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Is imposing values bad?

There are two things here that we have to separate: there is the question of imposition, the way that
imposition happens. I can agree that Islam is a universalist religion. We believe that Islam should spread
and that is because we believe that Islam is the truth. Islam is what can produce human happiness (this
life and the next). Its universalist that these values should spread and sometimes that requires
imposition. But this kind of imposition is shared. This idea that values should be imposed is shared by
the western tradition. So, there is not really a difference here. Human Rights (which is an outgrowth of
liberalism) is imposed through sanctions, countries that violate human rights are sanctioned, there are
military interventions which basically are to impose western liberal values on other states. The west says
that Islam spread through war. But I ask a question, was the operation "Iraqi freedom" about spreading
"freedom and democracy"? Was that not justified on the basis of freedom and democracy? This is a
standard and universal case, not a special case. Spreading liberal values from the west on other states is
"civilizing burden". "Civilize the savages" it wasn’t just the Muslims who were a victim to this colonialist
and racist idea but the Native Americans, the Chinese, the Africans etc. The ideas that white men have
more IQ, they are more civilized, they are superior were used as a justification for brutal European
colonialism on the basis of 'enlightened' liberal philosophy then they had this burden imposed that 'no
we are going to civilize these Muslims, these Native Americans, these Chinese, these Africans so they
come into the light of reason, they let go of their dogmas, they let go of abusive women, they let go of
their bad things that we find in these savage cultures and we are going to develop them, civilize them'
and that was the basis of all the imperialism that came from the western world. When Islam wants to
expand, it cares about the people's afterlife, and the values are meant to inculcate that kind of

Isn't it true that Liberalism doesn't impose itself on the countries it

dominates? Doesn't Liberalism allow countries to rule through Islamic
There are a lot of distinctions here. At the current time, there is no Muslim country that is 100%
practicing the Sharia Law. Most of the Muslim majority countries have an imposition of a kind of
constitutional democracy, a kind of secularism that has a Muslim flavor to it. You cannot say that a
country like Egypt, that this is an Islamic State. It’s ruled by a secular dictator and Muslims who advocate
of Islamic governance are routinely detained, tortured and even killed. I will grant you that the west, in
its dominance and imposition across the entire globe, will allow Muslims as long as it doesn’t threaten
their power. If there are countries that threaten the western powers in any way by even not using the
dollar as their currency for international trade, they will be brought into submission. This is not
something dispute, it’s not something that happened years ago, it’s an ongoing process. Power is
through the ideology, if one could say this is about power and not ideology. Look at the west, in many
countries there are Muslims who are secularizing, who are leaving their values. It is because their entire
structure of society has been gutted by a secular system, by the atomization of capitalism, by
consumerism, by a global media that is continuously broadcasting the secular liberal ideology into
everyone’s homes, on the internet, on the social media which is highly regulated according to liberal
values. Muslims during their history did not have weapons of mass destruction so the spread of Islam
through conquest was not as bloody as the spread of modern liberalism through war and genocide. The
expansion of Islam was not racial whereas the expansion of the western imperialism, liberalism and
secularism was spread through genocides such as the Algerian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, the
Australian Genocide and many others and there are letters sent by liberals to the French govt supporting
their genocidal activities in France. All of this was on the basis of their ‘higher IQ’ and in turn the
‘civilizing burden’ and ‘white supremacy’. On the other side, when Muslims were expanding, they
incentivized conversion into Islam so yes that is an imposition of values but again, it’s not like ‘We are
going to decimate you and kill you if you are not Muslim.’ That is why the Muslim civilization has been
extremely racially, ethnically and culturally diverse. They are united by one religion: Islam. We do not
see that when it comes to other civilizations, here in this case the liberal secular individualistic
materialistic western society.

Isn't it more fair and less supremacist to unite people in a society through
a nation state or through race than through religion?
The value supremacy is the same in every other culture, in any other universalist system of values which
is true of liberalism (past and present). Liberals are universalists, they believe their values are superior to
religion, they are also supremacists.

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