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This assignment consist four topics, which are LINEAR and QUADRATIC

A linear equation is a equation not consist the power such as ax+b=0. The roots
−b ± √b 2−4 ac
of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 are given by x= If b2-4ac¿0, the roots
are real and distinct. If b -4ac=0, the roots are real and equal. If b2-4ac¿0, the roots are

complex. Any quadratic function f(x)=ax2+bx+c can be expressed in the form

f(x)=a(x+p)2+q, by completing the square. If a¿0, f(x) has a minimum value q when x=-p.
If a¿0, f(x) has a maximum value q when x=-p. If α an d β are the roots of the equation
b c
ax2+bx+c=0, then the sum of roots is α + β=- and the product of roots isαβ= .
a a

Function is one-one mapping or many-one mapping. f :X→Y is said to be one-

one if for any x1, x2∈X, whenever f(x1)=f(x2), then x1=x2 or if any horizontal line cuts the
graph of f at only one point. An onto function is one in which the range of the function is
equal to the codomain. A function f(x) is even if f(-x)=f(x) for all x in the domain of f. A
function f(x) is odd if f(-x)=-f(x) for all x in the domain of f. A function f(x) is periodic with
period k if f(x+k)=f(x) for all x in the domain of f. Composite function state that function
g。f exists if and only if range of f is domain of g while f。g exists if and only if range of
g is domain f. Inverse function state that to every one-one function f:X→Y, there exists
an inverse function f-1:Y→X, such that y=f(x)↔x=f-1(y). The graphs of a one-one function
and its inverse are symmetrical.lim f ( x ) exist if and only if lim ¿= lim ¿. A
x→ a x→ a−¿f (x )¿ x→ a+¿ f (x)¿

lim ¿= lim ¿=f(a).

function f is continuous at x=a if and only if x→ a−¿f (x )¿ x→ a+¿ f (x)¿

Sequences are a list of numbers, stated in a particular order, such that each
number can be derived from the previous number according to a certain rule. Each
number of a sequence is called a term. Un=n2 for n≥1 is called the explicit formula and
any specific term of the sequence can be obtained from it. The nth term is known as
general term. An implicit or recursive formula is used to define each term of a sequence
in relation to the other terms. The sequence is a convergent sequence since the terms
approach a single value as n increases. The sequence is considered a divergent
sequence since it does not converge to a single value. The series is the sum of the
terms of a sequence. Sigma notation/summation notation is ∑ (3 r +2), whereas r is a

index of summation. Arithmetic progression is a sequence of the numbers in which any

term differs from the previous term by a certain number called common difference. n
n n
term, Tn=a+(n-1)d. Sum of n term, Sn= [2a+(n-1)d] or Sn= (a+l). Geometric progession
2 2
is a sequence of numbers in which any term can be obtained from the previous term by
multiplying by a certain number called common ratio. n term, T n=arn-1. Sum of n term,

r n−1 1−r n n−1 a
Sn=a( ) or Sn=a( ). Sum of infinity, S∞=∑ a r = , |r|¿ 1 ,−1<¿|r|¿1.Binomial
r −1 1−r n =1 1−r
theorem is (a+b)n=∑ n a b .
n−r r

r=0 r ()

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