The Dead Sea

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You know that you cannot drink saltwater. If you drink a lot of saltwater, you will get
thirstier and become ill. You must drink fresh water.
Can you guess how the Dead Sea got its name? Its water is so salty that nothing can live
in it. It is almost nine times saltier than the /i/ ocean! The extra salt in the water isn’t all bad,
though. It makes it easy for people to float. Many people like to swim in the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea lies between the nations of Israel and Jordan. This is a very dry area in the
Middle East. It is uncommon for a body of water surrounded by land to be salty. The Dead
Sea is strange in another way, too. Its surface and shores are 1,385 feet below sea level. That
is the lowest point on Earth’s surface.
The people living near the Dead Sea use its water for drinking and growing crops. First,
they must put the water through a special process. It removes the salt. What is left is fresh
water. Doing this costs a lot of money. Yet in a place where there’s little water, people must
use what’s available. This is causing the water level to fall about three feet each year. At this
rate, the Dead Sea may dry up within the next 50 years.
- The Dead Sea: Biển Chết

- Float (v): nổ i
- Nation (n): quố c gia
- Nationality (n): quố c tịch
- Dry (adj): khô <> wet (adj): ướ t
- Uncommon (adj): khá c thườ ng, khô ng phổ biến
- Surrounded by: đượ c bao quanh bở i
- Salty (adj): mặ n
- Surface (n): bề mặ t
- Shore (n): bờ biển
- Sea level: mự c nướ c biển
- Process (n): quá trình
- Available (adj): có sẵ n

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