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Test 6

101 The sales division reported a 35 percent increase ____ the last sale period. (A)

during (B) with (C) at (D) as

102. By the end of this year, economic and political situations _______ greatly. (A)

will be changed (B) will have changed (C) changes (D) changed.

103.___________ time to submit a bid. (A) Still there is (B) There is still (C) There

still is (D) It is still.

104. After attending a seminar on Communicating Effectively at Work, Mr. Brown

picked up some interesting pointers, ______made contact with several people

who could possibly be potential clients (A) as well as (B) also (C) either (D) or

105. Each unit has been encased in foam rubber and then packed in a cardboard box

to protect it from rough handling in ______, (A) transfer (B) transit (C) transition

(D) transportation

106. All applicants ______to be considered for the grant must submit a letter

describing their enterprise and why they feel they should be given the grant. (A)

wishing (B) wish (C) have wished (D) will wish

107. A Bill of Lading is a receipt given by the shipping company _____that the goods

have been loaded on board ship. (A) to say (B) to tell (C) to speak (D) to confirm

108. The _____ total working time to complete the project is six weeks, but it might

take longer or shorter time to make it done. (A) anticipated (B) reexamined (C)

realized (D) practicable

109. Baltic Exchange has its origin in the 17th century coffee houses, ____merchants

would meet to drink coffee, read newspapers, and transact business. (A) which

(B) that (C) where (D) whose

110. The future development of our company is based on _____ we can provide. (A)

what services (B) how services (C) whether services (D) that services

111. The Central Downtown _______ as the costliest place in the city to do business.

(A) often is referred (B) is often referred (C) is referred often to (D) is often

referred to

112. Since the early part of this year, our citizens _______ with the policies and

services of our government. (A) are not satisfied (B) have not satisfied (C) have

not been satisfied (D) have been not satisfying

113. The newly appointed Minister of Education _______ critics and answer the

questions submitted by the journalists. (A) stands in (B) stands over (C) stands

by (D) stands up to

114. The clients would like the invoices ____ directly to their offices. (A) fax (B)

faxing (C) faxed (D) be faxed

115. Mrs. Roarke, who could not give the presentation on marketing techniques

scheduled on March 6th, called to offer an _______time for her presentation. (A)

advantage (B) appealing (C) allusive (D) alternative

116. FAX, the abbreviation for facsimile machine, was invented in 1901, but until

recently _______mainly for transmitting newspaper photographs and weather

maps.(A) which was used (B) were used (C) using (D) used

117. The mayor wants the meeting _______ immediately. (A) to arrange (B) arranged

(C) will arrange (D) arranging

118. We thought the project would be a great success; _______ it failed to attract

customers’ interest. (A) thus (B) yet (C) besides (D) accordingly

119. The ______ department is responsible for recruiting employees and keeps a file

on each employee. (A) person (B) personal (C) personnel (D) personable

120. As soon as the budget ________ approved, the project will be start immediately.

(A) is (B) has been (C) was (D) will be


121. A strike will lead _____ a settlement that will be ultimately mandated by the

Legislative Yuan. (A) from (B) to (C) at (D) with

122. A charity foundation was _______ to help the homeless and the unemployed. (A)

caught on (B) went over (D) filled out (D) set up

123. I prefer to buy things with high quality ________they are not currently in vogue.

(A) even if (B) and (C) in that (D) whereas

124. These statistics only show the situation of local commercial operations; ______

the international trade is not included. (A) moreover (B) consequently (C) on the

whole (D) furthermore

125. The firm offers new employees ______ care and life insurance benefits. (A)

healthy (B) health (C) healthful (D) healthfulness

126. The flight will arrive in Paris ____ twenty minutes. (A) at (B) for (C) in (D) until

127. Currency exchange losses from the transactions need to be assessed _______.

(A) annually (B) rarely (C) always (D) more or less

128. Ms. Shirley is aggressive and wants to _____ more responsibilities. (A) take in

(B) take on (C) get to (D) get on

129. There have been no grievances _____ complaints reported in the last six months.

(A) with (B) also (C0 but (D) or

130. The latest report provides analysts with ______ confidence in solid economic

growth for the first half of the year. (A) renewing (B) renewal (C) renewed (D)


131. The appeals court, _______, has agreed that the company did not violate antitrust

laws. (A) it decided to review the case (B) which it decided to review the case

(C) decided to review the case (D) which decided to review the case

132..The bids on ________ the complex have been submitted by the construction

companies (A) putting off (B) putting up (C) putting on (D) putting through

133. The ____ market has declined in many parts of the city since the end of last year.

(A) house (B) homing (C) homes (D) housing

134. If our candidates _____ elected, we will have a very strong influence in deciding

the direction of the future development of our company. (A) will be (B) are (C)

were (D) have been

135. _______ you drive into Taipei or arrive via some other form of transportation,

you’ll find the city easily accessible.(A) If (B) Although (C) What (D) Where

136. The researcher helped the department store ______ a thorough job of polling

potential customers. (A) do (B) done (C) to do (D) has done

137. Several difficulties have ____ in our negotiations over the new contract. (A)

risen (B) raised (C) arisen (D) aroused

138. According to the ____ of the invoice, settlement of this account was to be made

within ninety days. (A) codes (B) items (C) words (D) terms

139. Because home-based business owners were unable to compete with the

production capabilities of the new factories, they were forced ______ business

and became employees in the factories. (A) out of (B) on (C) in (D) for

140. The city’s historic buildings has been shaping a nation and its many fine art

museums and great educational institutions are known worldwide.

141. As arranging, the video scanners will be available for collection from our

warehouse on 3 June.

142. Your intelligent and energy will help you solve the problems you encounter, use

your strength wisely.

143. Blazing autumnal foliage, sparkling ski slopes, acres of spring blossoms, a

wealth of summer music, and country fairs are all part of New Hampshire’s


144. We look forward to hearing of the safe arrival of the replacements and to doing

farther business with you.

145. Before the company remodels its office, a questionnaire was designed for the

employees to express their opinions on factors that effect their working


146. The committee members decided to stop to interviewing those applicants who

were not willing to be relocated.

147. The Board of Directors recently suggested the office workers that all smokers

went outside to smoke.

148. There is a rumor that school teachers are discussing the establishment of an


149. The editors of the monthly newsletter, which contains literary articles and

cultural events, has decided to accept commercial advertisements.

150. In order to select the staff members who best deserves this year’s trip to

Thailand, all the shareholders are requested to read the enclosed profiles on the

candidates beforehand.

151. The disks which contained the information you require was accidentally


152. Cross your legs in a relaxed manner in front of an American could be regarded as

rather effeminate.

153. Early settlers made quilts primarily for warm and economy with leftover scraps

of materials from the household.

154. Your paychecks can be deposited directly into your account, or you can pick it up

at the Accounting office.

155. Mostly three-quarters of the nation’s lobsters are caught off the coast of Maine.

156. Today, the stock market surged to it’s third record high and gained two hundred

points for the week.

157. According to the survey, allow deductible contributions would encourage about

one million households to invest.

158. Cape Cod is curiously shaped; some people see it as a flexed arm and the other

see it as perhaps a fishhook.

159. If we do not receive your payment by the end of this month, we shall have no

alternative and to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors.

160. By using a word processor linked to a personal computer and connected to the

company’s computer, it is possible to exchange the information required to do a

wide variety of office job at home.


151-160 AABDA CBCC D

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