Thyssocontrol Multican TCM Intelligent Elevators The Control Concept Where The System Leads The Way

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Thyssocontrol Multican® TCM –

Intelligent Elevators.
The Control Concept Where
the System Leads the Way.


A company
of ThyssenKrupp
Thyssen Aufzüge
Performance Takes a Leading Role.
Peak Performance is Achieved Through a
Holistic Approach and Orientation Towards
the Future.

Advanced, practical elevator systems

are characterised by innovative
technologies and expertise. The
elevator controller is the most
important component in this respect:
Thyssocontrol Multican® (TCM).
The guiding principle. It also brings advantages that
The development of our eleva- in turn lead to results. Results,
tor systems is based around a e.g. in respect of high availabil-
universal quality aspiration. ity, exemplary ride quality, short
Efficiency, safety, future-proof, travel and waiting times.
comfort and reliability are
important aspects of this aspi- Safe options.
ration. This is put into effect in If required, the functionality of
the form of market-oriented, Thyssocontrol Multican® can be
dynamic development process- extended in a variety of cost
es that combine all elevator effective ways. Monitoring
components into perfectly allows the elevator to be visu-
matched and intelligent system alised at any time. The system
solutions. records and analyses all move-
ments, identifies sources of
The system leads the way. faults and permits manual
Thyssocontrol Multican® intervention.
employs modern IT manage-
ment in the shape of the CAN Teleservice uses data commu-
bus. Combined with the latest nication to monitor the elevator
microprocessor technology and system round the clock. Faults
project-oriented software, the are remedied automatically or
result is an optimum data flow. forwarded to a Thyssen Service
All based around a distributed Center.
system configuration. This type
of configuration reduces the
load on the controller processor
and is a prerequisite for fast
data communication.

Thyssocontrol Multican®
– always the right choice.
Controllers for every situation.

s TCM-MC1 Executive.
The superior controller and
rack in modular design and a
capacity that can be expand-
ed as required. A tailored
s controller performance for
new systems and modernisa-
tion projects.

s TCM-MC2 Economy.
The low-cost, compact single
board controller that delivers
performance you can count
The TCM family. High-tech, on. For the low-cost equip-
even the low-cost version. ping of new systems.
The TCM-MC1 and TCM-MC2
controllers are the high flyers in s TCM Modernization.
the Thyssocontrol Multican® The modernisation controller
family. TCM-MC1 is the high- based on the TCM-MC1 and
quality controller with rack that TCM-MC2. Specially designed
provides all the flexibility you for replacement and exten-
could require. This enables the sions within attractive price
controller to cover an extraordi- boundaries.
narily wide performance spec-
trum that can be adapted to s TCM destination selection
suit practically any requirement. controller DSC Professional.
The TCM-MC2 is a single-board The innovative high-end ele-
controller with attractive cost vator group controller with a
advantages. It is based around special user interface based
a very good performance spec- on the TCM MC1 controller.
trum with fixed boundaries. Increasing the handling
Two models that offer you all capacity by up to 30 % leads
options in various versions. to new levels of efficiency in
office buildings.

s TCM hydraulic controller.

Thyssocontrol Multican® con-
trollers can naturally also be
used in hydraulic elevators.

s Overlay system.
This system allows elevator
controllers of different
generations and from differ-
ent makers to be combined
to create a modern elevator
group. In modernisation pro-
jects, it takes over the role of
the elevator group during the
replacement phase.

Thyssocontrol Multican® Thyssocontrol Multican®

TCM-MC1 Executive TCM-MC2 Economy 3
The Fulcrum and Pivot Point.
The Components and Mode of Operation.

The comprehensive func-

tionality of Thyssocontrol
Multican®. Distinguished
by an excellent data flow
that determines ride
Voice announce- Control and indica- TFT display.
quality, provides trans- ment. tor elements. Thyssocontrol
Information, such as Comfort and informa- Multican® uses a
parency and documents the current landing, tion at the press of a full-colour TFT (thin
vital elevator functions. can be announced.
These verbal
button. User-friendly
and individually
film transistor)
display to output
announcements also designed, the control textual information.
help disabled people elements blend in
operate the lift and with the design of the
leave it at the correct elevator and the prop-
landing. erty.

Door monitoring Frequency-con- Drive.

systems. trolled door drive. Thyssocontrol Multican® controls advanced
The controller makes The gearless asyn- and reliable drive technology in perfect har-
full use of high-per- chronous motor with mony with the rest of the system.
formance door frequency controller
monitoring systems – receives the control
from light barriers to signals and operates
lobby monitoring. the various door
The benefit: safety functions. Almost
and security, lasting totally silent,
and effective. extremely efficient
and with an
optimised action.

Teleservice. Monitoring. Printer.
Remote attendance An efficient instru- The current status of
round the clock. ment for visualising the elevator as deter-
A microprocessor the status of the mined by the monitor-
integrated in the con- elevator system ing system can easily
troller monitors and through the controller, be documented.
supervises the eleva- evaluating traffic lev-
tor system and, if els and controlling
required, various various elevator func-
building services. tions. The indicator
All the tasks of an system can also be
elevator attendant controlled through the
can be handled fully monitoring system.

TCM tester. Laptop.

The hand-held A laptop simplifies
diagnostic unit for diagnosis of the
adjusting controller controller functions
parameters. and enables indivi-
dual parameters to
be set or modified.

Suitable for Any Handling Capacity
and Any Application Profile.
Standard Group Controllers and
High End Solutions.

calls Up Down

Rational and individual: structure and 6

scope of the controller and traffic flows 3
according to specific requirements. 5 E
What are the characteristics of The direction-sensitive col- 4
the user group? What require- lective-selective controller E
ments are there when an eleva- type 6513.
tor is used in public, business The direct input of the required 3
or private premises, are there direction of travel makes for
any special circumstances? We very efficient processing of the
answer these (and other) ques- commands. A controller for
2 6
tions with the right controller. In residential and office buildings
other words: various types of that is capable of coping with 1
controller are available depend- a high handling capacity and
ing on the required handling traffic requirements.
capacity and the relevant traffic E 3
pattern requirements. The main The direction-sensitive
criterion is the amount of infor- single-button duplex collec- Effective call processing.
mation exchanged between the tive controller type 6522. The diagram illustrates the
operation of the direction-
controller, elevator system and This duplex control system
sensitive collective-selective
user. determines the required direc- controller type 6513.
tion of travel when the elevator
The non-direction-sensitive is called. The incoming com-
single-button controller type mands are processed upwards
6511. and downwards in blocks The high-end solution –
With this type of control sys- towards the main landing. The DSC destination selection
tem, the elevator is called using exchange of information controller type 6528.
a single call button regardless between the two controllers The DSC destination selection
of the direction of travel and ensures optimum and rapid controller is a new kind of ele-
landing. For less frequently processing of the travel com- vator group controller for office
used residential and office mands. For residential and blocks. The destination landing
buildings. office buildings with normal is determined when the eleva-
usage. tor is called.
The direction-sensitive
single-button controller type The direction-sensitive The high-end solution
6512. duplex collective controller „Artificial Intelligence“.
This control system determines for multiple groups type Expanding the system with an
the required direction of travel 6526. AI computer increases the con-
when the elevator is called. The Thyssocontrol Multican® com- trollers learning capacity. The
incoming commands are col- bines the individual controllers controller gathers important
lected upwards and downwards within the groups and super- information from the traffic
and processed downwards vises the „teamwork“: each pattern, which it retains for later
towards the main landing. For individual controller schedules use. For example, it parks more
residential and office buildings each elevator in the group in elevators at popular landings at
with moderate usage. the most effective way and certain times.
constantly monitors the overall
traffic pattern. It reacts imme-
diately to any new situations.
The DSC destination selec- The controller therefore has all
tion call
Elevator 1
Elevator 2
Elevator 3

tion controller. 100 % more the information it requires;

6 5 3
information results in greater further inputs in the car are
efficiencies in elevator unnecessary. The DSC con-
groups. troller selects the most suitable
The Thyssen DSC destination elevator and transports the
selection controller is based on passenger directly to his desti-
the TCM-MC1 Thyssocontrol nation. Intermediate stops and 4 6
Multican® controller. Its special empty car runs are reduced
feature: the exact destination considerably, the handling
landing (and direction of travel) capacity increases by up to 3
is established when the call is 30 %.
made using ultra-modern touch
screen terminals in the access 2 6 5

1 6 5

Traffic planning using arti- This means that alternative

ficial intelligence (AI). For scenarios involving possible
forecasting and maximum changes to the building layout
availability. or elevator usage can be
Equipped with the latest soft- analysed and retrieved imme-
ware technology and expand- diately. The result is a clearly
able with an AI computer, the balanced and dynamic traffic
controllers are able to forecast flow.
where elevators should be

Mornings Midday Evenings

Tim At random Upper zone of
ng Ground floor At random Canteen floors the building
Pa loors
f Down-peak
e Up-peak Canteen
typ outgoing

Efficiency Delivering a High Degree
of Comfort and Low Costs.
Thyssocontrol Multican® in Conjunction
with Our Various Drive Concepts.

Controller and drive in

the Evolution®.
In our new range of Evo-
lution® elevators, which
require no machine room,
the innovative Thyssen
Mini gearless® drive con-
cept and the controller
are situated in the vicinity
of the headroom and take
up very little space. The
service platform is inte-
grated in the control cabi-
net, where it can be easi-
ly accessed for
maintenance purposes.

The perfect interaction between con-

troller and drive makes for a smooth
ride, protects mechanical components
and means substantial energy savings.
Innovation in motion. Thyssocontrol Multican® and
The Thyssocontrol Multican® the Isostop 60 drive regulation
and the frequency-controlled system help reduce the running
Thyssen Isostop 60 drives work costs of your elevator system.
together as a unit. The compo- The energy consumption of the
nents that provide the ultimate entire system is reduced and its
in ride quality: each ride in the working life and availability
elevator takes account of the increased.
body’s capacity for sensing
movement – the elevator
accelerates and stops gently
and changes in speed are
barely noticeable.

Example of geared drives: Example of gearless drives: Example of an hydraulic drive.
The TW 160. Powerful and The Thyssen Compact Gearless®. The alternative when space is at
adaptable. The smooth transition of medium a premium and travel heights are
The TW 160 traction drive with to long travel heights. short.
Isostop 60 and Thyssocontrol This gearless drive with its very Where short travel heights or
Multican® in the machine room is good running properties is destined building constraints demand
full of the latest technology. Mo- for the higher performance cate- space-saving solutions, the
derate dimensions, highly efficient, gories. The wide type range means hydraulic drive with pump unit
excellent running properties and an there is a suitable machine for and silent immersible motor is
extremely rugged design are the every performance category. the solution.
distinguishing features of the drive

Isostop 60. As beneficial with The extremely smooth running Electromagnetic

geared drives as it is with nature of the motor also con- compatibility.
gearless drives. tributes significantly to the Thyssocontrol Multican®
Isostop 60 can be employed Travel time curve of a frequency- excellent ride quality. The rea- controller systems comply with
controlled drive.
irrespective of the type of drive. The figure demonstrates the homo- son behind this is the high the European EMC recommen-
The parameters are transmitted geneous ratio between travel speed clock frequency of the Isostop dations and legislation. The
to the Thyssocontrol Multican® (top) and input current (bottom). 60. In addition, using a fre- necessary tests were carried
through the CAN bus to achieve quency controller results in out in Thyssen Elevator’s test
an optimum data flow. power savings of up to 40 % laboratory.
compared to conventional
Thyssen Elevators always uses three-phase controllers. Includ-
frequency-controlled technolo- ing a reduced load on the
gy with traction drive elevators. mains and a low starting cur-
The Isostop 60 technology is rent. Now matter how you look
based on this concept and at it: Isostop 60 stands for high
allows both synchronous and efficiency.
asynchronous motors always to
operate at their ideal working
points. Travel time curve of a hydraulic
In this case, the input current hardly
varies as the speed increases or

Programmed for Individuality.
Productive Data Management.

TCM-Control System

Communications CPU Subassemblies

Our controller
uses the CAN bus
Local bus
Drive speed system architec-
Group bus
Shaft bus
ture – the proven
Car bus platform for intelli-
gent communica-

The system advantages. Flexible software structures.

Information, information. The modern Thyssocontrol
Behind the integrated overall Multican® controller responds in
system of our controller lies an extremely flexible manner to
more than 20 years’ experience changes in external circum-
in the field of distributed infor- stances. All building-specific
mation processing. This tech- parameters are stored during a
nology has proved itself over teach-in run while the system is
the years in the automotive being installed. If the traffic or
sector. Reliable process stabili- usage pattern should subse-
ty, high transmission speeds quently change, the new situa-
Car calls,
Acceptance signals,
and the maximum degree of tion can easily be catered for by
Indicators, transmission reliability are the performing a new teach-in run
decisive factors in this area. or by changing parameters „in
Door drives, Door Our CAN bus technology situ“.
protection systems
addresses all these factors, for
the future as well. Experience

Microprocessors on every land-

ing and in the car record the
controller signals and process
them straight away. The result:
troublefree, adaptable traffic
The diagram illustrates management by the shortest
the CAN bus technology route. For a safe return on your
and the transfer of data investment and economic oper-
between controller, ation.
landings and car.

Thyssocontrol Multican® and Monitoring.
Check and Coordinate in a Matter of Seconds.

The Thyssen Elevator monitoring

system provides you with an
overview of your controllers, gathers
valuable information and delivers the
flexibility you require.
Monitoring encompasses four Our monitoring system pro-
performance categories. vides meaningful information
Our monitoring system gives on the status of the elevator
you the big picture of your ele- system and visualisation using
Information for all.
vator system. The four perfor- Windows NT. All critical opera-
Top quality TFT colour screens at
mance categories covered by tional statuses and operational the accesses to the shafts enable
the monitoring system are ele- faults are displayed on screen textual information to be output
vator monitoring, the control of in an easy to read format. through the monitoring system.
elevator functions, the acquisi-
tion and evaluation of traffic In addition, elevator move-
flow information and the control ments can be clearly displayed
of the indicator system, for and the corresponding traffic
instance flat screens. levels accurately assessed.
Operation of the system is very
simple thanks to a clear menu

Monitoring with Windows NT.

Thyssen Monitoring uses the latest
version of Windows NT. In addition
to numerous other analysis
Focus: Diagnostics.
options, the monitoring system dis- Only the latest technology is used to provide professional trou-
plays the calls and locations of the bleshooting services, preventive error detection and the complete
elevators in real time. All data and configuring of our elevators.
results can naturally be output to a For example, our Windows diagnostics program that runs on a
Notebook. For comparison purposes the controller always saves
the 100 most recent events.

Thyssocontrol Multican® and Teleservice.
Emergency Calls and Remote Attendance Round
the Clock.

Remote attendance round the clock.

Remote diagnosis allows the

Teleservice, in current status of the system to
other words, be systematically analysed and
safety, maximum the appropriate measures
implemented. A countrywide
availability of your network of service stations is
systems and available for this purpose 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
significant cost
savings. High-quality solutions
deserve the best.
Systematically safe. Teleservice has been designed
Teleservice is an intelligent with the requirements of the
system that permanently moni- customer firmly in the forefront
tors your elevator systems. and offers the clear advantages
Teleservice makes full use of its of a carefully thought out over-
components and the advan- all concept. The commercial
tages of modern communica- benefit derives on the one hand
tions technology to ensure your from the fact that the high
elevator systems run smoothly availability of the systems
at all times: a stand-alone means the traffic flow in your
microprocessor integrated in building is not disrupted. And
the controller records opera- on the other from the fact that
tional data, faults and emer- Teleservice effectively takes
gency calls. In the event of a over the role of the elevator
complication, Teleservice attendant and so reduces your
immediately activates trou- personnel costs.
bleshooting functions automati-
cally or, if necessary, calls up a
Thyssen Service Center.

Always at your disposal.

The Thyssen Service
Centers direct a network of
service stations covering
the whole country and
provide support when it’s
required. Round the clock.


Features of the TCM-MC1
and the TCM-MC2.

Performance features TCM-MC1 TCM-MC2 Performance features TCM-MC1 TCM-MC2

Drives Levelling indicator Traction  

drive elevator
Levelling indicator
Voltage-controlled  –
Hydraulic elevator  
Controller types Adjust  
6511 Temperature monitoring
Lifting motor  
Non-direction sensitive  –
Single-button common control Out of order indicator  
6512 Collective fault signal  
Direction sensitive   Anti-creep device  
Single-button common control
Standby supply  
Direction sensitive   Start interlocking  
collective-selective control Hours run counter  
6522 Trip counter  
Direction sensitive
 – Battery driven evacuation
Single-button duplex  
collective controller device

6526 Fire service function  

Direction sensitive   Peak traffic  –
Duplex collective controller up to up to Earthquake circuit  –
for multiple groups group of 8 group of 3
Misuse „maximum
6528 number of passengers“  
DSC destination selective
controller  – Misuse „empty car“  
Misuse „internal call dele-
Doors tion at terminal landing“  
Levelling with open doors   Misuse „internal call dele-
Nudging device
tion against direction of  
(depending on type of door)
Internal call deletion by user  
Reduced reopening
(depending on type of door)   Door open button  
Reopening of the door
Door close button  
(closing force limiting)   Door safety system  
Repeat door closing in case Load weighing  
of landing door lock fault  
Position indication in the car  
Flashing car position
indicator on arrival
Selective open through   Special travel  
Landing limiting max. 60 max. 24 Position indicator at the 
landings entrances
entrances  only in main
Call accepted Door open time for internal
LED or incandescent lamp  /  /–
and external calls and at  
the main landing
Travel continues to next
Switching off of
landing if door does  
controller and light not open
Occupied (80%)   Continuation of group
Overload (110%)  
operation in the event  
of an elevator fault
Electrical recall operation
  Preferred call assignment
of traction drive elevator to elevator with least  
Electrical recall operation loading
of hydraulic elevator  –
Home landing  
Priority   Encoding of landings  
Performance features TCM-MC1 TCM-MC2

Door open signal  

Voice announcement  
Door reopening as result
of external call  

Call option for
preferred elevator  
(3rd call button)
Landing codes  
Automatic blocking  
of landings
Call by key
taster All the features of our
Call by key switch Thyssocontrol Multican®
and switch off
controllers can be provided to
Immediate call assignment   you as a detailed overview.
in the case of groups
Arrival gong  
Flashing position indica-
tion / hall lantern
Two-way intercom system  
TFT display
(thin film transistor)  

AI group control
Monitoring system  –
Overlay system
(for replacement phase)
Implementation of any
desired customer-specific
requirements and
functionality by means of
contract-specific program

 = standard
 = optional
– = not available

Please contact:
The details quoted in this brochure can be only be viewed
as binding when confirmed expressly in writing.
Printed in Germany 9700 000 1469-0 05/01

Thyssen Aufzugswerke GmbH

A company of ThyssenKrupp Elevator
P.O. Box 23 03 70, 70623 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 71 58 12-0, Telefax: +49 (0) 71 58 12-25 85

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