of the city.
A. in order that B. so that C. for D. lest
6. _______ that she burst into tears.
A. Such was angry girl B. So angry she was
B. She was angry so D. Her anger was such
7. He had an excellent grade in his examination ________ the fact that he hadn’t worked particularly hard.
A. in spite of B. although C. because of D. on account of
8. Not only ________ visit Japan but they plan to stop off in the USA as well.
A. they plan to B. they must C. will they D. are they paying
9. By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, ________ retired.
A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he’ll have
10. On _________ he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. telling B. he was told C. being told D. having told
11. The company has to __________ ways of reducing costs.
A. take in B. think over C. work out D. look out
12. He has always looked ________ his elder brother.
A. up to B. back on C. into D. up and down
13. He _________ a large sum of money when his aunt died.
A. came off B. came out C. came into D. came over
14. Don’t quote me. What I am about to say is _________ the record.
A. on B. off C. without D. above
15. Ann wasn’t hungry at all, and could only ________ the food on her plate.
A. toy with B. finger with C. snack at D. side at
16. You can always __________ Ann to give you sound advice.
A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on
17. Once again poor Colin has been _________ for promotion.
A. stood by B. passed over C. locked out D. struck off
18. You really shouldn’t buy that car. I know the engine is fine, but most of the body work has been
________ away by rust.
A. eaten B. dissolved C. crumbled D. erased
19. We could get _______ on our salary alone.
A. by B. over C. out D. down
20. She takes great pride ________ her work.
A. in B. of C. on D. with
II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. What happened __________ their car broke down on the motorway so they didn’t get to Jo’s wedding
on time.
A. to be that B. being that C. was that D. to that
2. The restaurant is popular with film stars and the _________.
A. like B. same C. similar D. such
3. Once known as the “Golden State” because of its gold mines, __________.
A. North Carolina today mines few metalic minerals.
B. few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today.
C. there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today.
D. today in North Carolina few metalic minerals are mined.
4. I’m afraid we have ___________ a lot of criticism over our decision to close the hospital.
A. come in for B. come round C. come out with D. come up with
5. I thought that Wendy’s action was rather out of _________.
A. personality B. character C. being D. role
6. The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but _________ we still had a good time.
A. on the contrary B. by the same token
C. on top of all that D. for all that
7. _____________, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. However tired B. Tired as he might feel
C. As he might feel tired D. He felt very tired though
8. You have cut the material in the wrong place. It ought _________ just here but it wasn’t.
A. to have been cut B. to be cut C. to have cut D. to cut
9. These measures have been ________ in order to increase the company’s profits.
A. carried B. taken C. tried D. done
10. _________ with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly.
A. It is mixed B. Only when mixed C. When mixed D. To mix it
11. ________ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang.
A. That Damon Ruyan’s stories B. Damon Ruyan’s stories, which
C. Damon Ruyan’s stories D. Becuase Damon Ruyan’s stories
12. “In this city, taking the bus is often __________ driving one’s car”.
A. as convenient than B. so convenient for C. more convenient than D. as convenient to
13. “Why are you carrying an umbrella?” - “My mother made me ___________ it.”
A. to bring B. bringing C. bring D. brought
14. “That film really bothered me.” – “You mean _______ you didn’t like it?”
A. to say B. say that C. saying D. that saying
15. “I saw you shopping earlier.” – “You _______ have; I was at home all morning.”
A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. would D. won’t
16. “You mean that class is full?” – “If a student wants to take a class but ________ sign up, he must wait
for the next one.”
A. to neglect to B. neglecting C. neglects to D. is neglected
17. “Let’s go have coffee.” – “Ok, I have ________ time before my class starts.”
A. any B. much C. a few D. a little
18. “Did your brother tell your parents about your car wreck?” – “Yes, but I wish he ________.”
A. won’t B. hadn’t C. weren’t D. isn’t
19. “Were you able to assemble Amy’s new bicycle by yourself?” – “Yes, since it was _________, anyone
could do it.”
A. the easiest B. as easy as C. as easy D. so easy
20. “How was your French class today?” – “Good! I ________ to give a short speech and it went well.”
A. had B. am supposed C. would have D. ought to have
III. Read the following passage and choose the optons that best complete the blanks.
Warning on global warming
Global warming could cause drought and possibly famine in China, the source of much of Hong
Kong’s food, by 2050, a new report predicts. Hong Kong could also be (1) ............. from flooding as sea
levels rose. The report (2) ............. building sea-walls around low-lying areas such as the new port and
airport reclamations. (3) ............. by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the report, which includes
work by members of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, uses the most recent projections
on climate change to point to a gloomy (4) ............. for China.
By 2050, about 30 to 40 per cent of the country will experience changes in the type of vegetation it
(5) ............., with tropical and subtropical forest conditions (6) ............. northward and hot desert conditions
rising in the west where currently the desert is temperate. Crop-growing areas will expand but any benefit is
expected to be negated by increased evaporation of (7) ............., making it too dry to grow crops such as
rice. The growing season also is expected to (8) ............., becoming shorter in southern and central China,
the mainland’s (9) .............. The rapid changes make it (10) ............. that plants could adapt.
1. A. at a loss B. at risk C. at it again D. at random
2. A. comments B. realizes C. agrees D. recommends
3. A. To publish B. Having published C. Published D. Publishing
4. A. outlook B. perspective C. view D. sight
5. A. supports B. grows C. raises D. rises
6. A. running B. shifting C. dashing D. rushing
7. A. land B. soil C. moisture D. humid
8. A. reshape B. remain C. rotate D. alter
9. A. breadwinner B. breadline C. breadbasket D. breadboard
10. A. unforthcoming B. unlikely C. unchanged D. unregulated
IV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning
to the sentence printed before it. Use the words given in brackets.
1. His holiday failed through lack of support. (back)
2. His grandfather is now having an operation. (knife)
3. His action was incomprehensible to his parents. (loss)
4. The body does whatever his father wants in an obedient way. (attendance)
5. They will consider age and experience when they decide the salary. (account)
6. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (beyond)
7. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax. (exempt)
8. If interest rates are cut, the economic situation may improve. (reduction)
9. The President arranged for me to use his chauffeur-driven car whenver I liked. (disposal)
10. My cat has lost its appetite. (off)
V. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning
to the sentence printed before it. Begin with words given.
1. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods.
There was ......................................................................................................................................
2. You didn’t believe his story, did you?
You were not .................................................................................................................................
3. He surprised me very much when he said he loved me.
He took .........................................................................................................................................
4. She acted brilliantly in the school play.
She gave ......................................................................................................................................
5. John and his friend arrived in Ho Chi Minh City at the same time.
John’s arrival ................................................................................................................................
6. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
The last .......................................................................................................................................
7. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
Had it not .....................................................................................................................................
8. He looks really like his father un many ways.
He takes .......................................................................................................................................
9. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
Refusal .........................................................................................................................................
10. James spoke to his employers before signing the contract.
Jame didn’t ...................................................................................................................................
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. He argued that the crime rate would be reduced if drugs were to be ______________, but few people
agreed with him. (criminal)
2. The party was ruined by a couple of ____________ who got very drunk. (gate)
3. She is behaving in a very ____________ way, drinking too much and taking drugs. (destroy)
4. Television has an important role in _________________ new scientific ideas. (popular)
5. Africa is the world’s driest continent, but the _______________ of the rain is as much of a problem as
the lack of them. (predict)
6. They didn’t even consider her for the job because she was 46 – it was a typical case of
______________. (age)
7. The minister spoke ________________ about the technical problems involved in building the tunnel.
8. People who have been abused as children often experience feelings of _______________ (worth)
9. Unemployment is still ________________ high in some areas of the country. (wretch)
10. His poems are full of unfullfilled _________________ and desires. (yearn)
VII. Fill in each numbered gap with one word.
About twenty percent of the world’s present energy already comes from the sun in one form or
another. Special devices have already been (1) ...................... available to place on the (2) .................... of
houses and flats to catch the sun’s rays and thus heat water. Thousands of these (3) .................... are now
being used to provide (4) .................... in homes throughout the United State while more than a million solar
water-heating units have already been (5) .................... in homes in Japan. Other purposes for which solar
energy is at present (6) .................... used include the extraction of salt (7) .................... seawater,
irrigation and sewage disposal. (8) .................... most people in developing countries, the need is
(9) .................... for air-conditioners or central heating but for cheap (10) .................... of cooking
food,drying crops and lighting home.
VIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. You should study hard to __________ your classmates.
A. catch sight of B. feel like C. get in touch with D. keep pace with
2. ____________ the finish line first, the runner gave up.
A. Having failed reaching B. Having failed to reach
C. He failed to reach D. That he failed reaching
3. - “You didn’t go to school yesterday, did you?” - “______. I saw you but I was too busy to talk to you.”
A. Yes, I did B. No, I did C. No, I didn’t D. Yes, I didn’t
4. We decided to take a late flight __________ we could spend more time with our family.
A. in order to B. so as to C. in order D. so that
5. The car almost hit an old woman crossing the street. That was a ___________.
A. false alarm B. close call C. last-minute D. notice long shot
6. David is captain of the school basketball team, _________ his father before him.
A. similar to B. just like C. such as D. as well as
7. _________ is not clear to researchers.
A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct B. Did dinosaurs become extinct
C. Why dinosaurs became extinct D. Dinosaurs became extinct
8. In recent years, more and more people __________ for things with credit cards.
A. pay B. paid C. are paying D. have been paying
9. Look! The yard is wet. It ____________ last night.
A. must rain B. couldn’t have rained C. must have rained D. should have rained
10. - “Where do you suggest I stay?” - “_____________”
A. Let’s stay at the Hilton B. I suggest you to Hilton
C. I prefer the Hilton D. I recommend the Hilton
11. She’s got exams at the moment and ___________ that she’s working very long hours.
A. on top of B. what is more C. besides D. more than
12. The tablets which he took every four hours had no noticeable _______ on his headache.
A. affective B. effect C. efficient D. affected
13. It’s me who’s at __________, so I’ll have to pay for the damage.
A. error B. guilty C. fault D. responsible
14. __________ is not worth ___________.
A. That ugly old yellow Chinese toy car / buying B. Ugly old Chinese yellow car toys / being bought
C. The yellow ugly old toy Chinese car / to buy D. An old Chinese ugly old yellow car toy / having bought
15. Winning first place in an event was the only glory in the ancient Games because second and third
places ________________.
A. did not recognize B. was not recognized
C. were not recognized D. are not recognized
16. Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds ___________ on adjacent hills.
A. more frequently as B. as frequently than
C. more frequently than D. much frequently than
17. I decided that I couldn’t put _________ their thoughtless behavior any longer.
A. up with B. off C. up D. through to
18. Sam liked making _________ stories to tell to his children.
A. off B. out C. for D. up
19. He was so mean that he could not bear to ________ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. part with B. pay off C. give in D. let out
20. ________with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.
A. If you compare B. Compare them C. When compared D. A comparison
21. Everyone has been ready for the test, ______________?
A. hasn’t everyone B. has everyone C. have they D. haven’t they
22. Only by employing non-chemical approaches to pest control ______ successfully eliminated.
A. will creatures such as roaches and rodents be
B. creatures such as roaches and rodents will be
C. if creatures such as roaches and rodents will be
D. that creatures such as roaches and rodents will be
23. One of the most beautiful natural wonders in the United States must certainly be the Grand Canyon,
_________ in Arizona.
A. and located B. whose location C. is located D. which is located
24. - “Do you like your new job?” - “Yes, but my employer insisted that I _________ on time.”
A. was B. am C. be D. have been
25. The elaborate bridal costumes of the coastal Indians are __________ from mother to daughter.
A. taken after B. put by C. parted with D. handed down
IX. Read the following passage, and circle the letter A, B, C, or D for the correct answer to each of
the questions from 1 to 10.
Are the 1980s and 1990s the era of color? According to some people, they are. Now you can buy
radios and electric fans in lavender and pink. Restaurants have an emphasis on flowers and colorful
plates. Cars are coming out in pink and aqua. Even bathroom fixtures are being made in “honeydew” and
“blond”. Part of the importance of the color of an object is that the color affects the way one feels about it.
You want a vacuum cleaner to look light and easy, which is why it may be colored in pastels and light
colors. But gardening equipment and athletic equipment you want to look powerful. You would never find
a law mower in pink, but red would be fine. Not very long ago, sheets were always white and refrigerators
commonly came in colors like “old gold”, “avocado green”, and “coppertone”. Now those are thought of as
old-fashioned. Popular colors change because fashion influences everything. In fact, new colors often
spring from the fashion industry. It’s a lot cheaper to make a blouse or skirt than a sofa . After people
get used to seeing new colors on clothing or towels, they are ready to accept those colors in carpeting,
refrigerators, or cars. Color- analysis consultants have been very successful in recent years. People want
to choose the most flattering colors for makeup and clothing. Some car designers are even saying that
people may begin buying cars of the color that goes with their skin coloring. This sounds too extreme.
It’s hard to believe that people re that impressionable!
1. The main subject of this passage is ______________.
A. popular colors today B. the work of color consultants
C. the influence of color D. colors that flatter people
2. The word “era” in the passage could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. age B. epic C. season D. generation
3. In the passage, what does the word “it” refer to?
A. the feeling B. the color C. the importance D. the object
4. According to the author, which of the following is not popular now?
A. colorful cars B. pastels C. coppertone D. color consultants
5. According to the author, why would red be a good color for a lawn mower?
A. because it is cheap B. because it is strong
C. because it is light D. because it is pastel
6. Why does the author say in the passage, “It’s a lot cheaper to make a blouse or skirt than a sofa?”
A. as an illustration B. as a reason C. as a summary D. as a definition
7. The word “carpeting” in the passage refers to which of the following?
A. couches B. lamps C. rugs D. tables
8. The phrase “goes with” in the passage could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. results in B. matches C. changes D. reaches to
9. According to this passage, before people will buy expensive things in new colors, they must
A. be sure that the colors are popular B. see if the color matches their skin color
C. talk to a color-analyst consultant D. be familiar with the color on cheaper items
10. How does the author probably feel about the topic of this passage?
A. excited B. envious C. skeptical D. bored
X. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.
Writing the shopping list is almost as tedious a (0) ________________(RESPONSIBLE) as trekking
round the supermarket, and it would be a huge benefit if the store could do this for you. That day cannot be
far off, thanks to the massive (1) ________________ (ACCUMULATE) of data on millions of customers
who already use so-called loyalty cards. Loyalty has nothing to do with it – at least, not yet – as is all too (2)
________________ (APPEAR) from the many people who hold every supermarket card there is. Why then
are supermarkets so keen to issue these cards? The answer is that in a technologicallysophisticated world,
they provide highly (3) ________________ (INFORM) data about customers and their shopping habits.
One US chain noticed that Friday nights saw a seemingly (4) ________________ (EXPLAIN) peak in
purchases of both baby’s nappies and alcohol. In their subsequent (5) ________________ (ANALYSE) of
the sales data, they concluded that men were being sent out for emergency baby supplies and were seizing
the opportunity to stock up on beer at the same time. Their immediate (6) ________________ (RESPOND)
was to place the nappies closer to the beer! This is all part of the move away from mass marketing in
favour of its newly-heralded (7) ________________ (PART), ‘micro marketing’. Supermarkets are in
essence reinventing the culture of the traditional corner shop, by calling on this new-found, (8)
________________ (PERSON) knowledge of their customers.
XI. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way so that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the word given. You must use between
three and eight words, icluding the word given.
1. It just isn’t possible for me to take you to the party tonight. (question)
It ............................................................................................. for me to take you the party tonight.
2. Few people went to the last match of the season. (turnout)
There ....................................................................................... the last match of the season.
3. They believe that Paul failed his exam because he was nervous. (down)
Paul’s failure in his exam ............................................................................ that he was nervous.
4. The original plan was to complete the bridge before the rainy season. (due)
The ................................................................................................... the rainy season.
5. A common belief is that British people cannot speak foreign languages very well. (weak)
British people are ............................................................................................. foreign languages.
6. Can we please stay on one channel when we’re watching TV? (keep)
I wish you ...................................................................................................... channel when we’re
watching TV.
7. People legally become adults at the age of eighteen in Britain. (come)
In Britain,people don’t .......................................................................................... are eighteen.
8. He never pays her any attention. (notice)
He never ......................................................................................................................her.
9. I certainly won’t change my mind about getting a job. (question)
There is ............................................................................................................. about getting a job.
XII. Circle the letter A, B, C or D that corresponds to the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Neil Armstrong was the first man to ___________ foot on the moon.
A. try B. step C. set D. walk
2. Thomas Edison ________ many new appliances using electricity during his long career.
A. invented B. inventing C. who invented D. was invented
3. _________ further riot to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
5. New York and Tokyo are two of the most _______ populated cities in the world.
A. greatly B. densely C. variously D. closely
6. It can take up to more than six months to _______ a man to do this specialized work.
A. raise B. train C. learn D. practise
7. The longest movie I have ever seen in this cinema ________ for three hours.
A. stayed B. got C. lasted D. spent
8. James was looking for a(n) ________ to visit that wonderful island once again.
A. opportunity B. necessity C. destiny D. possibility
9. “Who is Susan getting married to?” _ “Some guy__________ since her childhood.”
A. who she has known B. have known her C. that have known her D. she has been known
10. “I had to take a taxi from the party last night.” _ “Oh. That’s too bad. You __________ my car.”
A. could have used B. was able to use C. could be use D. can use
11. Jackie has given such a great _________ that other dancers in the audience admire him so much.
A. performance B. result C. score D. action
12. The president has made many visits to Japan, ________ began today.
A. whose recent one B. the most recent of which C. which D. the most recent one
13. “Is it difficult to keep fish as pets?” _ “No, there isn’t much _________ care of them.”
A. to taking B. having taken C. to have taken D. taking
14. __________ to Jim myself, I can’t tell why he would do such terrible things.
A. Not to be speaking B. Not to have spoken
C. Because of not being spoken D. Not having spoken
16. By the time we ________ the top of mountain, I think the rain will have stopped.
A. arrive B. come C. get D. reach
17. _________ people who were waiting for the bus under the rain down there are getting soak-wet.
A. Some B. Any C. Most of D. None
18. All fossil fuels are ________ resources that can not be replaced quickly.
A. unlimited B. non-renewable C. renewable D. available
19. She came to the airport only to find out that she _______ her passport at home.
A. would have left B. has left C. was leaving D. had left
20. At no time in history _________ such a diligent and brilliant fellow.
A. has Peter and his classmates ever met B. have Peter and his classmates
C. Peter and his classmates ever met D. Peter and his classmates had ever met.

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